Everything seemed normal in Stark Bank
when out of nowhere music started to play.
(Elvis press jail house rock)
"Whats this music!"
One person shouts!
"Why can't we stop dancing!"
Another shouts!
Soon every one in the bank is dancing against there will.
The door opens and in walks to the shock of every one someone who should be dead and not this young a teenage Elvis Presley walks in.
Thanks for coming to my show my good fellows but it's time to pay the entrance fee. Elvis walks past the still dancing bank goers to the back of the bank and ten minutes later walks out with a huge bag of money and says OK party's over but you all keep dancing forever to my tune see ya folks
and walks out.
And that was the start of the dancing kingpin of crime Elvis presley began.
With the terror of dancing forever.
sorry it's so short I plan for alot longer chapters from here on this is just to give you a taste of what I have planned while I sort out my thoughts on it.
ideas are welcome as well as good criticism.
if I like your idea it may just be part of the story.
ps no harems I don't have the skill to write a harem well.
— Chương tiếp theo sắp ra mắt — Viết đánh giá