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97.27% The martial arts start saved the little dragon girl / Chapter 107: 107. Routine

Chương 107: 107. Routine

Yang Guo said lightly: "If it wasn't for this, Mr. Ouyang thinks that I might be so powerful in martial arts within a year?"

Ouyang Feng thought about it for a while, and felt that what Yang Guo said was very reasonable.

Even if it wasn't because of the Nine Yin Scriptures, it must be because of other adventures.

In short, Yang Guo is now a child of experience in Ouyang Feng's mind, which is very strange.

Seeing the change in his expression, Yang Guo knew that he had believed him.

Sure enough, Ouyang Feng excitedly said: "Quickly tell me the Nine Yin Scriptures taught by the ancient tomb Lin Chaoying. If it is really a mysterious and superior martial art, I will not treat you badly." Yang Guo saw that the fish had already taken the

bait , not in a hurry to take up the line, let him flutter for a while, and said:

"However, the heroine Lin Chaoying just taught me some secrets in the scriptures face to face, but she didn't really give me any secrets. It is inevitable to make mistakes based on memory.

What's more, Mr. Ouyang, you are lying in ambush like a ghost, and I was taken aback, so I forgot even more."

Ouyang Feng is such a shrewd person, how could he believe his nonsense, but he is eager for secrets , snorted coldly, and said:

"Don't worry, I have been spying on Zhongnan Mountain for many days just to obtain the Nine Yin Scriptures, so how could it be harmful to you?

We have agreed before that as long as you give me the scriptures, I will Naturally, I

will teach you the best martial arts experience by hand, and keep it for your benefit." Yang Guo waited for his words, so he said: "Mr. Ouyang, since you still remember the previous agreement, I also know that people don't say dark words...

Lin Nuxia taught me the Nine Yin Scriptures, and she will definitely show me how to practice. At this time, I don't need you to teach me.

But the few martial arts you taught me a few years ago, I have returned to them this year. Review and practice, the more you practice, the more exquisite and incomparable you will feel.

If you are willing to teach me all of this martial arts, I will naturally exchange one thing for another and tell you the Nine Yin Scriptures I know. "

Ouyang Feng looked gloomy, and said solemnly: "Are you coercing me?" "

Yang Guo said lightly: "I can't talk about coercion, I just want to do business with you. "

In the past year, he has experienced many great events, and his martial arts has greatly improved. Compared with a year ago, his bearing is not the same. Although facing Ouyang Feng, a great master of martial arts, he has the tendency to fight against him. Ouyang Feng also felt that Yang

Guo He was so calm, he secretly marveled in his heart, and said in his mouth:

"My Ha Toad Kung Fu has always been taught in a single line, even my own son has not learned it all. I taught you a few moves earlier, which is an exception.

It is absolutely impossible for you to ask me to give it all to you.

However, if the Nine Yin Scriptures you gave me are true, then I may consider passing on some more moves to you, and how much you can comprehend depends on your own good fortune. "

Although Ouyang Feng has a very vicious temper and is known as an old poison, he has always disdained to deceive the younger generation with lies, which is still a promise.

So he clearly stated that he would not teach Yang Guo all the toad skills.

Yang Guo was also prepared in his heart, and said at this time: " I know that Mr. Ouyang is in his mind.

I also mean the same thing, as much as Mr. Ouyang teaches me, I will exchange as many Nine Yin Manuals... The business must be fair. Ouyang Feng

was very angry when he heard the words, his face was full of murderous intent, he looked at Yan Yang Guo. Yang Guo looked at him indifferently

, without any intention.

Let's take a look at martial arts. "

Yang Guo's expression remained unchanged, but his mind was running fast, thinking how to get away with it.

First he thought of the newly acquired secret books of Southern Shaolin Boxing and Evil Resisting Sword Manual, thinking of using it as the Nine Yin Manual.

But then it occurred to him that since Ouyang Feng is a great master of martial arts, he must know most of the martial arts in the world.

Of course he can recognize the boxing techniques of the Southern Shaolin Temple, and although the evil sword techniques are weird, Lin Yuantu has also used them in Jianghu after all, so he may recognize them.

As for the supernatural powers of a higher level, on the one hand Ouyang Feng might also know it, on the other hand, even if Ouyang Feng couldn't see it, Yang Guo wouldn't really teach him.

This is a matter of shooting yourself in the foot.

After thinking about it, Yang Guo felt that only Lin Chaoying's own Jade Heart Sutra martial arts could be used to pretend to be the Nine Yin Manual.

Since this martial art requires two people to use it together to exert its greatest power, after Lin Chaoying created it, he has never used it against an enemy.

She pinned her hopes on Yang Guo, hoping that Yang Guo and Xiao Longnv would be able to practice well, and the two swords would unite to fulfill her long-cherished wish.

Thinking of this, Yang Guo selected some of the most ingenious martial arts moves in the Jade Girl Manual, and showed them to Ouyang Feng.

Ouyang Feng looked at it, and really felt it was exquisite, but he was itchy, and still had doubts: "This martial art is indeed exquisite, but it's not so incomprehensible... Could it be that you used some other high-quality martial arts at will to deceive me? ?"

Yang Guo didn't show any panic, and replied: "Mr. Ouyang, you have always been extremely smart, but you don't understand the truth of what you said. No matter how

powerful martial arts are, using them from my hands is naturally very different from yours. It would be even more different if Huang Chang, who created this martial art, used it himself."

Although Ouyang Feng was skeptical, he thought in his heart: "This kid has improved greatly in a year, so he can't keep it.

Regardless of whether it is because of the Nine Yin Manual or not that he has made rapid progress, and whether the martial arts he used just now is from the Nine Yin Manual or not, in short, I will use all the martial arts on him first, and then kill him.

Anyway, I will not lose anyway. No matter how cunning this kid is, he is a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy after all, can I still catch him? '

Thinking of this, Ouyang Feng said: "Okay. Tell me about this martial art, and I will naturally teach you a few tricks of Ha Toad Kung Fu."

Yang Guo carefully observed his expression, and knew that something bad was happening in his heart.

Seeing that he promised so readily, Yue Mo guessed his measurement.

Yang Guo sneered secretly, you old poison is cruel, so is it easy for me to deal with it?

The two had their own ghosts, so Yang Guo carefully rehearsed the moves of the Jade Heart Sutra just now, and then explained to Ouyang Feng the central method and tricks of the moves.

Ouyang Feng remembered it in his heart, verified it repeatedly, and after confirming that it was correct, he also said a few more moves of Ha Toad Kung Fu, so that Yang Guo could practice it well.

Since he intended to kill Yang Guo afterwards, he didn't bother to fake the Ha Toad Kungfu he taught, lest Yang Guo accidentally see it through and cause misfortune.

Just like that, Yang Guo shoddy as good, Ouyang Feng had murderous intentions in his heart, the two exchanged moves, and exchanged martial arts at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain.

Before he knew it, three hours passed, and the winter sun went down the mountain, Ouyang Feng firmly memorized all the moves taught by Yang Guo.

And Yang Guo even has a system to help, including seven more moves of Ha Toad Kungfu.

Ouyang Feng said at this time: "I have already learned that move of yours, you can tell me the next move."

Yang Guo said lightly: "Mr. Ouyang's memory seems to be good and bad. If you say you have a good memory, It took you a while to comprehend the martial arts I was talking about. You are really a martial arts prodigy.

Say you have a bad memory-after I taught you a move just now, you didn't teach me a trick of the toad kung fu. Could it be that you forgot about us? Is it a move instead of a move?"

Ouyang Feng's old face blushed, and he said in an evil voice: "There are only a few moves in the Toad Kungfu passed down by my family. I have taught you more than ten moves. If you teach it again, you will have to do it

all." If I learned it for you, it won't work no matter what.

You have more than ten strokes of the Toad Kungfu, even if you become a martial arts master in the future, it will definitely be enough.

There is no need to learn more. "

Yang Guo said: "Okay, Mr. Ouyang, I have also told you all the Nine Yin Scriptures I know, and whether you can become a saint by virtue of it, it depends on your own good fortune.

Since we all share everything we have, why don't we break up now and go back to our respective homes? "

Ouyang Feng didn't expect Yang Guo to say that.

He turned his face and said angrily:

"Although the moves you taught me are also high-quality martial arts, I can't tell that they are the Nine Yin Scriptures created by Huang Chang, who has read all the Taoist collections! Did you get the Nine Yin Scriptures

? And why did martial arts develop so fast?"

He decided that Yang Guo still had hidden secrets, even if he didn't hide the Nine Yin Manual, he must have other secrets.

Yang Guo said: "Mr. Ouyang is a super master, why can't he even understand such a simple common sense?

Most of the martial arts secret books, often in the moves, there are matching mental methods, general outlines, or secrets of mobilization.

I will soon I want to tell you the secret, but you are reluctant to teach me more about your toad kung fu, so what can I do? It's getting late, and I'm

hungry and sleepy, so let's leave now."

Ouyang Hearing Yang Guo say that there are secrets from the commander-in-chief, Feng

couldn't help but feel even more itchy, and asked, "Are you serious? If I teach you more about the Toad Kung Fu, you have more subtle mental methods to tell me." Me?"

Yang Guo said, "It's useless if I say it's true, Mr. Ouyang, you have ten times more knowledge than me, so you should be able to break it." After speaking,

Yang Guo also made up his mind in his heart, and drew out his long sword—Ouyang Seeing him drawing his sword, Feng knew that he was going to practice his moves, not only was he not frightened, but his eyes showed excitement.

Sure enough, Yang Guo stepped on his feet with a mystical and ever-changing footwork, one step was already five zhang away, and he used an evil sword technique in his hand, stabbing out in an unimaginable direction.

He took a step, made a sword move, and then stopped, fearing that he would make too many moves, Ouyang Feng saw that it was the evil sword technique and magical movements.

But the beauty of it has been revealed.

If it is said that the lightness kung fu of the Ancient Tomb School combined with the evil-disciplining swordsmanship can be used as a low-end Sunflower Collection, then the top-notch lightness kung fu combined with the evil-dispelling swordsmanship is almost the essence of the Sunflower Collection.

Even the female sword god on the top of Heimu Cliff was unavoidably surprised when she saw it in person.

Ouyang Feng was even more stunned. Although he had heard of the martial arts above the extraordinary before, it was the first time he saw someone performing superior martial arts at such a close distance.

This martial arts move is performed by a second-rate martial artist like Yang Guo, so it is naturally very different from the real extraordinary masters like Jiu Nan and Lin Yuantu.

But with Ouyang Feng's knowledge, of course he could see the strength of it.

He closed his eyes, feeling what Yang Guo's footwork and sword move would be like if he used it just now.

Yang Guo said at this time: "Mr. Ouyang, what I used just now is a mixture of the swordsmanship chapter and the lightness martial arts chapter of the Nine Yin Manual." After a while,

Ouyang Feng opened his eyes, and the eyes were extremely hot , Said: "I will never keep any secrets, and I will pass on all the moves of the Toad Kung Fu to you."

After Ouyang Feng finished speaking, he really taught Yang Guo another move of the Toad Kung Fu. He was afraid that Yang Guo would learn it slowly, so he explained it carefully over and over again. possible difficulties.

But Yang Guo didn't need to learn anything a second time. After he learned it, he chose a move from the Jade Heart Sutra and explained it to Ouyang Feng.

Ouyang Feng's expression changed drastically, and he said, "Although the move you are talking about is exquisite, it is far from the two moves just now."

He wanted to learn Yang Guo's two moves that subverted imagination just now, so he said When he said this, his voice trembled a little.

Yang Guo said: "Mr. Ouyang is impatient again, isn't it? The two moves just now are not fixed two moves, but after Lin Nvxia taught me the Nine Yin Manual, I thoroughly understood the method and used it. It's

like Building an attic is like building an attic. You have to lay the foundation well before you can build the attic. The top floor alone is not enough. Mr.

Ouyang, after I explain the whole set of martial arts, he has practiced it himself, and he will be able to use it better than me It's much more powerful."

Ouyang Feng still didn't really believe it, his face was gloomy and undecided.

Yang Guo said again: "If Mr. Ouyang can't trust me, then it's still what I said just now, let's just leave now, and don't need to waste time here."

Ouyang Feng had murderous intent on his face, he wanted to turn his back on Yang Guo and restrain him, forcing him to question him.

Yang Guo didn't care at all, and said: "Mr. Ouyang, I am soft in other places, but my bones are hard. If you don't want to give, just want to capture me and force me to confess, that is impossible." Ouyang Feng thought to

himself :'Anyway, you are right in front of me, let me see what tricks you have.

After you are willing to say all the moves, if I am not satisfied, I will naturally use all means to concoct you, forcing you to tell everything you know.

As for the aftermath, you have learned so many tricks from me, can I still let you live in this world? '

So Ouyang Feng forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and looked at Yang Guo with the mentality of looking at the dead, and let him speak out every move of the Jade Heart Sutra martial arts.

And Yang Guo also learned Ouyang Feng's Toad Kung Fu with one move.

During this period, Ouyang Feng was naturally suspicious for several times, and he almost tore his face and started to fight.

But Yang Guo and Wei Xiaobao have been together for a few months, and his deception skills have also greatly improved, always talking nonsense, making him believe that he will soon learn the most subtle things.

Of course, Ouyang Feng didn't really believe Yang Guo's words, he really yearned for Yang Guo's wonderful martial arts just now, and his mind was full of greed, so he could only teach Yang Guo all the unique skills of Ha Toad Kung Fu.

This extremely smart martial arts master is like a doctoral professor who has fallen into a telecommunications fraud trap. Although he feels something is wrong rationally, he is still getting deeper and deeper, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is hard to extricate himself from.

What's more, he always felt in his heart that Yang Guo was under his control, no matter what, he couldn't play tricks.

Another advantage of the system at this time is that it can tell whether Ouyang Feng is teaching the real Hama Kungfu, and the commentary on the Hama Kungfu in the panel has changed from incomplete to missing a few, and a small part is missing, so you can know the progress of the move collection.

A few more hours later, the sky was completely dark, and Zhongnan Mountain was even quieter, except for the occasional howling of the surrounding ferocious beasts.

[Cultivation method obtained: Toad Kungfu (S-level martial arts, sixth grade)].

It's done!

Yang Guo was overjoyed, the big fish had been caught out of the water.

The next step is how to retreat safely without being bitten by this big fish.

next chapter
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