The moment Arthur pulled the saber with all his might, the two horses neighed, one in panic and other one in pain. Yet he was ready with his healing potion as he instantly carried the cauldron and flooded the wound with the fluid.
The moment he grabbed the saber out, the female horse tried to break free yet the male horse managed to fix her on the ground. Just as the fluid touched her wound, she neighed and violently convulsed out of severe pain.
And she managed to push the two males away from her and started to roll on the ground in violent movies.
"Don't touch her for now," Arthur hurriedly stopped the deeply anxious horse, "leave her to feel the pain."
The horse glanced in question and worried Arthur. "She is going to be alright," he said before adding as he stood up from the ground, "leave her to rest for now. She will wake up much better."
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