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46.66% TerraCore / Chapter 21: Chapter 20

Chương 21: Chapter 20

"Is your hand okay?"

Due to being injured from one of the Ants, I decided to ask Bobby if his condition is okay. Having any problems just before we enact the plan, is our worst-case scenario.

"I'm fine... It's just a scratch, It's nothing serious like miss Evee's injuries"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm definitely sure, so what do we do now?"

"Right... Due to Evee being injured, you have to carry her out of this place by yourself. So before we start, you better be in great condition"

"I see... I have to carry her... I can do that"

"Can't both of you just leave me here... From what I'm understanding, I'm just being a burden in this escape plan"

"What are you talking about miss Evee? We're doing this to save you"

"His right, we're doing this plan of mine. So that all of us can escape"

"Don't give me that pity look... I'm being rational here. Leaving me behind only increases your chances of escape. Add the fact I'm already bleeding from my wounds, only makes it more suitable to leave me to die than risk having all of us killed"

"Miss Evee..."




"...I refuse"

"What the hell are you talking about, new recruit"

"I said I refuse! I'm not leaving you here to die. I already said that I'll save both of you"

"Quite being stupid, new recruit. We're not playing a game here!"

"I'm not! I'm completely being rational here!"

"What are you even doing this... Can't you see that with my injuries, I'm just a burden in this plan"

"I don't understand what you are talking about at all! You keep saying that you're a burden and that you're weak, but what's wrong with that! We're not godly beings that are perfect at everything. We can be weak, we can be foolish and we can essentially fail at many things, but isn't that why we try. We could have never flown into the skies without trying, we could have never even explored the deep oceans without trying..."

"W-what are you talking about..."

"What I'm saying is that, even if we failed many times. We are able to achieve many things, even impossible because we keep on trying. Didn't you said to me that you want to be strong and protect everyone! Then why are you forfeiting your life now! Why are giving up so easily! Doesn't that make you mad, in any way! You want to be strong but you're not even trying to live! Are you bloody stupid!"

Hearing my words, Evee's face suddenly turned red. With sharp eyes glaring at me, I can somewhat guess that she's currently pissed at me.

"...W-what did you say, new recruit... M-me.. S-stupid...ahaha..haha..I'll fucking kill you!"

"That right! Berate me, chastise me, try even killing me, if that makes you happy. But you can't be able to even do those if you just die here"

"Aaa-aahhhhh... could both of you p-please s-stop.."


Due to how loud our argument was, Some Ants have started screeching from outside and is trying their hardest to enter.


"A-aahh... thank god that they can't enter this room"

Seeing how the ants are unable to enter from where we are, Bobby was a bit relieved at the situation. But with Evee still being hard to get, we are still unable to start our escape.





"What was that?"

"I said fine! Are deaf or something. I'll let you carry me, out of this bloody place"

"Finally, you're starting to make some sense"

"Screw you..."

"I was being nice, thou..."

"Just you wait until I recover... I'll make you regret for calling me stupid"

"Right... I do hope that you do recover soon. But before that we need to escape. So... you ready now?"

"...Just get on it"

"How about you Bobby?"

"I was just waiting for both of you to finally stop fighting. So, I'm somewhat ready"

"Okay... so we can finally begin... Bobby carry Evee in your back and be ready to run when I fully open the door"

"Right! I'm on it"

And with our escape about to begin. Bobby began carrying Evee in his back while I ready the grenade. Bashing the door using my pistol to see if there's still any Ants outside. I was greeted by a loud screech just behind the door. It seems that most of them are still waiting in place.




"I'll begin the plan now, so be ready"


"Just don't do anything stupid, new recruit... I still have to kill you for calling me stupid"

"Why are you still so fixated on that?"


"Ummm...Can we finally start now...?"

"Jeez... fine ready in 5..4..3..2..1..now!"

Quickly opening the door, I immediately unpinned the grenade and threw it. After that tasked was done, I then quickly closed the metallic door without locking it.


Seeing the swift activity of the door, the Ants immediately noticed what I did and quickly tried getting in with all their might.


With me holding the door down, I was alone bear the full might of an unknown number of Ants, that were trying to get in.


With the amount of force that was powering the metallic door, I quickly felt my hand go numb. But not wanting the plan to go to waste, I ignore the pain that I was feeling and hold the door down with all my might.


After a few seconds of holding the metallic door, I heard a loud noise echoed the other side. The strong force that was powering me also went away and thudding also stopped.

"Bobby quickly run, now!"

With the stun grenade detonated, I quickly open the metallic door. Upon opening the thing, we were greeted by a ton of Ants that was in pain while crawling and stunned in the ground. Ignoring the surreal sight, we quickly made our way out of the place by running through the basement halls. With the Ants still in the ground, there wasn't anything that was stopping us from escaping.




"Straight ahead, we're almost at the stairs"

With the basement stairs in sight, we quickly hurried our running pace. Just to make sure that there wasn't anything that can harm both Bobby and Evee, I made sure that I was always in their backs.

Reaching the stairs, I was slowed down for a little bit when I heard a loud screech from where we were before. It seems that the Ants has finally recovered from the stun grenade they took.

"To the stairs, quick! Before they reach us"

And with the knowledge of our main threat looming over us, we quickly climb the basement stairs up to the facility ground floor.

Upon reaching said floor, we quickly made our way to the facility exit. In which after a few minutes of running, we were quickly follow suit. Just behind from where we were, are numerous Ants giving chase to us. And upon seeing the creatures I can't help but feel panic for a little bit.

"No way! They're already here, that quick"

Seeing how Bobby slowed down, due to him seeing the Ants. I quickly remind him, to ignore the approaching Ants and only focus only on running.

"Hurry up, Bobby! Just ignore them and focus only on getting out!"


And with my warning quickly prompted, Bobby then continued his running while hurrying his pace than before. Judging from how fast the Ants are approaching, I quickly estimated that in just a few minutes they'll probably be able to approach us in no time.

Shit... I underestimated how quickly they can recover... I guess I have no choice but to enact my plan...

With the Psionic Blue Ants quickly approaching us, I was left with no choice but to enact the second phase of my plan. Continuing our dash to the exit, I plan on executing the second phase after we leave the facility.

"They're quickly approaching us! What do we do now?"

"Just shut up and continue running! Don't ever look back and be quiet"


"Just do what I say!"


Reaching the exit, I quickly tried closing the facility doors in hopes of buying more time. Finally enacting the second phase of my plan, I suddenly stopped my movement. After which, I face back at the facility.

Seeing my sudden action, Bobby was left confuse at what I was about to do.

"What are you doing, man! Hurry up!"

"You go and carry Evee back to the settlement. With how quickly the Ants are moving they'll probably be able to reach us in any moment"

"W-what are you doing...?"

"I'll distract them. You go and get out of here"

"W-what! Are you suicidal!"

"Who knows... Just get out of here! Before they destroy the door"

"...Fine! Just don't get yourself killed"

Seeing my suicidal act of saving both of them. Evee who was very quiet when the plan was started, suddenly voiced her voice.

"W-what... a-are you doing, new recruit?"

Hearing her voice, it seems that her condition is getting worse. What she said just now, was barely audible to me and looking at her face. It seems that she can barely keep her eyes open.

"Hurry up, Bobby!"



And with that said, Bobby then ran from the direction of where the settlement was located. With both of them essentially out of the picture, I loudly shout my voice as I announce my presence from all the Ants.

Seeing the facility door get busted open, I quickly ran from the opposite direction of where Bobby and Evee went.

And without pause another chase began with only me and numerous Ants as participants. Seeing how all the Ants ignore the fleeing Bobby, I was somewhat relieved to see how my decision went well. If the Ants just went and ignore me, my little sacrifice just would be all for naught.

'That's right! Just keep following me you dumb fucks!"

Not wanting for any of them to follow Bobby, I continued provoking them with my loud voice.


With my provocation seeming to work, I continued running in the cavern with no direction at sight. With no one to worry and a wide area to maneuver, I quickly ran with all might, hoping to lead the Ants as far away from Bobby and Evee.

Occupied with the Ant problem. I wasn't even able to notice, how Evee was trying to reach for me with her hand, earlier.


Running like there's no tomorrow, Bobby ran as far away from the abandoned facility as possible. Despite him not seeing any Ants in his trail, Bobby didn't relax his guard for a minute. A simple mistake might lead to their deaths, and having Bruce already risk his life to distract the Ants. He can't risk having the possibility of messing his job, now.


Carrying Evee in his back, Bobby felt extremely exhausted from all his running. Yet despite his exhaustion, Bobby continued running and running. Completely ignoring his tiredness and mild injury.



Amid in his dash, Bobby was caught surprise when he suddenly heard Evee's voice. Her voice was so quiet that Bobby was barely able to hear it despite his normal hearing.

"W-where almost there, Miss Evee. Just a little longer and we'll reach the settlement"

"..I-I.. said go b-back.."

"What are you saying now, Miss Evee. We're almost there"

"B-Bobby.. I said go back! We n-need to save for that lying bastar-Arrghhh..."

Exhausting more of her already little energy, Evee suddenly cough up some blood mid-sentence. Seeing how her condition is getting worse, Bobby immediately continued his dash to the settlement.

"Y-you.. Bastard, I s-said go back..."

"I'm sorry, miss Evee. But your condition is clearly getting worse. If you don't get any treatment, you will be in an even worse condition. And I can't have that!"


"Please understand our situation, miss Evee. That person already risked his life just to let us escape. Going back in there now, would just disrespect his wish"




Why does this always happen to me




Sis Kobeni what's a superhero?

Have you been reading my comics, Evee?

Yeah.. I really like JusticeMan and the pictures say that he's a superhero. So, what does a superhero mean?

W-well... a-a superhero is a person that saves and protect everyone from any danger.

Ohhh.. So a superhero is just like you sis Kobeni.

Kind of... If you can see me in that way, I guess I'm no different from a superhero

Wow!! Does that mean that you're also liked JusticeMan? Can sis Kobeni fly or shoot lasers!

Hahaha... you're quite a funny kid. But you should be focusing more on your studies than these things.

Fine... But when I grow up, can I be a superhero like you sis Kobeni?"

...Maybe one day. If you put your heart unto it, you can be a strong hero and save anyone.

Then I'll be a superhero, just like you sis Kobeni. And I'll save everyone who is ever in trouble.









Sis Kobeni...


Whats going on?

S-stay back, Evee get out of here!



Sis Kobeni!

Si# Kob#n#!

S#s K#b##i!




E-Evee... be strong and live your life freely...

S-s..sis Kobeni!



####You're Weak ####You're Weak ####You're Weak ####You're Weak ####You're Weak ####You're Weak #### You're Weak #### You're Weak #### You're Weak #### You're Weak #### You're Weak ####You're Weak ####You're Weak ####You're Weak ####You're Weak ####You're Weak ####You're Weak ####You're Weak ####You're Weak ####You're Weak ####You're Weak ####You're Weak ####You're Weak ####You're Weak ####You're Weak ####You're Weak ####You're Weak ####



It's always the same...



Wanting to save everyone, but being too weak to do so... All I ever do is endangered everyone... Such childish dreams in a harsh reality...I'm such a fool...

-Are you bloody stupid!

Why I'm I thinking of his words now...

- You keep saying that you're a burden and that you're weak, but what's wrong with that! We're not godly beings that are perfect at everything. We can be weak, we can be foolish and we can essentially fail at many things, but isn't that why we try.


- Didn't you said to me that you want to be strong and protect everyone!


- Why are giving up so easily!

I said stop...

-You want to be strong but you're not even trying to live! Are you bloody stupid!"

Stop, stop, stop, stop... I don't want hear any of your words...

- E-Evee... be strong and live your life freely...

Why, why, why... why does it have to be me. Why can't I be strong... W-why can't I be just like you sis Kobeni...

While getting carried in the back by Bobby, tears fall off as Evee reminisce about her past. Seeing how pathetic her current state is, she quickly brushes her tears off and mopped the gloomy look on her face. Despite the injuries she had taken, she's looking more livelier than before. It seems that her past and Bruce's words have given her a bit of spirit.

Live, live, and live... that's all you want from me, right! To be alive and live my life!



Fine I'll do it! I'll live my shitty life, just like how you all wanted to! And I'll keep trying to be strong! Until I finally become one! And maybe one day I'll be strong enough to be able to save everyone without being a burden.




I'll keep my promise...So, you better goddamn live! New recruit.

-End of Chapter 20

next chapter
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