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16.21% The God Of Universe / Chapter 1: Four months pregnant

Chương 1: Four months pregnant

--"Luna! Can you hear me? Luna, you are 4 months pregnant. It's been 4 months of your pregnancy!"

Hearing Dr.Sara's words, Luna's weak eyes suddenly became wide. She was angry before she became upset or shocked from Dr.Sara. Because how can Dr. Sara use such words for Luna?

And the biggest thing is that ; Luna has never been touched by any boy till date and she has never been too close to any boy. Then how such things can happened? And her age is also only 12 years! Just!

Light of sunlight was coming inside the doctor's cabin. Due to which, Luna's beautiful and innocent face started shining even more. However, her eyes were heavy with anger and her mouth was slightly drawn in surprise. Sitting near her is her father "Faraz Ashfaq".

Faraz's face was emotionless. It's as if he can't hear anything. Or he may not have heard anything. His eyes were only on Dr. Sara. The same, Dr. Sara is also seeing Faraz. Faraz was not a common man, which Dr. Sara could say anything after finding him staring at her like this.

Because this is "Faraz Ashfaq". His family ranks 6th among the top 10 richest families in the world. Well, Dr. Sara, being an ordinary doctor, what can she say to him? Some time passed like this way. Neither Dr. Sara moved her lips to say anything nor Faraz.

Luna still could not come back to reality. Because she still does not understand what is happening to her. Little Luna started pressing her hands together. Her body was feeling illness. Her entire forehead is drenched with sweat.

But then Luna heard a serious and angry voice of Faraz. Which started echoing in the entire room. Even though Faraz never behaved like this with anyone, the situation was such that he could not hide his surprise and anger.

--"Dr. Sara, are you kidding with us? Luna is only 12 years old. Think thoughtfully, Dr. Sara. You are a famous doctor of Italy."

Dr. Sara once looked at the report paper in front of her. Then, she turned her attention to Faraz. Those who were sitting straight just to listen to her. Perhaps he was expecting Dr. Sara to say something positive. But nothing like this happened. Faraz has heard Dr. Sara clearly.

--"Look, Mr. Ashfaq: I am not lying. Your daughter means she is really pregnant and not just pregnant, already 4 months pregnant."

Faraz's eyes suddenly widened. Because he couldn't believe it. That their 12 years old little delicate girl is pregnant! That too 4 months! How? When? Faraz took a look at his daughter. His daughter Luna was looking at him.

Perhaps if it had been any other father,he would have shouted at his daughter only; But Faraz was not like that. He has full faith in his daughter that Luna can never do such heinous acts. No matter what is her age, she has general knowledgeable mind.

Faraz did not ask Luna anything. Just started seeing Dr. Sara. Dr. Sara is the best and professional doctor in Italy.How much awards and famousness she has is out of question.

Faraz cannot even call her words a lie. Faraz was trapped in an unresolved story. He was not able to understand what to say?

Neither he can be proved Dr. Sara a liar nor he can believe the report.Other side, Luna can found guilty for her pregnancy .

Despite being a powerful businessman, he is not able to do anything today. Suddenly Faraz started feeling that all the money he had earned till date was useless. Suddenly all the name, status and money started feeling dull to him.

Seeing such a situation, Dr. Sara could understand what Faraz was going through. Therefore, placing report in front of him, she said in a slow and soft tone,

--"You read it by yourself. Everything is written clearly Mr. Ashfaq."

Faraz just take a look at that paper. Where it is written at one place, Positive! Faraz stood up from there without asking anything else.

And holding Luna's wrist he started going outside. But then he heard Dr. Sara's voice. Which she was saying very seriously.

--"You will take the decision, sir . But don't even think about abortion. Because if abortion happens then perhaps Luna will never be able to become..... Huh a mother. Everything is written on the report. I hope you will keep a cool mind and read everything carefully."

Even after hearing this, Faraz did not stop his steps. Wearing a white and navy blue suit, he looked quite formal. Looking at his status and style, no one can say that he is Luna's father.

As soon as he came out, the bodyguards standing outside also started following him. The style of each dress was white. Luna was walking with her eyes on the ground. She has not yet come back to reality.

As soon as, she came out of the hospital, two Bugatti came and stood in front of them. Luna and Faraz sat in one and bodyguard came with them in the other. After some time, their car left the hospital and went ahead.

Their car was passing through the buildings and big historical buildings, Italy, Rome. Italy is known as a historical place. Its history and art are prevalent all over the world. There is hardly anyone who does not know about Italy.

It is not possible for anyone who doesn't have dream of coming to this country. Because the peace here and the incident of the old king are all famous.

Apart from being a historical country, Italy is also known for its mafia. Crowds of tourists and locals are always visible in Rome.

Where Luna was also not an exceptional person. She always kept Italy as her dream country. Today the same country took away everything from her and gave her an unresolved story and a new introduction.

Luna had always liked buildings and high-rise buildings here. Today she was feeling ashamed while looking at the same building.

Because it seemed to her that every building was asking her the same question.

--"How did you get pregnant, Luna? How did it happen? You have buried your honor with your own hands. Now how can you and your family face to the people? You have broken everyone's trust. Everyone! And whose child is this?Who is the father of this child?"

With a wink, Luna moved her hands from one to the other. She was feeling very old and surprised. Faraz, sitting to her left side, is also silently looking outside. Faraz was surprised before getting angry.

First of all, Luna is indeed pregnant. And according to what he has seen and heard from Dr. Sara, Luna cannot have an abortion. Then? Will Luna bring her baby into the world at the age of 12?

Faraz is not a normal man.Who have more money than million. Have status! But still he prefers common and peaceful places.

He was feeling today that no matter how much money you have; Allah would still make you understand that everything cannot be done with money alone. There is luck behind it.

Despite living like a common man, Faraz does not think like a common man. His first thought was that Luna is pregnant about 4 months ago.

Now the month of September is going on. And if we look at it, Luna had come with him to Italy 4 months ago. That means, whatever happened 4 months ago, happened right here: in Italy!

Faraz's mind started wondering about what happened 4 months ago. When he came to visit Luna in Italy. Luna wanted very much to visit Italy. But Faraz did not have time and neither did Luna. But when Luna completed her 1st semester, Faraz brought her to Italy for 3 days.

After staying for 3 days, Faraz and Luna returned home to Dubai. And then after 4 months they came to Italy. Because Luna could not see anything in details the last time. But this time they were going to stay for 10 days. And it has been only 6 days since they came here.

Faraz felt angry with himself. Because whatever it may be, it is because of him that Luna is pregnant today. And what's more,in only 12 years old. But how did she get pregnant? Because Faraz did not leave her alone even for a while. Then?

Faraz was not able to understand anything when he first heard about Luna's pregnancy. But now, albeit slowly, he was understanding everything. Both of them returned to their hotel with unresolved thoughts and feelings.

This is a hotel of "Ashfaq Family". Which was built from triangle shape had 6th floor. This was a luxurious and authentic hotel. Which was established with Marvel and over prize stone. It was built here especially for the "Ashfaq Family" members.

Bodyguards were standing all around. The security system here is very strict. Hardly any unknown person can come inside it. The name of the hotel was "AF Ashfa Family".

Their two car came and stopped there. Due to their responsibility, the guards were opened on both sides door of the car. Luna came out slowly. And Faraz holding Luna with his hands. He took one look at Luna and said,

 --"Let us go."

Luna was not understanding. Is Faraz angry or happy or sad or surprised? Or is it everything?The atmosphere inside and outside is full of peace. Faraz took Luna to a room and made her sit on the bed. And he himself sat on the sofa in front of her bed.

Right now he looked like a very strict person. Luna was keeping an eye on her father. Who are looking at her.Faraz started looking at Luna's innocent and unaware surprised eyes. Luna was quite thin for her age. But her beauty is beyond limits.

Currently, Luna was wearing a green colored frock. Due to which she was looking very wonderful and like a little girl.

Her belly was also a little bloated. Faraz started looking at the report he was holding in his hand. He started staring at that paper for about a minute.

Started reading it with attentively.While reading, his expression would sometimes become strict and sometimes very calm. Luna went out to the balcony and looked. Time is passing. It is evening time now. The weather was cold and a little shivering.

He read the whole report in just 4 minutes. But after reading all this his eyes became filled with even more confusion. Dr. Sara was right.

Abortion at such a young age could be very dangerous and harmful for Luna. And the biggest thing of all; Luna will never be able to become a mother again.

Then he felt someone's head on his shoulder. Without looking at surrounding things, he asked softly,

--"Luna! What's wrong?"

Luna was completely silent with her eyes closed. She did not like seeing Faraz in so much trouble. That's why Luna had come towards Faraz. Because whatever happens, an explanation should be given and it is also necessary to explain.

Neither condition nor time nor age is right for Luna. But she will have to bow before reality. Luna was a sensible girl.

And being a sensible girl, she should know how to handle everything. Luna remained silent for some time and then turned away from Faraz and spoke like an obedient child.

--"Baba! Don't doubt me. Because I myself don't know how I got pregnant. Believe me."

Faraz looked at his daughter. Whose eyes were clearly telling that Luna was telling the truth. Luna's deep dark brown eyes were always shining brightly. Perhaps there was no ocean as deep as her eyes.

The eyes in which anyone can drown. Luna's cheeks were always red and so was her nose. Due to being very fair, her cheeks and nose remain red. Her cheeks were as red as strawberries. Due to which it feels hard when eaten but its sweetness spreads all over the mouth.

Faraz's trust in Luna is unwavering. He can tell just by looking at her that Luna can never tell a lie. Faraz loves Luna very much. He fulfills every wish of his daughter. While hugging Luna, Faraz just said,

--"I believe in you, Luna. You are my daughter. And my daughter would never do anything worst."

It was a matter of faith. But Faraz got angry at that boy. Who did this to Luna. For so long he had already understood that Luna had been raped! But he didn't find out anything and Luna didn't even know who that boy was.

The same questions were coming to Faraz's mind again and again. Which he was asking himself.

--"How can all this happen even after having such a bodyguard, such tight security? And who is the father of Luna's child? Whoever it is, I will find him. And I will give him the award what he deserves, I "Faraz Ashfaq" promise to myself.No matter how powerful that person is."

The city of Italy was nothing less than a curse for Luna. The country which she used to call everyone's dream country; Today the same country seemed like a cursed place to her.

She had promised herself that; no matter what happens, she will never see the face of Italy again. It is foolish to have any emotion for the city which has defiled her clean and holy name.

The night passed like this. And the next morning Faraz and Luna would be ready and boarded their helicopter straight away. Because Faraz and Luna are in no mood to stay here right now. Luna saw Italy for the last time. But not from previous feelings but from hatred.

Luna knew. What will she have to hear from people after going home? Maybe her mother and grandmother might even get angry.

But Luna did not want to think about it right now. Because she did not sleep last night. The whole night she just kept thinking about her fate.

How the life of her full of delightful turns into hell, this was her life. Her life story! The life which she wanted to spend with wonderful dates had now become her unsolved and untold, annoyingly unique life. Luna was starting to have a headache.

So she placed her forehead on her seat and closed her eyes. But as soon as she closed her eyes, she started feeling sleepy and finally Luna fell asleep.

Sometimes such things come in life, which we never think of coming. But they come and come only to teach us something. At that time, it depends on our decision how our life will be in future.

But taking that decision is not that easy. The farther and deeper we go into the situation; the more complicated things become. No matter how intelligent and knowledgeable a person is, the situation still seems difficult.

Now this situation was strange for Faraz also. He really did not understand how to handle the future. Because the condition was so bad that even Luna's condition was not good.

By the way, he loved Luna very much. But being the daughter of a respectable family, if anyone came to know that Luna was pregnant, there would be a big uproar.

Whatever he says to Luna, he believes her. But the real thing was that ; he also looked at Luna with suspicion when he heard the news of her pregnancy.

And perhaps he is doing so even now.His only concern was business. And coming home and thinking about his family was his past life.

But right now he was in great trouble and confusion. How would the entire "Ashfaq Family" and the media be handled? But then he remembered something and started thinking about it, waiting to come to Dubai.

Time and circumstances were running at their own pace. There was no one to stop them two. No one had the courage or strength.

Faraz doesn't know how much he will have to hear after going home and the biggest thing is that Luna's situation is similar. She is in dire need of rest now. But nothing like this is going to happen at home, Faraz knows this. He loves his daughter immensely.

But right now: he was unable to understand whether he should fulfill his duty as a father or as a manager of a rich company or a member rich family.

No matter how modern the times become. But the reality was that even if times change or something else, people's thinking does not change.

Faraz was lost in his unbreakable thoughts. With which, their luxurious helicopter reached United Arab Emirates. This is one of the most luxurious and richest country in the world. Also here Burj Khalifa is well known for everyone.

It took them 6 hours to reach Dubai from Italy. When Luna did not open her eyes even after stopping the helicopter at its place, Faraz picked her up in his lap and brought her outside.

More of a car than hundred , was passing through Dubai's wide highway. The cars of Faraz and Luna were also ahead.

The speed was normal so Luna still did not wake up. It is evening time here. Faraz was waiting looking at his daughter. When will they reach? Just then Luna's eyes opened. She had slept a lot.

What's more, she was feeling much better. Because she has slept for full 7 hours. Which was very fresh and good sleep. When Luna looked around, she realized that they had reached Dubai. Because where else can a building with such light and modern technology be found except in Dubai?

Luna was beginning to feel happy in Dubai. But when she remembered her condition, her bright face suddenly turned black.

Because she was pregnant! Not was; is.She doesn't even know whose child it is. What's more, doesn't even know anyone at home about her pregnancy. What will everyone do with her now? Luna started feeling nervous.

Eventually she had a great fear of facing the question about her child's father name. What will she answer? If she will said that, she doesn't know about it. Well, anyone will believe it? That being a pregnant girl, she her own self didn't know about her child's father!Is it possible?

Oyzgee Oyzgee

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Like it ? Add to library! Hey there! This is the final series. Hope you all will love it. So, please join the emotional rollercoaster journey with me and others. Your author is eagerly waiting for the time when you all will give me my progress of tale. Till then, catch you later! Bye my hearts!(My readers is my heart :)

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