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24.63% Tenchi Nura Guardian of the Multiverse...The prince of darkness / Chapter 65: ...your angry aren't you....

Chương 65: ...your angry aren't you....

Right when Tenchi goes to the door Tenchi has a bad feeling

Tenchi: Ugh...why do I feel like it's going to be a pain...similar to that time I was arrested...well the first time I was arrested

Tenchi opens the door and suddenly he is in the velvet room. The velvet room is a room located between consciousness and subconsciousness. a few years ago he dealt with this room. However, the shape had changed. This time there was lockets everywhere.

A big nose man greets Tenchi

Big Nose: Welcome to the velvet room

This man is Igor the host of the velvet room. He is hmm an angel of some sort...by his side is a smiling beautiful girl. she has short white hair and yellow eyes. She wears a blue dress that resembles a stewardess' outfit this girl is Elizabeth

Tenchi: Eh

She is also one of Tenchi's girlfriends oh and is a lower angle rank than Igor...if Igor was a Mythology rank she would be a demi-god

Elizabeth: it's been a LONG time

Tenchi: umm sorry...I was busy..(so busy I forgot that I haven't severed her connection... let's not mention that to her...I only met her older sister once...and she is scary.)

Igor: We wanted to inform you that there is going to be a choice you will have to make...this choice will affect your future...he recommends you use the sword that shares your name

Tenchi frowns for a moment...he didn't like to have his fate decided by someone

Tenchi: Who is your master...I heard you mention him before...

Igor: it is too early for you to find out...

Tenchi looks at Elizabeth

Elizabeth: don't worry he won't hurt you

Tenchi:*sigh* Whatever so is that all you had to say

Elizabeth: yes...(I shouldn't tell you that time has stopped in your original world so even if you age you will return to the moment and age you left...so you could be here for 30 years and it was only an instant)

Tenchi knew she was hiding something but left it alone

Right when he was about to leave a butterfly flew towards Igor and Igor said

Big nose: a reminder, There may be others like you in the same universe as you...it is up to you if you want to join with them...

Tenchi looks at big nose one last time and as he about to leave he says

Tenchi: I don't know who your master is...but I am, by nature, someone who loves to be unconstrained and free. If you think my fate and destiny can be read...then you are stupid!

With that Tenchi leaves...Tenchi didn't know that he gained a new title but it was hidden at the moment... Freedom title


Tenchi knew several things from the conversation with Igor...one this is something that will affect the entire world

Tenchi: But strange...there are no Yokai, demons or gods in this worlds...the velvet room operates in a different plane...

Another thing is that he has only a year...

Tenchi: a year isn't a lot of time

Tenchi had one question...a huge question...who was their master

Tenchi: is their master...my.....

He shakes it off...suddenly he receives a phone call

Tenchi: Understood...I will handle go out tonight...


*that night*

Tenchi was helping out his families stalls.

as he was doing it. Chitoge came to his stall and was shocked to see him helping out. When the Shuei clan saw that Tenchi's girlfriend had come. They all pushed him away to spend time with her.

Chitoge: I never been to a festival before...

She was with Kosaki and surprisingly Marika.

Tenchi: (Why is Marika there...she is an under classmate...did they become friends or something?)

when he asked the girls about it. they said they are more of frienemy and will cut each other down if they let their guard down.

Kosaki is being used as the buffer

Tenchi: (women are scary)


As one would imagine the evening turned chaotic.

As they were walking around Chitoge Ribbon seemed to come undone so she was adjusting it and suddenly a bird came by and took it

Chitoge: Eh my ribbon

She almost transformed and burned the bird alive but Tenchi tapped her shoulder

Tenchi: Don't worry I'll get it

Before any of the girls could say anything Tenchi ran off

As he was running he ran into Yotsuba. She was wearing a yukata. he saw she was struggling to catch a huge fish that was too big for her scooper and Tenchi quickly had it go between the net and catch it and gave it to her then he ran off

{ goldfish scooping is a traditional Japanese game in which a player scoops goldfish with a special scooper. It is also called, "Scooping Goldfish", "Dipping for Goldfish" or "Snatching Goldfish}

Then he saw the bird and saw Miku who had broken her sandles. Tenchi put her on his back and carried her to the side near the stairs. There he quickly fixed them and put it back on her feet

Tenchi: You alright

Miku: Yeah...*she said blushing*

Tenchi: Sorry I'm looking for a crow

Tenchi left her confused

then he saw a Itsuki who was all alone looking like she was about to cry until he grabbed her. She was shocked at the hand that grabbed her and saw it was Tenchi

Tenchi: Are you alright? you looked like you were about to cry

Itsuki: I wasn't going to cry.

Tenchi: Oh your lost

Itsuki: puffed out her cheeks: NO I"M NOT LOST

Tenchi: Come here

Tenchi held her hand and led her to where he saw Miku and when they were together Tenchi quickly let her go. As he was gone she looked her hand and felt like it was missing something...

Tenchi then went and saw Ichika who was about to fall. Tenchi caught her before she tripped

Ichika: Oh look here my husband catches me before I fall.

she attempts to kiss him but he just puts his hands on her shoulders and looks at her

Tenchi: You have to be careful...you look tired

Ichika: when I haven't been with you, I've been working on the play...we have shooting next week

Tenchi: Yeah...oh shit I have to go

Tenchi ran off and saw the crow had the ribbon

Tenchi: (is that a normal crow?)

he then saw Nino who looked frustrated

Tenchi: What's wrong Nino

Nino: My sisters...today is a very important day for us ( I wanted to include you too...but you seem to be chasing birds now..)

Tenchi: why not call them

Nino: Those girls didn't bring their phones

Tenchi: No...your now able to communicate with your sisters. you awaken your twinepathy or I guess Quinpathy

Tenchi taps her head with his index and middle finger

Tenchi: Think and you should be able to contact them

She was shocked that she could hear her sisters

She was going to ask Tenchi about this but he was already gone

Tenchi saw Tsugumi who was trying to get a toy from a shooting game. Tenchi took the toy gun and shot at the crow by injecting some of his spiritual power into the release and the wooden plug and hit the ribbon out of the crow's legs and it fell the crow was afraid and flew away

Tenchi: Thanks Tsugumi

he saw what she was aiming at before and shot and won the prize for her

He then ran off and saw the ribbon landed where Haru and Fuu were

It landed on Haru's head

He went up to them and saw a bunch of guys was trying to near them

Tenchi: Yo...whats going on

Tenchi glances at the guys

Haru and Fuu ran behind Tenchi

Punk: hey brat. we saw these chicks first. We will let you have a go once were through

Tenchi: Oh. Who girls do you think you are talking about

Tenchi cracks his hands and was about to beat them to oblivion when

Ryu: oh what going on here. Its the third heir

Shuei clan member: Huh who are those bastards

Tenchi smiles and whistles: They are bothering me and my girls. get rid of them

The punks were never seen again...

Tenchi looks at Fuu and the shaken Fuu

Tenchi: it's alright. I'm here...

Haru heart was beating like crazy

Tenchi thought for a moment and saw his shoes were untied so he bent down on his knees

Haru and Fuu were shocked at this boldness

Fuu: (No he is just tying his shoes...)

But then he pulled out rings and put it on Haru finger

Haru froze for a moment and didn't know what happen

Tenchi then put it one Fuu's finger saying the same thing

Tenchi: keep these and pull it out and call my name and I will come no matter what.

Tenchi then left the girls frozen

As he was gone Haru who became unfrozen looks at the ring and realized


Fuu didn't want to say her prince...is a playboy

If Tenchi heard their thoughts he would have said he was gay not looking into a relationship...sadly he didn't


Tenchi returns the ribbon and gives her a ring telling her to always wear it

Chitoge-(Is this a proposal? Waid doesn't that mean I'm on the same level as Marika)

Chitoge: How long have you had these feelings for me

Tenchi: Huh..hmm for a while now. I can't pick a specific date. but I realize I should give you this. So I won't regret it later

Right before she could say something Tenchi alarm rings

Tenchi: Oh I have to go. Sorry about this duty's calling

Tenchi kisses Chitoge on the cheeks and teleports away

Marika walks up to Chitoge and says: You know he gave me a ring too

Chitoge became furious at this comment and they started arguing

Kosaki hid her fingers to not show her ring on her fingers...


*On a hill overlooking a lake Tenchi is in dark black clothes wearing a mouth mask*

He pulls down the mouth mask and looks at the two figures who suddenly appeared

Tenchi: good you two are on time. I'm Tenchi Nura of the Shuei clan. Introduce yourselves

Tenchi notices they both are young. but they seem about Master level skills

The first one wore a white, long-sleeved long coat with a white shirt underneath and long dark pants where multiple pockets with straps of munitions are attached. Underside her long coat is where she keeps numerous weapons. the most distinguishing feature is her snow-white bob-cut hair while wearing a pink headband with three ribbons attached on either side alongside a cardinal red scarf that is wrapped around her neck and yellow eyes.

Snow haired girl: Call me White fang...I'm with bee hive

Tenchi: I see...we're going by our made-up names. cute

White fang: My name can be called Paula McCoy but call me White fang

Tenchi: understood

He looks over at the other girl who is taller than average

Tall girl: I'm Kirika Tachibana

Tenchi: are you...

Kirika: Yes I am the Chiefs Niece, I'm a junior detective

Kirika seems to be in her late teens or early twenties. with pink eyes and blonde hair that she keeps back in a ponytail.

Tenchi: ok as I said I'm Tenchi Nura.

He takes out a map and a flashlight

Tenchi: our current operation is to rescue the Chinese diplomat. The organization seems to have gone crazy. Something about a civil war in their ranks. So we will launch an attack here. please look for any children in the area. The enemy has psychic powers.

Kirika: what do we do if we encounter them... I don't have psychic powers...

Tenchi: (Strange...she feels like an exorist...maybe never received training and doesn't know...) It's simple

Tenchi pulls out needles

Tenchi: inject them with...

he notices that Paula...white fang seem pale

Tenchi: *cough* (fear of needles?) Ok here this is a floories bomb. It can knock out a grandmaster. (sucks that the effectiveness lessened in bomb form) This is kunai's that disrupts the ...it makes the person hit unable to concentrate so they can't use their psychic powers. and these are guns that can erase their psychic powers. Sadly they don't work on natural born psychic

he gave them other weapons too.

Karika mouth twitch at this kids making these type of weapons

White fang: whats the effective range. How many strikes before it become useless.

She asked many questions like that and Tenchi answered all of them

Karika: So are we just capturing them or

Tenchi: huh. I don't care. As long as you rescue her the methods don't matter to me. You were chosen because within your clans. You were the best at infiltration. Remember the Chinese diplomat is the most important... we will meet at this locatiojn*he points to a point in the map*

White Fang: Understood then I'm off..I don't do well with others.

She disappears

Karika: Ok see you

she then runs off

Tenchi starches the back of his head

Tenchi:..no go team...ugh... let's make these devil cry...

Tenchi said with tears in his eyes

Tenchi: I guess I'll take it out on my enemies...oh didn't they say to use my Master sword...well I guess they are just dying

his master sword starts glowing

If Igor master heard this he would scream not like that!


*far away a beautiful girl is sitting down laughing talking to a butterfly*

{the following two are important but not needing to remember them for now}

Gir; It seems,s you can no longer see his future...well you are an idiot....you led him to that. Which was an obvious outcome? you should be happy now that you don't see it...well even if you knew you won't be able to do anything with your limited brain. rejoice in your ignorance remember ignorance is bliss. You don't even know who the true enemy is...Oh, I should leave. Unlike our other self and you. I'm only human but I know everything! I'll teleport to another time and dimension and help him when he needs me. I'll see you then. with your Omipresence, you should be around. funny you can't get too close to him other than in your velvet room. Well bye my other self

right before she leaves she tells him that Tenchi will refuse to combine with him... she leaves then

The butterfly floated for a while before disappearing


*Will add this to auxilery chapter *

Titles- Titles are acquired when an influential individual and many other people recognize you as bearing that title. It is also known as a Written Name, Alias or Degree.

The effects of a Title depends on the reason the Title has been bestowed on the individual and the meaning of the Title, granting new related skills or increasing the levels of existing ones and strengthening their effects.

For example, Mari has the title of Evil Godslayer which makes her stronger when facing Evil gods and Tenchi has the title Owner of Unconventional Luck (good). the skill never decreases the owner's luck but always drastically increases the chance of an encounter with people or monsters in a good or in a bad way. An example of this is Tenchi encountered a Mythology ranked person who almost destroyed the world however Joker saved them when they were almost killed off

Freedom title- The user is free and immune from every law, rule, fate, predestination, concept, limits, or any other type of cosmic, spiritual, mental, physical and/or mystical jurisdiction, making the user completely immune to their effects. This power is mostly wielded by prime beings and creator gods, as power itself is the fundamental and source of power that allows all limitless abilities to function. The reason why all boundaries are related to destiny and freedom itself is the opposite of it because fate/destiny impose boundaries in all beings.

{Tenchi hasn't fully awakened this title yet)

DemonKingVan DemonKingVan

Spoiler Tenchi won't combines with the two and know everything and be everywhere...*cough* won't become a god*

Paula McCoy is from Nisekoi

Kirika Tachibana is from Kazu no stigma

If you forgot Elizabeth is from Persona 3 along with Igor

next chapter
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