Naruto Uzumaki ran like his life depended on it, he knew he was still being chased and if he was caught, well he knew that he couldn't let himself get caught. The scroll he was lugging around was really slowing him down since it weighed more than him. He was being chased by every ninja in the village because he was gullible. All he wanted was to become a ninja and now that prospect looked as far off as the moon. The whole time he ran all he could think about was what started all of this, a stupid test.
3 hours earlier
Naruto Uzumaki was reliving history once again, sitting under a tree watching as his classmates once again graduated ninja academy while he didn't. He remembered begging to be let in and to become a ninja and he had failed for the third time in a row.
The ninja academy of Konoha was a school set up by the first Hokage to teach children how to become ninja. It enabled clan children to get a education that was scheduled rather than whenever their parents were home from missions and it enabled the children of 'normal' families to learn the profession of a shinobi. Entry was allowed for anyone once they reached the appropriate age with some being allowed to enter as young as four. Naruto, like many orphans, had been enrolled to give them a chance at a future with a career serving the Leaf as a shinobi.
And so at the age of 12, tears stung in his eyes as he watched his classmates proudly show off their new headbands to their parents while he didn't have either. He quickly wiped them away and settled for the long walk home feeling miserable. He couldn't believe it, years later and he still couldn't learn the stupid clone jutsu. Every year it was on the exam just to spite him and stop him from continuing. He had been in the academy longer than any of his classmates but that didn't matter, he couldn't pass the final test.
"Its not fair." He mumbled to himself as he walked through the streets ignoring the glares sent his way. Nothing could make him feel worse than he already did. He didn't even want to stop at Ichirakus, the last thing he wanted was to tell them he failed again. He just wanted to go to bed and figure it out tomorrow. He made it to his front door and sighed at the newest addition to the graffiti marring his home. It was a lot funnier when it wasn't happening to him. He fumbled for his keys and managed to drop them, like life couldn't be worse.
"Failed again huh Naruto?"
Naruto jumped and slammed his head on his door handle. "Ow,ow,ow." He rubbed his head as he felt a bump already forming on his thick skull. He looked up and saw his teacher's assistant sitting on a wall. "Yes sir Mizuki sensei." He looked at the ground embarrassed. "How did you sneak up one me that was awesome?"
His teacher looked at him with pity in his eyes "That's easy Naruto, I'm a ninja. Hop up here Naruto lets talk." Naruto jumped up and sat next to his teacher. "Naruto I'm sorry that you didn't pass but you have to know the clone jutsu, it's a basis for your ninja career. I couldn't pass you just to see you die or fail not knowing it."
Naruto knew he was right but it still hurt to know that until he could master it he wasn't going to pass.
"That's what I have to say as a teacher but as a friend I have something different to say." Mizuki stared at Naruto with a slight smile on his face. "Are we friends Naruto?"
Naruto nodded his head up and down wondering and hoping what he was going to tell him.
"You didn't hear this from me Naruto but there is another way that you can pass the final exam at the academy. But what am I saying, you don't want to hear about that do you?"
Naruto couldn't believe what he was hearing, he could still be a ninja. "What is it Mizuki sensei, how can I pass?" He was on the edge of his seat.
Mizuki smiled and leaned in slightly. "Naruto, all you have to deal is take a scroll from the Hokage's office. If you can manage to take it and learn a jutsu from it while not being caught, you automatically become a ninja."
Naruto had been in the old man's office more times than he could count, and he could easily picture the scroll he was talking about. It was bigger than he was but was made of paper so it shouldn't be too heavy. "Is it the big one?" Getting a nod in response he could easily get it and get out, having learned the best escape routes years ago. He could already feel the headband on his head and he couldn't wait.
Naruto stopped by his hideout in the forest with a large scroll strapped to his back. He didn't think it was going to be that easy. He had left some adult magazines on the old man's desk and before he knew it the old man was heading to the bathroom. Must've had to use the bathroom, with the old man gone he grabbed the scroll which weighed a whole lot more than he thought and made his getaway.
It was like no one was even ready for it because he made it out easy as pie. He had gotten past the hard part and now all he needed was to learn something before he was tracked down. Lugging the scroll off his back and laying it down he gently unrolled it. Despite its size the damn thing was full of nothing. He rolled more and more out just to see blank paper staring at him. It might be funny if it wasn't his future, whoever was playing the damn joke was going to get revenge pranked into hell.
He threw the scroll open and there was nothing, he was about to use the thing as toilet paper until he saw a smudge of black ink. It was right at the end where you couldn't unroll it any more. Naruto finished unrolling it and all that was one it was a single jutsu. He leaned forward and read the words just to feel his hopes fall and he fell on his back.
"A clone jutsu, the only thing on the whole roll is a clone jutsu. You've got to be kidding me." Of course it was a clone jutsu, another great practical joke on yours truly. He sat back up and looked at it again to see if it happened to change and something caught his eye.
It wasn't the normal clone jutsu that they were taught. It was something called the Mokuton: Wood Clone Jutsu. He looked at it some more and it didn't look hard at all. In fact, it only had a single hand sign to use it. He was really getting tired of this; everyone was probably sitting in the woods looking and laughing at him. Well, he wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of watching him make a fool out of himself. But then again there was still a chance that it wasn't a joke and he resigned himself to figure this out. He would do anything to be a ninja.
Back at the village hidden in the Leaves
Hiruzen Sarutobi looked as old as he really was. He was afraid for his surrogate grandson but didn't know what he could do to help him. Looking back, a neatly stacked pile of nudie mags on his desk was surely a set up but in the moment, not so much. After he came back he realized the Hokage's forbidden scroll was in fact missing.
The constant jokes and vandalism were easy to ignore but the scroll had the forbidden jutsu of the past Hokages and if it fell into the hands of terrorist or the other hidden villages it could be disastrous. He had no other choice but to call every able ninja the village had into finding Naruto and returning the scroll. He could worry about everything after it was returned.
"Sir, how could this have happened?" A Jonin asked.
"It matters not, what matters is retrieving the scroll and Naruto in one piece. Find him, now." He gave his orders and the ones gathered jumped and flickered away, going to search the usual safehouses the kid used. Hiruzen retreated into his office and plucked an old glass ball from its perch. A small token from times long ago he peered into it and could see the images of Naruto and the scroll. Not knowing where this was all he could do was watch and hope he stayed safe.
Iruka prided himself on knowing his students well and prayed he wasn't wrong. While everyone else was searching the village and the training grounds Naruto frequently used, Iruka jumped through the woods heading for a small shack. He prayed he would find him first if only to give him a piece of his mind. As the shack came into view he could hear the telltale sounds of Naruto celebrating a job well done. He heard it many times when Naruto thought he had gotten away with something and relief flooded him.
He landed behind the kid who was oblivious to him and saw the forbidden scroll was open and the relief he felt seconds ago left him. He walked right behind him and quietly said "Naruto?"
Naruto turned and slowly looked up to see his teacher, Iruka sensei, staring down at him with a sickly-sweet smile on his face. "Uh yes Iruka sensei?"
Iruka took a deep breath and replied. "NARUTO WHAT IN THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?"
Naruto shrunk under the glare of his teacher but perked up when he remembered what he had done. "Becoming a ninja Iruka sensei, I passed the test so hand over my headband to Konoha's newest ninja, Naruto Uzumaki." Giving himself a proud introduction and pose along with it.
Warning signals went through Iruka's head, what was he talking about? "Naruto who told you that?"
Naruto looked at his sensei and turned his head to the side. "The test Mizuki told me about; he said if I could take the scroll and learn a jutsu I would pass. And since I did learn one I pass."
"I sincerely doubt that." A new but familiar voice rang out of the clearing. They both turned to see Mizuki walking towards them clad in weapons. "It seems you are good for something after all Naruto. Congratulations, you pass, you managed to betray your village and take one of its treasures. Now hand over the scroll would you Naruto."
Naruto paled "What do you mean Mizuki sensei?" Iruka put himself in between his student and Mizuki, taking out a kunai from his pouch as he approached.
"Did you really think I would pass you Naruto? I would rather do anything but let the monster become a ninja. Now stand aside Iruka, you wouldn't protect the beast that killed your parents would you?" Mizuki grabbed one of the large shuriken from his back and readied it. He needed the scroll but killing the brat would be the cherry on top.
"Naruto get behind me, why are you doing this Mizuki? Our orders are to take the scroll and Naruto in, alive."
Mizuki twirled the weapon in his hands and laughed. "Those may be your orders but mine are slightly different. I need that scroll for lord Orochimaru, when I bring it to him he will reward me with power beyond your wildest dreams."
"You would work with that traitor?" Iruka growled out. Everyone knew of the horrors that the Sannin brought to the village. He was of the generation that many went missing, taken away to be a part of the experiments the man performed.
"You would call me a traitor when you stand in front of the monster that killed hundreds? That's rich Iruka. You more than anyone know what it has done and deserve revenge for it."
Naruto squeaked out "What are you talking about, why are you calling me a monster?"
Mizuki let out a laugh "You mean you don't even know Naruto? Well here, let me tell you why the village hates you."
"Stop Mizuki its forbidden."
"Haven't you ever wondered Naruto, why the village despises you. The answer is that you are a monster. You are the 9 tailed fox, the beast that attacked the village years ago. The same monster that killed Iruka's family."
Naruto fell back on his butt as what he just heard soaked in. All those years of the glares, not being allowed into places and coming home to find his windows broken and his place ransacked. It all clicked. That's why they hated him.
Iruka looked back and saw how defeated Naruto was but he couldn't help him. Mizuki took advantage of his distraction and launched the massive shuriken at the pair and Iruka had to make a choice. It was easily avoidable but Naruto was defenseless behind him. Knowing what he had to do he made his choice.
Naruto snapped back to reality as he heard the shuriken make contact with something. He looked on to see his mentor Iruka sensei falling to his knees. Naruto crawled over to his teacher and saw a large gash in his leg. Tears welled up "Why did you do that for me Iruka sensei?"
Iruka's expression softened "You are my student Naruto. I know that you'll do great things one day, and its my job to make sure that happens." He pushed Naruto with one arm "Now go, take the scroll and get to the village. I'll delay him long enough." Naruto couldn't just leave his sensei here with Mizuki alone.
Mizuki started to advance on them taking the other shuriken off his back and began preparing to throw it at the pair when he stopped mid stride.
Naruto stood where Iruka just was, Naruto stood in front of his teacher making Mizuki pause.
Mizuki couldn't believe what he was seeing, did the kid really think he could do anything. He 'taught' the brat for years and knew he didn't need to worry. "You couldn't even make a single clone Naruto, you think that you can stop me?"
Naruto threw his hands in the snake seal just like the scroll said and pushed as much chakra as he could. He needed it to work again. Mizuki stopped again and couldn't believe what he saw. Chakra was flowing off Naruto in waves but more strangely was what was happening to his body. The snake seal wasn't supposed to be able to do anything by itself but as he watched Naruto he would swear something was growing off him.
Like a tree grew from the ground it seemed like one was growing from Naruto's back. As more and more chakra was released it grew in size and easily matched the trees surrounding the clearing. As it reached towards the sky hundreds of branches sprouted in every direction clouding the sky. As more grew off each other, what once used to be a clearing was now in its place a single tree massive in size and its branches covered the sky.
Naruto stood at the base of the new growth supporting its weight and formed a clear picture of what he wanted in his mind like the scroll said. A surge of chakra pulsed and Mizuki and Iruka could feel the quantity of it.
All over the tree and its branches small budding branches started to grow. Only they took a different shape than a normal branch. Some formed into hands and others legs while others looked like a head growing from the tree itself. Mizuki and Iruka watched, mouths agape, as the parts gained color and the spitting images of Naruto pulled themselves free and settled on the ground and in the branches.
'This can't be real, it has to be a genjutsu' Mizuki hoped and without wasting time launched the shuriken in his hands at the sea of clones hoping they were just that, clones. But his hope was squashed as instead of passing clean through and puffing from existence, the first clone he hit stopped the weapon in its tracks. The single clone fell and lost its color turning back into a block of wood. That shouldn't happen, there's no way that could happen. That would mean the clones were solid matter, it had to be fake. Mizuki snapped from his thoughts as Naruto spoke.
"You ready guys? Let's gets started!" The sea of clones converged on his former teacher drowning him in a sea of fists and splinters.
Iruka couldn't believe what he had just seen, if his eyes weren't lying to him this was big. He still couldn't believe it even as he looked on at roots growing around Naruto reach into the ground, making the tree a permanent placement in the clearing. He pulled the headband off his own forehead and looked at the boy who just did the impossible. It looks like Konoha would be getting a new ninja after all.
Hiruzen Sarutobi was rarely at a loss for words, he had seen much in his long life and lived through 2 great ninja wars. But this, this was going to end that long life. Naruto possessing the Mokuton, the Wood style, the style of the legendary First Hokage was not something he ever thought could happen. He tried to find a link through his parents but couldn't explain it if he tried. Looking up at the monument dedicated to his teachers he smiled, it seemed the Senju's weren't as dead as he thought.
The Senju clan never produced another Mokuton user since Hashirama, and with his student being the last member of the once prestigious clan it looked like it never would. The clan was considered all but dead but perhaps that would change. His thoughts were interrupted as that very boy walked through his door carrying the same scroll he stole what seemed like so long ago.
"Guess what I did old man. I mas- OW Iruka sensei." He rubbed the back of his head where his teach just struck.
"Naruto, that's not how you speak to the Hokage, now do what I told you to do."
"Oh yea, Hokage-sama, I apologize for my actions. I accept any punishment." Getting on one knee felt really weird, especially in front of the old man. But Iruka sensei said it was probably a good idea, and that they could get ramen if he did.
Hiruzen smiled, after all these years this was the first time Naruto referred to him as his title and if he was being honest, it felt weird. "Very well, but I see no need for any punishment. Its obvious the real traitor was Mizuki and as such he will bear the responsibility and punishment for his actions." he took his seat and looked at them both. "I'm proud of both of you tonight, you both showed character, especially you Naruto. And as such I think you earned something but I see Iruka is ahead of me there." Naruto beamed under the praise and his eyes darted to his new headband. "We will need to talk tomorrow but for tonight, enjoy your graduation."
Iruka and Naruto walked out of his office and headed towards the ramen restaurant. Hiruzen sighed and got to work, tomorrow would be a long day.
Naruto woke up bright and early because today was going to be a good day. He couldn't wait to learn more about his newfound skill and especially try out new jutsu. As Konoha's future Hokage he knew a lot about the previous ones and while the first wasn't his favorite it was a close second. He was tempted to keep practicing right now but he knew the old man was waiting for him.
As he walked through the village the glares he got were especially bad, looks like they found out about his latest mess up. Usually this made him want to paint something but nothing could lower his spirits today. Walking into the tower the receptionist gave him the usual stink eye, he was convinced that if she could she would keep him out.
He burst through the door, without knocking of course, and saw the old man.
"Ah Naruto, I'm surprised to see you up so early after last night."
"I have a bunch of questions, plus once you go to the bathroom, going back to sleep isn't easy." Naruto launched while Hiruzen sighed, at least last night didn't change him.
"Moving on, I wanted to explain to you the situation you are now in. As well as discuss some of the things that were brought up last night. As you know the Mokuton, or wood style, that you performed last night was a technique of our founder Hashirama Senju. Hashirama used it along with Madara to create the village. The only strange thing about it is that you would show the ability for it considering it's a bloodline ability much like the Sharingan."
"I thought the Senju clan was classified as an extinct clan, how could I have its bloodline limit?" Naruto remembered reading that the clan was classified as alive but was considered extinct.
Hiruzen sagged in his chair. "It is essentially extinct, the Senju clan is down to its last surviving member not counting you. And she left the village years ago."
"Why did she leave?"
"She lost too much in the last war. Since then she cut all ties with the village and hasn't been seen since." He only had one student that didn't either hate or want to destroy the village, and Jiraya wouldn't have been his first pick.
"So am I even part of the clan. I mean I have to be right, I can use the Mokuton."
"I don't think it will be that easy Naruto. I for one have no clue how you even could use it let alone any family connection. But until proven otherwise I would say yes. Just being able to use the wood style should prove your claim. But I think we need to talk about more pressing matters, I understand Mizuki told you about the 9 tailed Fox."
Naruto's mood dropped when the old man mentioned that. It wasn't easy to ignore and now that it was brought up it hurt. In hindsight it made sense. The stares, glares, and thinly veiled comments all now stood out and it was clear why he was always singled out. He could count on one hand the people in his life that didn't treat him like dirt.
"I need to apologize to you Naruto. I failed to do enough for you and was content to leave things as they were, in secret. I couldn't erase the hate the villagers had for the 9 tails and so I made it forbidden to speak of it. I let them belittle you and act out against you." Hiruzen looked down in shame. "I could've and should have done much more than I did and I can only as for your forgiveness Narut-"
His apology was cut short curtesy of the blood missile that engulfed him in a bear hug. Hiruzen gladly returned the embrace with the hint of tears growing in his eyes. After a long moment they broke apart and Naruto spoke up.
"I don't blame you JiJi, and knowing the reason for it I cant blame them either. But I'll still change their minds and become Hokage even with this thing inside me."
"Thank you Naruto, for easing an old mans heart. I believe we have more to talk about but it seems like time has escaped us. If I'm not mistaken the new graduates have a meeting in 5 minutes."
Naruto's head whipped around to the clock hanging over the entrance door and saw it was almost 9. "Crap, I've gotta run JiJi, ill talk to you later." Naruto ran over to the window and opened it. "See ya gramps." He said as he jumped from the top of the tower, heading in the direction of the school.
Hiruzen shook his head at the usual antics he dealt with. He sat back down to deal with the paperwork the Naruto situation created and let out a laugh. "I don't know who I should be more worried for, Naruto or my son."