With his two hands gripping her shaking hands tightly,Derek thinned his gaze on Emma for a second, before sharply turning back to see what had caused his mate's face to ashen in worry and fear.
But he saw nothing. He looked around the forest, turning a 360°, checking and scanning the trees, the climbers and shrubs, even to the sky. But there was nothing. Was she playing with him? He thought not. Her face had really and was still ashen with fear. What had she seen?
"Babe, calm down." He muttered, hugging her closely to himself, trying to calm her shivering self down.
"What was that?" She asked, disentangling from the hug, her eyes darting tro and fro like a scared mouse.
"Could you describe it? I didn't really see it." He replied, holding her loosely by one arm.
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