Song Of The Chapter: Bigger Than The Whole Sky ~TaylorSwift
Chapter: 17
PERSPECTIVE: Audra - The Aurai-Princess of the storm.
They say, when you fall in love, you feel like you're having a free-fall off a cliff, or something similar. But, in all honesty, for me falling in love has never been that way. For any fae, falling in love is like taking a flight. It's mainly bliss, the world looking ethereal from amongst the clouds, added with the bravery to fight the odds which come along. Because, you fight those together.
For me, therefore, my Adelfi Psyche has always been the one to whom my soul has laid bare from the start. How could it not? He is supposedly the other half of my very soul.
Every moment of my existence I have only fallen more and more in love with every single thing about him. Just as the universe and he have made me believe that he has, too.
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