A huge man calmly appears in the sky...he first goes to where Takuya was and just lands and the entire area is decimated
The man looks around and smiles at the sight of all the bodies that were instantly erased with him just landing...
The man was Sogetsu Ma, Younger brother of Kensei Ma (Tenchi's chinese Kenpo master)
In the past he was defeated by his brother and couldn't even break through to Demi level but after joining the organization and being one of Hojo's finest experiments. A body that gets stronger the more it fights. Extreame healing factor that makes it recover from any injury and gets stronger after it fights. Having Narakus blood in him. He is someone who can survive even a god's weapon...the ultimate Lifeform. He is someone who is now Sogetsu the Immortal!
Sanji looks at Anna and nods: (good...I'm glad that demon was kind enough to allow me to give me his clothes beam!)
I then introduced her to Sakura who Anna seemed to open up more too...is not like I'm bitter
Liz and patty greeted her, She seemed to like patty alot...
Wait why am I the one she is most different about...
Sanji: why does she like you more than me
Liz: well isn't it because your a gross siscon
Liz was in a bad mood because at first he thought the new sword was a ghost so he threw Patty at it the sword
Sanji starts drawing circles in the ground: your right I'm scum, I don't deserve to live anymore. I'm the worst person alive
Anna then taps Sanji's shoulder: Thats not true;...your warm
Sanji with tears in his eyes: Anna! your a really great person!
Sakura: wait should we stay here? I mean the others may be in trouble
Sanji: I'm sure they are fine right its only...shit shit shit
Sanji tells Anna to go inside Sakura for safety she looks hesitant but she nods...
Liz: whats wrong?
Sanji: Shinki
Both Liz and Patty went to their gun modes
And Sanji ran passed the masked girl who was still unconscious...
Sanji looks around and sees everything was gone...no... it was like
he then sees Momoyo-senpai falling from the sky covering in injuries
Sanji Catches her and sees how bad she is hurt...she felt like her power was drained...
Sanji: Momoyo
Momoyo: he-he is too strong...everyone was...I used my ultimate attack and he laughed...
she starts crying
Momoyo: He said my power is just adverage...adverage...that in the Divine realm thats all my talent is worth...
Sanji: (momoyo is really shook by him...): Hes right...
Momoyo starts shaking in his arm as he flys down
Sanji: out in the divine realm...there are so many people stronger than us. humans, aliens, Demons and dragons that could easily wipe us out. Who knows how strong people are. Were adverage in this power...I am excited!
Momoyo: ....
Sanji: imagine how powerful this universe is. what about other realms...aren't you looking forward to it...is Legendary rank the highest rank you can achieve...or is it like how normal people think Legendary rank is Demi level...anyway...get some rest and recover and then train some more
Sanji sent her to Sakura but heard her whispering thanks before she left...
Sanji looks up in the sky and screams: you can come out now. I know your there!
Sogestu laughs: ahah scary boy, there is no need to look at me with those eyes. And calm down that red king's aura, your ~soooo scary. As expected from the boy known as the White haired devil..haha but you were so cool to her, I almost fell in love...
Sogetsu: what are you upset I hurt her? I didn't kill her so whats the problem? I mean I did learn her technique so why would I waste her. I could have her get stronger and eat more of her technique. she will be a good cattle for me...
He looks around...
Sogetsu: I was wondering what was going on. this place should be surronded but you seemed to have done something...even some of my men are gone...
Sanji: your right. Cookie contacted my maid earlier and she put a barrier around this place. So we are in a different Dimension. This barrier should last 2 more hours...
Sogetsu: So I'm guessing she was the one who rescued your friends...
Sanji: noo...that was my swords...
Sogetsu: well no matter I left them battered and near death. haha they wont survive much longer. I drained their power so nothing you will be able to do anymore HAHA
In Sakura Realm
Everyone is laughing and eating food. they are watching Sanji and Sogetsu
Anna: how is everyone alright?
Sakura who had Anna on her lap explained that in Sakura this place is the best place to heal injuries and even if they are killed Sanji can use Est to revive them...
Anna:...wait then there is no threat
Alice who appeared out of nowhere shocking Anna shook her head: no no no my dear little girl. If he was killed then they would lose power. Plus Their souls are linked to his, so if he dies they die too. oh also who are you?
Anna: I..I am
Patty: She's Anna shes...
Sakura was upset she scared Anna so: Shes his daughter
Alice face is pale for a moment: haha nice joke but really who is
Sakura: his daughter
Alice: whom's daughter
Sakura: Ryouta
Alice: which Ryouta
Sakura: you know who
Alice: whos the mot
She pats the confused Anna head and smiles at Alice
Alice seemed to have then lost it and started crying
Patty wishpers to Liz: Hey sis...
Liz: yeah
Patty: lets not get on Sakura's bad side
Liz: I agree..
Restia was fuming mad hearing this saying she wants a small sword child too
Est just went to Anna saying she was her senpai at having white hair...
Anna then looked then after all this looked at the screen and closed her eyes and said...papa
Sogetsu: So shall we begin...
Sogetsu tries to kick at Sanji but he stops it and kicks at Sogestus head but the kick doesn't faze him and Sogetsu throws him to the side
Sanji does several kicks at his face and even a gut punch but all of them Sogetsu tanks it
Sanji hit him so hard the dimension shook but he just smiled and then a demon eye opens and Sogetsu seemed to be moving faster than before. Sogestus then fires a Ki blast at Sanji but Sanji evades it charging forward at him
The Ki blast damaged the barrier but Sanji ignored that and hits him with his own ki attack the Flaming hadoken blast. It caused a huge hole in Sogetsus stomach and the barrier was almost destroyed but...Sogetsu but then started getting healed
Sogetsu: You fool...did you really think that would do me in
Sanji then decides to take this up a level and a huge appears in the sky. It is a sword with an irregular blade which bend near the tip of the blade and porous near the hilt. The cross guard has a red orb in the middle with the guard protruding to the side. It also has a swirl like shape as a grip
Sanji: now... lets get serious
Sanji runs quickly and punches him with red aura and for the first time Sogetsu was sent flying
Sogetsu regains his footing and calmly says: You expect that to hurt me? This body has incorperated all the data from fights over the last 6 years. Since the crimson moon happen. haaha. It will take
Sanji: (what a pain...if he absorb all the powers that means he has healing powers...yeah he does. its on the same level of Est...he can't repulacate the kings power and seems to be burn by it...so could take my time and beat him down slowly and have him regain his sanity instead of being controled right..plus the barrier is about to be ended...)
Sanji nods and sighs raises his hand and summons Liz and patty gun mode
Sogetsu: what can does little pistals too to meeeeee
SanjI: ~gear 2, increasing his speed, he then uses his blood, and red king aura. while the guns changed to their 2nd form and then goes bellow Sogetsu up close he then using his increased speed fired his gun more powerful and faster at Sogetsu with his Kazuma's family Flaming, Spiritual Shotgun attack...
however due to taking Sanji's attack earlier his attack did little damage but just pussed him away but he continued to push Sogetsu up and up...Sogetsu couldn't even move even through he tired and Sanji kept pouring more and more power into his attack the barrier had ended and Sogetsu was finally able to attempt to get away when...another red spiritual gun attack came from a prison. and the two beams combined pushing Sogetsu more into the atmosphere
Sogetsu: what do you think your doing...once I get out of here I will...haha even if you manage to blow me up my body will reform he screams as he is getting sent up the atmosphere
Sanji yelled: Idiot...space is one of the coldest places to be...meaning even if you live you will be forever flying in space wandering the galaxy...always along enjoy
Sogetsu had realize the implication and tried but he couldn't and then he reached space and his body started to freeze and he slowly was on course and was drifting further and and further away from the planet..Sogetsu form was no longer able to be seen
Sanji looks up and tilts his head: umm...that was easy...now run away...
Inside Sakura realm
Anna: ...papa won?
Sakura: Umm , yeah...I guess
Restia: so...what are we going to do with these girls?
Inside Sakura were the unconscious brainwashed girls...except the one Cap fault which were outside the barrier and Cammy the one Sanji fought was forgotten about...
AN: Please rate comment and review
I wanted to rush and get back to the soma stuff...