*3rd Pov*
[3... 2... 1... Start!]
The three immediately dash up the stairs, with Frey taking the lead. He was leaping between every 5 steps, easily catching up to everyone else, and surpassing Satotz. Killua and Gon were going 3 steps at every leap, not that much behind. When they reached the halfway point, Frey spoke.
[Should I give you a handicap? I'll stop right here for 5 seconds.] said Frey. He stopped, waited 5 seconds, and started running again. By the time he caught up with them, they could see the end.
Frey exceeds the two by 2 steps, earning him the win.
[And it's my win!] said Frey. He didn't have the slightest hint of exhaustion. Meanwhile, Gon and Killua were panting.
[No fair... If I knew you were this good... I would have never... betted against you...] mumbled Gon.
'Mumbling? I don't think that's part of Gon's character... Must be a butterfly effect.' Thought Frey. Little did he know that he was catching up to something bigger. Much, much bigger.
[So, now you two owe me favors. You better pay them up soon.] said Frey calmly.
[Fine...] said Killua. By the time Gon and Killua had recovered, Satotz and the group behind him caught up to Frey.
Satotz looked behind him. There were a few people nearly there.
[Well then, let us begin the second part of the first phase..] said Satotz. A huge door blocked the stairs leading up, and the entrance to the second test, of the first phase.
[Likewise to the first part, you will follow me again. However, this time, different sort of creatures will appear and try to trick you. If you do get tricked, you will die.] said Satotz. As he was about to begin the test, 2 "people" appeared.
[Stop! Whatever you do, don't follow him! He is an imposter! This is the real Sa-] said one of these "people".
[Oh shut up. Your annoying.] said Frey. He reached from his pant pocket, pulled up a revolver, and shot them. After they died, it revealed a monkey-like form. The revolver was a modified version of the fused sword he had made, which morphed into a different form. In this case, a Revolver.
[This is a good example of what you will face.] said Satotz. Then, he began to jog.
Everyone started to follow them, with a few being lost in the mist, and some being lured away. Frey made double assurance that Leorio, Kurapika, Gon, and Killua stayed with him, without the whole Hisoka thing. Granted, Hisoka's obsessed levels still reached the same as the series.
[This is where the second phase begins. Now then, I'll take my leave.] said Satotz. He made a small bow, glanced at Frey, and then disappeared. This just served to excite everyone there at what a hunter could be. Of course, a few people, like Frey and Hisoka, knew this was just Nen being used. In fact, they both saw Satotz just jumping away. Soon, 2 people appeared.
As Satotz leaves, the huge gateway in front of all the participants opens.
[Will all applicants who passed the First Phase please enter? Welcome. I'm Menchi, the Second Phase examiner. ] said Menchi. She was the chick with blue hair extending upwards.
[And I'm Buhara, the other examiner.] said Buhara. He was the fat guy. After a few seconds, a sound was heard. This was the sound of Buhara's stomach rumbling.
[Phase Two will involve... Cooking!] said Menchi
[Cooking? Wait, cooking? We're here to take the Hunter Exam, not become chefs!] said someone.
[Thats right. Your challenge for the Second Phase is to produce a dish that will satisfy our palate.] said Menchi, ignoring the person who just spoke.
[Why do we have to cook?!] questioned a participant
[Thats because we are Gourmet Hunters.] said Menchi, full of pride.
[Heh... hahaha...] many of the participants there started to laugh at this comment.
[So, Gourmet Hunters, what are we supposed to make?] questioned a participant.
[Buhara.] said Menchi. Buhara stepped forward.
[The ingredients that are required is pork. You're free to use meat from any spiciest of Biska Forest pigs. You must use the cooking facilities here to prepare the pork. And you only pass if we both find it delicious.] said Buhara
[And we will evaluate more than just the taste. Don't underestimate the importance and difficulties of cooking. Got it? When we've both eaten our fill, the exam will end. Regardless if you have been tested or not.] said Menchi
[Then, the exam's Second Phase begins now!] said Buhara while smacking his belly. Every participant ignored this and started to run to the forest, with some taking a causal walk.
[Alright then, Gon, Kurapika, Leorio, and Killua. I've done my research of this place, so I'll inform you of what's gonna happen.] said Frey
[What's gonna happen? This'll be a breeze!] said Leorio. Frey ignored him.
[There exist only 1 species of pig in this forest, and that is the "Great Stamp". It is the most ferocious pig in the world.] said Frey.
'Not including the Dark Continent.' Added Frey in his mind.
[In the end, it's just a pig.] said Leorio.
[This is way easier than the First Phase.] said Leorio
I [Let me explain. The pig itself is over a meter high, and its speed is very fast. You think that is easy? One pig alone is enough for us to clear 3 people. Killua, Leorio, and Kurapika, you guys go get a pig. Gon and I will get another one.] said Frey. Everyone nodded before heading in their own direction. However, they failed, as plot forced all of them to ride down a hill, onto a green land.
[Found them.] said Gon
[Pigs!] said Leorio. There were at least 5 pigs, munching on bones belonging to meter-class creatures.
[Uh... They're chewing on bones.] said Leorio
[They're carnivores. So duh, they'll eat bones.] said Frey. One of the pigs spotted them and then screamed. "Everyone" started to run away.
The pigs chased the group until they encounter more participants, where they were charged by the pig.
[These pigs are crazy!] remarked Leorio
[Yeah, no shit.] said Frey. Internally, he was scoffing.
'If this is what you call crazy, I wonder what the Dark Continent Beasts would be to you.' Thought Frey
Name: Frey
Age: 12
Nen: 300,000,000
Hatsu: 2 (5)
Ark: 287th Hunter Exam (Second Phase)
Nanika Wishes: 1
Stand: Emperors Realm
Physique: 25,000 units (50,000 units)
(A/N: Decided to add the phase part. Probably only going to be used in Hunter exam and Chimera ant. Something like "Chimera Ant (Pre-Meruem)" or "Chimera Ant (Post-Meruem)" Meaning after he was born for the post, and pre meaning before he was born. Not gonna add the (New!) though.)
1269 words