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Chương 13: "WHERE'S EMMA??" II

Derek just shrugged his shoulders at Shane's question, while biting off his nails in deep thought. 'Where could the little witch be?' He thought interminably, not taking note of the abrasive looks on the faces of his two companions in the sitting room.

''Derek!!'' Shane shouted, getting pissed off already at the shade of aloofness he was seeing on his alpha's face. He had noticed earlier, the tension between Derek and Clem since the human girl came around, but then he couldn't understand, couldn't pinpoint exactly, why the arrival of 'she' had to cause a rift between his two closest friends.

Although he was definitely happy that Derek had been thoroughly affected by a girl for the first time, he didn't want it to be a cause of dispute between Clem and him. The pack didn't need an alpha that is at loggerheads with his beta. They had to sort out their issues, whatever it is, now.

''Yeah, what is it?'' Derek asked, still biting his nails intermittently. Taking a quick glance at Shane, he couldn't understand why his gamma was getting all worked up.

His main priority was finding his little witch. He knew he wouldn't be able to rest properly or talk well at the pack meeting, without having found out whether she was safe or not. The little witch really had him hooked.

Turning away to face the white washed front door, he scratched his fore hair incessantly as if dig up ideas on how to teleport her to him. He glared at it also, like willing it to bring out Emma. His mind totally void of the earlier distraught looks of Shane.

Still looking at his alpha; but now in surprise, his mouth agape, Shane could tell what Derek was thinking about. The human girl. His alpha's mind was totally not here. He turned around and looked at Leo who seemed to have the same look on his face; they both couldn't understand their alpha's fascination with the human girl.

''Could she be his mate?, He whispered to Leo, knowing fully well that Derek was so caught up in his thoughts that he wouldn't pay attention to their conversation.

''No. No way. She can't be. Our pack doesn't need a human mate in this time of crises. You heard the information from the messenger sent by the white-sted pack two weeks ago; They want our territory!, in the disguise of expanding their shores. They want us to move, and you know fully well that we can't. So irrevocably that's war!!. Leo whisper-yelled, his blond eyebrows knitting in anger at the thought of his pack members becoming homeless or rogues at worse.

''.. and you know his father won't allow it. Claire is far more better as the luna, than the human girl. She is stronger and faster. The human girl might be good in stunt, but this is our pack's war, not child's karate. She doesn't even know about us; she might even flee at the sight of us .'' He concluded, as he wiped his hands together on each other, throwing a bland glimpse at Derek.

''That's true.'' Shane affirmed. He totally agreed with Leo. Emma couldn't and wasn't a suitable mate for Derek. Running his slender fingers across his jaw which was coated with a week old strub of hair, he stood at ease, staring at Derek's broad back.

''..spaced out.'' He muttered to himself. 'He should tap his friend again.' He thought. The pack meeting would start in a few minutes. Taking a swift walk towards the door as a stalker, he tapped Derek on the shoulder gingerly.

''Yes..'' Derek snapped, annoyed that his thoughts had been interrupted.

Shane scoffed at this action, but sighed tiredly in apology when Derek cut him a harsh glare.

''What's going on between Clem and you?'' He asked, after debating within himself whether the issue was worth incurring his alpha's anger. The former won.

''Nothing.'' Derek replied, feeling bored all of a sudden. 'Why should he be concerned about that betrayer.' He thought. Clem wanted his mate, and he wasn't going to allow that.

''He is your beta.. the war would soon start. I don't think your father would be happy hearing or seeing you both at loggerheads.'' Shane said, interrupting his thoughts.

'' Yeah, you're right.. But why don't you ask him the same question?'' Derek said, his hands now at akimbo; totally oblivious of the fact that his stance was as that of a jealous housewife.

But Leo noticed, and laughed at the sight. His alpha was really whipped because of a human girl. Seems he would have to scare the human girl out of their territory before Derek loses focus. The pack didn't need that now.

''There's no need for that. It's obvious that their misunderstanding stemmed from the arrival of the human girl.'' He said.

''What girl?'' Derek asked, feigning ignorance. He didn't think that Leo might have noticed his attachment to the human girl already.

''The human girl of course.'' Leo replied.

''What human girl?'' Derek asked still feigning ignorance, still facing the front door.

Leo scoffed, while Shane chucked mechanically. His alpha was really something.

''Emma.. Ask what Emma again..'' Shane said, smirking.

''So, what about her?'' Derek asked, turning towards them now. He took some steps, and took a seat on the fluffy sofa.

''What about her?? It's obvious that you and Clem like her. But I think you should let Clem have her. After all, you both will know your mate in a month time and it cannot be her. It's not possible. And we know you guys are just looking for play toys; so just let Clem have her, let him win, at least this once.'' Shane said, hoping that Derek would agree.

But the thought of Emma with Clem pissed Derek so off, that he didn't know when he uttered a growl.

Leo gasped. It seems he would really have to scare the human away. The pack needs Derek to be focused like never before. His father would soon be handing over to him, because of his failing health.

''Why should I let him have her?'' Derek asked, still growling. His blue eyes getting darker at the thought of letting Emma go, His fingers sinking down strongly on the sofa, tearing of some of its seams in the process.

''Well, for one.. the pack doesn't need a human Luna. C'mon Derek.. what can she do in the upcoming pack war? Secondly, your dad..'' Shane said, touching Derek's shoulder and squeezing it lightly, in a bid to calm him down.

So Derek calmed down. His gamma was right. He had to let go of Emma. It wouldn't look good for her if he decides to mark her as his. He would have to make do with Claire.

''That's right.'' He muttered slowly. This conclusion brought a startling tearing pain to his heart, and he held himself from clutching his chest, as the pain doubled. He also wondered for a while why his wolf, Maru, was silent.

''Go talk to Clem, accept that he can have Emma.. We need you both at your best in the upcoming pack war.'' Shane said, his hands still on Derek shoulder, as he made a light squeeze on it again. He felt sorry for his friend, but they couldn't risk disunity between their leaders at the moment.

''Okay.'' Derek said resignedly. He stood up and stalked off towards the direction that Clem had gone through earlier.

''But his beta was really something.'' Derek thought. Why was he so interested in Emma. If human girls interest him that much, he should have waited till they started college next week. Why like Emma?. Derek was pained, but he had to stifle it for the pack's sake.

''Hey guys, I'm back.''

Derek whirled around with an awesome speed as he heard Emma's voice, a smile breaking out on his lips, unknown to him. Taking a rigid stance, he trailed his eyes all over her, from her deep red hair to her luscious pink lips, and for a minute, he forgot what he had decided to do concerning her.

''Hey nut heads, here's the food.'' Emma said, raising up her two hands; silently calling the attention of the guys to the packages dangling from her hands, her eyes zoning in on Derek who looked spaced out.

Shane cleared his throat, shaking his head at the pair. Taking the food from Emma, He dropped it on the centre table, and called out to Clem after beckoning on Leo with his eyes to join the feast.

''Clem, come on out.. Emma brought some food.'' He said.

''But Emma, where did you get this food.'' Leo asked, as he gurbled a sweet smelling pie down his throat, amazed at how the human could find her way around their pack already.

''Well, Melvina helped.'' She replied.

Shane spitted out the orange juice he just drank, as he coughed intermittently. This human was really something, he thought.

''What did you just say?'' Leo asked, his eyes bulging out in suprise.

next chapter

Chương 14: "WHO BULLIED YOU?"

Under the shocked gazes of the three boys, Emma squirmed a bit. 'Did she say anything wrong?', she thought. She had just mentioned Melvina only. A tiny thought at the back of her head nagged her a bit. It seems Melvina wasn't just a common somebody; her instincts had been right.

Ever since she had discussed with her on the chair across the woods till when they got to the eatery, she knew there was something more to her. But till this moment, even for the life of her, Emma just couldn't seem to place her finger on it, on who she actually felt Melvina was. She guessed she would have to wait on the boys to perhaps slip up the answer.

"What did you just say?" She heard a voice which she could tell was Clem's, ask.

Tearing her gaze from Derek which her traitor eyes had settled on for a minute, she looked sideways to see Clem staring at her; his eyes widened in surprise.

''Did you just say Melvina?" He asked, in a lowered tune, like in reverence; still staring at her in surprise.

'What's wrong with these people.' Emma thought.

"Yeah, I said Melvina. I had met her when I had gone on the strolling. She showed me some places around, and also took me to the Fill-up eatery where we ate together; She paid for the food too." She concluded, now staring at the guys with open curiosity.

"You ate together with the lu…Melvina at the fill-up?" Leo asked, totally bewildered.

"Yeah, I just said that." Emma said, getting irritated with the not-so-funny questions and stares. "Quit the stares already… I'm tired of being looked at like that." She said, eying Derek in particular. His stare was setting her off.

"Tired?..Did you perhaps encounter some other people?" Clem asked anxiously, getting closer to her, not even for once looking at the food which now laid forgotten on the center table which was made of a fine thoroughly polished wood.

"Yeah, it was much." Emma replied. "They looked at me like I was some kind of freak." She said.

"Which people?" Shane asked, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he stood peering at her; like a mystery he was trying to ravel.

"I don't know them particularly..but they stared at me so unabashedly. I think it has something to do with Melvina though." She stated.

"..And why do you think so?" Derek asked, his curiosity increasing as the time ticked by. He wanted to know what the little witch thought of his mother.

"Well...." Emma dragged on, trying to guage the facial expressions of the guys; and so when she saw that the guys were all listening in, with rapt attention, to get what she had to say; she smiled. She had gotten them where she wanted them. She just had to play her cards right.

"Well..for one, the stares didn't start until I met up with Melvina." She said, not thinking it necessary that they should know that Melvina was actually the first person she saw in the neigbourhood while she had strolled ; that is, discounting the little girl she had seen running after her cat.

"..And it was worse in the eatery." She said, pausing to see whether she still had their attention. She smiled inwardly when the answer was positive.

"What happened then.." Leo asked, getting slightly impatient with the intermittent pauses.

"When I entered the cafeteria with Melvina, I heard sharp loud gasps and even seen the looks of surprise on their faces. But I don't know how Melvina did it; she just looked at them, and they all shushed up like robots, in a twinkling of an eye. Who is she?" Emma talked and asked up in a rush, looking at the guys with expectant eyes, knowing fully well that they knew the answers to her question, their earlier reaction when she mentioned Melvina's name had called them out.

But there was no answer.

Emma looked up at the guys, her face scrunched up in concentration, she could notice that the guys had that bland look again, the one that had been on the faces of the people in the cafeteria when Melvina had glared at them. Are they robots or something..she asked herself. No they can't be, especially Derek. A robot can't make her heart race like that.

"Hey.." She snapped her fingers at them, after watching them for a while. "Who is Melvina?"

"Oh, she is the governor's wife." Derek replied, battling his eyelids. He couldn't believe that the little witch already met his mother. Is this fate playing a joke with him or what.

"Oh, that tells it then." Emma stated, rubbing her forehead; trying to get rid of her bugging hunch that insisted that there was more to what they were telling her. But she decided to let it go, for now. Her mother would usually say that time reveals all things hidden in due season. She guessed she would have to wait.

"What do you mean?" Shane asked, his thoughts still muddled from the human's narration.

"What do you mean by.. what do I mean? Didn't you see how you guys balked when I mentioned her name, like she is some kind of a god. And then the eatery event. I could swear that I saw them bowing to her, she muttered to herself, not knowing that the guys could hear her.

"So how do you see her? Was she any good?" Derek asked in curiosity. He wanted to know what the little witch thought of his mother.

"Very beautiful" Emma signed dreamily, as the images of Melvina filled her fore thoughts.

"Very kind too. She was the one that paid for all these." She said, pointing to the food that laid on the table in sheets of white nylon bags with the inscription fill-up.

"She also stopped me from being bullied." Emma said, her lips turning up in disgust as she remembered the blondie that tore at her head. She is really a psycho, she muttered to herself, sitting on the fluffy chair, not remembering for a second that she had balked at the sight of it the first time, with it's content of molds and cigarette packs.

"Which psycho?"

"Who bullied you?"

Clem and Derek asked at the same, stepping in front of her. This movement startled Shane and he nudged Derek, to remind him of the agreement earlier.

But Derek's caveman instincts wouldn't let him stop. Who had dared bully his mate. Wait did he just call her his mate?. He would get back to that. Now he needed to find out who the hell had touched his little witch.

Emma could recognize male competition whenever she saw it, and it pleased her, no small deal, that she was the center of attention of two very handsome boys, especially Derek. Looking up at him, she could see his deep blue eyes glistening in rage. Did he really care for her that much, Emma thought to herself. She blushed at the thought.


Oh, she had zoned out again; lost always, whenever she stared at Derek's lips.

"A blondie." She replied. "Melvina called her Claire."

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