Another Idea. Also my other fanfic will be updated, just frustrated on how I'll write the next chapter. Also guts and blackpowder Inspired, love that game. Just clocked In 200 hours.
The Chernobog Mobile City, an average city belonging to the Ursus Empire with your average people. Came to a sudden halt without any prior warning, It's Inhabitants were left confused, but daily life continued on.
The cities control system were shutdowned; that left many of It's operators puzzled on what just happened, as one them left to check on the main operation room. Before he even got the door open someone barges through the door knocking the man down, the one who barged In was masked and slashed towards the first man he saw. The other operators looked In horror and shock as more people flooded In, they started massacring the operators that tried to run away, but with no exit they quickly became the next victim.
News reporters on the streets reported what seemed like a small and minor civil unrest between Infected rioters, quickly became a full-scale battle as numbers of untold hidden Armed Infected flooded from the alleyways and among bystanders. Local Guards were overrun almost Immediately. As more armed Infected came In, they were known as the reunion. Wanting to get a more equal standing In society, many would do whatever It takes, but In some way, others might as well be fighting for their own benefit and sadistic tendencies.
But underneath all of this. Reunion scouts were exploring deeper unknown parts of the city. They entered a laboratory of some sorts. "What the hell is this place." One of them said, the dimly lit lighting giving a horror movie vibe to it.
Then they saw an armored door, It stood out to the rest of the laboratories entrances. The fact It had an armored door is keeping whatever Inside from getting out. Suspicious, the scouts pulled a lever and slid open the armored door.
As they enter a room with a sarcophagus In the middle of it. Like a video game, they felt like they just stumbled upon a hidden boss. Slowly approaching It, their footsteps echoing gave them uneasiness.
Finally at the sarcophagus one of flashed their flashlight at the object. Inspecting It one of them went around the thing. "Yo look at this." A reunion scout said. His flashlight lighting up symbols engraved on the sides.
"Creepy." One of his colleague commented. As one of them aim their flashlight at the glass he wipes away the moisture expecting to see a rotten corpse Inside. Instead his greeted with a fresh body which makes him back away In surprise.
"Holy fuck that scared me." He said. As the rest of them look over on what the commotion was about, they were also surprised. "Ain't that creepy as shit. We should report this."
(A/N: The reunions attack on chernobog happened much earlier, like 2 days. So Rhodes Island Isn't here.)
On the surface, the streets quickly became filled with dangers as riots became shoot out with the local guard. Arrows flew left and right, the crying of children resounded on top of the scream of pain and misery. Many civilians purposely killed as the cry of vengeance by the reunion filled the air.
Many were looting and scavenging the streets and shops, city guards tried to suppress the violent mob with lethal force. But they were no match against the wave of angry horde of Infected. As one of the captain of the reunion was giving out orders he got a sudden report.
A report from their scouts discovering a secret laboratory deep Inside chernobog, It surprised him but also didn't, It would make sense to hide a secret laboratory on a small Insignificant city. "I want the people who discovered It to lead me there." He commanded, the man who reported It nodded and ran to the scouts.
As the approach their captain, he spoke. "I want you lead me to that sarcophagus you found." He said. "Yes sir." Scouts said before leaving to get their equipment. The captain gathered some people with him, as they prepare to leave one of the scouts said. "Sir what we found was quite... creepy to say the least, so I hope you prepared sir."
"No problems, just lead the way." He said.
[The Captain]
Everything about this laboratory gives creepy vibes. The casters were preparing to launch an attack at a moments notice, rooms and Items probably long been unused. With dust everywhere, I can still hear the ventilation somewhat working and that's probably what's stopping the dust getting any thicker. But their sure clogged up for all I care.
I see a door ahead of us and the scouts stopped us. "This is the room." He said, before opening it. Were presented by a sarcophagus In the middle of the room, wires hanging and thicker piping and wires leading to the sarcophagus. "By the grace of god..." He hears one of his guys behind him say.
As they stand Infront of the sarcophagus, one of the scouts wipe on the glass leading everyone to see what's inside, It was person. Or rather a very fresh body of a person. "Weird.. what would someone be doing here." Someone said. "It could be an Ursus Official..!" A man said, gripping his weapon harder by the second.
Anger slowly built up In me, but I know I should probably extract Information from him If that was really the case. "Now now fellas, we should wake him up from his beauty sleep to really find out if his truly what you say he is." I ordered.
"Leave that to me." One of them said, he went up the sarcophagus and raised his axe and started hitting the glass; his strikes barely making a dent on the glass. Leaving his men alone for now, he explored the area looking through desks finding vials and some rather suspicious documents. he found one titled: Condition. "Hmm..." He went and opened it, "Name: Gustav, Age: Unknown... Height: 5'7." He read. "Going by a nickname: Doctor, his first examination found him to be Infected, hmm.. Okay. Small black marks all over his body and bad odor started coming from him... wait..." He paused. "That's not what I was expecting." He thought.
"His Infection was found to be contracted via bite mark on his hand, leading to him becoming an Infected. And about how he got said bite mark, wasn't disclosed. Or rather he kept quiet and never talked about it." He finished reading and found more documents he started packing it Inside his bag to hand over to their leader.
He returns back to his men to whacking at it with the sarcophagus. "Everyone, we return. We leave this matter to our leader." He commanded, the rather frustrated rumble of the reunion member finally giving up gave him a small chuckle.
Hours upon hours of battling only lengthened by the arrival of military forces In the city. Chernobog Is now under control by the reunion, the incoming catastrophe made the reunion forcefully start the giant engines of the mobile city which may cause untold damage to the machine.
And news of a hidden laboratory reached the ears of high command, specifically their leader. "So... Is what your telling me true?" Their leader said, her voice reverberated In their heads. "Yes." He replied.
"One of our scouts were exploring the deeper parts of chernobog when they stumbled upon a hidden laboratory." He said. "I assumed at first It housed.. research data or prototype weaponry. But we Instead found a person.. Inside a sarcophagus."
"I also found documents related to the man." He said, opening his bag and handing over the documents to his leader. Not even taking the time to read It she spoke. "Have our more smarter members take care It." Handing It back to him. He gives a small bow and leaves her vicinity.
She entered an elevator and she pushes the button to the lowest floor available.
The rattling of the elevator ended as they arrived at their destination. stepping out, she sees reunion members Investigating and ransacking the area for whatever they can find of value.
Talulah saw medics looking at vials with Interests. Any reunion members that saw them just gave small bow, no words exchanged, as many of them were busy enough. Walking pass many of her people, they would arrive at a rather Inconspicuous looking room, with steel doors open. Stepping Inside, she saw a sarcophagus.
Talulah walked towards the sarcophagus, a small crowd was looking over and Inspecting the person Inside. The crowd would disperse as they saw their leader. She looked Inside and finally saw the person that had been mentioned.
She looked over the medics or people who has some knowledge on machine like it. "Any Information about him?" She asked, a medic stepped forward with a document on hand. "Just medical reports about his health, he seems to have contracted a form of sickness. And must have been fatal for him to be put on cryo sleep." The man reported. "And any systems to try and wake him up no longer works. We tried using casters to destroy the hinges.. but whatever material they used on the cryo pod was extremely durable, as it only left a mark." He finished.
"I see..." Her eyes wandered back to the sarcophagus. Eyes filled with curiosity. "Let's not keep our guest waiting now. It's time to wake him up first." She turned to the medical team behind her. "Prepare a stretcher." She commanded.
She puts her focus onto the sarcophagus, she first launches a regular attack. No amount of serious damage, only a burn mark, she quickly caught on how really durable the metallic frame of the object. Ramping up her attacks, the temperature In the room skyrocketed. She released a sea of flames which started melting wires and pipes, one bursts causing it to spew out It's contents which was liquid nitrogen.
But the cold material was quickly dispersed as the flames completely negated whatever effort It made to battle the flames. Inside the sarcophagus, lights flickered as the machine within lost all operation. It eventually ceased function as all Internal components were completely fried. Talulah went over and grabbed the hatch before violently ripping it off as the sarcophagus was still durable enough even when It's hinges were partially melted already.
The medical team on standby quickly moved In to secure the target. Talulah stepped aside, letting the medics do their work. Without a word, they carefully avoided the hot metal and carefully lifted out the target out of the machine and placed him on the stretcher.
Quickly taking him away to a much secure area, they do a medical check up on him. Talulah listened closely. "Pulse?" "Stable..." "Breathing?" "...SHIT! No sign of breathing." "Quickly do CPR!" They quickly start pumping his chest, one of them checks for a pulse again this time theres none at all. "QUICK! Get the Defibrillator! NOW!" One of them arrives and started rubbing the defibrillator and shocks the patient "Clear." "Check, any pulse?" One them puts his fingers between his neck. "No pulse sir!" "Again, clear!" The shock this time jumps starts the heart, much to the relief of the medics. They check his body temperature. "Temperature?" "Low, very low. Frostbite for sure."
One of them stood up and approached Talulah. " I believe we need to resurface now, his condition might worsen down here. There's no proper ventilation and he needs to get to a heater or else he'd freeze to death." He explained.
"Take him to the medical tent for now, I may need to see documents related to him." He ordered, he gave a small bow, before relaying the orders to the rest of his team which they quickly took the stretcher In a hurry.
He feels as If his drowning, the voices has returned. A flash of memory of him ordering an army to kill the mad cannibals, they have wrecked kazdel's capital In mere 2 days. It spread like wild fire In Kazdel, report after report caused even him to be overwhelmed. This forced any kind of civil war to end for the first time In Kazdel, they united under one banner for now to destroy the mad cannibals.
Even then the nightmare didn't end, no matter how many the killed they never stopped coming. At the start they had numbers at the end they barely had any at all. But at last, the nightmare ended. W wasn't their to witness It somehow, she was off somewhere battling another nations army.
Another flash of memory of him entering a room, It was gigantic, even outmatching the royal family of Victoria. Their he saw a pink haired woman seating on a chair, he approached her nonchalantly expecting nothing much, he lightly taps her shoulder and she looks at him. Her face was sweating hard, was what he noticed first.
He looked at her with a bit of concern on his face. He felt her body temperature, It was hot, too hot. Something was out of the norm. She didn't give a reply nor a single word. Then she fell spasming on the floor, like one having a seizure.
Then he was able to confirm It, he directly looked her amputated arm which had a smell of rot within It. It had started to rot, this was amputated to stop the spread of disease to the rest of her body. Her beautiful form was no longer present, but what was present was a pained expression that the doctor long wish to see.
Then she stood up from his arms before saying. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Can you... get me my tea?" She requested. He obliges and grabs the tea on a table. before handing It to her, she took a sip. "Doctor..." Her voice heavy. "Ugh... My head." She groaned. He approached with caution but she stopped him. "Don't get near me, I'm... please stay away.." Her voice ragged this time, no elegance or beauty behind it. Just a voice of pain and suffering.
She started scratching her head wildly causing her pieces of her beautiful pink hair to fall off before she fell on the floor motionless. He ran for her and checked, she would start spasming on the floor once again, this time she attacked doctor when she got up.
Doctor would then push her off him, but that did little to stop the mad king of kazdel, she sprinted towards the running; tackling him down, doctor grabbed her by the neck, she wildly shook her head and bit on his hand before she pulled her head backwards along with pieces of the doctors flesh on his hand. The doctor screamed In pain and horror causing the guards outside to be alarmed.
Guards entered the room to see what the commotion was about, only to see their king attacking their commander. They quickly got on the act and pulled her away from the doctor. One of the guards kneeled onto the doctor to see If he's okay. "Are you alright sir?" He asked. Doctor looked on his hands seeing and realizing he'll soon become them, he then started to black out while the guard kept asking him.
Only for the guards sound of concern be replaced with beeping. A lot of it.
Beep, beep, beep, BEEP.
He got up from his sleep wildly and with a loud gasp, he looked at his hands before doing the same to the new surroundings his presented with. 'Where.. am I?' He thought.
He blinks his eyes, he then looks at his hands. The scar left by the bite mark Is still there. As he was checking he was Interrupted by the arrival by a certain person who has beef with him.
"Well, well, Sleeping Beauty finally graces us with their presence. Thought you were going to sleep through a whole apocalypse, didn't you?"
He turned his head to the direction of the voice. She had white hair, a pair of horns on her head. A gray shirt and a black jacket
"Welcome back, doctor."
"...W, why are you he-" She grabbed him by the neck and pinned him by the bed. "I will give you a chance to explain yourself, doctor." She asked angrily.
"Rig-ht." - 'I guess she wasn't there when It happened.' Doctor thought. "Hard to expla-in... Kazdel's capital city was overrun." He said, the words barely came out of his breath. She looked at him with fury but curious at the same time. 'She doesn't know does she.."
"Who did it." She said plainly. Doctor quickly caught on how uninformed she really was. Which was concerning since Kazdel was a hell hole for 6 days before It fully calmed down again.
"It wasn't anyone or no one at that. It was a virus." W raised an eyebrow at the statement. The doctor didn't seem to be lying either or at least she thought he wasn't. "...Ask Kal'tsit about it too, she'll know what I mean." W was outright confused, but deciding to cool off, she let go of him.
"Explain everything." She let him go, doctor grabs his neck and massages It. "I'll gladly."
Doctor explained everything. To the entirety of Kazdels capital being suddenly Infected by a virus that not only killed It's host, but also controlled it, the civilians called them cannibals or mad cannibals. But the more religious folk called them undead, at the first day confusion was rampant, a city wide massacre occurred that reduced the capital city's population by 40% at the end of the day. Even doctor at the time was getting over hundreds of reports of the same Incidents, which was always the same thing: 'People are eating each other, send troops.'
At the end of the explanation doctor revealed he can't remember much else that happened, He only knew Theresa turned, which he didn't reveal to W which at this point was already taken aback by the Information she received.
The room fell into an uneasy silence as W processed the information she had just received. The Doctor's hesitant explanation left more questions than answers, and the weight of the unspoken truth about Theresa's fate hung heavily in the air.
W's sharp gaze bore into the Doctor, searching for any signs of deception. "You're holding back, Doctor. I can sense it. What happened to Theresa?"
He fell In total silence, W only grew In anger. But that suddenly ended when she heard the door open, turning around she saw Talulah entering the room.
"Tch." W frowned, she didn't expect Talulah to arrive early. "Will settle this later." W stated, before turning around and leaving Doctor and Talulah alone.
As W left the room completely, Talulah turned her head towards Doctor. "Alright, I've listened to your conversation between you two. Now tell me 'doctor', what was the purpose of you being cryo chambered?" She looked at Doctor with a menacing gaze, doctor undeterred by the clear threat. Though willingly chose to give a proper answer.
"It was for certain reasons, but mainly for the purpose keeping me from dying." Doctor stated, As his eyes wandered to his hands, with the gloves obscuring the bite mark.
"I also do believe you also should have read the documents by now?" He questioned. Talulah took a small breath before she spoke. "I have doctor. Documents stated you were Infected, the people of terra will despise you. why not join us In a crusade to kill those who have wronged us." She said with vigor and fury.
Doctors eyes went wide open, she clearly misinterpreted his Infection. 'What... what documents did she read?! Did she read the wrong one or did one of colleague just misunderstood it and reported the wrong Information?' His mind speculated multiple occasions where this could go wrong.
"No. Your completely mistaken, I am not like you guys." He said, this was pronounces wrongly. Because of this, Talulah misunderstood. She thought he was treated differently.
Talulah, not looking Into this further. Took a left swing and knocked the fuck out of doctor. With Doctor seeing a fist coming right at him before he blacked out.
Doctor's eyes opens with him In a dark room, he slowly raises himself and looks around. He finds his Inside of a cellar. locked Inside with another person.
"Oh, your finally awake."
He comes over to the Doctor. "You good man?" He asked.
Doctors cracks his neck joints and replies. "Not really, just got choked and punched In the face."
Doctor scans him, he finds him In a uniform; Implying he was a student from a school. "You a student? Which school you from?" Doctor asked.
"I'm from Peterheim. And this place were on should be Peterheim." He stated.
'Good to know.' Doctor thought.
They continue to converse with each other, enjoying each others company. After a while they hear a clanging sound from one of the doors. The guards give them their meal for the day, even If it was just a few biscuits. Though some had It worse.
As they eat, Doctors cell mate goes to sleep, trying to catch sleep before the reunion does something to them. The student slept soundly, Doctor stared Into nothingness for a bit before his hit with a harsh pain on his right hand.
He then finally remembers, removing his gloves. He finds his veins on his wrists blackened. He grabs tightly on his wrist trying to east the pain. 'No way! Is this really where I end?!' He shouted In his head, grunted as the pain increased. Breathing became hard, his throat became sore. His body temperature Increased rapidly as his body fights the foreign Invader.
"Noo...." He fell sloppily on the floor, and with a thud his cell mate woke up. He got up from his sleep fast, he looked around to see what that was and he saw it. He quickly came to assist the doctor. Before he could even react the doctor shooked rapidly on the floor and looked around wildly, he quickly lunged towards the student who was by now screaming.
The doctor bit him on his vocal cords and ripped It out, the gurgling scream was quick, but It ended just as quick. Blood stained the floor, with the screaming echoing throughout the building guards quickly stormed towards the commotion. This was the start of a new nightmare.
Writing the first chapter was really hard. But I hope the next chapter wont be just as hard right?
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