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66.66% The Alpha's Immune Mate / Chapter 4: 4

Chương 4: 4

It had been almost a month since Ana found out she was an Immune, and luckily, no more incidents had occurred. In that time, she had grown comfortable with Jack and his house. She spent her days cooking, cleaning, reading, watching TV and talking with Jack. They ate every meal together, and Jack always helped clean up. Apparently, Jack had had a maid who came around to tidy the house and do laundry every weekend, but Ana had taken over those duties, so Jack gave his maid a paid vacation while Ana was staying with him. He had argued at first, but Ana had told him she didn't mind, it gave her something to do, so he gave in. She had also learned that this wasn't his only house, he also had one at the compound with his pack. He used this house as a getaway when needed.

"Whatcha reading now?" Eric peered over Ana's shoulder as she lounged on the couch reading a book. He had come by several times a week. He told Jack it was just to hang out, but Ana thought it may have something to with her cooking, both men seemed to really enjoy it, which made her happy.

"It's about witches" Ana told Eric, who plopped down on the other end of the couch.

"You already finished the one about the elves or whatever? You only had it for two days."

"It was good, I couldn't put it down." Eric rolled his eyes but smiled.

"You're such a bookworm" he teased playfully. Jack walked into the room and Ana smiled at him.

"Hey, look who came to visit" she playfully nudged Eric with her foot, who grabbed his leg in mock pain.

"I actually asked him to come over and stay with you. I have some pack business to take care of but didn't want to leave you alone. I hope you don't mind."

"No, I don't mind, I hope everything is okay." Ana never pried into Jack's personal business, he usually told her things when he was ready. "Besides, I have to pay him back for beating me at cards last time."

"Oh, you are so on little girl" Eric exclaimed. Every time he came over the two of them played cards, Eric had won the last time so Ana was determined to beat him this time.

"Very well, good luck. I'll be back in time for dinner." They said their good byes before Jack left. Once he was gone, Eric turned to Ana.

"You know he hates leaving us alone together" Eric said with a smirk.

"Why?" Ana asked, confused.

"He thinks I'm going to steal you away or something" Eric got the cards and started dealing them out. "He is quite protective." Ana blushed slightly thinking about Jack getting jealous, then shook her head.

"I doubt that" she said sadly. She didn't understand why she felt disappointed, she knew Jack didn't like her that way, Eric was just teasing like usual. Eric simply shrugged.

"Don't believe me then. What do you think of Jack?" Ana thought a moment before replying.

"He's nice, and loyal. He's protective and I feel safe around him. He's usually pretty quiet, but he can be funny too. He jokes a lot, and always makes me smile." Ana smiled now thinking about him. Eric nodded knowingly.

"I see" he said. They played in silence for a while before Eric finally spoke. "I won!"

"What?" Ana looked at their game in shock, how had that happened? "You distracted me on purpose so you could win!"

"I distracted you? How?" Eric grinned knowingly and Ana was sure her face turned the color of a tomato.

"Never mind. Another round?"

"Still think you can beat me?"

"Yes! Now come on let's go!" Ana shuffled and dealt, forcing herself to stay focused this time. She had to win at least once.

Ana and Eric had stopped their card game and were watching a movie when Jack returned looking agitated. "Jack, everything okay?" Ana asked. Jack slouched onto one of the armchairs and let out a sigh.

"Yes, just happy to be home. How'd cards go?" Ana's head dropped and Eric grinned triumphantly.

"I won every time" Eric said. "All ten games."

"I think he cheats" Ana mumbled. Jack chuckled, his mood seeming to lighten. Ana smiled at him.

"He probably does" Jack agreed.

"I do not!" Eric looked offended. "I can't believe you two don't think I could win without cheating."

"I've seen you cheat at many things" Jack stated, leaving Ana to wonder what those things were. Eric shrugged and took a drink of the beer he'd been nursing for the past twenty minutes. "What's for dinner?"

"I was thinking Italian chicken, mashed potatoes and corn."

"Sounds delicious" Eric grinned.

"Who invited you to dinner?" Jack asked.

"Me" Eric replied. "And I'm sure Ana would want me to stay too. She told me I was her favorite." Ana giggled and nudged Eric with her shoulder.

"Whatever you say. You can stay for dinner though, the more the merrier." Ana grinned and Jack shook his head. "I'll go start making it" Ana said as she got up from the couch. "I've had the chicken marinating all day but it takes some time to cook, and it's already getting late. I'll call you when it's ready." She heard the boys bicker about what to watch as she left the room. They teased each other a lot and argued like siblings, but Ana knew that meant they were extremely close. Eric had told her once that Jack doesn't confide in many people, Eric and Demetri were the only two people who knew everything about him. His pack knew a lot, but even then, there were things he hid from them.

Jack had told her once that the pack was like a family to him, especially since he didn't have any family left. Ana had itched to ask him more, but she didn't want to pry. If he wanted to share with her, she wanted it to be his idea. She wasn't sure why she wanted to know about him so much, but she burned with the need to know everything. She hoped one day she would, but she doubted it. She couldn't live with Jack forever.

Her thoughts were beginning to make her depressed, so she shook them off and focused on cooking instead. She had learned that werewolves could smell emotions and she didn't want the boys asking her any questions if they noticed her being sad. Plus, she didn't want to upset Jack since he seemed to have had a rough day. Ana hoped diner would lighted his mood, he always seemed happier after eating her food. He proved the old saying about a man's stomach being the way to his heart. Ana giggled to herself at the thought and began preparing diner.

Once dinner was ready, Ana called the boys in to eat. They all talked while eating, Jack asking about their day and vice versa. After dinner Eric went home and Jack helped Ana clean up, as per usual. Once the kitchen was clean, they said their good nights and headed off to bed.

After breakfast the next morning Jack left to attend to more Pack business. He said Eric would be over later and made Ana promise not to leave the house alone. She had promised, but he still seemed reluctant to leave her alone. She insisted and he eventually left, though he wasn't happy about it. Ana decided to finish the book she had been reading the night before, so she curled up on the couch and began to read.

She had only read four pages before a noise grabbed Ana's attention. "Eric?" she called, assuming he was just trying to scare her. No one answered, so Ana put her book down and grabbed her phone. She walked around the house searching for the what caused the noise. She searched the whole house but found nothing, so she figured she was just hearing things and headed back to the living room.

She had just stepped through the doorway when something burst through one of the living room windows. She screamed as glass exploded into the room. She was grabbed by the neck and pinned against a wall. "Well look what we have here" said an eerily familiar voice; it was the vampire from the stairway.

"What are you doing here?" Ana choked out, the hand on her neck cutting off her airway.

"I came to find my little pet, but you're still human, which means" he leaned in until his lips brushed against Ana's ear "you're an Immune." He pulled back and smirked at her, his eyes glowing blood red.

"What do you want with me?" Ana asked, though she was afraid of what his answer would be.

"I was going to keep you as a little pet, but now I think I'll keep you as a toy." The vampire licked his lips while he looked her body up and down. Ana grimaced, knowing what eh was thinking.

"Please, no" she begged.

"Begging only makes it more fun" the vampire replied, letting go of her neck to pull her body against his. "But first, I think I'll have a little snack." The vampire leaned down and sunk his fangs into Ana's neck. She tried to push him off but he simply held her tighter. She tried to fight back, but he was too strong, and she was growing weak from blood loss.

Before she lost consciousness, he stopped, but her vision was still blurry. She could see him smirk before he ripped her shirt off, scratching her with his nails in the process. Ana whimpered, unable to speak. She felt him reach for her shorts, but then his weight was gone. Without him holding her upright, Ana crumpled to the floor. She heard scuffling and a voice, but she couldn't make out who it was. Eric's blurry face appeared above her. His lips were moving but Ana couldn't make out what he was saying. Spots started to appear in her eyes until she fully lost consciousness.

When Ana awoke, she was in her bed at Jack's. Her neck burned and her head throbbed, just like the first time she was attacked. Jack walked into the room, looking relieved when he saw her awake.

"I'm so glad you're okay" he replied. He handed her a glass of water and some pills. "Take these, it'll help with the pain." Ana quickly did as he said, welcoming any kind of reprieve from the burning and throbbing. "How are you feeling?"

"About the same as the first time" she said, her voice hoarse.

"I'm just glad Eric got there in time" Jack replied, he looked angry. Ana didn't want to think about what would have happened to her, so she changed the subject. "Is Eric okay?"

"He's fine. He had a few scratches but they are almost healed already. He took the Rogue to Demetri and his Coven for them to deal with. He shouldn't bother you ever again."

"That's good. Tell him thanks for me" Ana said, rubbing her eyes; she was getting tired already.

"You should rest, you lost a lot of blood." Ana nodded and curled up on her side. Jack quietly left the room, leaving Ana alone, who fell back asleep rather quickly.

"I talked to the Pack; I am having them meet Ana soon" Jack told Eric. The two men stood in his kitchen, each drinking a bear. "She asked how you were doing, and wanted me to thank you."

"She doesn't need to thank me" Eric replied. "She's too sweet. I'll come with you to do introductions with the Pack. When is it happening?"

"I don't know yet, sometime soon. I'd like to do it before the full moon."

"Understandable. How do you think she's going to take it?"

"She is always asking about the Pack, so I think she'll be excited, if not a little nervous. I think I'm more nervous though" Jack admitted. "I have a weird question for you."

"Shoot" Eric replied.

Jack took a deep breath; there was no going back now. "How does Ana smell to you?"

"She smells like a human mixed with whatever products and shampoo she uses. Why? What does she smell like to you?"

"Caramel and vanilla, and it's intoxicating" Jack admitted. Eric's answer had confirmed what he already knew.

"She's your mate" Eric said quietly. Jack nodded again. He had tried to deny it for too long, but he couldn't anymore. After living with her for a month the truth was impossible to ignore any longer. "I knew it! Dude, congrats!"

"If she accepts me" Jack replied, defeated. Rejection by one's mate was the worst thing that could happen to a werewolf, and Jack didn't know if he could take it from Ana. Not only would it hurt to be rejected by his mate, but he would probably lose her as a friend, and he had enjoyed how close they'd grown.

"I'm sure she will, she'll probably just need time to adjust. I'm sure she feels something too. Human's don't feel the mate pull as strongly, but they still feel it. You need to talk to Hannah first though."

Hannah was a wolf from the Greyhound Pack in Pennsylvania who he had become relatively intimate with. She was enamored with him and left her pack to be with his in New York; she believed they were meant to be together since neither of them had found their mate. Jack had gone along with it since she was strong and had given up on finding his mate, but meeting Ana had changed everything.

"She is going to be pissed" Jack said.

"Yeah, but it would be best to tell her before introducing Ana. Things could get ugly otherwise."

"Things are already going to be ugly. Hannah is not going to accept Ana as her Luna, if she actually accepts me as her mate, and I'm not sure how the pack is going to feel about having a human as a Luna either.

"They'll love her, and will be so happy for you. Everyone deserves to have their mate." Eric frowned at the end of his sentence. He had lost his mate, and it was are rare to be given a second chance. Eric would probably have to live his life without a mate. Jack knew how much it hurt his Beta, he could feel the pain as if it were his own, and he hoped the Goddess would give him another chance at happiness.

"I should head home" Eric said. Jack nodded and walked with him to the door.

"Good luck" Eric said, squeezing Jack's shoulder in reassurance.

"Thank you" Jack said, returning the shoulder squeeze. Eric slid on his boots and before leaving. Jack locked up behind him and headed back upstairs. He peeked in at Ana, who was still asleep, before going to bed himself. It was fitful, but he eventually was able to fall asleep.

The next morning Jack was woken by Ana screaming. He bolted out of bed and ran to her room. She was in bed, thrashing and yelling. Jack sat on the bed and shook her until she bolted awake, panting. "It's okay, it's just me" Jack said, pulling her close. Her breathing was erratic and her heart was racing. He stroked her hair, repeating that she was safe and that it was only a bad dream. After a few minutes she calmed down.

"Thank you" she said, still a little shaky.

"That bad of a dream?" Jack asked. Ana simply nodded. "How about we go get some breakfast?"

"That sounds good. Cooking will take my mind off of the dream." Ana climbed out of bed and Jack left so she could change. About thirty minutes later they were eating bacon, eggs and sausage.

"Can we talk?" Jack asked after they had finished eating and cleaned up the dishes; he decided to talk to her about meeting his pack now. They could decide on a day and tomorrow he'd go break things off with Hannah. He wouldn't tell Ana about being his mate yet though, he needed more time, and he wanted to see how the Pack reacted to her first.

"Sure, is everything alright?" Ana sounded worried, but led Jack into the living room and sad on the couch with him.

"Everything is fine, but I think it's time for you to meet the pack. I'll feel better having you on their protection as well in case me and Eric aren't around. I don't want a repeat of yesterday." Thinking about what the Rogue vampire had done to his mate infuriated Jack, but he needed to stay calm.

Ana looked nervous but she nodded. "Alright, that sounds like a good idea" she agreed.

"When would you like to meet them? I was thinking sometime this week."

"That works, how about Wednesday? I promised Audrey I'd go see her tomorrow."

"Wednesday works" Jack replied. "I have some errands to run tomorrow so I'll drive you to Demetri's place on my way."

"Okay, thank you." Ana spent the rest of the day relaxing, as per Jack's orders, while he was on the phone for most of the day. They ate lunch together before Ana took a nap. By time she woke up it was dinner time, so they ate together again before she went back to bed for the night. She was mostly recovered from the vampire attack, but she still felt like she had no energy. Jack told her to sleep as much as possible, which is what she did.

Jack awoke the next morning around eight. He got up and showered before changing into jeans and a t-shirt. When he went to the kitchen Ana was already awake and making breakfast. "Good morning!" she called over her shoulder from the stove. She was wearing faded high waisted shorts with a baggy gray t-shirt tucked into them, and her hair was in a messy bun atop her head. She looked better than she had the previous day, which made Jack happy.

"Good morning, what's for breakfast? It smells delicious."

"Omelets, bacon and hash browns" she replied.

"Sounds great, want anything to drink?" Jack asked, pouring himself a glass of milk.

"Orange juice please" she said as she plated their breakfast. She set the plates on the island counter and took a seat. Jack handed her the glass of orange juice and sat himself. They chatted during breakfast, mostly about the Pack.

"So where does the rest of the Pack live?"

"The Pack lands are a few miles into the thick woods outside town. The pack house houses most, and is where I usually stay, but I enjoy my getaway house occasionally. Eric also lives at the pack house, along with most of the single wolves. Most of the families have their own houses around the packhouse, but we usually eat meals, train and spend time together in the pack house."

"I'm sorry you haven't been able to" Ana said sadly, looking down at her plate. Jack hated to see her sad, she was usually so bubbly, and he didn't want her to feel guilty.

"It's not your fault, and it's been nice to have some time alone" Jack said, hoping she would believe him and stop feeling guilty. Accepting her as his mate was making the bond stronger, but she hadn't accepted yet, and he hadn't marked her, so it wasn't as intense as it could be yet.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, living with over a hundred other people is quite noisy" Jack said with a smile. He loved his pack dearly, but he did enjoy his alone time.

"Over a hundred?" Ana said, her eyes wide. Jack chuckled.

"Yes, my pack is the largest in New York, remember?"

"I didn't realize it was that big" she said quietly. Jack could smell how nervous she was becoming, so he covered her small hand with his own.

"It'll be okay, they're nice. And the more there are the safer you'll be" Jack said encouragingly. She nodded, her nerves subsiding, which made Jack smile. "Good. Ready to go?" he asked. Part of him hoped she'd say no, but he knew he needed to talk to Hannah sooner rather than later. Ana nodded and Jack helped her pick up before they hoped in his car and headed to Demetri's house.

When they pulled up Audrey ran out of the house and Ana ran out of his car. They collided, hugging each other tightly. Jack smiled and got out as well, he wanted to speak with Demetri.

"Hello, Jack" Audrey greeted with a sly smile.

"Hello" Jack replied, a little unsettled by the blond; she would have made a good Lycan.

"I thought you had errands to run?" Ana asked.

"I do, but I need to speak to Demetri first."

"He's in his study" Audrey replied, the smile falling from her lips; Demetri must have told her what the council said. He assumed that's why she wanted to see Ana. Jack nodded and left the girls to chat while he went to speak with his old friend. He knocked on the door to the study.

"Come in" Demetri replied. Jack walked in and knew he was right about Demetri telling Audrey by the look on his face.

"Did she not take it well?" Jack asked, earning him a sigh.

"She is not thrilled about the situation, neither of us are, but we have no idea what to do about it. Things have been" he paused, looking for the right word. "Complicated."

"I know how you feel" Jack replied, dropping into one of the vacant chairs in the study, which as a large room lined with bookshelves and filing cabinets. Demetri sat at his large desk which was littered with paperwork.

"What is going on with you?" Demetri asked. "Has something happened with Ana?"

"You could say that. She's my mate." Demetri's eyed widened in shock.

"That is unexpected, but congratulations my friend" Demetri said.

"Thanks, but she doesn't know yet."

"You haven't told her? Why?"

"I'm not ready, what if she rejects me? She's a human. She'd have to change her entire lifestyle. She'd be a Luna."

"That is understandable, but she deserves to know. Just ease her into it."

"I know, that's my plan. She's going to meet the pack tomorrow; I want to see their reaction to her before I do anything. I want her to get used to Lycan's before informing her that her mate is one."

Demetri nodded in understanding. "I wish you the best of luck, my friend. Ana is a sweet girl; I have come to be very fond of her and consider her a close friend."

"I know, me too. I don't want to lose her."

"I doubt you would, she's too nice, but I understand your apprehension. I'm sure things will work themselves out though."

"I hope so, but I have some more business to attend to, I just wanted to speak with you beforehand."

"I appreciate it. Now I understand why you were so adamant on her staying with you" Demetri added with a smirk.

"Yeah, but I didn't even realize it at the time. Anyway, it was nice talking with you. Good luck with the council" Jack said.

"Thank you, I'll need it" Demetri said with a sign.

"See ya" Jack said before leaving the room. He said good bye to the girls as well, telling Ana he could pick her up later if she wanted, otherwise he'd see her back at home. He reluctantly got into his Jag and headed to the pack lands, calling Hannah on the way there to tell he was coming. She was waiting at the door of the pack house when he pulled up.

"Jack!" she said, throwing herself into his arms. He caught her, but did not return her smile. She pulled away, frowning and wrinkling her nose. "You smell like death and girls" she said unhappily.

"We need to talk" Jack told her, detaching her arms from him. This caused her frown to deepen, but she nodded. He led her into the woods, not wanting an audience. He found a fallen tree where he decided to sit. Hannah sat beside him.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"We can no longer be together" Jack said.

"What?" Hannah yelled, jumping to her feet. "What do you mean? I left my pack to be with you!"

"I'm sure Rick would take you back" Jack said.

"I don't want to go back! I want to be with you." She stepped forward so she was stranding between Jack's lets and cupped his face. "Don't you want me?" she asked, leaning in.

"No" Jack said, pulling her hands off his face. "Not anymore, I'm sorry."

Hannah growled and her nails grew into deadly points. Jack kept ahold of her wrists. "This isn't fair!" she screamed, her fangs elongating.

"I'm sorry Hannah" Jack said, standing.

"You found someone knew, didn't you? Who is she? Tell me who the slut is!" Jackson growled unconsciously. No one called his mate a Slut.

"I have tried to be civil about this, but if you do not calm down, I will stop being so nice" Jack said through his teeth, trying to regain control. Hannah's nails and fangs retracted. She looked both pissed and scared.

"Fine" Hannah said, pulling her arms out of his grasp. She turned and stormed off back to the pack house, no doubt to gossip with the other she-wolves. Jack hoped they wouldn't take out their aggression on Ana when he introduced her.

Ana was curled up on the couch with Audrey. Ana sipped at her mint tea while Audrey drank directly out of a wine bottle. "It's only noon, should you really be drinking already?" Ana asked.

"Yes" Audrey replied before taking a swig of her wine.

"What happened?" Ana asked, worried for her friend. Audrey loved wine, but even she didn't start drinking until at least five.

"The council" she said with a hiccup. She sounded sullen but her face looked angry, as If she couldn't choose one emotion to feel.

"What about them? Does this have to do with the meeting Demetri had with them last month?" Audrey nodded.

"Apparently they won't let us get married, otherwise Demetri will lose his title and be kicked out of the Coven." Ana gasped.

"That's horrible!"

"Yeah, but it get's worse. They will let is get married, but only if Demetri turns me."

Ana's eyes widened, she now understood why Audrey seemed so conflicted, Ana couldn't even process her emotions towards the news. Audrey took a long drink from her bottle, which was already half empty, even though she'd just opened it. "I'm so sorry, Aud. What are you guys going to do?"

"We have no clue. Of course, we want to get married, but Demetri doesn't want to turn me, or lose his Coven. They are his family. And I don't want him to lose them either. It's just a mess." It killed Ana to see her friend in such a predicament, and she had no idea how to help. She wrapped her arms around Audrey, who returned the hug. "I just" Audrey hiccupped, interrupting her sentence. "I just don't understand why they won't let us be happy the way we are now" she said, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Ana wiped her friend's eyes. "We'll figure something out. At least you two can still be together."

"We've barely spoken since he told me" Audrey admitted, more tears falling.

"When did he tell you?"

"Last month" Audrey said with a sniffle, wiping her face with her long sleeves.

"That's why you called me the day I got attacked" Ana said. It wasn't a question, but Audrey nodded.

"But then you were hurt and they said you were still in danger. And you went to live with the hunky wolf man, so I didn't want to worry you, but I just needed to talk. Demetri hides in his study most of the time so I am left all alone in this massive house." Audrey started crying harder, so Ana got up and got her tissues.

"It'll be okay, have you tried talking to him about it?" Audrey shook her nose while blowing her nose into a tissue. "Well that's where you need to start."

"But he doesn't want to talk" Audrey whined.

"I'm sure he does, but he probably wants to give you some space. Talk to him, tell him how you feel, and come up wit ha plan together."

"Okay" Audrey said with a sniffle. "You really are the best friend a girl could have" Audrey replied.

"I know" Ana said with a smile, glad her friend seemed to be feeling a bit better.

"Now, you spill" Audrey said, drying the rest of her tears.

"Spill what?" Ana asked, confused.

"Hunky wolf man, of course" Audrey said with a smirk, which caused Ana's cheeks to flush.

"Spill about what? I'm just staying with him for now."

"Boring! Tell me more!"

"I'm going to meet the Pack tomorrow, and I have met his Beta, Eric. He's really nice, but I am convinced he cheats at cards."

"Two hunky wolf men? You lucky girl" Audrey winked.

"It's not like that!" Ana said defensively.

"If you say so" Audrey said, waving her hand dismissively. Ana huffed and crossed her arms, pouting, which earned her a laugh from Audrey.

"I'm glad you're okay. Demetri told me about the Rogue coming back for you."

"Yeah, it was scary, but I'm okay." Ana didn't want to talk about the attack, and her friend seemed to pick up on it.

"Let's watch a movie" Audrey suggested. Ana quickly agreed and the girls spent the rest of the day watching movies and eating snacks. Jack texted Ana around eight thirty asking if she wanted a ride and she accepted, wanting to give Audrey and Demetri some alone time to talk.

"It was good to see you" Ana said, hugging her friend.

"Thank you for coming over, it really helped" Audrey said, returning her hug.

"Of course, what are best friend for?" Ana said with a smile.

"You're the best! Now, go see your wolf man" Audrey said with a wink. Ana's cheeks turned pink and she huffed.

"Be quiet! He might hear you!" she whisper-yelled. Audrey just laughed and nudged her towards the Jag. Ana stuck out her tongue before waving and climbing into the passenger seat.

"Have fun?" Jack asked after she shut the door.

"Yes, I had missed her" Ana replied wit ha smile. "How were your errands?"

"Tiring" Jack replied, sounding exhausted.

"I'm sorry. I'll make dinner when we get home, maybe that'll cheer you up" Ana said with a smile.

"I'm sure it will" Jack replied. The trip home didn't take long and while they drove Ana filled Jack in on what was going on with their friends. Jack told her that Demetri had filled him in a little, and he hoped everything worked out for them. When they got home, Ana started to cook dinner; they were both quite hungry. "Are you excited for tomorrow?" Jack asked while they ate.

"Yeah, but also a little nervous. That's a lot of people to meet, what if they don't like me?"

"I'm sure they will. They are very excited to meet you."

"Really?" Ana asked, hopeful.

Jack chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, they haven't stopped pestering me about meeting you." Ana felt her cheeks grow warm.

"I'm glad��� she said shyly.

"They'll love you. Dinner was delicious by the way; I'll help you clean up." Ana accepted his offer. Once dishes were done, they parted ways. Ana decided to shower in the morning, so she changed into pajama's and climbed into bed. She thought about what Jack's pack would be like and hoped they'd like her, Jack seemed confident that they would. She soon drifted off to sleep, excited and nervous for the morning to come.

ElisInForeverland ElisInForeverland

Chapter 4 is done! Not sure when I'll get chapter 5 done nad published (I write everything in word first) but feel free to chdck out my other story if you like this one! <3

next chapter
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