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26.92% The Devil in Me / Chapter 7: The Devil in Me Ch. 7

Chương 7: The Devil in Me Ch. 7

Chapter Seven:


It was a little annoying that we had to wait for everyone else to finish filling out their packets.

It was at least an hour before Baird spoke again.

"Now that everybody is finished with the questionnaire," he said, "Who is ready for the next phase?"

Next phase?

I looked over at Jody, and she just shrugged at me.

I watched as everyone got to their feet and followed closely behind Baird, as he led us into another room.

Alright, time to see what happens next.

Jody and I made sure that we were last in line.

We could say whatever we wanted if no one could hear, right?

We walked through a set of double doors. I was surprised to see a small stone pathway, and then a medium-sized garden that looked like it was built around a large round fountain.

It was built into the ground, there were two other layers above that the water made its way back down through. The center of it was off white, and there were shapes and designs engraved into it, I couldn't make out what they were from here.

We walked a little further into another room. At first, it was just a hallway, then the corridor widened.

"Something feels weird," Jody said low.

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking at her.

She looked a little weirded out. To be honest, I was surprised.

I looked around the room, and I noticed several mirrors along the walls. They weren't very big, but I had a strange feeling that I was being watched.

What kind of trial was this? Did Jody even know?

I placed my hand over the mirror, a trick my brother taught me. Chances are, these mirrors were hiding someone on the other side.

I pointed my finger so that my nail was the only part of my finger making contact with the reflective surface.

I couldn't remember what it meant if my nail made direct contact with its reflection.

"Jody?" I asked, "Do you remember the mirror test?"

She glanced at the mirror. My nail was still on.

"Uh," she said, looking at it "No space, leave the place."

We both looked at my finger again before looking at each other.

"Well shit," Jody said, "You smart bitch."

I took my finger off, and we hurried to catch up to the others.

"What made you think to check the mirror?" she asked low.

"I kind of felt like someone was watching me," I admitted.

"Clearly, you were right," she gestured to the other mirrors "Do you think they are all like that?"

There was only one way to find out.

I did it again to the mirror closest to us, and the results were the same. So, I just nodded at Jody.

"Creepy," she mumbled as we turned away from it.

I nodded in agreement.

Baird stopped in the center of a medium-large room, surrounded by mirrors.

Benches and chairs were spread throughout the room.

Jody made a face before sitting on a bench that was between two mirrors, and I sat right next to her.

I noticed that Baird was looking at us, and I swear I felt my stomach drop.

He knows that we know.

It surprised me when he smiled kindly at me.

Serial killers could trick you.

"Now that everyone appears to be settled," Baird said, "Why don't we just jump right in?"

Sounds good to me.

"I am sure that most of you are curious to know exactly what kind of trial this is," he said looking around "How many of you are familiar with the term 'Alpha Human?'"

My blood ran cold.

Jody was quick to grab my hand.

Baird was looking directly at us again, and based on his slight change in expression, our reaction didn't go unnoticed.

"Some of you," Baird said, "But did you know that there are other classifications of Alpha Human?"

Other classifications?

I zoned out the second he said the word government.

My head moved to rest on Jody's shoulder.

"You okay?" she asked me.

I only nodded, even though I wasn't sure.

"Based on what the government and most Scientists say," Baird said, "Humans born with abilities are genetically superior."

Was I having a nightmare? Was I sitting in a classroom?

"Thus, earning them their nickname," Baird said, "Alpha, but the classification depends on what kind of ability they possess."

I didn't want to sit here and listen to him talk about genetic superiority.

"Which brings us finally to the reason you're here," he said, "This trial is focused solely on classification D Alpha Humans."

Jody snickered next to me, and to my relief, I was able to manage a smile.

"What the hell makes them classification D?" The guy up front asked.

"I am getting to that," Baird said kindly despite the guy's bitchy tone.

Baird looked through the stacks of paper as if trying to put a name to his face.

"The purpose of this trial is to try and integrate normal Humans into the everyday lives of classification D Alpha Humans."

So whatever classification they were meant that they had abilities… and if they need trials like this to attempt integration, wouldn't that mean that these 'D Humans' were dangerous?

"Some of you have said that you were willing to participate further," Baird said, looking around the room at us "Has anybody changed their mind?"

I sat all the way up to look at Jody.

"It's up to you," she said, "But for what it's worth, I would like to try."

I nodded, I didn't know what all this meant exactly, but I already said yes.

Let's see what happens from here.

One girl up front raised her hand. Baird handed her a packet as if he knew it would be her.

He glanced over at us as if expecting one or both of us to change our minds.

Not today, Mr. Baird.

After a couple minutes, it looked like two people changed their minds and changed their last two answers in their packet.

"Alright," Baird said, "My colleague here will walk you out if you chose to opt-out."

It took me a minute to realize that there was a new person in the room. An Asian man, he looked like he wasn't much older than Jody and me.

"My name is Steven," he said with a giant grin on his face "Follow me, please."

In the end, there were only three of us left.

Me, Jody, and the bearded guy with the neck tattoo.

Baird stood there for a minute before a girl came running back.

"My bad," she said a little out of breath, "I thought we were all leaving."

She wasn't either one of the girls the bearded guy walked in with.

"Now that the others are gone," Baird said, "Could all of you follow me this way, please?"

He led us through another door, it led to a small room with a desk and a couple of chairs.

"Have a seat," he gestured for all of us to sit.

There were four chairs already directly in front of the desk, so we all just sat there.

At the wall was the girl, then beard guy, Jody and finally me.

"Why don't we start by introducing each other?" Baird said.

"Hi," the girl at the wall didn't hesitate to say, "I'm Molly."

I just smiled at her, letting her know I heard.

She had short black hair, and her eyes were light brown. Her skin looked sun-kissed.

"Travis," the guy with the beard said.

"Jody," Jody said, "What's good?"

Molly just grinned at her; Travis didn't say anything. He only did that weird head nod.

"Shay," I said once everyone was done.

Baird smiled at us "Here is some paperwork to look over, for the next phase."

"More paperwork?" Molly whined.

"This is a trial doll," Travis said, "I would expect a whole lot more."

Baird didn't add his two cents, he just handed each of us a paper.

I glanced at it, and at the top, it said 'Classification D Human Trial Phase 2 Consent Form.'

"Now before you sign," Baird said, "This consent form is asking to monitor your heart rate and temperature while you are here, and outside of this facility."

I glanced over at Jody, and she was reading the form.

"If you decide that this is not what you want to do," Baird said, "You may wait in the next room for Steven to come and get you."

Jody placed the paper on the desk and took one of the stray pens on the desk before signing the consent form. I was a little shocked, but I did the same thing right after.

Travis and Molly both signed too.

Baird pulled a small box out of the desk before pulling out the tablet again.

"Each of you will receive one of these," Baird opened the box to reveal a ring "I need to start with getting the correct size for each of you."

He pulled open a drawer of the desk and pulled out a key chain with a bunch of rings on it.

"Make sure you size it on your right hand, middle finger," Baird said, "That is the hand, and the finger the ring will need to be on."

He handed it to Molly first so that she could size her finger.

"Eight," Molly said before handing it to Travis.

"I just need to program it so that it knows what information is coming from who," Baird said before tapping the screen a couple of times, and he handed the first ring to Molly.

"Ten," Travis said before handing the keychain to Jody.

I watched as Baird pulled a ring out of the box and tapped the screen a few more times. It didn't take much longer before he handed the ring to Travis.

He hesitated before putting it on.

Jody was going through the different sizes, but it looked like one finally fit.

"Six," Jody said before handing the keychain to me.

I looked at all the rings, and I got a little lost for a second.

I tried on the size eight first, but it was just a little loose. Seven fit perfectly.

Baird handed Jody her ring, and she was quick to put it on.

"Seven," I said as I placed the chain of rings on the desk.

Baird tapped the screen again before finally holding out my ring.

I held my palm up so that he could drop it into my hand.

There was a light in it.

I wanted to really look at it before I put it on.

The outside looked almost like a black wood, only it was metal. The inside glowed a pale blue color.

"What happens if we take it off?" Molly asked.

I finally put mine on, and I was a little surprised that it didn't feel warm. In fact, it was cold, like metal usually was.

"It won't do anything," Baird said, "It just won't be able to read your heart rate or your temperature anymore."

She nodded.

It was already feeling strange on my hand.

"What do we do if we need to take it off?" Travis asked.

"Take it off," Baird stated, "We only really need you to wear it on site, but it gives us a better baseline if you wear it off-site as well."

That made sense.

"What if it gets wet?" Molly asked.

"It can be dropped in water and still function," Baird stated, "Just do not leave it in the water for too long."

Fair, at least it didn't need to be treated like it was glass.

"The last one for today," Baird said, holding out a piece of paper to Molly first.

"What's this?" she asked, looking confused as she took the paper.

Travis took one, then Jody, and then me. Same order.

"This is another consent form," Baird said.

I glanced down at this one.

'Phase 2 on Site Facility Tracking and Communication Consent Form.'

"Tracking?" Travis asked.

"Next time you set foot on facility grounds, you will be given a lanyard," Baird stated, "It will double as an ID and a tracker for when you are here."

"Is this for off-site too?" Jody asked.

Baird shook his head. "Tracking is on-site only."

"This says communication as well," Molly pointed at the paper.

"Yes," Baird said, "We will need to contact you for future follow-ups and matches."

Jody was the first to sign again. Travis signed, then Molly signed right after him.

I was the last to sign this time.

"I will require each of your cellular telephone numbers," Baird stated.

It was such an odd thing to hear him say.

It almost seems like he is from a different time, because of how he talks.

"I want each of you to write your name and number at the bottom of the consent form," Baird said, "And I will send each of you a message before you leave."

I'm sure he has gotten several people that have given him the wrong number.

I wrote my number at the bottom, and I only put my first name.

The others wrote down their numbers, and one by one, we each received a message from Baird.

"Please save that number with my name," Baird said, "I will be the only one to ever contact you from that number."

I saved his name and number in my phone.

Right next to me, I saw Jody do the same.

"Alright," Baird said, "That should be all for today."

I felt suddenly relieved, this means that I can go home now.

"But before I forget," Baird said before going into his desk again and pulling out a few envelopes.

He handed each of us one, in the same order.

Molly and Travis both stood up to leave, and Baird didn't say anything. So, that meant that we were free to go then?

I secured my envelope into my purse before I followed them out.

We made our way back into the large room with all the mirrors.

"Do any of you have any questions before you leave?" Baird asked.

Molly shook her head, and Travis just stood there.

I raised my hand just a little, and suddenly all eyes were on me.

"Yes?" Baird asked.

I pointed at the mirrors that lead to the hallway out, "Who was watching?"

Molly looked around confused, and Travis looked like he didn't even care.

"Integration has to start somewhere," he said with a small smile on his face.

So then, classification D Humans. I was curious to finally meet one.

Nobody else had a question, so Baird led us all out.

I was thankful that it was still light outside.

"Have a lovely day," Baird said to us finally, before heading back inside.

This whole thing was . . . Weird.

I pulled my phone out to check the time.

4:37 PM.

I wasn't sure why I thought we would be in there longer, but at least I had plenty of time to lag.

"We should celebrate," Jody said.

My gaze went to her, "What did you have in mind?"

She grinned wickedly at me, "Oh, you'll see."

Regret settled in my stomach as she led me away.


I was a little drunk.

I knew that I had dozed off, I just really didn't care.

It only took a second for me to realize that I wasn't alone.

My eyes opened slowly as if trying to pretend I didn't sense them around me. The first thing I saw was the darkening sky. Cloudy, maybe even rain soon.

I glanced to my right, and there was a boy no older than sixteen looking down at me.

"Rise and shine dickhead," he said, "Now get the fuck out of here."

I just sat up and looked around. The remainder of my alcohol was gone.

"Did you rob me?" I asked, too lazy to check my pockets.

"We only took your booze," he stated, "You're lucky that's all we took, drunk asshole."

I had a feeling this kid had a drunk relative that just so happened to be an asshole.

"Fair enough," I said before getting to my feet.

The kid glared at me while I checked my pockets. I didn't take little snot nose brats, that just so happen to steal from me, at their word.

Everything seemed to still be where it was supposed to be, minus my alcohol.

That was fine with me, I already drank and avoided my problems for the day.

"It's getting late," the kid said, "You should go somewhere, ya know, that isn't here."

I sighed before leaning back, then forward to stretch.

"Bro," the kid said, "Are you for real?"

I glanced over at him. His light green eyes were glaring at me.

"I'm going," I stated.

It surprised me when he looked relieved when I actually started to leave.

This little punk.

Oh well, based on the look of the sky, it was safe to go back to the facility. So, I could sleep in peace.

Words could not possibly express how amazing my bed felt after today.

I was going to sleep like a baby.


I found myself staring at the ring on my right hand, middle finger. So far, it didn't matter how long I had it on for, the metal still felt so foreign to me.

I twisted the ring on my finger.

For a split second, I wondered if Baird was going to call me.

Would I be matched? What would they even be like?

In a way, it actually felt kind of silly to hope for something like that.

My brain, however, drifted to the term he used more than I would have liked. Alpha Human.

A term I wish I heard for the first time, and I wondered what made those we were going to meet classification D?

Did it really even matter?

This felt like something I probably shouldn't have done.

Yet once again, Jody dragged me into something.

Might as well try and make the best of it.

I sighed as I watched Jody take a shot.

She made a sour face before grinning at me.

I took the glass she handed to me, and I did the same.

The clear liquid burned going down, and I made a face.

I already wasn't feeling too good. Shit.

next chapter
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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
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