Excuse me sir you are gonna have to buy that book if you keep reading it. We'll I had to be sure it was what I needed how much?
50 bucks and you can stop being a eyesore.
Alright your lucky I need this.
Man that guy has issues I hope he doesn't come back. Why he seemed like a regular customer to me? That book he bought was Solomon's Book of Demonology, And he had this crazy look in his eye. Look all I know is if he comes back your checking him out.
Finally I have something I can work with. This book is the first I have found to describe the demon's I saw accurately. Once I'm back at base I'll read everything. So it appears to be a gang. Asmodeus Is the leader and the incubus and succubus are his lackey.
Tell me witch how do I summon them. I don't know please release me please I beg of you.
Shut up bitch you evil motherfucker you dare beg for mercy. Please I didn't do anything.
Didn't do anything huh. You've pledged yourself to monsters. Monsters who took everything from me. You've done there work and now I shall do mine. So tell me how do I summon them. We'll I can't summon them but I can summon my master for you. Ok any demon will do I really don't care right now I need information. Okay get me 3 crow skulls 2 squirrel femurs and 1 live snake. Are you smoking crack that sounds crazy. Please you asked me how this is how I'm not lying I promise. I will return with the stuff in the meantime make proper arrangements for this ritual. (Angels looking down upon him) This human has lost it he's thinking he can kill a demon. I know I have also scanned his mind and I know why he chooses to go on this hunt. Yea but humans don't have the proper tools for demons. I have thought about that as well. I've been thinking of giving him the tools he will need. Kasier you can't Father will be angry if you give a mere human such power. Brother listen to me this human could be the daemonium venator. The Legendary Demon Hunter. Yes yes look he's actively tryna hunt one I've never seen a human go this far. Well you may have a point Kaiser but I still can't help you. That's why Father loves you Astrek you are very loyal I'm proud to be your Brother but I must go save this human and hopefully give birth to the daemonium venator. (Back on earth) Alright the snake is the last on the list she wasn't specific so I hope this works. Hello Nyx Malison I am Kasier I'm a angel of sorts. I see you want vengeance against the demonkind. How do you know my name. Well that is a very rude way to talk to someone who has gifts for you. Well everyone who knew my name is dead sorry knowing that doesn't really keep you in good spirits. Oouu sorry humans are very touchy anyways I'm here to give you tools to slay the demonkind and ways of killing them.
They're essentially Angels that left heaven so anything can kill Angels also kills demons Plus since they became demon they added more ways of killing and stopping them. Holy artifacts,chants, And pre-made holy items like holy water can really do some damage. But demons are crafty and witchs have been doing there dirtywork so now demons are physically changing so don't hold it against me when sum of this doesn't work. There hasn't been a Holy war in 15,000 years do to the truce. So I've been out the action for a while but I'll tell you what I know. Now on to gifts. Here's a holy sword and I made this. It looks like normal human clothes but it's armor and my personal favorite. Whenever you're ready and physically able use this. Oh the demon's hate this weapon. A Death Scythe. The very weapon the reapers of heaven use when they take life. To see a Death Scythe is to look at Death itself. Demons tremble at the thought of death they love money sex and so many other abominations of this world. So seeing this means there fat pig living lives are over and I would feel the same living in God's creation is amazing I'd hate to miss out. Take these tools and what I told you earlier and start your war with the demons you have heavens protection. Astrek I'm back. Kasier he doesn't have heavens protection why did you lie brother I've never seen you do that. I gave him the confidence to back up his anger and the tools to solve his problems. You've created a soldier cause you can't fight the demon's yourself. Oh wow why didn't I stop you ohhh whats Father gonna think about this the truce is being stretched. Look Astrek we didn't kill any demons Nyx did so I think we are good. ( Back to earth) Wale up witch start the ritual here's your supplies. Where did you get those weapons? I found them now summon this demon you work for. While you do that imma get my trap started. ( seeing this' ' means your reading Nyx's thoughts) 'Jamie And Abigail I dedicate this first hunt to you two ' Okay witch summon your boss.
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