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19.56% Tenchi Nura Guardian of the Multiverse...The prince of darkness / Chapter 51: The tale of Eros and Psyche

Chương 51: The tale of Eros and Psyche

As Tenchi enters the studio. There seems to be chaos

Writer: I don't want her to be the actress of my story. She has no acting history. How do you know she doesn't suck.

Director: We already said that she has potential. I think she is going to be the next big star

Writer: Really? Can you be 100% sure

Director: well

Writer: Girl can you act! have you ever done any acting before this?

Ichika: N-no but I am confident in this


The dirctor squeezed his fist

Writer: His last movie was a flop and this is his last chance...

He looks indecently at her body

Writer: Oh I understand. You used your body to get the main part right. Alright how about this if you give me some special. I will make you an...

He was then punched in the face and all his teeth were gone

He was slamed into the wall

Everyone was shocked

Tenchi: Don't talk to my girl like that you piece of trash

Tenchi looks at Ichika who was full of tears he wiped her tears with his handkerchief

Tenchi: Don't cry alright...Your the big sister your suppose to be the strongest right

She nods wiping off her tears then froze at the sight of him

Ichika: Nura! is that you

Tenchi: Call my Tenchi but yeah. My injuries healed...didn't Isuki tell you

Ichika: No...(No wonder she was acting so strange...)

Tenchi: Director I'm sorry I had to punch him but I couldn't let him talk to her like that. I wouldn't be able to stand next to her if I did

Ichika: Wow quite a manly thing to say

Director: No...I understand...he deserved that...but he was right. I was using his name and story to reclaim my name...now what am I going to do...I guess I'm going to have to cancel this project...I'm sorry Ichika

Tenchi: No...you just need a writer right. I'm a writer too

They were shocked

Director:...but your a kid. There is no way your work can surpass an experienced writer

Tenchi: No...I can...did you remember the book that came out recently the hobbit. That was written by me

Director: Wait no...that was written by

Tenchi: Yeah Ryota Kise is my stage name...

After a bit the Director became excited

Director: So you want to make the hobbit into a live action

Tenchi: Fuck that! I hate adaptations! besides what role can Ichika star in that?

Director: But we need a script

Ichika: Let him finish boss

Tenchi: *thumbs up* Good now I have a movie idea... It would star two people. I need Ichika to star the main female lead...and I'll star the Male lead

Director: ...Alright (if its good. I think he would be a great fit)

Ichika: (Tenchi! please make sure you wrote a good script )

Tenchi: This is just a rough draft so.

Director: come on don't lead us like this...

Tenchi takes out two scripts

Ichika: Tale of Eros and Psyche?

Director: Hmm, an interesting story concept...who are they

Tenchi: Well Eros is the Greek god of love

Director/ Ichika: Greek god of love?

Tenchi: You know like cupid!

They both were confused

Tenchi: (is there no cupid...but there is a valentines day...the same was for Earth Prime...)Nevermind...read I hope you enjoy it


The tale of Eros and Psyche

The legendary beauty of Psyche Once upon a time, there was a king who had three wonderful daughters. The youngest, Psyche, was much more beautiful than her two sisters and looked like a goddess among mere mortals. The fame of its beauty had been spread throughout the whole kingdom and men kept coming to her palace to admire and worship her.

When people would see her, they used to say that not even Aphrodite herself could compete Psyche. The more people were getting to know Psyche, the less would remember the goddess of love and beauty. The temples of Aphrodite were abandoned, her altars covered with cold ashes and the sculptors would no more make statues for her. All the honors reserved to her were then attributed to a simple, mortal girl.

The goddess could not accept such a situation and required help from his son, Eros. He told him in distress, Use your power and make this little shameless girl fall in love with the vilest and the most despicable creature who has ever walked on Earth. Eros agreed to do so but the moment he saw her, he himself felt his heart pierced by one of his own arrows. He couldn't make that charming maiden fall in love with a horrible creature but also decided not to tell his mother.

Psyche, however, was feeling bad because not only she could not fall in love with someone but, even more surprising, nobody seemed to really fall in love with her. Men were happy just to admire her. Then they passed by and married another girl. Her two sisters, though definitely less seductive, had held two lavish weddings, each with a king. Psyche was the most beautiful girl on Earth, but she was sad and lonely, always admired but never really loved. It seemed that no man would want her as his wife and this caused great anxiety and distress to her parents.

That is when her father went to visit the oracle of Delphi to ask Apollo for advice on what to do to find a husband for Psyche. The prophecy of the god was terrible. Apollo decreed that Psyche, dressed in a black dress, should be brought to the summit of a mountain and stay there alone. The husband that was assigned to her, a winged serpent, terrible and more powerful than the gods themselves, would come up and take her for his wife.

No one can imagine the despair of the family and friends of Psyche. She was prepared for the hill as if she were to face her death and with more cries than if they were to drive her to the tomb, they led the young lady to the hill. Desperately, they all departed, leaving Psyche to her fate, radiant and helpless, and they locked themselves in the palace to mourn her for the rest of their days.

On the hill and in the dark, Psyche remained seated and waited. While she was shaking and crying in the quiet night, a slight breeze reached her. It was the fresh wind of Zephyr, the mildest of the winds. He felt that she was being raised. She was being taken into the air, over the rocky hill, to a soft meadow full of flowers. He did his best to make her forget her pain and put her to sleep.

She then woke up by the sound of a clear stream and when she opened her eyes she faced an imposing and magnificent castle. It was decorated in gold, silver, and precious, colorful gems, and made of the finest marble. When Psyche looked inside, she could see that an elaborate feast was already set upon the dining table, but she saw no guests. She sat down, and shortly afterward invisible servants started to attend to her, whispering in soft voices that Psyche was now the mistress of this palace and that all inside it belonged to her now.

her husband came to Psyche that night, but it was dark and she was unable to see his face. However, he spoke softly and sweetly to her, and acted so kind and gentle, that Psyche decided she loved him within a short period of time. There were rules though, Psyche's new husband told her that she must never try to see his face, or he would have to leave her. Now that she had a sweet taste of love, Psyche did not want to return to a life of loneliness. She agreed to live under this set of circumstances, but within the time she began to miss her sisters and asked Eros if they could come to visit her. He told her that it would be problematic, but was so in love with Psyche he did not want to deny her anything, so honored her request.

Psyche's sisters would travel to the mountain top each day and cry because they missed her so much. So they got a surprise when one day the wind lifted them up, and delivered them safely to the castle where Psyche and Eros lived. The gorgeous castle and all the wealth that surrounded Psyche made them feel jealousy towards her, especially when they learned that Psyche had a husband now as well. They peppered her with so many questions about her husband, that Psyche began getting her stories mixed up. Once she said he had dark hair, in another anecdote she said he had blond hair. She could not admit she had never seen his face, but finally after their relentless interrogation, Psyche told them the truth.

The sisters reminded Psyche of the Oracle's prediction to their father, and convinced the poor girl that her husband was likely a horrible looking monster who would eat her as soon as he tired of her, and find another wife. Together they hatched a plan, made sure Psyche had a dagger and an oil lamp, and instructed her that she must get a look at her husband's face while he was asleep. If he was truly as awful as they expected, Psyche's only choice would be to use the dagger to kill him. When Psyche saw what a handsome man he was, the shock caused her hands to shake, and she dropped a bit of oil onto the shoulder of the sleeping Eros, which awoke him at once. When he realized Psyche disobeyed his orders, he said in sadness, "Where there is not trust, there cannot be love", then got up and left the palace.

When Aphrodite realized that her son had disobeyed her, she took out all her anger on Psyche. She searched her out and was determined to make her miserable. Aphrodite gave Psyche four very difficult tasks to complete, designed to make the terrified young woman suffer. But she was unaware that Eros was watching from afar, and giving Psyche help with his special powers.

Aphrodite dumped a huge pile of many types of seeds into a great heap and ordered Psyche to separate them and sort them into piles by individual type. This had to be finished by sundown. Psyche knew this was impossible. But soon a big army of ants arrived, and scurrying back and forth, completed this task after all! Aphrodite was infuriated when she came back to find this task done, and determined to make the next one even harder.

Aphrodite commanded that Psyche collect wool for a golden fleece from a group of fierce, man-eating beasts, who lived near a thicket of thorn bushes. Psyche was terrified that these wild beasts would tear her apart and that it was certain death to get too close to the animals. But the voice of a lovely green tree told Psyche to wait until dusk when the animals got tired. Then they would leave the thicket to sleep, making it easier for Psyche to take the wool that was stuck in the thorns. Once again Psyche completed what seemed impossible, and once again Aphrodite was furious.

Next, Aphrodite shoved a crystal flask into Psyche's hands for the third task. She told Psyche that she must fill the flask with water from a strong and fast running steam, one which cascaded from a mountain summit, headed into the Underworld, and then came out from the Earth in the form of a spring. Psyche was terrified as she observed the icy stream, which fell from a steep cliff guarded by dragons. But sure enough, an eagle arrived just in time to help Psyche fill the flask.

The fourth task Aphrodite demands of Psyche is for her to descend into the Underworld, to fill an empty box with beauty ointments and makeup for her. Psyche is exhausted and sure that this last task will be the one which kills her. Psyche has been told that many pathetic people will beg for her help, and no matter how sympathetic she feels, she must say "no" to all their pleas. It is so hard for sweet Psyche to do this. But she does brace herself and learns to say "no" when it is necessary.

In the meantime, Zeus is fed up with all this nonsense, and he is aware that Eros loves Psyche, and that Psyche loves Eros. Psyche has proven she has devotion, patience, and obedience. The problem is that Eros has chosen a mortal for his bride, and no mortal can live on Mount Olympus. This is an easy issue for Zeus to deal with, and he grants immortality to Psyche when she drinks the ambrosial nectar of the gods. Apparently, the main reason Aphrodite was so upset was that she thought her son Eros deserved to marry royalty, that no mortal should be able to rival the gods. Aphrodite finally gave her blessing to Psyche and Eros, pleased that her son found a beautiful princess who had now become one of the immortals.


When they finished reading it they were excited

Director: THIS IS AMAZING! I WANT NO NEED TO MAKE A MOVIE OUT OF THIS... SORRY I NEED TO MAKE LOTS OF CALLS. you said you wanted her you got her. Now excuse me. for the day I need lots of work to do

Tenchi: Oh before that. I want to release a song for this movie. So people get excited for it!

Director: But hiring a.

Tenchi: No Ichika will sing it

Ichika: Eh, I will

Tenchi: See she agrees (Don't worry I'll work with you on the song)

Director: Alright... I will trust you!

Tenchi and Ichika were forced to leave after that

They looked at each other and laughed

Ichika then was about to hug Tenchi but remembered that Isuki had feelings for him so just laughed and hit his back

Tenchi: We will have to spend lots of time together so when we're not studying we should sometimes practice. We have to practice kissing too

Ichika: Huh, Kissing?

Tenchi: Yeah oh need a ride home

Ichika: I will walk...

Tenchi takes her hand and pulls her to his motorcycle

Tenchi: Geeze let me give you a ride...

Tenchi gets on his motorcycle and puts his helmet on

Ichika: seriously...can you be even hotter

Tenchi: Huh?

Ichika: Nothing... let's go

She hops on and Moves really close to him and held pretty low on Tenchi body...join Tenchi abs which she called dangerously

Tenchi was thinking the same thing about her massive tits...


When they arrive Tenchi stared as she was about to enter but suddenly went behind her and put his hand around her waist and kissed her neck.

Startling her a little and making her a little aroused

Tenchi: I'm sorry...but I couldn't help but feel you really did look like Psyche at that moment...anyway I got to go

Tenchi then ran off...

She felt off. She wanted to be the one teasing him not the other way around...


She takes a bath and apologies to Itsuki

Ichika: I'm sorry Itsuki but I seemed to have fallen for him too...I'll try to repress my feelings for you through. but if he is aggressive...I won't refuse...maybe I could be a mistress


Declassified Information

The tale of Eros and Psyche came to Tenchi as he arrived in this world...It was like a memory for him. Because he can recall lots from it...

Eros has two weapons. One the Tenseiga the other the Tenchi sword or the master sword

Despite his skills, Tenchi has yet to even unlock their true forms yet alone master all their abilities

//AN: Please rate comment and review

DemonKingVan DemonKingVan

Is there any light novels, manga and anime you've been reading? Or have you had a anime, manga that ended up bad and want a different one. Let me know and maybe I'll check it out.

I'm about to catch up and finish Shogeki no soma . I can imagine him being Ryo or attack on titan I could imagine him Armin. Haha

next chapter
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