The issue he had now was time. He wasted so much time already in his cultivation. For him this was nothing, as he used to take years to upgrade just one minor base.
Yet he had now another goal to achieve. He tested his theory at forging and right now he had more theories to test as well. "Alchemy should be next," he muttered before glancing again at his body. "And I need to do it while training with the sword."
It was his luck to use such a low technique, or else the backlash would be much stronger. He went towards his cauldron and started thinking.
"They just use the personal energy to refine the items used in potions," he thought to himself before adding, "but this isn't that good compared to my previous world's techniques."
He decided to use his cultivation energy and test some potions and pills first. The issue here was that he couldn't fully control his power now.
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