Caden did his best to listen without interrupting the girl's story. Ashley's life was filled with hardships, making it hard for him to keep a straight face when she spoke of the times she felt like she was trapped. Having kept her identity a secret for nearly ten years before being deployed into Brigadia as a spy by a convoy that was meant to be killed by the Rogue Killer. Up until this point, Caden was yet to know who the rogue killer was and stayed patient throughout the story.
Before coming to Brigadia, they had noticed from the statistics of rogue attacks that there hadn't been a single one in the past four years and yet Ashley continued to speak of their presence and knowledge of the peculiar town like they had been there the whole time. He couldn't keep himself from asking the question when it irked him, "You're telling me that rogues know of this place and only keep away because once they get within three miles, they are killed immediately?" he asked while she nodded.
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