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92.41% The Birth of the War Goddess / Chapter 194: Escaping like Cowards II

Chương 194: Escaping like Cowards II

After crawling around for who knows how long with ChangLai tied up behind him, He Rang sees a tall hill with a temple or something on top -Well... Let's take our time so I don't injure my leg further- barely any sounds comes out of his dry lips as he looks at that hill as if it was their only salvation.

He grabs the ropes of the improvised mat and drag the woman with him toward that hill -Maybe if we reach that place and pray hard enough, someone will come rescue us... Right Lai'Er?-

He start climbing the stair on all fours, hissing himself up with just the arms and dragging the woman and the legs with him... He could try to stand up but he's afraid that doing so will lacerate his muscles seeing how bad the wound is currently.

-I just hope no enemy finds us before you've woken up... This time we really risked too much, Lai'Er- he smiles bitterly and a horn echoes in the distance -Guess; I'm not lucky afterall-


Xu Lei falls on one knee, covering his missing eye with a bloodied hand -Is everything alright commander?!- asks one of his men just nearby, counting the remaining soldiers -Yes, don't worry about me... I'm not severely injured. I'm simply at my limit due to the power in me-

-Don't push yourself too hard, we still need you for one last attack- Xu Lei stands back up and wipes the blood off -Do we have bandages available?- the man shakes his head -Only some water from the nearby river to wash the blood off-

-Being me some-.

After cleaning the wound he looks down on the surface of the bucket -It looks very ugly doesn't it?- he scoffs -Well, at least we have the upper hand for now and I'm not in life danger- he tears off the fabric of his arm and ties his around the head

-Let's not worry about this now. How's the situation?- he walks back to the group of hidden men waiting for orders.

-We lost around 7 men and 12 are injured... But that's an approximate count. The enemy's faction is falling behind and retreated inside a cave after the base collapsed... Al that's left now is to wipe out the remaining ones, there should be a couple of sand men still left standing-

Xu Lei nods -Let's go then, send the signal... We've rested enough, I need to give these powers back to their rightful owner or I'll be crushed to death. To be honest, they feel like they want to slip out of my body too-


The men reunites with the main army before notices their disappearance -Are we late?- asks Xu Lei to Qin Luo

-No-, we're feeding the horses and getting ready to head back as they pile up the dead soldiers for... You know, the heads. You on the other hand, what happened?-

-We managed, it was a tough fight... I thought we were done for untill I managed to finally use her powers to full potential- says the younger man seating down on a box -You still lost an eye- comments the general calling forth some men to look at his injuries

-A mere compromise. If I hadn't lost it then someone else would have died... I need to be thankful to her actually. I sense something wrong as we entered the base and next thing I knew there was an explosion, was it someone else to enter first they wouldn't have been able to survive... To think that crazy girl goes through all this everytime, one point for the bravery-

-She needs to thank her awesome reflexes and inhuman speed, or else she would have already lost a few pieces too- chuckles Qin Luo -Let's go back now, they must be waiting...-

Xu Lei looks at the horizon -No fire nor smoke... At least we know the camp isn't gone, that's already one good news-

-Hope more good news come soon- whispers the general -You're worried?- -How could I not? You know that there's always trouble where Lai'Er is, and knowing that she is currently weakened cannot help but make me worry even more-

-That's also true... Let's get going then, we need to be fast just in case-


The soldiers begins entering the camp and get into their positions... Those who need to report head to the War Meeting Tends, those in charge of the horses reach the stables, those in charge of the deads start their counting and the injureds head for the Infirmary

-You should go get that eye checked, can you walk till the infirmary?- asks the general -It's an eye injury, not a leg one, General Luo- he smiles to lighten the mood and the older man follows him, feeling more relaxed -Well, we assured that the camped wasn't attacked to let's prioritize your wound for now- he says and both men start walking toward the big tends side by side that form an Infirmary.

They see a crowd of people at the entrance and slow down -There seems to be more injured men than I thought, we did a brief count on the battlefield but...- a shout stops him from finishing the sentence -Stand back everyone, we're still investigating!-

The two men only need to exchange a quite gaze to understand the situation and push their way through the mass of peoples, upon reaching the front row they see a veiled corpse on the ground -Oh General Luo, Commander Lei, just on time... Please come help us-

Xu Lei is the first one to come forward -What happened?- them lower ranked man rises the veil of the corpses and shows him a fully drained body -We found one of the nurses from the Wu army dead, we don't know what caused him to be in this state... There are no sign of aggression nor is anything amiss in the camp. Also...-

The man hesitates -Also what?- asks Qin Luo pissed -Well, all the patients left back alone seems to have disappeared-

-What do you mean disappeared?! Some of them are missing a leg or a foot!- the general beigjs to lose his temper over the innocent man

-Some transportation carts and straw mats are missing, a few traces of blood marks the ground too and a couple of fatally injured men have been found dead on the ground... We still need to conduct a proper examination but so far, we believe something threaten the men to abandon the camp as fast as possible. That's why some men have been left back dead and other have been dragged around-

Qin Luo storms out of the area and rushes to his tend with Xu Lei following behind -Where are you going General?- he ignores him and enters the tend, checking for anything relevant -Her armor and weapons are missing... Something happened, we need to find her! If she ran away so fast to the point of killing some men... It means she's in danger, more than she's ever been. Scared even-

Xu Lei hits his head -Damn woman! If only she did give me all of her powers- at those words, Qin Luo grabs him with a murderous look in the eyes -What do you mean "all"?- Xu Lei bites his lip -She was afraid I wouldn't have finished the plan successfully alone so she... Gave everything to me. I tried to stop her but...!-

Qin Luo could be very much made of pure fire right now -I should have never allowed this... No she can't possibly... Die, because of me...-

-General! There's no time to lose- calls him back Xu Lei, the other man nods and grabs more weapons and a map -Let's go, we need to rescue her-

Ama_ma Ama_ma

Enjoy the cliffhanger (⁠〃゚⁠3゚⁠〃⁠)

next chapter

Chương 195: Up that Hill

I begin to feel my consciousness coming back to me, I feel a gentle movement... Shaking me from side to side and lulling me to sleep almost.

Did I fall asleep in the water again? It must be that man caressing me and holding me while I sleep then.

Wait... Did I? What was the last thing that happened before I fell asleep? I remember some men running away... He Rang yelling at me and a cart... He probably knocked me out and I'm on that cart right now.

Wait but who's handling the horse!? He's injured!

I wake up with a gasp and see the world horizontal "What...?" I think realizing that my head is laying down, I try to move my leg but can't "Am I being tied? I can't even straighten up or move my head..."

I look around as much as possible and realize I'm being carried on someone's shoulders, that's probably why I felt myself shaking around. "Is this person a threat? Have I been captured in the end? What about everyone else then?! He Rang wouldn't have been able to escape in that condition so he probably..."

I shake away the thought and focus on taking in as many informations as possible. Just when I start to notice the odd walking rythm, the person carrying me speaks again -Still asleep back there...? Well, let's hope I can hold up long enough-

My heart sinks

"What are you doing?!" I want to scream but no sound comes out "Put me down you idiot!!!" I cannot talk, I cannot move, I can only watch...

-Well... That dude did say he drugged you after all, hope you're not in one of those mental trip like last time- he chuckles, his voice is barely there... The limping of his leg is more severe than before too

"No He Rang don't do this... No, not for me...! Put me down please..." I can feel tears building up, yet he keeps going unaware of my awakening

-Ah I really can't keep my mouth shut today haha... I'm afraid that if I... Stop, I will give up- he says bitterly "Yes, give up! There's no need to carry me. Just drop me and rest please", his next words catch me off guard -But I can't, afterall we're being followed... If I stop now before you wake up we'll both... Die. We cannot lose you, Lai'Er-

"You... Idiot... You should have never met me for your own good. I only caused you pain, I only caused everyone's pain!"

-Up this hill there's a temple, we might be... Lucky if... We reach that- he loses balance and tilts to one side, one hand holding me goes to the ground to stop him from falling... Scraping his forearm with new injuries for which I am to take the blade -Gah... Damn- he stands back up and fixes me on his back. I end up in a different position and manage to see the ground below us, stone stairs... A lot of them, tinted in red at each step he take. I look further down and notice his leg loosing blood, the bandages on his thigh have long turned red and the shaking became severe.

"Put me down for heaven's sake!!! Why are you so dumb?! Look, I'm awake! Look back damnit! I will remain control over my body soon so just fucking put me down" if only words would leave my throat...

-Miss Ying... Sorry for bothering you with my mumbling hehe... I need to stay awake- the tone are harsh, dry even as he is using up all the little energy he has left -I don't know if you're dreaming or not, I hope it's something pleasant and that once you'll wake up... Everything will be... Over. Are you dreaming about us?-

"Useless body of mine! Move! I need to stop him!" I can manage to bite my lip only, the metallic taste of blood filling my mouth as all my anger gets thrown on my flesh.

His injured leg gives in and he falls on one knee, my breath gets stolen for the fear of him not moving again... But contrary to my belief he pushes himself up again, growling in pain. A waterfall of blood passes through the wet bendate but he still doesn't give up and just start climbing those deadly steps again.

-I hope you're listening even if you're completely out of it... Remember when I told you I had one last wish?- he fixes me up over his shoulders and I see a tear rolling down those dirty cheeks -Well, I guess I cannot fulfill that anymore... Apparently I'm a man who goes back to his word in the end-

"You can fulfill it, I'll make sure of it... If only you... Put me down..." I say, lying to myself at this point.

-Well, can I change my last wish? Once this war is over, find my fiance and give her that sketch book as a Memento. I ask only that of you, please... Well, if you make it out alive of course- tears seems to be streaming down his face -Ah look at me, crying like a little kid... Hahaha, my love would be scolding me at this point and passing a clean towel over my face-

He starts sobbing heavily but forces a smile on his lips -Just the thought of her makes me feel... Better now...-

"No you need to go back to her, you need to be scolded for being such a stubborn idiot who does not listen tho their superior!" I cannot stop the tears anymore, flowing as much as the blood leaving his body "Don't move anymore... Not a single step or you'll die..."

He falls again with a gasp, I hold my breath... Each heavy shake or fall could be the last one for him now. I dare not look yet I cannot do anything but be a bystander and watch it all in silence.

He coughs up for the impact, reaching out one hand he grabs the steps and rises his head... Still holding up against death trying to steal him away -Not untill she... Wakes up...!-

"You've done enough, just give in now and stop suffering..." I manage to turn my head a bit and look behind us, he's now completely flat on the stairs and the leg doesn't work anymore... Ropes ties my to his body and he slowly hiss himself up the stairs, crawling like a dying animal.

I want to shut my ears and stop hearing him fighting for life, I want to stop seeing him wasting his chances of survival for the one who pushed him to his demise... But I'm denied of such privileges, this is all my fault and I just feel his pain untill the last minute... I need to endure it for him, he's dying because of me and the minimum I can do is to be a witness.

-We're... Almost... There...- his mouth pressed to the ground, not having the energy to keep the head up anymore... -5 more steps then... Pray... To be... Saved... Or hide- he grabs the 5th step and passes through it, vomiting probably the last drops of blood left in his body.


-It would be... Cool if you... Would wake up... Now- 4th step


-I... Cannot an... more...- 3rd step


-He Rang... He Rang please stop... No...- a faint whisper leaves my mouth and he seems to be laughing at my words -I can... Almost hear her... I'm really... Dy...ng- 2nd step and he stops


I widen my eyes -No no no no, don't, no... I will save you, we can still stitch you up no...- unreasonable mumbles leave my mouth seeing his unmoving body and yet he grabs the last step, the skin already turning white and cold... He does one last push and falls down, untying the knot of ropes on his chest.

I fall down beside him and reach out an arm, grabbing his wirst -Stay with me, I'll save you I promise. See? I'm waking up... Once we go back to the camp Xu Lei will give me my powers back and I...- I cannot finish talking and gets shaken by the sobs

I see his eyes opening just barely -You're... Awake... I fulfilled my... Duty... I can go in... Peace- he smiles and then closes his eyes one last time

-What? No you can't, I oppose... It's an order...- I drag my legs on the ground and grabs his head -Stop! I told you you can't! Don't disobey... Ehy ehy! He Rang?! Wake up now! Stop playing tricks on me...!!!- I shake him but no response comes...

I look down at the cold body in my arms and see him smiling -You idiot... Don't go smiling around when you die...- I can't talk properly and begins hiccupping -You were one brave idiot... The best one- I drag his body closer and hide his head in my chest, curling up and crying... Finally realizing one single thing.

He's gone...

He Rang has died.

Ama_ma Ama_ma

To think there will be worst chapters in the future... My heart can't take it :')

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