Will rocks on his feet. "You realise, of course, it would have been helpful if you had told me all this from the start?"
Richard's voice is dry. "And how could we have explained the source of much of the information?" His eyes roll to Klemper. "It was difficult to be explicit."
Will regards him sidelong. "Alright, granted. Baxter, and whoever the woman is, when they escaped into the airport, where do you think they could be headed?"
"We know Baxter has a base in South America," says Klempner. "He worked for me, running my operation down there for years."
Will gives him a slow look. "Is that right? Still..." He sucks at his teeth... "... We'd come to that conclusion ourselves after going through the documentation on Finchby's laptop." Then he shrugs. "However, we can only get so far of course. Most of his records are clearly stored in the cloud and for that, we need the passwords."
"Ah..." Klempner shifts... "Perhaps I can help with that."