The crowd gathered around the two combatants was growing restless.
The Orcs and Elves had expected the fight to be over by now, but something strange was happening.
Luk'Tar should have gone down after the savage beating Volk had dealt him, yet there he stood, bruised, bloodied, but still upright.
What is wrong with him?
Is he really that tough?
It felt unnatural in a way it's abnormal for someone to be that tough!
Volk was the first to notice something off.
Every time he landed a solid punch on Luk'Tar, the dark magic particles that surrounded the young Orc would shift and swirl, like a protective barrier.
They drifted toward the areas Volk struck, almost as if they were healing him, keeping him from collapsing.
As Volk's fist slammed into Luk'Tar's ribs again with a resounding BANG!, he saw it.
The dark magic particles, faint at first, began to swirl around Luk'Tar's torso, as though drawn to the impact.