Veronica sat on the couch to watch the news which spoke of Vance's disappearance. There were assumptions about Vance running away since he couldn't face the public while others seemed to believe that Benjamin had something to do with it.
Bold claims were being made that could have serious consequences for making them without proof but the Smiths were currently a hot topic so there was a lot to be said.
"I thought you might like this," Edna said, handing Veronica a bowl of cold fruit. "You used to love this."
"I still do," Veronica replied, taking the bowl from Edna's hands.
Veronica thought about revealing that she had her memories back to those who found out about it because of her mother, but since no one had ever proved that she lost them in the first place, she would stay quiet about it. Even with Edna.
The end!
Please head over to my new book if you need something new to read. Daily updates are starting on 'Betrayed by the Hero, Loved by the Lord'.
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