"I don't believe that prophecy though."
Zack added.
Asher wasn't interested in the so-called prophecy. He wanted to know if they could solve this issue sooner and return home.
He didn't want to keep resting here in the midst of high alert situation. Military lifestyle wasn't his cup of tea. No matter how much he disliked Maya, he couldn't fight her on this concept.
"You humans are always in a hurry."
Asher blinked. It was a slow one. More like an inner rolling of eyes.
"Okay, okay, I get it. You are in a hurry and by your look, you look irritated too."
Asher was asking for help but his demeanor hadn't changed. He still looked like he was in control. Bluffing came easy to him. Way too easy.
"I can tell you something I've pieced together. By bits. Those aren't the real zombies. Tryst me. I have met the real ones. The real zombies have only one leader and he died long ago."
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