Annabel shuddered violently, but she didn't make a sound. Her skin turned bright red, as a thousand tiny bites swelled into fiery blisters. Gary rummaged through a satchel he carried and drew out a small vial. He began smearing the clear liquid over the bites. It wasn't a small job as there were so many. Jubal held the woman's arms pinned so that she couldn't scratch at the maddening itch spreading like waves across her body.
Emma clutched the woman's hand tightly, murmuring nonsense. Her previous suspicions came roaring back to life. The tiny little midges had gone straight for her friend. She didn't know why, and it was troubling her. Hadn't they come for her? She turned aside to thank the old woman who had somehow saved them in a way from the weird insects whose abode were in the rainforest but she was shocked when she didn't see the woman.
She could also see the shock on Gary's face, although the man refused to comment.
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