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My breathing was relaxed.

I barely heard the sound of sultanas rushing towards me and some shouting.

I can't hear those any more as I lost my consciousness.

I only see a black space.

I look at myself floating again.

"I'm getting tired of showing up in the middle of nowhere, why don't we do it in a house with a nice meadow and a bed."- I said it annoyed to nothing.

Helpi: "I'm sorry sir, but I had to bring you here to give you a personal notification. "

Richard: "The system will be suspended again or?"

She denied.

Helpi: "it will start emergency missions sir and you must be aware of these missions as they will appear at random times and they will not be the same missions the dimension is in a process of remodelling to avoid a collapse. "

Richard: "Why are you telling me in person helpi."- I asked seriously.

"I already broke the rules once to keep you safe at this point I am not informing you through the system so by this I can atleast avoid being eliminated."- She said nervously.

She only sighed to caress my cheek to kiss me on forehead.

Helpi: "You don't notice anything different."

She looks at me to see me in my previous version of my body, this takes me by surprise.

Richard: "Like."

Helpi: "That is the appearance of your soul and in a few years it will be your appearance"- she said it caressing my chest muscles.

Richard: Y"es I miss being over six feet tall and a mass of incredible muscles but with my small hands I can build more things without needing Winston for things but I still have the problem that I need equipment to move the heavier objects."

Helpi just smiled and kissed my lips to touch my chest and glued her ear to my chest.

Richard: "I have to go back now don't I helpi."

Helpi: "Yes sir it is time for you to go back and remember to be ready no matter what."- She said it seriously.

I just nodded while showing a smile.

In reality.

I just open my eyes heavily as I notice that there is a machine taking my heart rate and my hand is bandaged.

I move it a little to feel a slight stabbing pain.

'This was the effect of too much magic on the axe.'- I thought to myself looking at my immobilized hand.

I look around to see Jeanne and Cherry sitting next to me next to a Winston who has a gun in his hand as he is asleep.

I just sigh as I notice camellia who is on the bed next to me and Emi who upon seeing me awake flashes a big smile.

Emi: "It's good to see you awake Richard."- She said it smiling.

"Thanks Emi."- I said it calmly while with my other hand I touch my body which is complete without any wounds.

[system fully upgraded]

Richard: "I will relax a little Emi rest I don't know what effect the regeneration pill will have. "

She just smiled a little and lay down on a bed next to me to get some sleep.

Richard: 'Well helpi show me the mission rewards.'- I thought seriously.


[all against the strongest]

(your constant support and improvement of the pandoras has annoyed the space military so they plan to eliminate you and thus start a war against the other planet)

Assassins 5/5.

Minor Robots 10/10

Gumdam 1/1


System upgrade.

Skill Augmentation Crystal.

Quirk evolution 1/3



Death of Winston.

Destruction of planet.

Rage of the witches of humbra.

Desertion of the pandoras to the current population.

When I noticed that the description of the five assassins came back to my mind the people I eliminated with my hands.

Just look at my hands to see them trembling.

[Sir calm down maybe you don't have the gamer mind to control your emotions, but remember this if you die everyone dies so your life counts for the life of the multiverse so you can't have doubt again like your previous life.]

Richard: 'I know helpi but I still feel my stomach churning.'- I thought about it noticing my hand I still remember how my body was stained with blood.

[sir if you would like to see the new system modifications]

Richard: 'Yes I would like to see the improvements to the system. '

[the improvement is not much sir just a better performance of the system and the connection of your stats with your three bars so your HP, SP and MP bar have modifications and the application of putting money to increase your bar was removed, although it is a loss it gave a greater benefit].

Richard: 'That sounds good although it is a good loss not being able to increase my bars with points.'- I thought it was a bit annoying.

[also there was the possibility of daily quests which are like doing exercise every day but I keep them disabled because they are not really useful, it would just be a waste of time as those quests are designed to waste your time and give you a useless reward at the moment, when they can be really useful I will activate them].

Richard: 'I like that, thank you for caring about my goals.'

[Don't worry sir, I'm here to help you and there's still one last modification that you might love.]

Richard: 'Tell me about it. '

[the third but most valuable addition to the system has the ability to combine either passive abilities into a new ability either passive or normal but there is a chance that the abilities are not combinable and you end up destroying both of them irretrievably and to use them it will ask you for 100,000 points but the first fusion is free my lord]

Richard: 'shit that sounds dangerous, but it also sounds exciting.'- I thought about it smiling.

Richard: 'I want to function two passive abilities.'

[ well sir say the name of the two passive skills ]

Richard: 'I want you to combine overstrength and indestructible.'- I thought about it seriously.

[starting fusion]

[chance of successful combination is 89%]

I felt my body begin to warm up as my muscles began to grow as my horns increased in size I ripped the bandages off my hand to feel my hand recover as my skin turns brown all over my white hair grows to cover my back my sclerae remain dark but my eyes show a golden hue with reddish tints.

I take a shaky breath as I notice someone squeezing my hand, I only see Jeanne who looks at me with surprise.

Cherry: "You're already looking like my demon lord dickhead."

Richard:" What the fuck happened to me, my body got too hot. "


[skill fusion has been successful]

[legendary skill created embodiment of effort]

Richard: "I don't really like that name but what benefits does it have."

[Incarnation of effort] {01/500} (01/100)

(an unparalleled gift the ability to take full advantage of training even a simple walk helps your physical improvement, you have an active mind and if you set your mind to something you can achieve it to break the limits of your reality your body is no longer bound to the physical limits of the dimension or any reality)

Richard: "The description sounds incredible, but why did my body change so suddenly? "

[that's the basic description sir, but it gives a training enhancement benefit of 50%, plus the ability for a stat increase of two more permanently per 100 levels and a vitality increase of one more per 25 levels]

[his threat level is D+++].

Richard: 'That passive is broken helpi.'- I thought about it smiling.

I caress Jeanne's cheek and she smiles at me Winston jumps with excitement at my appearance.

I stand up from the bed so they can hear the beep for me to disconnect from the machine that keeps my vitals.

I walk to a mirror to see myself.

My hair is thicker and I notice the reddish tint to my pupils but my skin is no longer an ashen shade and has a more human shade that is a caramel tone.

I hear footsteps coming from the doorway to see a team of Pandoras led by Kazuha and a medical team.

She sees me for a moment to tense up so that I notice some features to stop the pandoras.

Kazuha: "Richard, it's you."

Richard: "You recognised me."- I said impressed, she just widens her eyes in surprise.

She carefully approaches me to drop her gun and look at me completely.

Kazuha: "What happened to you?"

Richard: "This is what happens to my quirk, it strengthens my body to an inhuman level, at this moment my body is stronger than before."- I said it by stretching my hands and seeing that I am taller than before, reaching a height of 69 centimeters.

Kazuha: "Growing without limits your quirk is incredible."

Richard: "It's not, it hurts as my muscles tear and my skin starts to tan and change to a new one or my eyes change tone, it's not pleasant and my constant desire to kill, but for the first time I take life, even though I feel like throwing up. .... "

I just looked at my hand to go back to the scene and I remember the urge to vomit, but it wasn't for the blood or the death I enjoyed it that turned my stomach that I enjoyed ripping and didn't feel a pang of remorse.

Richard: 'If that's true I feel more like a monster.'- I thought about it while I was carving my hair.

Kazuha looked at me sympathetically to look at me with sympathetic eyes.

Richard: 'You don't understand, I enjoyed seeing the blood of those three on my hands or staining my body, I felt a pleasurable feeling plus their fear.'- I thought it only to carve my head off.

Richard: "I'm fine, you have the two who survived."

Kazuha: "Yes we got the information they had and they committed suicide taking important information with them. "

Richard: "Well what information did they extract?"

Kazuha: "We already know that it is the space army that has a problem with us and apparently they consider you a threat and are looking to eliminate you to decrease the strength of the Pandoras so that there will be a greater diversion of resources to them."- She said this in annoyance.

Richard: "Well that's going to be a problem, I don't want Sera to end up arriving and start freezing the planet."- I said it jokingly.

The pandoras just felt a chill.

Richard: "Well I feel good about the things that happened here. "

Kazuha: "They will only be given a warning about their actions after all they are the most important unit for space hazards."& She said it annoyingly.

Richard: "So they'll just go away with a tap on the hand."- I said annoyed.

She nodded.

Richard: "Well I didn't want to have another reason to hate your planet but this just adds to the list of crap I feel on this planet the only nice thing is my loved ones that live on this planet and I can't convince them to leave or I would have already planned how to destroy it"- I said this in annoyance.

They got out of my way so I walked out followed by Jeanne, Cherry and Winston.

I go out to the courtyard to see the people I stretch out my hand to make it look like hell Frost come to my hand I see it has metal parts in it.

I smell it a little bit to notice that it is steel.

'my weapon cannot be replicated it is impossible to replicate most legendary weapons are unique as they have a mark in history and this one has a history of multiple universes so it is impossible to trace its origin.'- I thought about it as I threw it into the sky to form a magic circle so that it would be consumed by the magic circle and saved.

I heard a gun pointed at me.

I just turned to look at them so they could see my gaze.

Richard: "Who gave them the right to touch my wimpy things."- I said calmly.

General: "Put that gun back, it's a form of payment for the destruction with the gundam you made."

I just pointed my finger at it so it formed a magic circle and shot at his leg separating it from his body.

Richard: "I don't think you understand the truth, you just made me hit rock bottom."- I said it calmly walking calmly towards him.

He just trembled and the people around me got scared because I never showed an aggressive personality like this moment.

Richard: "I am a patient person, but I have limits and you and your little group made me furious and I always try to control my anger because I don't want to hurt anyone permanently, but that's over, attack me again or a loved one of mine and I will see how to destroy your little space army and even on Mars you won't be safe."

I heard a gun so I heard the explosion of it for the bullet that breaks the wind.

I just reached out my hand at an incredible speed to move my hand gently redirecting the bullet upwards.

Richard: 'With the strengthening of my skin and my current reaction speed I can deflect bullets very easily.'- I thought about it as I turn to see who shot me I notice in the distance a woman with purple hair a light shade of hazel eyes a light brown skin with a well groomed body while wearing a military suit that covers her attractive physique but still highlights her breasts she is about 5'7" tall.

'So that's her.'- I thought to myself, shaking my head and dodging the bullet.

I saw that she looked surprised to understand that I was looking at her, I just signalled that I was looking at her.

She just snorted to start shooting at me.

Richard: 'She is challenging me.'- I thought to deflect the trajectory of the bullets.

Jeanne: "I must say you got stronger but it's still not on the scale of how I knew it."- She said it looking at me so I catch the bullet to throw it aside to walk to where she is.

I get into running position and take a deep breath.

Richard: "she is about 5 kilometres away I think her gun is a normal sniper the scope is common and she doesn't have someone to tell her position or the wind shift she is a genius at using that gun. "

Richard: "How far is it to the coast."

Kazuha: "about 4,659 kilometres."& She said thoughtfully.

I see they are already treating crybaby.

Richard: "you want to see a trick."- I said it smiling.

The pandoras just looked at me funny.

Kazuha: "Of course what is it, you throw a stone and hit it."

Richard: "That would be easy, but she's watching me and can move to avoid the trajectory and she beats me at aiming mostly I'm a fan of weapons that are area based."

She nodded in surprise.

Kazuha: 'Well that's a key point of a possible weakness.'- She thought about it looking at me.

Richard: "But who needs accuracy if you have the speed to get in front of your opponent without them noticing."- I said this to get off the ground so that my feet would break the concrete to shoot off in the direction of the woman.

I only see a moment where she curses to start quickly, I just increase my speed and I see that she is aiming for where I will appear.

I get a smile on my face as I see what she is planning I just stick out one arm to catch the bullet with my other arm I just notice that it manages to shatter it.

Richard: "ammo change or my secondary arms are weaker than my skin"

[ your secondary arms are weaker sir sorry for not notifying you that's why you need to evolve it ]

Richard: 'thanks for saying it I was already worrying about something.'- I thought thankfully.

From one moment to the next I propel myself into the air.

She smiles superiority so I just pull out the stasis gun to shoot and freeze it to fall near her.

Richard: "Well what do we have here."- I said it to see her start to widen her eyes slowly.

I just started to take everything off her to grab her like a sack of potatoes and then start running back to where the pandoras base is.

She regained her full mobility to drop her in front of the space force soldiers.

Richard: "Well, I think this girl belongs to them."

?? : "I was ordered to eliminate you if you proved to be hostile."

Soldier: *Shut up, rookie."- Said the soldier in annoyance.

?? : "Fuck you, I'm protecting your ass and I can also tell you are committing a crime by stealing private information." She said it in annoyance.

Soldier: "That would cause you to be discharged from the space forces."

?? : "Like I care about that, I'm tired of you little shit."

'Wow, looks like I made her reach her limit.'- I thought about it watching her start to stand up and punch the guy in the nose breaking it to leave him on the ground and then spit in his face.

She looks at me and gives me the middle finger.

Richard: "And why's that?"

She kisses me on the lips.

?? "You can take that as a thank you because I've been

looking for an excuse to fuck this job up but I still gotta go back to work"- She said it with a smile.

So far


How're you'll doin' guys....

How's life :⁠-⁠)


Read 14 chapters ahead of Gàmer and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 30 Chapters ahead

I hope you guys join me on this platform



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Xuefang1 Xuefang1

wot's upp Bois.....got any hoes

next chapter
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