Swinger’s establishment consisted of three buildings: there was the main building, which seemed more like a mansion, and the other two buildings seemed to be dwellings for the “employees” that were already in service as well. All three buildings were residential, despite the fact that the Swinger Company was known for research and development. Of course, their experiments were not witnessed by anyone outside of the company except for the King, so no one else knew the exact location of their facilities.
Of course, this bastard would have a dungeon…
Such was Axis Demkil’s first thought as Vilda discovered the entrance to the underground cell of the main building. Behind the stairs leading to the next floor, there were large doors that were both latched and chained, insinuating that something extremely important lied beyond them. Vilda swiftly severed the chains and unfastened the latch, certain that the one who screamed was trapped behind those doors.