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5.55% The Fox's Shadow / Chapter 1: A New Start
The Fox's Shadow The Fox's Shadow original

The Fox's Shadow

Tác giả: GodofDeathDragons

© WebNovel

Chương 1: A New Start

Naruto lay on the bed in Tazuna's just looking at the ceiling. Despite all the extra training he did thanks to asking all the jounin sensei for tips, he couldn't save Haku or Zabuza.

He used weights to increase his speed and stamina, woke up at 5 in the morning to warm-up before meeting with his team, doing chakra exercises life leaf sticking and tree walking, and last a couple of low rank jutsu.

He needed to work on his taijutsu, working with his clones, and maybe learn a few offensive jutsu. Kakashi is known for mastering over 1000 jutsu…he must have at least one or two jutsu that would be able to work with his fighting style?

The Bell Test was the first time he ever actually felt how truly weak he was. He threw everything he could at him, but it wasn't enough. Kakashi made him feel week and defenseless, and he never wanted to feel that way again.

He knew he was stronger, but no matter how strong he got there would always be someone stronger than him. That's why he would train harder than before, harder than anyone else his age, and he wouldn't stop training. But first he needed help from his sensei.

Naruto quickly got up and walked out the building to find Kakashi. It didn't take long as he was standing along a tree reading that book of his.

"Kakashi-sensei?" started Naruto hesitantly.

"What is it that you want Naruto?" he asked boredly.

"Kakashi-sensei, I'm not strong enough…I need to get stronger." Naruto said sadly.

"Well Naruto have you been training hard?" Kakashi asked.

"Not hard enough…I can't protect anyone at the level I am at! I need to increase my Taijutsu, Ninjustu, control, and everything else! I need more help if I want to get strong enough to protect all of my precious people." Said Naruto desperately.

"So you think I can show you how to do all of that? You want me to show you how to be a strong ninja?" asked Kakashi.

"No…I want guidance, I can only learn how to be a ninja on my own! Give me the tools and I will make you proud Sensei. Give me a chance to get stronger and I will!" declared Naruto at the end.

"Very well if you are serious about it then there are a few things I can give you to help you with." Said Kakashi as he pulled out two scrolls and a small piece of paper.

"What are they for Kakashi-Sensei?" asked Naruto.

"The first scroll is a Taijutsu scroll that I found years ago. It is style that focuses on unpredictable attacks and unorthodox strategies. You see the style is extremely hard to master for most ninja, due to most people being able to follow set paths. While someone like you who is naturally unpredictable this style will suit you well." Explained Kakashi.

"So by being myself this style will help me fight. Now will I be able to use it with my clones? They are my best means to fight at the moment after all." Asked Naruto.

"That is why I believe this taijutsu will suit you perfectly. This taijutsu never will remain the same as you incorporate anything you learn into it. The basics are the only things that are constant as the advanced moves are made to be incorporated to the techniques of the one who uses it." Explained Kakashi as he handed Naruto the scroll.

"So I can constantly develop my technique and it will never stay the same. This will be perfect, I can incorporate my clones into it and any other jutsu I learn." Said Naruto as he looked at the scroll in his arms.

"Now the second scroll is a few chakra control, speed, and strength exercises that you will have to do. The chakra control exercises must be completed before I allow you to move on your training." Said Kakashi.

"What is the last paper for sensei?" asked Naruto.

"This is chakra paper…by channeling your chakra into it we can determine your nature affinity." Said Kakashi as he handed Naruto the paper.

"Here it goes." Stated Naruto as he channeled his chakra into it. His paper then split down the middle as he let it fall to the ground. As it fell it started to shred into thousands of pieces making Kakashi's eyes widen. However he quickly schooled his features.

"So what nature affinity am I sensei?" asked Naruto.

"What nature affinity do you think you are Naruto?" asked Kakashi right back.

"Well considering on the fact that you say I'm unpredictable by nature and the chakra is used to cut things? It can't be fire as that would probably burn the paper, or water as that would probably have to do with something getting wet. Earth is the most predictable and is steadfast so I'm not earth. So it is either wind or lightning?" asked Naruto.

"So what element are you?" asked Kakashi.

"If I had to make a guess I would say that I am wind. It is unpredictable and strong, but can be focused at certain points when it needs to be." Said Naruto as Kakashi gave him an eye smile.

"That is a very good deduction Naruto. It seems that you are ready to finally take this seriously." Stated Naruto.

"Haku's death affected me more than you think Sensei. I now know that I've been living in a dream ever since I was a child. I thought that if I increased training after the Bell test I would be able to be the best, but now I know that I will need to dedicate as much time as I can to training." Said Naruto in a low voice.

"You don't have to spend every hour of every day training. Despite being a ninja and legally an adult all people must have time to relax and act their age. Finish the chakra control exercises by the end of the week and when we get back I will get Asuma to start the first parts of your elemental training." Said Kakashi as Naruto smiled brightly at him.

"Thanks Kakashi-Sensei…you are one of the few in the village to treat me like a human. That means a lot to me." Smiled Naruto.

"Naruto you hold a burden that many couldn't bear by themselves. The 4th Hokage entrusted the power of the greatest demon in the world to you. You are his legacy and I'm proud to see you taking this role seriously now." Stated Kakashi, and like a dam bursting Naruto finally understood his role in the village.

He had the power to control the greatest amount chakra that world had ever seen. If he could master it then he would be unstoppable. The Fourth trusted him and he would not let him down no matter what.

"I will make him proud Sensei! He trusted me with the protection of the village and if I must I will protect the village with everything I have!" Naruto declared. "You say I will master the exercises in a week, I'll do it in three days!"

Kakashi watched as he saw Naruto ran into the tree line with a determined look on his face. This was the first time he had actually been truly proud of anyone on his team.

Sasuke had changed little and was just as preoccupied with getting power. He was selfish and angered easily; he didn't work with the others. Kakashi thought he was a replica of him at first, but Sasuke was leagues more volatile than what he was as a kid.

Then there was Sakura…He wasn't even sure if she should continue being a kuinoichi. She was the only one not injured on the mission, only cause she didn't do any of the fighting. Not once did she come up to him asking for help or to get her stronger. All she has done since the fight was look after the still unconscious Sasuke.

Then there was Naruto who had by far had the most growth in the entire team. After the Bell Test he saw that Naruto would practice on his own time. There was a huge improvement in the orange clad ninja. His speed was close to Sasuke's level and it had only been a month, his strength was greater than Sasuke's.

Kakashi noticed that Naruto had chakra weights on him for the past month and a half now. Those types of weights were made to increase whenever the body would get use to them. If that so then with his healing ability they could be doubling in weight every week.

Give him two months and he would be at chuunin level and at the way he is developing mentally he might be ready for the exams. Together the three might make it past the first two parts, but only Naruto would have the potential to make chuunin.

'Sensei would be proud of his boy.' Thought Kakashi as he looked back at his book and giggled perversely.

Naruto quickly got to clearing next to a large pond in the forest and looked at the chakra control exercises. The first was to do water walking, which Naruto had seen Kakashi do in his first battle with Zabuza.

"Now to begin training…it says that I have to keep a constant flow to stay above the water." Said Naruto as he walked to the pond and started releasing chakra from his feet as he stepped on it.

'Feels solid enough.' But as he took a second step he sunk into the shallow water. 'Nevermind this might take some time.' So with renewed effort he began to water walk.

That night he slowly walked back to Tazuna's house to get some food and to sleep. He had practiced water walking for 5 hours before switching to look at the taijutsu scroll.

He did a few basic kata's and started to use his clones with those few basics. It was then that he learned a nifty trick with the shadow clones.

It was during the katas that he threw one of his clones over the lake. The clone flipped and landed on the lake and was even able to stay on the water for an entire minute before it popped.

Naruto quickly felt everything the clone had felt as he had been concentrating on what the clone had done to stay on the water that long. Afterwards he could stand on water for an entire three minutes before losing control.

That was when he decided to come back to Tazuna's before testing his new theory tomorrow. He walked in and was greeted by the smiling faces of Tazuna, Tsunami, Inari, and at least he thought Kakashi was smiling.

Sakura herself looked like she was ready to explode.

"Where the hell were you Naruto!" She yelled as she ran up and punched him in the head before he could react in his exhausted state of mind.

'Why the hell does she always have to punch me? I'm tired of that bitch! Wait Sakura isn't a bitch? Is she? Do I even like her anymore?' asked Naruto to himself as he slowly stood up.

He glared at Sakura for a second releasing a small amount of killing intent. This made her look at Naruto in surprise. He had never glared at her before or even released a small amount of anger to her.

As quickly as it came it was gone and Naruto sat down and started eating after Tsunami put a plate down for him.

He stood up thanked Tsunami for the meal and went to bed after saying night to everyone else.

The next morning Naruto was in the same clearing as before doing the tree climbing exercise, while carrying a boulder with clones throwing blunted kunai at him.

He reasoned that it would help his control, strength, speed, reserves, and accuracy. There were also 10 clones doing the water walking exercise while trying not to sink.

After an hour of doing this he finally slipped out of the tree and decided to take a break. He decided to walk around a bit before finding a hidden cave.

Summoning a few clones to check it out, in case of traps, he stood outside waiting. He could feel how a few clones had feel for traps, and when they were all cleared he entered.

Inside found an armory of some of the strangest weapons he had ever seen. He could tell by the metal that they weren't steel or iron.

They all had seals on them from what he could tell, but for some reason none of them seemed like he should use. He came close to a pair of trench knives on the wall that seemed to be calling to him.

The blades were pure black and curved inward making it look like a crescent moon with the blade being on the inner part of the blade. The handles had guards on them with small spikes where the knuckles would be. ( oleksande_orebchuk_bogdanovich_snow_leopard_knife_) But with more of a crescent shape, black blade, and hand guards with spikes. A little longer too.

He grabbed and immediately he felt a burning on pain on his wrist. The pain brought him to his knees as he gripped his wrist in a vain way to stem the pain.

What felt like eons was just 3 minutes and he was sitting while looking at his wrist that now had a tattoo on it. It was the Kanji for Kazekage (Wind Shadow).

'What do the blades have to do with the leader of Suna?' thought Naruto as he looked up to where all the weapons were to see that they were all gone.

He crawled out of the cave and when he looked back there was nothing left. The rocks that surrounded the cave were gone, and its entrance had disappeared completely.

'What is going on here? Was I caught in a Genjutsu?' he asked before using a kai release.

With that he decided just to finish water walking for the day and just forget about all of that. But due to the tattoo on his wrist, he knew that what had happened was real and not just his imagination.

That night he got back even worse than the night before. He barely made it to bed and Kakashi was a little worried about him, so he went up to check on his student.

Inside he found Naruto holding his wrist studying what looked like a tattoo that said Kazekage. What was Naruto doing with a tattoo that said Kazekage on it.

"So mind explaining how you got that there Naruto?" said Kakashi surprising Naruto.

"I don't exactly know Sensei…I got it in a cave." Said Naruto.

"Where is this cave Naruto?" Kakashi asked.

"It's gone…" he said softly.

"Mind explaining?" replied Kakashi.

So for the next few minutes he told Kakashi about the cave and him touching the blades. Then about how the weapons and the tunnel disappeared, but he still had the tattoo.

"It seems that the blades you touched was somehow sealed into you. I have no clue about the cave as I have never heard of something like that." Said Kakashi.

"Well what are we supposed to do about the knives in my arm?" asked Naruto.

"Why not try summoning them?" asked Kakashi.

"How do I do that Sensei? We didn't really go over seals that much in the academy." Stated Naruto.

"Just focus on flowing your chakra into the tattoo on your wrist." Stated Kakashi as Naruto concentrated for a little while before a poof occurred.

When the smoke cleared Naruto was holding two black crescent trench knives. The blades themselves looked like they were just made for the purpose of killing anything that got in their way.

"Well will you look at that? Here let me see one of them for a second Naruto." Said Kakashi.

Naruto handed him one of the blades and immediately black tendrils whipped out and wrapped themselves around Kakashi's wrist. Kakashi immediately felt his chakra draining and he was soon brought to his knees by the pain that he had just registered.

He was finally able to rip it off with help from Naruto and stood up panting and sweating from what the blades had done to him. They both looked at it and noticed that there was now a crimson red seal that wrapped around the blade.

"Well it seems that the blade will only let you use it Naruto, and it seems to be able to absorb chakra just by being in contact with another person. It may have a few other abilities, but you will have to figure them out on your own.

"Well I can spend the rest of the week on that as I finished water walking last night!" beamed Naruto as he was smiling at his twin knives.

Kakashi's eyes widened at the fact that Naruto had already learned a skill that took most over a week to learn in just two days. "That is truly impressive Naruto, but I will oversee your training for the next few days so that you don't hurt yourself. So you will only be able to do a little work using the blades." Said Kakashi.

"Why don't you just use a Shadow Clone sensei?" asked Naruto.

'So he learned the secret to the clones? He could easily be high chuunin level by the time of the exam. You would be proud of him sensei.' "That would work Naruto, but what do you know about your shadow clones?" he asked anyways.

"Well I found that what they learn I learn, so I can decrease my training time. While I can focus on more demanding physical exercises." Stated Naruto.

"That is correct…it is a trick we do not just tell anyone. You must learn it yourself to use this training technique. Sasuke woke up early today demanding answers about the fight. I just thought you would like to know that." Stated Kakashi as he went to the door.

"Well when will he be back into fighting state?" asked Naruto.

"Most likely by the end of the mission. Tomorrow I will leave a clone with you so that we can discover some things about those knives of yours." Said Kakashi as he left the room.

"Seeya Sensei." Said Naruto as he laid down and quickly went to sleep.


That next morning Naruto was up quickly doing a morning workout regime that he had designed. Similar to one earlier, but without the boulder on his back. This time however the clones weren't holding back and were throwing as hard as they could.

He was told that morning to make sure he had a good workout before they would work on the blade. It was also early in the morning that he ran into Sasuke who had finally woken up and gotten out of bed.

"Hey Teme!" How are you feeling?" asked Naruto as he walked into breakfast that morning.

"Better…not that it matters to you Dobe." Said Sasuke.

"Well get better quickly! I need a sparing partner so that I can test a new style I've been trying to learn." Said Naruto.

"Hn…whatever style you learn won't help you in fight against me Dobe." Said Sasuke.

"Whatever Sasuke…I mean whatever helps you sleep at night." Replied Naruto smoothly. That's when Sakura decided to add her opinion.

"Shut up Baka! Sasuke could beat you in a fight with both his hands behind his back!" she yelled at him.

"Really? You would know this how Sakura? I mean you only know the academy taijutsu, three weak jutsu, and not a single genjutsu. I just want to know how you are an expert at this stuff?" asked Naruto. This had to effects, one it shut Sakura up and it got Sasuke wondering what had happened since he was knocked unconscious.

"Whatever I'm going to go train. I need to practice a bit with weapons before we head home." Said Naruto as he left.

Now he was trying to make it to the point that Kakashi had told him to meet at. There was just one problem and that was the forty clones chucking kunai, shuriken, or any other thing they could find at him.

He finally made it to the clearing and had the forty clones start water walking while he waited for his sensei.

It didn't take long as Kakashi arrived and observed Naruto doing a few katas of his new style, before he stopped and looked at Kakashi waiting for an instruction.

"Okay first I suggest you unseal your blades. We will just do a few tests to see if they will suit you in combat." Stated Kakashi as Naruto unsealed his blades.

"Now I don't know to many styles that incorporated Trench Knives, but they are similar to Kunai. If you want to learn some I can introduce you to Asuma Sarutobi when we get back so you can learn some things from him." Said Kakashi.

"I'm sure you could teach me just as much sensei. I wonder if I can do clones while holding these?" Thought Naruto thought out loud.

"Try the hand sign while holding the knives and do the jutsu." Stated Kakashi.

Naruto made a modified hand sign for Shadow Clones and called out the jutsu. Nothing happened at first, but Naruto still held the sign forcing chakra into the jutsu.

To Kakashi's surprise Naruto's shadow spilt in half and started to rise from the ground. The were both finally as tall as Naruto and started to morph into an image. Soon one could tell they were in the shape of Naruto, but dark and hard to make out.

Then they slowly changed color till they looked like exact copies of Naruto. The real Naruto finally let go of the hand-sign and started to breath pretty hard. He looked at his two clones in awe, they were actually SHADOW Clones!

"Well it seems you can actually create clones from your own shadow. This seems like a Nara type jutsu, but I've never seen anyone be able to create clones from their shadows." Said Kakashi.

This has to be one of the coolest jutsu I have ever used! I wonder how hard they are to dispel, or if they are meant for recon as they might be able to merge into shadows to hide!" Said Naruto as he examined the two clones that had yet to move from their position.

It was when he was standing in front of one of the clones that he realized that he could see himself and Kakashi-sensei from the eyes of both clones. (Paths of Pein, but severely less variety of techniques compared to him)

"Hey Sensei! I can see through their eyes! Does that mean I have to control them like I control myself?" asked Naruto as Kakashi came over started to observe the motionless clones.

"This is an interesting technique Naruto…try to focus on one of the bodies and see if you can move them." Commanded Kakashi as Naruto closed his eyes and began to focus on the clone closest to Kakashi.

Kakashi looked at the clone in the eyes until it blinked and started to move. "Sensei…this is weird." Stated Naruto as he moved his clone around for a bit.

He was doing a few shadow punches when he felt a sharp pain in the gut. He looked down and noticed the kunai in him, but no blood. In fact the kunai slowly was pushed out until it was quickly out.

Black tendrils flew out and healed the wound quickly.

"Well it seems those clones of yours are quite resilient, but can they survive complete destruction." Said Kakashi as he fired a fireball at Naruto, quicker than he could react.

The fireball engulfed the clone and when it was over there was nothing left, but a small shadow on the ground.

"I guess they have a limit to what they can take." Said Kakashi.

"Not really Sensei." Said the other clones as he pointed at the shadow that was slowly reforming from the ground. (If you have played Kingdom Hearts, think of the weakest heartless, but growing into Naruto.)

After a few seconds it had completely reformed and started to move again. This time though both were moving instead of just one of them.

"So you figured out how to control both at the same time?" asked Kakashi.

"Yep, you see there was a mental block on each clone that you must break before you can control them." Stated one clone.

"Once broken it is very easy to control them." Said the other clone.

"Think of it as moving your arms Sensei." Said the original as it stood up and opened its eyes.

Kakashi was immensely proud of his student for discovering such a powerful technique. In reality he could drop the other two and just keep Naruto as his gennin cell and no one would know the difference if they henged.

It could be used for combat, training, or recon. 'I wonder if he can use the technique with out the blades?' "Dispel your clones and put your blades away. Now I want you to try to make them without holding the knives." Commanded Kakashi.

"Okay Sensei." Said Naruto as he sealed up the knives and made the hand-sign for the Shadow Clones. He concentrated on making the same clones and started pushing chakra into the technique.

Slowly two forms grew from his shadow and merged into the shape of Naruto, but unlike the last time they did not change color.

Naruto dropped to his knee panting in exertion of putting chakra into the technique. Just making two incomplete clones had used up 2/3s of his chakra!

"It seems that your blades make it so that you can channel what appears to be shadow chakra more easily. Here let's test your affinity one more time." Said Kakashi as he handed Naruto another chakra paper.

Naruto channeled his chakra into the paper and it did the same as before, but all the pieces of paper quickly turned as black as the night sky.

"Does this mean that once I have enough control I could use techniques that no one else has ever seen before?" asked Naruto.

"Well the Nara clan has techniques that you might be able to use, but you would need permission to learn them first. However, I do believe you could do things no Nara has ever done before." Said Kakashi.

"Wow, so is it like some sort of bloodline?" asked Naruto.

"You won't be able to until you have children Naruto." Answered Kakashi.

"Oh well I better get back to training then!" said Naruto as he pulled out his blades again and made two more clones, after dispelling the two pure black clones.

"Before you start doing anything I have jutsu here that I think you would like very much. It would fit your style perfectly." Said Kakashi as he gave the scroll to Naruto.

"Wow! Sensei this will work out perfectly!" said Naruto in an excited tone.

"I thought so, now I'm going to go find Sasuke and Sakura and show them water walking. I have to teach them something or else they won't be ready for what I have planned in the future." Said Kakashi as he left the clearing.

Naurto made some regular shadow clones go work on the jutsu that he was give, while he started to some sparing with the two new clones he had just made using his blade. As a group of twenty shadow clones came at the three. 'I wonder what I should name this technique? They aren't really clones as they are an extension of my body.

He ducked under a blow that one of his new clones saw coming at him. 'That is nifty…it is like having eyes in the back of my head!' thought Naruto as he turned and slashed the neck of the exposed clone.

'I just need to work on my syncing with them…there is a second delay between my thoughts and their movements. If it wasn't for their regenerative abilities they would be gone by now.'

Just then a clone was able to disarm him from one of his blades. The blade landed deep in the ground in the shadow of one of his clones.

Normally this would mean nothing, but seeing as how the clone stopped moving all together the battle ended. Naruto walked up to his clone and looked at it. The eyes were moving around, but it seemed that it was frozen in place.

He then walked over to his knife and pulled it from the ground and the shadow of the clone. This allowed the clone to move once more to the surprise of Naruto.

'So if the blade gets stabbed into the shadow of an enemy they are immobilized until it is pulled free? This is really interesting? Now what should I call my new techniques?' thought Naruto as he sat down and began to think.

'I know! Kage Richi for it's chakra draining properties, Kage Torappu for when I trap them with the blade, and Kage Tamashi Encho for my clones or what are now my shadows. (Shadow Leach, Shadow Trap, and Shadow Soul Extension.)'

'Now to get improve control over my shadows!' thought Naruto as his clones surrounded him and his shadows. The next five hours would be straight exercising practicing control over his clones, working on his taijutsu style, and his clones working on the scroll Kakashi-sensei gave him.

Pretty soon it was the end of the week and they were all ready to leave. Inari was hugging Naruto, not wanting to leave while Kakashi was talking to Tazuna and Sakura was trying to molest Sasuke in the back.

"Don't worry Inari, I'll visit again someday. Besides I'm sure Konoha might need someone like your grandfather in the future." Said Naruto trying to reassure the boy.

"I know, but if it wasn't for you we would still be under Gato's rule!" said Inari as he began to cry a bit.

"Hey what did I say about crying?" asked Naruto.

"I'm not crying…they're tears of joy!" replied Inari.

"Sure…stay strong gaki." Said Naruto as he began to walk over to where his team stood.

It was at that moment that Sasuke finally took notice of the tattoo that was now on Naruto's arm. "Dobe…where did you get that tattoo?" demanded Sasuke.

"Hm…you say something Sasuke?" asked Naruto as he stood off to the side a bit.

Meanwhile Kakashi had sneezed during his conversation with Tazuna.

"I demand you tell me how you got that tattoo on your wrist!" demanded Sasuke again as Sakura finally saw the tattoo.

"Yeah! You think your cool cause you have a tattoo and Sasuke doesn't? If anything it makes you look even more like a Dobe!" yelled Sakura, but Naruto just ignored her and looked directly at Sasuke.

"You have no right to demand anything from me Sasuke. Get that stick out of your butt and learn that not everyone is below you." Said Naruto as he and Sasuke started to glare at each other.

Sasuke activated his Sharingan, but at that moment he felt could steel pressed against his neck.

"If this was a real fight you would be dead Sasuke." Said Naruto as his clone released the pissed Sasuke.

Luckily a fight was avoided as Kakashi came walking over with an eye smile.

"Well team it is time for us to leave!" he stated.

"It is about time." Said Sasuke as he looked away, but one could tell he was still pissed.

"Cha! I can't wait to get back home!" yelled Sakura as Naruto couldn't believe how loud she was.

'I can't believe I ever liked her.' He thought.

"Yo! Tazuna, Inari, and Tsunami! I'll miss you guys! If you ever come to Konoha just look me up!" he yelled as his team jumped into the trees.

What was a two day journey while escorting civilians was nothing but a three hour journey for ninja. Naruto noted that Sasuke was panting lightly, and Sakura was sweating up a lake and panting in exhaustion.

He himself was carrying weights, but wasn't even warmed up at this speed. 'It still isn't strong enough. This is nothing but a walk for someone at Kakashi's level.' Thought Naruto.

"I can't wait to get back home!" he stated out of the blue.

"Hn…your excited about anything Dobe." Said Sasuke, despite it being labored.

"I'm just saying…there are some things I need to buy. Since this is an A-Rank mission, I should be able to afford new kunai, shuriken, wire, and clothes! I'm so tired of this orange jumpsuit…I want something in black!" said Naruto to surprise of his teammates.

'I thought orange was his favorite color?' thought Sasuke and Sakura.

They made it to the gates and saw two chuunin guarding the gates. Kakashi walked forward to allow them to pass through.

"Team 7 requesting entrance after successful completion of a mission to the Land of Waves." Said Kakashi as he handed them the documents and they were let into the village.

"Okay team first we will go to the Hokage to report and then you will be given a week off from team training." Said Kakashi as they left for the Hokage Tower.

'He did the same thing as the Bell Test! He hinted to the fact that there would be no team training, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't train or ask for some help from him or others.' Thought Naruto as they got to the tower and began to make their way to the Hokage's room.

On the way they ran into Team 8, also entering for a mission.

"Hey Hinata, Kiba, Shino!" said Naruto as he saw the team.

"What's up Naruto!" said Kiba loudly as he and Naruto were friends during the academy.

"BARK" said Akamaru as he popped up from Kiba's hood.

"Hi to you too Akamaru." Said Naruto.

Shino simply nodded to his fellow ninja and Hinata turned bright red before answering.

"H-he-llo N-Naruto-K-kun." Said Hinata shyly as she shrank back a bit.

"It's okay Hinata! I'm not going to hurt you! You don't have to be afraid of talking to me!" exclaimed Naruto quickly.

"I-I'm n-not afraid N-Naruto-K-kun." She said a bit bolder than before.

"Good! I would want someone as cute as you to be afraid of me!" exclaimed Naruto, unaware of what his words would do.

Slowly her head turned a brighter red before she fell over on the floor to Naruto's surprise.

"Hinata!" he yelled as everyone else looked the two with sweat drops.

"Guys what's wrong with her!" he said.

"Don't worry Naruto…she does this a lot. I'm Kurenai Yuuhi, her sensei." Said the red eyed brunette.

"Okay…nice to meet you Ma'am." Said Naruto as he shook her hand. It was at that moment when they were asked to come into the Hokage's office.

"Ahh Team 8 good to see you…and Team 7! How was your first C-Rank mission?" asked the Hokage to the surprise of Team 8.

"It was good Jiji…but we ran into some trouble." Said Naruto.

"Let me explain Naruto. We were confronted by a total of 4 ninja on the mission. Two were chuunin level, one was an unknown rank, and the other was a jounin that went by the name of Zabuza." Said Kakashi as the Hokage stood up in surprise and Kurenai gasped in alarm.

"Then this mission was at least A-Rank at least Kakashi!" said the Hokage.

"Yes it was and after the bridge was complete the client paid twice the amount of a normal A-Rank to compensate." Said Kakashi.

"How did your team handle the situation Kakashi?" asked the Hokage.

"I believe they all handled it perfectly, but there are some things that we must discuss in private about Naruto here." Said Kakashi.

"What why! I'm the Uchiha…if anything you should be talking about me.!" Exclaimed Sasuke in surprise.

"Sasuke I suggest you hold your tongue or else you will be escorted from the room. Now Kakashi will you give me a detailed account of this mission?" asked the Hokage. After the debriefing and Kurenai's team getting a mission it was only Kakashi, the Hokage, and Naruto left.

"Now what is it that I should know?" asked the Hokage.

"I accessed the Kyubi's chakra for a brief moment during my battle with Haku." Said Naruto.

"Are you feeling any different?" asked the Hokage.

"Not at all Jiji! Actually I feel better than ever!" said Naruto.

"That actually brings us to our next subject Hokage-Sama. It seems Naruto found a weapon while we were in the Land of Waves." Said Kakashi as Naruto unsealed his twin Trench Knives.

"How did you find these weapons Naruto?" asked the Hokage.

"Well…" started Naruto as he proceeded to the Hokage about the mysterious cave.

"I see this is certainly a mysterious find, but what I want to know is if there are any special properties that these knives have?" asked the Hokage.

"Well when we are testing them we found that Naruto's blades can drain chakra, and create unique clones." Started Kakashi.

"Yep I call them Kage Richi, and Kage Tamashi Encho! All of the abilities so far are shadow based and by what Kakashi said about my chakra affinity I now have shadow as a secondary element." Said Naruto brightly.

"Wow that surely is surprising! May I ask what you primary affinity is Naruto?" asked the Hokage.

"Well I determined with help from Sensei that I have a large affinity for wind jutsu. So I'm going to find Asuma and ask him if he can show me the first stage of mastering my wind element." Said Naruto.

"That is a good plan Naruto. Why don't you go now, Kakashi and I have some things to discuss." Said the Hokage as Naruto left to get his new clothes and weapons.

"I thought it was clear that no student was made to take preference over the others Kakashi? He has learned far more than the others." Said the Hokage.

"He is the only one asking for help…he isn't asking me to do everything for him. Just a few pushes in the right direction and some demonstrations like his father did for me. The others aren't so willing in that regard." Said Kakashi as he paused to think over the information.

"Sakura is too fangirlish and is doing nothing to get stronger. She spends all day fretting over Sasuke and when I ask her to do more she doesn't listen. Sasuke demands for me to show him all my jutsu since he has now activated his Sharingan." Said Kakashi in distaste.

"Do you want to continue with this team then?" asked the Hokage.

"I'm going to put them in the Chuunin exams…if they don't wise up by then. Then I will be forced to drop both Sakura and Sasuke and take Naruto as an apprentice." Answered Kakashi.

"Very well Kakashi. I trust your judgment in these matters. Now what about his shadow chakra…is it similar to a Nara?" asked the Hokage.

"It is much denser than a Nara's, but it takes much control when he doesn't use his blades. He releases too much chakra then. When he uses the knives then his control is strong enough to waste a little chakra." Said Kakashi.

"Okay…I might talk to Shikaku to perhaps teach him a few techniques. That's if he finds Naruto worth enough to know those techniques." Said the Hokage.

"Is that all Sir?" asked Kakashi.

"Yes it is, you are dismissed." Said the Hokage.

Naruto was looking around one of the shinobi stores in Konoha picking out new clothing. He had already selected black tactical pants, and a black jacket with crimson trimming.

The jacket had room for hidden kunai and he had chain mesh shirt underneath. Kunai and shuriken holsters on both legs for quick access. Overall the new look fit him nicely.

Since he still had a few hours left to train he decided to seek out Asuma Sarutobi for wind chakra training. Summoning twenty clones he sent them to various training grounds looking for the jounin.

Five minutes later one of his clones found Team 10 practicing team exercises on training ground 10. It only took him a minute to get there and watch the team doing what looked like a standard formation.

Soon they were taking a small break when he noticed Shikamaru glance in his direction. Next, thing he knew there was a kunai heading for his head. He tilted his head to the side to avoid it.

"I know you are there! Come down now or we will be forced to fight." He stated as his teammates came to his side ready to battle.

He saw Asuma behind them just smiling like he knew who was watching them. Why shouldn't he, Naruto had asked for aid right after the Bell Test so Asuma must have know his chakra signature.

'You know this would be a good training exercise.' Thought Naruto as he did a henge on his face that made him have brown hair, no whisker marks, and a scar across his cheek. The last was he put his headband away.

'Now for the fun part.' He thought as he jumped down in front of them.

"So the little kiddies want to play?" he said in a sinister voice and a creepy grin.

"Who are you and what are you doing in Konoha?" Asked Shikamaru.

"Hmm…I'm no one and why I'm here is none of your business." He stated.

"I will ask you one more time! Who are you and what are you doing here in Konoha?" asked Shikamaru again as the three crouched down a bit to start battle.

"I will tell you if you defeat me in combat, but if you don't then your sensei has to do something for me." He challenged in his sinister voice.

Before Team 10 could respond they heard Asuma agree to the terms.

Naruto smiled at this information…now he just needed to beat Team 10.

"Well let's start then!" said Naruto as he jumped back and threw three kunai at the gennin.

The three quickly dodged and came running at him with Chouji in the lead and Shikamaru at the back. Naruto saw Shikamaru's shadow coming early and jumped right past it and met Chouji at the front.

Ducking under a swing Naruto brought his knee up and caught him in the gut before spinning around him and blocking a punch from Ino. He grabbed her hand and threw her over his shoulder and ran at Shikamaru, who was defenseless.

Thankfully with his new training he was much faster and made it to Shikamaru before his shadow could catch him. Aiming a punch at him Shikamaru rolled to the side and ducked under a kick that was sent at him by Naruto.

Shikamaru sent his own leg out to trip his opponent, but the boy jumped over it and appeared to go for another punch to the face, but at the last second spun in air and hit Shikamaru in the gut with a foot.

Shikamaru rolled to the side to cushion the blow, but the boy had already anticipated that and was bringing a hammer blow on him. That was when Chouji reappeared and blocked the blow.

Naruto was forced to jump back as Ino sent shuriken and kunai at him. He pulled his own and started to block them as he got distance between Team 10 and him.

"Chouji do it!" yelled Shikamaru as Chouji inflated and sucked his body parts in and stared spinning at a fast rate before hurtling towards Naruto.

Slightly surprised Naruto dodged to the side and ran at Shikamaru and Ino. However, once again he had to jump back as Chouji cam at him again.

This time however Ino was throwing kunai to make sure he stayed back away from them. Naruto was finally able to get past Chouji and was running right Ino.

Preparing a massive haymaker on the girl he suddenly stopped moving. He looked down with his eyes and saw a shadow coming from Shikamaru. 'So this is one of the Nara jutsu?' questioned Naruto as Shikamaru straightened up and Ino and Chouji surrounded him.

"Now that you have lost, what is your name and what are you doing in Konoha?" questioned Shikamaru.

"Who said I lost?" questioned Naruto as he began to glow brightly. "Art is an explosion!" he shouted as Team 10 all leapt back to the cover of the trees. As an explosion destroyed the area close to the clone.

As the members of Team 10 regained their orientation they found cold steel placed against their throats. Each one of them had a clone with a kunai at their necks ready to kill them.

"It seems you have lost." Stated the enemy shinobi.

"Now that you have defeated my team, what will you do about me?" asked Asuma Sarutobi as he walked over.

"Hehe you will be teaching the beginnings of elemental manipulation for wind!" said the Shinobi to the surprise of Team 10.

"You can drop the henge…Naruto." Said Asuma as each clone popped out of existence as Naruto walked out from behind the trees with a smile on his face.

Team 10 was flabbergasted by the fact that it was Naruto that they had been fighting the whole time! They couldn't believe that they had lost to the Dead Last.

"So Asuma-sensei? Will you please teach me the first step?" asked Naruto as Team 10 recovered their minds.


"My troublesome teammate is right…why didn't you just come out. We didn't need to do that troublesome fight." Stated Shikamaru as he observed the blonde.

"Yeah, I mean it is good to see you, but what's with doing that to us?" asked Chouji.

"Hehe sorry guys I just thought it would be a good exercise right there. I wasn't intending on hurting any of you." Replied Naruto as he grinned at them.

Shikamaru was still trying to figure out how the blonde got so strong. 'This isn't the same blonde as before. I have to throw everything I know about Naruto out of my mind.'

"Well sensei?" he asked hopefully.

"We did have a deal after all." Said Asuma as he took a scroll out and threw it to Naruto.

Naruto looked at it for a second before looking at Asuma. "I only asked for the first part? You didn't have to give me all of this." Said Naruto.

"Consider it a gift for completing your first A-Rank mission." Said Asuma to the shock of his team.

"Thanks Sensei!" said Naruto as he left to find a place to train.

"Did we just get beat by Naruto?" asked Ino as she just realized that it was the dead last.

"Troublesome Blondes…" stated Shikamaru.

Naruto made it to Training Ground 7 and started to read the scroll. 'So I have to cut a leaf using wind chakra? Sounds easy, but I know it is going to be hard.' He thought as he made 50 clones start doing the exercise.

Two weeks later after a week of team exercising and conditioning

The past week had been horrible for many different reasons. First, Sasuke was starting to notice that Naruto was getting strong…really strong. He was catching up to him on the runs, lifting more, and even outlasting him on chakra exercises.

This just made Naruto mad, as Sasuke kept demanding Naruto to tell him what he knew, while Sakura supported him all the time.

Second, Sakura wasn't doing anything to really improve and she was holding the team back.

Then there were the civilians that kept treating him like garbage, but thankfully they couldn't do anything since he was now Shinobi.

Luckily there were some good things like him finishing the first two stages of elemental manipulation that Asuma had given him, plus the two C-Rank jutsu he now new.

He had also learned a powerful technique for his Trench Knives. He was saving it for when he fought in the Chuunin exams, but it was powerful and quick, or he would use it on a powerful opponent.

Thankfully he learned a style quickly using his Trench Knives as it was similar to using Kunai to fight. He rarely showed them though and it was never in the presence of Sasuke or Sakura.

Right now Team 7 was going to the Hokage's office to get another mission before the Chuunin exam in two weeks. Kakashi had already told them that they would be participating in it.

As they entered they found Team 8 there standing there at attention waiting for orders. The Hokage smiled at them as they entered the room.

"Ahh Team 7 just the people I was looking for! You will be accompanying Team 8 on a mission to eliminate a group of bandits that has camped out by the border of Fire Country. Kakashi will lead the mission with Kurenai as second in command. Kakashi and Kurenai, I would like your input in who should lead the mission if the two of you are incapacitated?" asked the Hokage.

Kakashi and Kurenai started talking for a little bit so that the others couldn't hear them.

"I know you will suggest Sasuke as team leader, but I believe Shino will make a better leader as he is more logical and won't just make rash decisions." Said Kurenai.

"Well I actually believe Naruto should lead the teams." He said to her surprise.

"What! But he was the dead last at the academy! He doesn't think things through and would be a bad leader." Said Kurenai.

"He is more than capable to be a team leader as he is the strongest gennin on my team. More than once he has shown that he grown up and become a more than capable leader for this team." Stated Kakashi.

"If you believe him to be then I will follow your judgment." She said as they walked over to where the teams were.

They were about to speak, before Sasuke decided to open his mouth.

"I accept being leader of the team for this mission Senseis." Stated Kakashi smugly.

"Actually we chose Naruto to lead the Gennin on this trip." Stated Kakashi as Sasuke looked outraged, Sakura looked affronted, Team 8 looked surprised, and Naruto looked the same.

"Sensei I believe I do not deserve this role as leader." Stated Naruto.

"Yeah why does the Dobe lead this mission? If it should be anyone to lead this mission it should be me, an Uchiha elite!" demanded Sasuke angrily.

"That is not why sensei. I believe it should be Shino who should lead this mission." Stated Naruto, once again causing everyone to be surprised.

"And that is why you are leading this mission. You can make decisions that will benefit the team as a whole." Stated Kakashi.

All the while Sasuke looked like he could kill someone. It should be him the Uchiha Elite that should be leading this mission. He needed to get stronger in order to kill his brother and that Naruto kept getting in his way.

"Destroy the Camp! That is the mission, understood?" asked the Hokage.

"Hai!" they all responded.

They all met at the East Gate one hour after the meeting.

"Okay teams do you have all you need for the mission? This should only be a three-day mission. We will be in and out as quickly as we can." Stated Kakashi.

"Hai!" the gennin responded as they took off.

Team 7 was in the lead with Team 8 behind. Hinata had her Byakugan activated and Naruto had clones running around the area. Soon they would all have to make their first kill and became real Shinobi.

next chapter
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