"I can live with being on a small boat with no privacy for seven long days, the sun turning me into a lobster girl, and mosquitoes feasting on me, I really can," Emma informed the closest passenger beside her, a twenty something year old lady who she had gotten into a discussion few hours ago after the plane had taken off the tarmac in England.
"But I swear to you, if I hear one more complaint or disgusting sexual innuendo from Mr. I'm-So-Hot-Every-Woman-Should-Bow-Down-To-Me, I'm just going to shove the idiot overboard. His constant licking his lips and saying he likes the idea of mother and daughter gives me the creeps."
Emma cast a glance of pure loathing at Miles, the annoying idiot in question. She'd met a lot of narcissistic pigs while in her seventeen years old life, and a few at the college, even in high school amongst her peers, but he took the cake.
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