**"Two wrongs do not make a right...." by anonymous**
The next day dawned with neither side finding any resolution.
Morran had left at dawn and even though he understood how the curse worked, he was overloaded with information on everything. The amount of information in Fiesty's study was too overwhelming.
They found answers to many things but to what they were looking for, 'the curse.' He also understood, certain utterances made by Fiesty especially in regard to the Mage. They had swollen bags under their eyes for using the candle to read all night, but it was worth nothing to them! The two had very grim looks as they joined the rest of the elders who trooped into the palace that morning.
It had become very sad whenever one looked at their surroundings because of the wreckage done by the unknown force. They all secretly hoped that, that would be the last court session on the issue at hand but it was a fleeting wish nonetheless.
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