After teleporting from the Andromeda Galaxy to the planet Morag, Justinian looked down at the water world from above the planet's orbit. He had a few choices on how to get the Orb which contained the Power Stone.
Since he really didn't care about the fate of the world, he took the more brutal one. He reached behind him and grabbed his Guardian Spear. The spear shimmered with barely restrained power.
Justinian pulled his arm back before he threw the weapon down at the planet with a grunt. The spear hurled toward the planet like a golden comet until it pierced through the planet's atmosphere and crust.
Without any resistance, the spear blasted through the word's core destabilizing it. Justinian, opened his hand causing his spear to return to him. He watched as the world's core began destabilizing and before long it caused the world to explode in a shower of molten rock.
He watched the destruction with amusement before he held his hand out to the world. The Power Stome still in it's containment pod flew toward his open hand. Once he had the Pod, he opened it to reveal the purple Power Stone inside.
The Power Stone was one of the more dangerous stones as any mortal touching the Stone would be flooded with its power. Even Star-Lord, a half Celestial could only hold it for a few moments.
Anyone else would have been atomized by its great power. Good thing he was one of the individuals who could harness it's might. He released his Guardian Spear which floated near him before he grabbed the stone with his right hand.
Instantly, the Stone's power flooded into his body and soul, but unlike the weak, his body absorbed the energy with ease. He held the stone in his hand for a while as he just basked in its power.
His veins began to glow a dark purple, the same as the stone, but he wanted more. As such, he brought it toward the Boosted Gear which dragged the stone into one of the open slots.
Once the Power Stone slotted into place, the power flowing from the Space, Time, and Power stones skyrocketed. The Power Stones limitless power flowed through his being causing his strength to rapidly increase.
Thanks to his Perpetual nature and his unique bloodline which was the result of the fusion of many bloodlines. The Emperor Of Mankind's Divine Blood, Dragon God blood, Kryptonian, Burning Martian, Tamaranian, Zarnian, New God, and Old God all rolled into one.
He also wasn't the only one feeling the rush in power. Ddraig and Albion within their Sacred Gears roared with power as their triple bonded souls allowed them to better handle the stones.
Justinian also felt something even better, the Concepts of Domination, Supremecy, and the Omega Effect he plundered from Darkseid were increasing in power. This proved his theory that he still had more work to do.
[Were so close, three more and limitless power. What do you think comes after Dragon God?]
Justinian took a moment to bask in the power of three Infinity Stones flowing into his being as he thought of an answer.
"The logical answer would be Primordial Dragon. What comes after a Concept would be a Law. Once we get all six and the three of us ascend to the next stage, our strength will echo not just through the DC universe, but all realities in time.
Thanos was a fool to use the Stones to wipe out half of all life. A useless, pointless use of limitless power."
{Agreed, though unlike us, Thanos uses the Infinity Gauntlet to channel their power. He couldn't draw out as much power as we can. You are connecting the stones to the Boosted Gear, which is linked to our souls. We are basking in their raw power.}
[Let us not delay, to the Reality Stone. Just one problem.]
Justinian had an idea of what the problem was.
"The stone's location wasn't named, is that it?"
[Yeah, in the movie, Jane Foster stepped into a portal and then touched the Aether. Just that it was never said where it was.]
"Not a problem."
Justinian closed his eyes and expanded his enhanced Phychic Might. With his own incredible psychic ability, he could view the entire Andromeda, the Milky Way, and beyond.
If he Boosted himself a few times he could see even further, but that wasn't needed. The Space Stone, Time Stone and Power Stone together increased that to the entire universe. Through that, he found the location of the liquified Reality Stone in a barren world.
"Found you."
With a flex of his will he teleported in a flash of blue spatial energy to the stones location. When he arrived at his location he smiled as he looked down at the Aether which glowed inside a rock.
He waved his hand causing the stone to crumble exposing the Aether. The liquid Reality Stone flew toward him as it sensed the other three stones. He reached out with his right hand drawing the Aether into his open palm. With a flex of his will, he forced the Aether to solidify back into stone.
The Reality Stone now a crimson orb of reality-warping power. With a smirk, he brought the stone to the Boosted Gear. The gauntlet dragged the stone into place filling up the fourth slot.
The moment the stone fell into place he fell to his knee as the four stones synchronized together empowering the power of the others. The power flowing into his being was so euphoric and great that he felt pure bliss.
A lesser being would have evaporated, but he grew stronger. His ability to warp Reality was so great he could probably rework the fabric of this universe to his desires.
He sighed with absolute delight as he rose off his knee. When he got up, he glanced at the Boosted Gear with the four Infinity Stones. Their power continued to surge into his being and he loved it.
"You know, after I am done with the stones, I am going to miss them. Then again, I won't need them after I am done. Once I have all six, I will loot this universe dry. I will take Gungnir, Mjolnir, Stormbreaker, All Black, Surtr's Sword, and The Destroyer and enhance my Spear and Armor. When I return to DC, all will tremble."
[Don't forget to kill Ego, take his Celestial blood for yourself. Kill Odin and Thor and take their bloodlines, and then you can recruit Hela for your army. Are we forgetting anything? Ah, then there is also the Celestial head of Nowhere. We can get some new bloodlines while we are here.]
{While we are in the Marvel Multiverse, you could go to the Venom movie universe to take the Symbiotes. We got to benefit while we are here after all? Now, are you going to go after the Mind Stone? Thanos has it right now after all. Oh, that is another bloodline, Titan which is Celestial, and Deviant or whatever.}
Justinian had already found the location of Thanos' base when he looked for the Aether. Even without the stones, MCU Thanos wasn't nearly strong enough to resist him. However, he had a better idea if he tried to get the Soul Stone himself he would need to sacrifice someone he lived.
That was stupid, but why do it himself when Thanos would be much better for the job?
"My brothers, this is what you call thinking smart."
Justinian raised the Boosted Gear before he clenched his hand. From this great distance, Thanos who had been resting on his throne taking a rare moment to sleep. As he slept, Justinian made him experience a dream.
Not just any dream, but a vivid 'prophetic' dream of him with all six power stones and accomplishing his dream of killing half the universe. Through this dream, Justinian gave Thanos the location of the Soul Stone.
Vormir, but he didn't give him more than that. The 'dream' cut itself after that and Thanos shot awake. He was completely unaware that the prophetic dream he had experienced had not been prophetic.
It had been psychically fed to him. Justinian, Ddraig, and Albion watched on with great amusement as Thanos jumped to his feet. He called back the Black Order, his children which at this time still included Gamora and Nabula.
They did nothing and just watched as Thanos and his Black Order began to make their way toward Vormir. While Thanos traveled across the Universe to arrive at Vormir, Justinian took the moment to glance over at Earth.
What he saw was exactly what he expected, the vast army he brought with him had already brought the entire planet to heel. Already, Remnosh, Lauralina, Sangunia, and Leona along with the rest of his Honor Guard were looting everything of value.
Stark Industries, Wakanda's technology, Extremis, and much more. Since everything was going well, he focused back on Thanos on his way to Vormir.
[What kind of face do you think he will make when you pop in and kill him and take the Soul and Mind Stones?]
{Probibly the same face you would make if someone dared to call you the Grabbin Dragon?}
[HEY! We agreed not to bring that up, besides, that was another variant of myself. Because, I swear, if it had been me, I would have preferred to detonate my soul rather than remain with that brat. Can you believe that boy could grow stronger through breasts.]
{Are you saying you don't like breasts? What would your harem say?}
[Don't put words in my mouth brother, I like breasts as much as any guy, but do I live for them? No, I too like my women with some ass and hips. Justinian agrees with me.]
"Leave me out of this talk."
Ddraig suddenly manifested an avatar on Justinian's shoulder.
"Come on, be honest."
Justinian ignored Ddraig who even now was the most childish of the three of them. Justinian and Albion were serious, less emotional, and more level-headed. Then again, Ddraig was the Red Dragon of the family and was rather emotional.
Albion also manifested his Avatar, but not on Justinian's shoulder. He held his hands behind his back as he looked up at Ddraig who was poking Justinian on the cheek to get him to talk.
"Ddraig, quit bothering him. Otherwise, he might unmake you during our ascension."
Ddraig scoffed at the idea.
"Like he would do that, we're brothers."
Justinian shook his head as deep down, he appreciated the constant companionship of his two dragon brothers.
"Shut it, Ddraig."
For the next hour, Justinain, Albion, and Ddraig did nothing other than just wait. Eventually, Thanos and his Black Order arrived on Vormir. When they arrived, Justinian teleported himself to the planet, but he kept himself invisible.
He followed Thanos who was holding the scepter in his right hand. As Thanos along with his children climbed up the Mountain Red Skull the Wraith of Vormir arrived. Red Skull began to speak to Thanos and the Black Order while unaware of Justinian.
This was due to Justinian the Space, Time, Power, and Reality Stones in tandem to hide from his view. He followed behind until they reached the top of the Mountain. When they did so, Justinian watched the dialogue with everyone unaware of his presence.
"What you seek, lies before you as what you fear."
After that cryptic message, Thanos turned to Red Skull
"What do you mean? Speak clearly wraith."
Red Skull glanced out.
"A price, a sacrifice. The Soul Stone has a special place among the Infinity Stones. It requires a certain wisdom."
Gamora looked down.
"A Sacrifice of what?"
Red Skull looked at her.
"In order to take the stone, you must sacrifice what you love. A soul for a soul so to say."
Justinian watched the show that was to happen. One by one the Black Order offered themselves for Thanos. However, he ignored them all, he just looked at Gamora. With tears in his eyes, he reached out and grabbed her by the arm.
The Children of Thanos watched on as Thanos dragged Gamora before he threw her over the edge. When that happened, Justinian still did not reveal himself yet. From the look of it, Nebula was completely in shock while the rest of the Black Order seemed pleased.
He waited for the perfect moment as once the sacrifice was complete they were all transported away from the sacrificial mountain. Justinian who had braced himself wasn't stunned unlike Thanos and the Black Order.
Thanos after being transported away from the mountain was in shallow water now holding the Soul Stone. Thanos didn't stay down very long and he picked himself up. He opened up his right hand to look at his reward.
He gazed down at the Soul Stone with reverie as it had cost him his precious daughter. At that moment, Justinian undid his invisibility.
"You're welcome, Thanos."
Thanos clenched his hand around the stone before grabbing his septer. He got to his feet quickly enough as he put some distance from Justinian.
"Who are you?"
The Black Order picked themselves up and pulled out their weapons with the exception of Black Maw who was their psychic. Justinian just raised his left hand which caused Thanos to gaze out at the other four Infinity Stones.
"You're welcome for me giving you the location to the Soul Stone. You see, I knew about the sacrifice thing and I didn't want to, so I had you do it."
Thanos grit his teeth in rage as he is willing to sacrifice Gamora, but finding out it was set up by someone else filled him with endless rage. His rage didn't do him much good, as Justinian ran toward Thanos.
At speeds that matched speedsters like the Flash, Justinian reached Thanos. When he did, Justinian's spear, stabbed through Thanos' head. The death was instant and the Mad Titan went limp with his head skewered through.
"I took your advice and went for the head. Now for what is mine."
Justinian held his hand out and dragged the Soul Stone and Mind Stone which was still in the Septer. With a flex of his will the containment unit of the Mind Stone cracked which freed the stone.
He held the Boosted Gear out which caused the Mind and Soul Stones to get dragged into their slots. When that happened, all six Infinity Stones synchronized together with their power flowing into Justinian's body.
With a roar that echoed through the universe, Justinian power swelled. It wasn't time yet to use the Stones for his true aim. He still had much to do, and many artifacts, ingredients, and bloodlines to take.
Now, was the time to use refine the corpse of Thanos, and to plunder Asgard. So much to do, and he had all the power to do it with the six Infinity Stones at his disposal.
(Infinity Ultron Vs Infinity Justinian.)
After killing Thanos and acquiring all six Infinity Stones, the power that flowed into Justinian's body was extraordinary. By the second, his soul, body, Concepts, Bloodlines, and Powers grew stronger.
If he wanted to, he could begin his transformation right now, but it wasn't the best time. He still had to gather his ingredients from this Universe and possibly from outside them.
One of them was the Titan blood of Thanos. If this was the comics, that would have acquired him Eternal and Deviant blood, but in the MCU Thanos was neither an Eternal or Deviant.
However, speaking of Eternals and Deviants, their creator Arishem The Judge had sent a Celestial Seed to Earth. The still gestating Tiamut The Communicator could be one such source of Celestial blood.
Rather than stick around and deal with the Black Order, he froze them in Space and Time causing the 'children' of Thanos to freeze in place. The exception was Nebula who looked rather shocked and awed at the sudden death of her father and sister.
When Justinian turned to her she took a step back.
"You're free to go. Thanos is dead, and the Black Order is incapable of resistance. Kill them if you want or leave them be. I care not. May we not cross paths."
Justinian teleported away with Thanos' corpse still impaled on his Guardian Spear. After teleporting back to Earth, he did so next to his wives who were currently gathered in Wakana.
Magna was at the moment using her psychic abillities to tear out the entire asteroid of Vibranium out of the ground. As for the people of Wakanda, they had already been transferred out of Wakanda along with their research and artifacts.
As for Remnosh, Lauralina, Sanguinia, and Leona, they instantly turned around and gazed at the Boosted Gear. That wasn't the only thing they looked at as he was still holding his Guardian Spear and still impalled through it was the corpse of Thanos. Lauralina glanced at the corpse before looking back at him with a smile.
"Is that for me?"
He chuckled, but he shook his head.
"Not quite, it is an ingredient."
Justinian tore his spear out of Thanos' head and before the body had the chance to fall, he held his left hand out to it. Just like the Emperor, one of his specializations was biomancy, but with all six Infinity Stones, he could go even further.
Instantly, the corpse of Thanos transformed into dark purple blood which flowed into the palm of Justinian's hand. He flexed his hand as he began to work on the Titan blood of Thanos.
With his biomancy, backed by the six infinity stones he began to modify the blood to better suit his needs. He began to infuse it with the Omega Effect, Divine Energy, Conceptual Energy, and Psychic Abillities all amplified by the power of the Power Stone and his concepts.
At first Thanos' Titan blood supported this as Titans could handle the power of the Infinity Stones, but after a few moments, the blood began to steam. Parts of it were dying which he fixed with his biomancy to heal the damaged portions.
A small bubble of Time Magic formed around the Stone empowered by the Time Stone. This caused time to speed up around the blood causing thousands and hundreds of thousands of years to go in a blink of an eye.
The Reality Stone began to control and direct his biomancy further for the Titan blood to evolve to his specifications. Justinian watched on with wonder as the Purple blood changed color to a deep dark crimson-black blood as a result of the Omega Effect.
He pulled it closer to himself as he watched as he infused it with the power of all six Infinity Stones, more Omega Effect, psychic, and Divine Energy. The blood writhed and bubbled with greater force.
He gazed at the genetics of the blood and saw they were stable, the very cells contained a mixture of all the energies he used.
"It is complete, ingredient number one."
Lauralina, Remnosh, Leona, and Sanguinia looked at the orb of blood with wonder. Remnosh glanced up at him who looked at his creation with pride.
"What is it?"
"The corpse I had was a Titan, very physically strong, but mere physical strength is not enough so I had to modify it. This contains all the power of the six Infinity Stones and my power. It will be one such bloodline I take from this world."
He clentched his hand and he contained it the modified Titan blood into a special beaker. After it was complete he tranfered it into his personal storage dimension where he kept all his loot and treasure.
As for Magna, she flew down until she was next to Justinain. Above in the sky was the still-floating asteroid of Vibranium.
"I got the asteroid."
Justinian reached down and patted her on the back.
"I am glad, another powerful item native to this reality. Vibranium is one of the strongest materials in the universe. While there is better, for mortals, basically indestructible."
He held his left hand up at the Asteroid and with a flex the entire Asteroid shrunk down to the size of a palm sized rock. He then sent it into his storage dimension to wait until he finished gathering the items he needed.
"I came here directly to give you some instructions. Don't wipe out the human population of this Earth, instead, begin to set up a base here. I am going to construct a permanent gate connecting our reality to this one.
This will allow you to bring more troops, more supplies and as an escape method if anthing dangerous happens."
Justinian raised his hand and from the ground a massive arch of stone rose up. The stone was over 5 miles high and 10 miles across. With a flex of his will, the stone that made up the archway transformed into a mix of Nth Metal and Auramite.
Across the archway, magical runes got carved into a magical formation to sustain the portal. After the archway was complete, Justinian snapped his finger and in the middle of the archway, a dark purple portal tore open filling the archway into a teleport gate.
The portal which was created thanks to the power he had stolen from Angsrom stabilized into something that didn't need him to maintain it. The portal in the DC universe opened up on the surface of Mars.
With the portal on the Marvel side complete, he stepped through the portal back into the DC universe. Of course when he did so, the Infinity Stones went innert and their power stopped flowing into him.
Even without them, he was still strong enough for this simple thing. The portal on the DC side was stable, but he waved his hand to create another archway on the DC side. With him back, Erda teleported to his side to watch him create the exact same archway on this side of the portal.
5 miles high, ten miles across, Nth Metal Auramite alloy and enchanted to be self sustainig. With the two portals self sustaining, he could return to the Marvel Universe which was on the other side of the portal.
"Erda, this portal connects to the other reality on Earth. With the connection formed, we can move troops and resources between the two universes. I will be away from my forces, on this side of the portal your in charge, on the other side, listen to my wives."
Erda nodded.
"Understood. I take your going back now?"
He nodded.
When he stepped back into the Marvel Universe, the inert Infinity Stones powered back up with endless power. This is why the Stones were not really all that special as just sending someone through a portal was enough to depower them.
His wives who had been waiting for him to return all looked up at the portal.
"It is complete, this way our forces can travel between the two universes. In the future, this will be the way I will expand my Imperium throughout my existence. Until then, this will have to be temporary."
Leona walked toward the portal before glancing back at him.
"Understood. Any special requests?"
"No, bring a sizable army and fleet, turn this Earth into an impenetrable fortress. Loot it bare if you have to, as for the civilians, keep them alive. Their DNA could be useful for new variety in the clone populations of my Imperium."
As his back was turned Sanguinia floated up before wrapping her arms behind him.
"Got it, shell up while you go out on a big slaughter run?"
He nodded.
She nudged her head against his with a smile. It made him smile too, but he had to be pragmatic.
"You sure we can't go with you?"
"I would personally like that, but it will be faster if I just do it myself."
She released his neck, before landing back on the ground.
"True. We will keep everything running here. Right ladies?"
Lauralina nodded with a beaming smile.
"Right? Oooh, I can spread the Justinian Truth while I am here?"
Magna covered her face.
"It is called the Imperial Truth, not the Justinian Truth."
Lauralina shrugged.
"Same old, either way, you worship him."
Justinian shook his head before he glanced over at Remnosh.
'Keep an eye on Lauralina. Make sure she doesn't eat everyone.'
Remnosh smirked.
'No promises.'
With a smile, he put on his helmet before he teleported away. His first destination was Ego, the Living Planet. Ego was one of the strongest beings in the MCU as a True Celestial.
However, to Justinian at this moment he was just an ingredient so after appearing above Ego's Planet, Justinian clentched his left fist. With the power of all Six Infinity Stones, Justinian tore the planet apart exposing Ego's brain.
Justinian dragged the brain toward him with the Celestial, Ego unable to resist him.
Justinian didn't even so much as respond as he flexed his fingers to form a containment unit that could contain Ego's Core. With the stones, that was simple, he created a containment unit out of Nth Metal and Auramite, same as his skeleton and armor.
He enhanced that with the power of the Six Stones making it a trap impossible for Ego to escape. With the Celestial trapped, Justinian tossed the container into his treasure dimension as another ingredient.
With Ego a Celestial contained, Justinian once again teleported toward his next destination. This time, it was to Nowhere the head of a dead Celestial. It was also the museum of the collector and mining colony for Celestial Organic Material.
With the head, he had another source of Celestial genetic material, so he waved his hand and he dragged the head toward him. The head began to shrink until it was no bigger than a human head.
Of course, everyone who had been inside the head was now tiny as well, including the Collector's Museum. He would see if anything inside was of value, so after collecting the head of the celestial he tossed it into his treasure dimension along with the rest of the items inside.
"Alright, another item gathered."
[Now to Nidavellir, let us get us some Uru.]
{What do we need after that?}
"The blood of Odin and Thor, Mjolnir, Gugnir, The Destroyer, the Eternal Flame, Surtr's sword, Stormbreaker, All Black. The Unmaker of Universe-80763
[By Justinian, we have a lot of things to gather.]
{Would you rather he not gather these things? By collecting them all, we will be as strong as we can before we commence our grand ascension.}
[I never said that.]
Justinian shook his head as he had much to do. After he teleported away, he arrived at Nidavellir the home of the dwarves. When he arrived, his psychic might amplified by the Mind Stone and the other Stones took over the minds of the dwarves.
He implanted into their minds one order.
'Create Stormbreaker.'
Without fail, Eitri The Dwarf King got to work on crafting Stormbreaker, a weapon for an Asgardian King. For Justinian, it would just be an ingredient, plus he would take all the Uru they had on hand when they were done.
Regardless, his great work was just starting, and he would change everything.
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