The sun starts rising, and Nami, Vivi, and Karoo start to worry about whether something is happening to Sanji.
"Sanji-kun is late..." Nami frowned, tapping her foot impatiently.
"Quaaaack!" Karoo suddenly pointed his wing at an approaching figure.
"Ah! Sanji-san!" Vivi called out, waving.
But something was... off.
"Sanji-kun!" Nami called. "Did you find any supplies?"
'Sanji' climbed aboard stiffly, missing his usual love-tornado entrance.
"Nami-swan~ Vivi-chwan~" he said, but his voice sounded weird.
"Eh?" Nami's eyes narrowed. "Sanji-kun, how much do I charge you for borrowing money?"
"Um... 300% interest?" 'Sanji' guessed.
"Wrong! It's 800%!" Nami's eyes turned to Beri symbols. "You're not Sanji-kun!"
"OH MY~!" 'Sanji' spun like a ballerina, transforming into Mr. 2. "Such a smart navigator!"
"An enemy!" Vivi gasped.
"Karoo! The signal cannon!" Nami commanded.
"QUACK!" Karoo saluted, diving for the cannon.
"Un, deux, trois!" Mr. 2 pirouetted through the air. "Not so fast!"
"Vivi, run!" Nami assembled her staff. "I'll handle this dancing freak!"
"But Nami-san-"
"My, my!" Mr. 2 twirled. "What a brave little girl~"
Nami's eyes narrowed dangerously. "What did you do to Sanji-kun?"
"Oh, he's just taking a little nap, courtesy of Miss Goldenweek's colors," Mr. 2 pirouetted. "Now, be good girls and come with me. Mr. 3 has such wonderful plans for all of you!"
"Karoo!" Vivi commanded. The duck immediately understood.
Mr. 2 "My, my, what a shocking development! But it'll take more than a little staff to stop me!"
As Vivi and Karoo fled into the jungle, Nami faced down the okama, her staff at the ready.
Nami gripped her bo staff tightly, her eyes never leaving Mr. 2 as he danced around the deck. She knew she was outmatched in terms of physical strength, but she had other tricks up her sleeve.
"Oh, darling, do you think you can take me on?" Mr. 2 taunted, his voice lilting with amusement. "I've faced far more formidable opponents than a little navigator with a stick!"
Nami smirked, her confidence unwavering. "Don't underestimate a navigator of the future Pirate King's crew!"
She suddenly charged forward, swinging her staff at Mr. 2. The okama easily dodged, laughing as he pirouetted away. "Is that all you've got?"
But Nami wasn't aiming to hit him. Instead, she used the momentum to vault herself over the railing, landing on the shore. "If you want me, come and get me!"
Mr. 2's eyes narrowed. "Playing hard to get, are we? Fine by me!"
"OKAMA KENPO!" Mr. 2 launched into a flurry of kicks.
Nami barely dodged, her hair whipping in the wind. "Too close!"
"Un, deux, trois!" Mr. 2 spun like a top. "Dance with me, Navigator-chan~!"
He leaped after her, his powerful legs carrying him far. Nami ran towards the jungle, her mind racing. She needed to buy time for Vivi and find a way to turn the tables.
As they entered the dense foliage, Nami's knowledge of weather patterns came into play. She noticed the humidity, the direction of the wind, and the formation of clouds overhead. A plan began to form in her mind.
"You can't run forever, little girl!" Mr. 2 called out, his voice echoing through the trees.
Nami grinned to herself. "Who said anything about running?" She suddenly stopped and turned to face her pursuer, her bo staff held high. "Let's dance, okama!"
While Nami faced off against Mr. 2, Vivi and Karoo raced through the jungle, hoping to find and warn the others.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" a smooth voice called out. From behind a large tree stepped Miss Valentine, her signature umbrella twirling in her hands. "The little princess and her pet, all alone in the big, scary jungle."
Vivi tensed, positioning herself protectively in front of Karoo. "Miss Valentine," she acknowledged, her voice steady despite her racing heart.
"Quack!" Karoo squawked nervously, his wings flapping in agitation.
Miss Valentine giggled, a sound that was more menacing than cheerful. "Now, now, there's no need to be afraid. Why don't you come along quietly? It'll be much easier for everyone."
Vivi's eyes darted around, looking for an escape route. "I'm afraid I'll have to decline your invitation," she said firmly.
Miss Valentine dropped from above, her umbrella twirling. "10,000 Kilo Press!"
"Karoo, left!" Vivi commanded.
"QUAAACK!" Karoo swerved, dodging the crushing attack.
"My, my, the princess can dance too!" Miss Valentine floated up again.
The duck, understanding the unspoken plan, quickly scooped up Vivi and darted to the side, narrowly avoiding Miss Valentine's crushing attack.
"Run, Karoo!" Vivi commanded, clinging tightly to her feathered friend as they weaved through the trees, Miss Valentine's laughter echoing behind them.
Back at the shore, Nami continued her standoff with Mr. 2, each of them facing their challenges in this unexpected battle.
As Nami faced Mr. 2 and Vivi fled from Miss Valentine, the jungle of Little Garden became a battlefield of wits and agility.
Nami, her bo staff at the ready, circled Mr. 2 warily. The okama's fluid movements made him an unpredictable opponent, but Nami had a plan forming in her mind.
"Come now, darling," Mr. 2 taunted, pirouetting closer. "Surely you don't think you can defeat me with that little stick?"
Nami smirked, her eyes darting to the gathering clouds above. "Who said anything about defeating you? I just need to keep you busy."
She suddenly struck the ground with her staff, kicking up a cloud of dust. As Mr. 2 coughed and sputtered, Nami dashed towards a clearing she had spotted earlier.
"Oh no, you don't!" Mr. 2 called, leaping after her with impressive agility.
Meanwhile, Vivi and Karoo raced through the dense foliage, Miss Valentine hot on their heels.
"You can't run forever, Princess!" Miss Valentine called, her laughter echoing through the trees.
Vivi, clinging tightly to the Karoo, scanned their surroundings. "We need to find the others, Karoo. Head towards where we last saw the giants!"
As they burst into a small clearing, they nearly collided with Nami, who was sprinting from the opposite direction.
"Vivi!" Nami exclaimed, relief evident in her voice.
"Nami-san!" Vivi replied, quickly dismounting from Karoo. "We've got trouble!"
Before they could explain further, Mr. 2 and Miss Valentine emerged from the jungle, effectively cornering the Straw Hat crew members.
"Well, well," Miss Valentine giggled. "Looks like we've caught ourselves some pirates."
Mr. 2 struck a dramatic pose. "It's time to end this little chase, darlings!"
Nami and Vivi stood back-to-back, Karoo positioned protectively in front of them. The air crackled with tension as they faced their opponents.
"Any ideas?" Vivi whispered to Nami.
Nami's eyes darted to the sky, where dark clouds were gathering. A small smile played on her lips. "Just one. Be ready to move when I give the signal."
As Mr. 2 and Miss Valentine closed in, Nami's mind raced. She had her wits and her knowledge of weather patterns.
"Vivi, Karoo," Nami whispered urgently, "when I say 'now', run to your left as fast as you can." Vivi nodded imperceptibly, her muscles tensing in preparation.
Mr. 2 twirled closer, his voice sing-song and mocking. "Time's up, darlings! Are you ready to surrender?"
"Oh, we're ready alright," Nami replied, a confident smirk playing on her lips. She quickly pulled out a small device from her pocket - a makeshift weather ball she had Usopp working on.
"Now!" As Vivi and Karoo darted left, Nami threw the device at the ground between Mr. 2 and Miss Valentine.
Thunder rolled overhead as Nami dashed into the jungle.
"Weather Egg!" She threw one of Usopp's inventions.
A localized raincloud formed, drenching Mr. 2's makeup.
"Got you!" Nami grinned.
It exploded in a burst of smoke and sparks, momentarily blinding and confusing their pursuers. "Run!" Nami yelled, grabbing Vivi's hand as they sprinted into the dense jungle, Karoo hot on their heels.
Behind them, they could hear Mr. 2's indignant shouts. "MY BEAUTIFUL FACE!" he wailed dramatically. "with your silly tricks!" As they ran, Vivi looked at Nami with awe. "That was clever, Nami-san! What was that?" Nami grinned, still running.
"Just a little weather experiment Usopp been working on. But we're not out of danger yet. We need to find Luffy and the others." As Nami, Vivi, and Karoo attempted to flee, they suddenly found their escape route blocked.
Mr. 3 emerged from the foliage, his wax already forming into menacing shapes. To their left, Mr. 5 appeared, casually flicking his nose as if preparing to launch an explosive attack. Miss Goldenweek calmly stepped out from behind a tree, her paintbrush at the ready.
"Now, now," Mr. 3 said with a smirk, "did you think escaping would be that easy?"
"Candle Lock!"
Mr. 3's wax suddenly bound her legs.
"Nami-san!" Vivi cried out as she and Karoo were cornered by Miss Valentine.
"The chase ends here," Mr. 3 smirked, his wax powers creating an elaborate trap.
Nami gritted her teeth, frantically looking for any opening. Vivi stood protectively in front of Karoo, her eyes darting between their opponents.
"Color Trap: Calming Green," Miss Goldenweek murmured, her brush moving swiftly. Before they could react, a splash of green paint appeared at their feet.
Almost instantly, Nami, Vivi, and Karoo felt an overwhelming sense of tranquility wash over them. Their muscles relaxed, and the urgency of their situation seemed to fade away.
"That's better," Mr. 3 nodded approvingly. "Now, let's join your friend, shall we?"
As the paint took effect, hidden in the shadows, Robin watched with growing interest.
"Show me, Straw Hat..." she whispered. "Show me why they call you the most unpredictable rookie in East Blue..."
In the heart of Little Garden, Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, and the two giants, Dorry and Brogy, were enjoying a lively gathering.
The dense jungle surrounded them, creating a natural arena for their friendly sparring session. Luffy bounced around excitedly, his rubber limbs stretching as he dodged Dorry's massive hand.
"SHISHISHI! Giants are so COOL!" Luffy bounced around excitedly.
"GABABABA!" Dorry laughed. "You're an interesting little human!"
Brogy, watching from the sidelines with Usopp, chuckled. "Gabababa! Your captain is quite the energetic one, long-nose!" Usopp, still in awe of the giants, nodded vigorously. "Y-yeah! Luffy's always like this. He loves a good fight!"
Zoro stood facing Brogy, his three swords at the ready. "How about we have a little match of our own?" he suggested with a smirk.
Brogy grinned, hefting his massive axe. "I like your spirit, green-haired warrior! Let's see what you can do!" As Zoro and Brogy began their sparring match.
Zoro's swords clashed with Brogy's axe, creating sparks.
"Not bad, young warrior!" Brogy grinned.
"I-I once fought TEN giants!" Usopp boasted, his knees shaking.
Luffy continued to bounce around Dorry, both of them laughing and enjoying the friendly competition.
Usopp watched in amazement, his eyes darting between the two battles. The air was filled with the sounds of clashing weapons, laughter, and excited shouts as the unlikely group bonded over their love of combat and adventure.
As the Baroque Works agents led their captives back to Mr. 3's wax house, the atmosphere grew tense. Nami, Vivi, and Karoo, still under the influence of Miss Goldenweek's Calming Green, walked docilely alongside their captors.
Mr. 3 strode ahead, already formulating plans. "With these three as bait, capturing the rest of the crew should be child's play," he mused aloud.
Inside the wax house, they found Sanji, still unconscious and bound. Mr. 2 twirled dramatically. "Oh my, what a lovely collection we're amassing!"
Miss Valentine giggled. "Now for the big prizes - those pesky giants and the rubber boy."
Mr. 5 grunted, "Don't forget the swordsman. He could be troublesome."
Mr. 3 nodded, his wax powers already at work creating an elaborate trap. "Indeed. We'll need to separate them. Miss Goldenweek, prepare your colors. Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine, you'll lure the giants. Mr. 2, you're on Straw Hat duty."
As the agents discussed their strategy, a flicker of awareness passed through Nami's eyes. Despite the calming paint, her mind was starting to clear.
She knew they had to find a way to warn Luffy and the others before it was too late. As there seem someone luffy didn't know was here and with dangerous abilities.
As Nami's mind began to clear, she realized the gravity of their situation. She glanced at Vivi and Karoo, who still seemed to be under the influence of Miss Goldenweek's paint. Carefully, so as not to draw attention, Nami began to assess their surroundings and the Baroque Works agents' plan.
Mr. 3 continued to construct his wax trap, his hands moving swiftly as he spoke. "We'll need to be swift and coordinated. The element of surprise is crucial."
Nami's eyes darted to Sanji, still unconscious. She knew that if she could somehow wake him, they'd have a fighting chance. But with the agents so close, any sudden move would be noticed immediately.
As Mr. 2 practiced his Nami impression, Nami's mind raced. She needed to find a way to communicate with Vivi without alerting their captors. Slowly, she inched her hand towards Vivi's, hoping to squeeze it and break her out of her trance.
"Mr. 2," Mr. 3 called out, "remember, Straw Hat Luffy is more perceptive than he appears. You'll need to be convincing."
"Oh, darling," Mr. 2 twirled, "I was born for this role!"
As the agents focused on their planning, Nami managed to grasp Vivi's hand. She squeezed it gently, hoping to convey a message through touch alone. 'Come on, Vivi,' Nami thought desperately, 'we need to warn Luffy about Mr.2 ability. It could be the key to their defeat.'
As Nami's attempt to communicate with Vivi failed, the Baroque Works agents finalized their plans and prepared to set out. Mr. 3 finished his elaborate wax trap, while Miss Goldenweek readied her paints. Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine discussed how to lure the giants, and Mr. 2 practiced his Nami impression one last time.
The agents left the wax house, dragging their captives along, confident in their ability to capture or eliminate the remaining Straw Hat pirates and the giants.
Meanwhile, hidden in the shadows of the dense jungle, Nico Robin observed the unfolding events with a mix of curiosity and disappointment. She had hoped the Straw Hat crew would prove more resilient, given their reputation and the bounty on their captain's head.
"How easily they fell," Robin mused to herself, her arms crossed as she leaned against a tree. "Perhaps I overestimated them."
Despite her doubts, a part of Robin still held out hope. She had seen something in Luffy that intrigued her, a determination and strength of will that was rare in the world. As she watched the Baroque Works agents move out, she couldn't help but wonder if Luffy would surprise her.
"Show me, Straw Hat," Robin whispered, her eyes narrowing. "Show me if you're truly worth following. Prove that your power isn't just in your fists but in your ability to overcome impossible odds."
With that thought, Robin melted further into the shadows, deciding to observe the coming confrontation. She knew that the outcome of this battle could very well determine her future path.
As the Baroque Works agents set their plan in motion, the atmosphere in Little Garden grew tense. The dense jungle seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the inevitable clash between the Straw Hat pirates and their formidable foes.
At the giants' camp, Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp were still enjoying their time with Dorry and Brogy, unaware of the danger approaching their friends.
"Shishishi! That was so much fun!" Luffy exclaimed, stretching his arms after their sparring session. "You giants are really strong!"
Zoro, wiping sweat from his brow, nodded in agreement. "It's not every day we get to test our skills against legendary warriors."
Usopp, still in awe, was regaling the giants with tales of his own "great adventures" - most of which were greatly exaggerated.
Suddenly, a rustling in the nearby bushes caught their attention. Everyone tensed, ready for a potential threat. To their surprise, Nami emerged from the foliage, looking distressed.
"Luffy! Zoro! Usopp!" she called out, her voice filled with urgency. "We need your help! Vivi and Karoo have been captured by Baroque Works agents!"
Luffy immediately jumped to his feet, his playful demeanor replaced by determination. "How? Where are they?"
As 'Nami' explained the situation, Zoro's eyes narrowed suspiciously. Something about her movements and speech seemed off to him.
Dorry and Brogy exchanged glances, sensing the shift in the atmosphere. "If your friends are in danger, we'll gladly lend our strength," Brogy offered.
Usopp, already panicking, exclaimed, "Oh no! We have to help them!"
But before anyone could move, Zoro stepped forward. "If you're Nami, tell us something only she would know."
'Nami' hesitated for a moment, caught off guard by the request. This hesitation was all Luffy needed to confirm his suspicions.
"You're not Nami!" Luffy shouted, his fist already pulled back. "Gomu Gomu no Pistol!"
As Luffy's fist flew towards the impostor, 'Nami' twirled, revealing Mr. 2's true form just in time to dodge the attack.
"Oh my! How perceptive of you, Straw Hat-boy!" Mr. 2 exclaimed, striking a dramatic pose.
Luffy's eyes widened in surprise. "Bon-chan? What have you done with Nami and the others?"
As the realization hit, Luffy's expression shifted from surprise to determination. "Bon-chan, where are Nami and the others?" he demanded, his voice firm.
Mr. 2's eyes widened in genuine surprise. "Bon-chan? How do you know that name, Straw Hat-boy? We've never met before!"
Luffy grinned, his confidence unwavering. "I just know! And I know you're not a bad person, Bon-chan. But right now, I need to find my friends."
Before Mr. 2 could respond, the rest of the Baroque Works agents emerged from the jungle, surrounding Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, and the giants. Mr. 3, Miss Goldenweek, Mr. 5, and Miss Valentine stood ready, their expressions determined.
Mr. 3 smirked his wax powers already at the ready. "We've got you surrounded, Straw Hat. Surrender now, and maybe we'll go easy on you."
As the white cloud enveloped the area, Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, and the giants found their movements becoming sluggish. The Baroque Works agents had planned their attack well, using the element of surprise and their unique abilities to gain the upper hand.
Mr. 3's laughter echoed through the clearing as he watched the Straw Hat crew struggle. "You're already caught in my Candle Lock," he taunted, his wax powers forming restraints around their limbs. "The more you struggle, the tighter it becomes."
Luffy gritted his teeth, trying to break free, but the wax held firm. "Damn it! We need to get out of this!"
Zoro, his swords trapped by the wax, growled in frustration. "This isn't good. We need a plan."
Usopp, his eyes wide with fear, looked around desperately. "What do we do? We're sitting ducks like this!"
The giants, Dorry and Brogy, also found themselves ensnared by the wax, their massive strength rendered useless against the sticky substance.
Miss Goldenweek calmly painted her colors on the ground, further manipulating the emotions of the trapped crew. "Calming Green," she murmured, her paintbrush moving with precision.
As the calming effect washed over them, Luffy and the others felt their urgency and determination wane, replaced by a sense of resignation.
Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine stood ready to attack, their expressions confident. "Looks like this is the end for you, Straw Hat," Mr. 5 said, preparing to launch an explosive attack.
Despite the dire situation, Luffy's spirit remained unbroken. He knew they couldn't give up, not when their friends were counting on them. "Zoro, Usopp, we can't let them win!" he shouted, trying to rally his crew.
But the combination of the wax restraints and Miss Goldenweek's colors made it difficult to muster the strength to fight back.
As Robin observed the scene, her initial disappointment in the Straw Hat crew's predicament began to shift. She noticed a change in the atmosphere, a palpable pressure that seemed to emanate from Luffy himself. It was as if the very air around him was charged with an intense energy.
"AHHHH!" Luffy suddenly shouted, his straw hat shadowing his eyes. "I'M DONE PLAYING AROUND!"
The air grew heavy, making the weaker Baroque Works agents wobble on their feet.
"W-what's happening?" Mr. 3's legs shook like jelly. "My wax... it's cracking!"
"Shishishi!" Luffy cracked his knuckles. "Nobody messes with my nakama!"
"EEEEH?!" Miss Goldenweek's eyes popped comically as her colors literally peeled off the ground. "My colors aren't working!"
"GABABABABA!" Dorry's booming laugh shook the trees. "This little one has the spirit of a true warrior!"
"GEBABABABA!" Brogy joined in. "He reminds me of our younger days!"
"Oi, oi," Sanji lit a cigarette, grinning. "Looks like our idiot captain is getting serious."
"About time," Zoro smirked, tying his bandana. "I was getting bored."
"SUGEEEE!" Usopp shouted from behind a tree. "Luffy's so cool! ...I think I'm coming down with can't-fight-strong-enemies disease..."
"GOMU GOMU NO..." Luffy pulled back both arms, steam rising from his body.
"RETREAT!" The Baroque Works agents tried to run, their legs moving like noodles.
Bodies flew everywhere as Luffy's attack connected, stars spinning around their heads.
From her hiding spot, Robin couldn't help but smile. "Fufufu... What an interesting crew."
"DON'T FORGET ABOUT ME!" Nami shouted, bonking the downed agents with her staff. "You still owe me money for all this trouble!"
"NAMI-SWAAAAN IS SO BEAUTIFUL WHEN SHE'S VIOLENT!" Sanji twirled with heart-eyes.
"SHUT UP AND FIGHT!" Everyone yelled at him.
"Impossible!" Mr. 3 stumbled backward. "My wax should be unbreakable!"
"Three Sword Style..." Zoro growled, his bandana tied tight, sending Mr. 5 flying. "ONI GIRI!"
"COLLIER SHOOT!" Sanji's leg blazed through the air, sending Mr. 5 flying.
"USOPP RUBBER BAND OF DOOM!" Usopp yelled though he was mostly hiding behind a tree.
"GABABABABA!" Brogy's laugh boomed across the battlefield. "These little ones have spirit!"
Suddenly, arms sprouted from the ground like flowers, catching the Baroque Works agents off guard. Robin stepped out from behind a massive tree, a mysterious smile on her face.
"M-Miss All Sunday?!" Mr. 3's jaw dropped comically. "What are you doing?!"
"Fufufu," Robin chuckled. "I believe I'm helping my new crew."
"WHAT?!" The Baroque Works agents' eyes bulged out of their heads in classic One Piece style.
"Shishishi!" Luffy grinned wide enough to split his face. "Robin's our nakama! She's super cool!"
"CLUTCH!" Multiple arms appeared on the remaining agents, bending them backward.
"GAAAAH!" They screamed as they fell.
"VICTORY PARTY!" Luffy shouted, already thinking about meat.
"YOU'RE TOO RELAXED!" Nami bonked him on the head, leaving a comical bump.
"Nami-swaaaan is so beautiful when she's violent!" Sanji twirled with hearty eyes.
"Shut up, love-cook," Zoro grumbled.
As the crew fell into their usual antics, Robin watched with amusement. Vivi still looked suspicious, but couldn't help getting caught up in the crew's infectious energy.
"GABABABABA!" "GEBABABABA!" The giants' laughter shook the trees. "These pirates are interesting indeed!"
Once they were alone, Robin turned to face Luffy. "Captain-san, how did you know about Saul?"
"Shishishi!" Luffy grinned, picking his nose casually. "I saw it!"
Robin's eyes narrowed slightly. "Saw it?"
"Yeah! Something weird happened and I saw lots of stuff that's gonna happen! Like how you become my nakama and about that ice guy and Saul!" Luffy said excitedly, bouncing on his feet.
"And you believe these... visions?" Robin asked carefully.
"Of course! They're super cool! Like how we're gonna go to a sky island and meet a reindeer doctor and—" Luffy stopped suddenly, realizing he was saying too much. "Oops! Shishishi! That's supposed to be a surprise!"
Robin couldn't help but smile at his childlike enthusiasm. "And that's why you want me on your crew?"
"Nah!" Luffy crossed his arms. "I want you 'cause you're my nakama! That's all that matters! Plus, you're gonna help us have lots of adventures!"
"Even though I'm your enemy right now?"
"You're not an enemy! You're Robin! And Robin is Robin!" Luffy stated with absolute certainty, as if it was the simplest thing in the world.
Robin felt that familiar warmth in her chest, the same feeling she had when Saul laughed. This boy, with his simple words and unwavering conviction, had somehow seen right through her.
"Very well, Captain-san. I look forward to our adventures together."
"Yosh! Let's go eat! I'm starving!" Luffy shouted, already running back to the others.
Robin chuckled, following her new captain. Perhaps this was what Saul meant about finding friends who would protect her.
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