Alright, I got good and bad news. Which do you want to hear first? Ok, good it is. I got the email I was waiting for A WEEK WHEN THEY SAID A DAY, but idk how long ago. It's the 14th of November, 2020, a Saturday, 2:40 PM. I am editing this A/N after finishing the next chapter. The bad news is that I broke my keyboard. You see, I have one of those Face ID big iPads, and there is a cover that comes with it, that also has a keyboard attached to it. I spilled some MILK. Now, when I press ctrl, the volume mutes, the R button didn't work, etc. I should be getting a new cover sooner or later, so for now, I'll have to write on the actual iPad itself with the virtual keyboard. Shouldn't be too much of a delay tho. Alright, enjoy.
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*3rd Pov*
[Aizawa, should I now remind you to not bring examine's to my office?] questioned Nezu
[He broke 2 fundamental rules. Alright, he's all yours...] said Aizawa while pulling out a sleeping bag from nowhere and sleeping in it.
[*Cough Cough, so, what kind of thing did you do?] questioned Nezu
[I think I displayed rude behavior? And apparently, I dyed my hair. Which I didn't. This is a side effect of my quirks.] said Alex
[Quirks? You're not Todoroki... Alex, was it?] questioned Nezu. Alex nodded.
[Telekinesis and emotion control. Yes, ok. Would you like to take the recommendation exam?] questioned Nezu
[I will take free lunch without a doubt.] said Alex. He despised those MHA fanfic's who simply refused because they "want to test their strength". You save the effort, good enough. Do you think everyone had the opportunity to get the recommendation, yet you refuse? Arrogant much?
[Alright then. Follow Aizawa... *Sigh, follow me.] said Nezu while getting off his seat. However, he didn't land on the ground, but floated in the air, and was directed to the door. By his movements, he didn't seem to be using whatever was used. This was Alex.
[Alright, let's go. Point me in the direction.] said Alex. Nezu only sighed, once again, before leading Alex to the recommendation site.
[The recommendation is a little different. The tests that will be tested will be different, namely a written test, practical test, and an interview. The tests will be in a few hours, so since there won't be anyone for a while, we will do your test now.] said Nezu, while floating downwards.
[Alright, first, let's test your IQ.] said Nezu. He went somewhere and returned with a paper and pencil. Those floated to Alex, who then closed his eyes and floated in the air. In the air, a floating pencil and pen were doing their thing. Once done, the pencil and pen returned to Nezu, who quickly checked the test.
[All correct. Now, for the practical exam, it's just a race. Let's see your speed.] said Nezu. He lined up Alex, and stood at the other end. He then shot a gun, which signaled the start. Immediately, Alex started flying straight at Nezu, making a time of 1.27 seconds.
[Alright, lastly, an interview. Why do you want to become a hero?] questioned Nezu
[So I can get money, help my grandparents, get rid of villains, and hopefully bring peace to the world.] said Alex. Nezu nodded, before speaking.
[Alright, you pass. You will get your uniform and a letter within a week, at most. That will display your time to come here. Alright, your free to go.] said Nezu while nodding.
[Alright, thanks.] said Alex. He started to fly once again, towards his house.
[Doesn't he know that is illegal?] questioned Nezu rhetorically.
With Alex, he arrived back at the house, where only 30 minutes had passed,
[I'm home.] said Alex
[Already?!?! Did you fail?!] screamed out grandpa
[No, I came early, so I did a test and they passed me. I just have to wait for my uniform to come.] said Alex. Immediately, grandma hugged him.
[Thats my boy!] she said. Alex could only smile at this.
- Undefined amount of time later - The start of 1-A -
Entering through the huge door, he quickly sat down on his seat and observed a few things. Scanning the room, he found that Mineta was here, but not the person who talks to animals.
'Figures, he got one of the lowest scores in the Quirk Apprehension test of Aizawa. And Deku has his plot armour, ah, I should call him Midoriya now. Actually, I'll just call him Deku. I guess that guy is in 1-B now.' Thought Alex
[Hey! Stop tainting the table with your head!] said someone who appeared in front of Alex. This was Lida.
[Lisa, right? Sorry, but this is my table now, so I get to do whatever I want. If anything, I believe resting my legs upon the table is even more tainting.] said Alex while pointing to Bakugo.
[Its Lida!] said Lida before storming off to Bakugo
[Alright, Lisa.] said Alex while rolling his eyes. He started to count, and at the 4th second, Deku entered. At the 10th second, Aizawa interrupted them.
[Go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends. This is the hero course. That took 8 seconds before you were quiet. Time is limited, life is not eternal. You kids are not rational enough. I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Nice to meet you. It's kind of sudden, but put this on and go out onto the field.] said Aizawa. The girls and boys headed into their locker rooms, and quickly got changed. Alex was the fastest, arriving there a full minute before the next person came in.
[Your fast. Good that you don't waste time.] said Aizawa. Alex nodded. Once everyone had arrived, Aizawa had spoken.
[Alright, we are doing a quirk assessment test.] said Aizawa
[A quirk assessment test?!] replied the whole class. Pretty much, besides Alex.
[What about the entrance ceremony? The orientation?] questioned Uraraka
[If you're going to become a hero, you don't have time for such leisurely events. U.A's selling point is how unrestricted its school traditions are. That's also how the teachers run their classes. You kids have been doing these since junior high, too, right? Physical fitness tests where you weren't allowed to use your Quirks. The country still uses averages taken from results from students not using their quirks. I'm not rational. Well, the Ministry of Education is procrastinating. Alex, you have gotten special circumstances, right? In junior high, what was your best result for the softball throw?] questioned Aizawa
[70 meters.]
[Then, try doing it with your quirk.] said Alex. He went within the circle, with the ball.
[You can do whatever you want as long as you stay in the circle. Hurry up. Give it all you've got.] said Aizawa
[I will try my best to give it nothing I got.] said Alex. He grabbed the ball in his right arm, while red streaming veins came form his body. This was One For All, but at 10% power. He had a viable excuse, dont worry.
Alex through the ball the maximum he could with 10%, however, the result shocked the rest of the class.
[This is where U.A gets real. Certinaly, Alex is a variable, however, a score of about 800 meters is the minimum if you dont want to fail this year. However, that is for power quirks, so dont stress.] said Aizawa
[Wow!! This looks so fun!]
[Fun you say? Alright then. The person in last place will automatically be expelled.]
Name: Alex Uchiha
Age: 15
Existence limiter: 50%
Titan: Coordinated Titan
Quirk(s): Compund Telekinesis, Emotion control, One for all.)
SP: 900,000,000,000 (900 billion SP)
1308 words