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32.04% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 83: First Day on the Job

Chương 83: First Day on the Job

I don't own star wars

The part of Dantooine we landed on was apparently miles and miles of a farming community. While Dantooine was a lush green jewel of a planet with wide flowing grasslands and rolling hills and vast concrete buildings, where we were there was nothing but farmland as far as the eyes could see with a few collections of farmhouses in set intervals.

We all got off the ship, stretching our legs Nike stretching a little more… distractingly.

She wasn't wearing her skit anymore but a combat jumpsuit that hugged her in all the right places, zipped up to just below her breasts, pushing them together "I can't believe it still fits…" she said absently, watching me pointedly as she touched her toes, "I haven't worn this since I was in the Coruscant militia…"

"Sandy gods, bless the militia." Rattletrap mumbled, watching her sexy muscular frame intently. "Anyway, bro where are we going?"

"We are to see Basilo Rodes the supervisor of Torga's farms." Cortana said mechanically, already shuffling off towards a nearby home. "Thank you for escorting me Captain." She said in her distracting voice.

Rattletrap pushed a remote on his belt and the ship ramp closed up behind us, before following after Cortana with Caradoc. I held back as Nike finally stopped distracting me and gave me a slime smile. "Do you have a weapon?" I asked, not remotely what I wanted to say, but I asked.

"No. But I imagine staying with you is fairly safe… and don't worry…" she said, whispering in my ear, "I'll put the skirt back on later…" she purred.

I coughed, apparently choking on my own drool. Then, almost immediately I handed her dad's rifle she seemed surprised. "Here." I said, "So you're not unarmed…"

"Okay. Roland." As if talking to a young child to point out logic. "Now you don't have a weapon…" she laughed, but I pulled out mom's retractable blade and- SNIKT! The yard-long sword flashed in the light and Nike stared at it impressed.

"You can adjust the barrel for rapid fire or accurate shooting." I said, playing it cool and showing her how to work dad's rifle. "Until we can get you a blaster you can use my dad's rifle."

"I'm sure Rattletrap will make something for me if I ask nicely… in a bikini…" she grinned, aiming down the rifle and frowning. "…This is a nice rifle. But it's a pretty old model."

"It was my dad's. He had it for years…" I replied and realized that Caradoc and Rattletrap were talking to a Duros in a straw hat, rubbing his hands together rather shiftily. Caradoc sniffed. Ah man… ten minutes on this planet and somebody already pissed him off.

"What's wrong?" Caradoc growled at the Duros

"Ah! Yes… hello…" the duros replied, "I'm Basilo…Please don't hurt anyone."

"What did you do?" I turned to Caradoc who merely shrugged his big furry shoulders. "We've been here for like five minutes!"

"You… you work for the new hutt that owns the farms, right? Torga? Our last hutt didn't like it when things… got complicated." The duros continued to rub his hands, his eyes lingering on Nike a little more than I liked but they then kept going back to Caradoc.

"The farm's profits have steadily decreased up to 5.36 percent…" Cortana said, hooked up to a computer nearby, "…Torga was curious as to why."

"And that would usually file under, 'complicated'…" the duros replied, watching Cortana nervously, "But as to the profits thing… it's actually much simpler than one of my people trying to underpay the new boss." He cleared his throat, realizing if we were going to hurt him we would've done so already. "… There are some scavengers out on the farthest farm, near some old ruins. They use it as a hideout while the scavenger… they're a mean bunch. They chased off the workers who lived there and pretty much trashed the place so we can't get out there to harvest or seed so Torga's profits are cut as a result. We can't get close without them shooting us… We usually just deal with dumb, wild kathhounds and the occasional kinyak. These guys are just to vicious…"

"Why not tell Torga that?" I asked scratching my head as Rattletrap wandered towards Cortana and began to watch it/her more intently. "He'd send a couple of mandalorians and take care of it…"

"Yeah… we've been owned by four different hutts in the last Two years alone…" the duros replied rather depressed. "Usually our contracts are bet in one of their many, many gambling dens. This Torga guy is the latest, and we've lost a few foremen when we've complained about scavengers before…"

"Torga's not like that…" I replied, "Next time just tell him instead of trying to hide it…"

"…How many are there?" Caradoc asked, sniffing again as the Basilo turned to him.


"The Scavengers… do you have a number? A dozen? Half that? More? How many?"

"…Umm… I think when they chased the others out they had about 8 men? Could be more at this point…" he said looking thoughtful, "We don't get any closer to really count them."

"Where's this farm?" Caradoc asked firmly, eyeing a nearby speeder bike in Basilo's shed.

"About a click that way, why?" he said, pointing north, "Honestly just smell the smoke from burnt crops you'll know…"

Caradoc sniffed again and got on the bike, revving it up. "Wait Caradoc…" I began but it was too late, he was off… I really hope he was coming back without causing trouble.

"We should…" I watched him vanish, "…Probably go after him… Cortana?"

"Yes, Captain Roland?" the droid asked, giving me her full attention.

"Can you contact Torga and inform him about… all of this?" I gestured, not sure how to describe the moment

"Certainly, Captain Roland." And she started emitting an odd buzzing sound, probably sending a message.

"Are there any other speeders we could borrow?" I asked Basilo who shook his head.

"Sorry, but my workers took the other ones to work the fields…"

"Fine, we'll just take the ship." I said, grabbing Rattletrap. "Watch the droid for us, please or Torga will send people to hurt you." I noted casually as we ran back to the ship, "We'll be back Cortana!"

"Have a safe flight Captain Roland." The droid replied, waving with a now nervous-looking Basilo.

I tossed Rattletrap into the pilot seat as the ship began revving up and taking to the skies. "Okay. Follow that wookiee!" he said cheerfully before we sped up and flew slowly northward.

"And where will we be landing the ship?" Nike asked calmly as we viewed the vast farmlands looking for Caradoc.

"We'll think about that when we get there…" I said unsurely, "Let's just focus on finding…" a faint light flashed in our window as a small explosion near a large ruined building covered in overgrowth appeared. "…Caradoc."

"Why did he suddenly run off like that?" Nike asked as Rattletrap eased the ship in that direction.

"He's always been more action than talking…" I said rather sheepishly, "He probably wanted to deal with the scavengers to save time. He's weird like that." As another explosion appeared. "Rattletrap turn on the guns…" I noted.

"Turning on the guns…" Rattletrap grinned and flipped a few buttons. The junker guns whirled to life on the ship as we approached, and almost immediately blaster fire from the farmhouse began to pepper the ship. It essentially did nothing but singe the ship, but if they hit something important it might become a problem.

Then from the crops came a green light, a bowcaster bolt, slamming through the window firing blaster bolts… then the window stopped firing. Caradoc was a great shot when he needed to be. And he was staying hidden, so at this moment, he was hunting…

…Which probably meant he was sniffing angrily again because we were interrupting…

Then the door kicked open and an angry looking human in leather and chains lifted what looked like-CRAP!

"RPG!" I shouted, grabbing the controls and leaning the ship as the rocket fired from the shoulder-mounted cannon and flew past us as we weaved to the side. Then the guns on the ship immediately aimed at the man and atomized him.

"Nice bro!" Rattletrap cheered, then he suddenly went silent and… "…We're going to crash now." The ship slammed into the fields, plowing the food crops as it skidded to a halt and leveled itself with a crash as more blaster fire slammed into our hull. "…Huh… not bad a landing for your first time."

Nike rolled her eyes and lifted dad's rifle, "Should we go help Caradoc?"

Dozens of blaster bolts continued to singe the hull of the ship. Then out of the tall crops charged Caradoc, wielding an extended vibro-sword like mine as charged into the house, roaring an untranslatable wookiee battle cry. "…I don't think he needs it." I noted as a twi'lek male came hurtling through the second-floor window and went eerily still in the grass, slowly becoming red with blood. The farmhouse lit up with light as they turned their blasters from us to Caradoc.

Caradoc thrived in close combat, his senses heightening immensely when he was. You might think shooting him is the best option in such a case, but it's not, you'd have a much higher chance of killing him if you had a close-range weapon like a vibrosword. Because if Caradoc was close enough to hit you, you are probably already done for…

We exited the ship, slowly approaching as the blaster lights ceased. Nike held up dad's rifle, and I held my own sword as Rattletrap followed behind us with what looked like a very heavy wrench. "Caradoc?" I called faintly once we were sufficiently close enough…

Then the back door swung open and Caradoc walked out, his fur was a little singed but that was to be expected. He took a deep breath, and smiled as he sighed. "…I feel so much better." He replied, "Rattletrap they got some good scrap in there… how's your stomach?" he asked hesitantly.

"Ironclad!" Rattletrap shouted excitedly before charging in. "WHOA! Caradoc this guy's been carved into three pieces! And he's wearing armor! That's so awesome!"

"…Should I be worried?" I asked, turning to Nike…

Something flashed in the corner of my eye and I turned the rest of the way. The twi'lek a huge gaping wound in his chest lifted a hold-out blaster pistol and aimed at Nike… my body moved before I could really think and I threw myself in front of her as I felt a painful burning sensation slam into my arm. I clutched at it, screaming in pain on the ground as Caradoc roared primal fury.

But he was beaten to the twi'lek by about an entire blaster charge of bolts as Nike emptied the rifle into the twi'lek screaming at him as Caradoc's charge skidded to a stop. "Shit!" she hissed angrily, quickly checking my arm. "Caradoc look for a medkit inside there's bound to be one!" Caradoc ripped the door off its hinges, ordering Rattletrap to help him look as my arm throbbed in pain.

"You're going to be okay…" Nike soothed, "It's just a flesh wound, but we need to patch it." She gently stroked my hand, as Rattletrap came charging out swinging a medkit over his head.

"Found one!" he opened it next to her and she took what she needed, a couple Kolto patches and gauze.

She quickly patched my arm up, "There… see? Not so bad." She smiled comfortingly at me, only looking a little concerned as I sat up holding my arm. Already the pain was deadening from the Kolto.

"Yeah… but let's avoid getting shot next time okay?" I grumbled, more to myself than anything.

"Our first mission!" Rattletrap shouted excitedly, raising his hands in triumph, "And you should see the stuff these guys got! It's great! And we're loaded up on spare weapons now…"

"Good." Nike said, carefully handing me dad's rifle. "Let's start loading up. Then we can head back to Basilo."

"Dibs on a cool sword!" Rattletrap shouted gleefully, charging back into the house, "Mind the mess!"

We loaded up whatever wasn't destroyed or looked like it didn't belong. Mostly old droid parts and a few holo-scolls, but mainly the scavenger's weapons. Rattletrap had already begun to take a few apart, something about 'making something awesome'…

"A lot of this junk is old, but I think I can take the good parts and put them together!" he said smiling, "Maybe a lightweight repeater for Nike, or a bowcaster with less recoil!"

"How about a slugthrower?" I asked absently, rotating my shoulder, and testing it for pain.

"Oh! yeah probably!" he smiled, unloading a blaster pistol and thoroughly slamming a hammer onto it. I think he just liked the noise, "But I won't know until I test…"

"Well… can you fly us back to the hangar tonight first? I think I need to lie down. I want to get back to Torga as soon as possible…"

"Sure bro. You get some rest." He said, heading towards the cockpit, "You took a battle wound after all! If we're lucky it'll scar and loom AWESOME."

I gently rubbed my arm where I was shot as I walked back to the bunks only to pause at the sight: Nike was undressing. With her back facing me I heard her unzip her jumpsuit, then slowly the shoulders loosened, and she released an audible sigh of relief, apparently, it was tighter on her than it looked. And it looked wonderfully tight.

Her muscular white striped shoulders appeared, then her back, slipping her arms from the sleeves she pressed down on the jumpsuit as it slowly spread wide over her hips, then her wonderfully large rear end popped out from the material and instinctively I turned away…

…Why was I turning away?! It wasn't anything I hadn't seen before.

The jumpsuit hit the floor in a crumpled heap as she lifted her feet daintily from the pile. Opening a cabinet beneath the right lower bunk to remove a skirt and t-shirt. Tossing on the shirt easily she bent over again to put on her skirt. Then she realized I was watching her… then she smiled, and went slower... she wiggled her hips as she pulled the loose skirt up her legs and over her rear end.

"There we go… all done." She cooed seductively, turning to me. "…Well now Captain. Come to kiss me goodnight?"

A little red face I walked to the left lower bunk and absently crawled in, she frowned slightly but didn't say anything. "No, I was just coming to bed…" I replied.

"…You have an entire room to yourself you don't have to sleep in the crew quarters…" she said, leaning over the bunk and letting her cleavage distract me.

"W-well I don't like the water bed in there…" I said, looking away subtly, "So until I change it out I was just going to keep sleeping here."

"Oh? A water bed?" she laughed, but then her smile widened and she slowly slipped into the bunk with me. Pressing me against the opposite wall with her large, wonderful rear as she shook her hips to get more comfortable.

"Nike what are you doing?" I asked a little surprised, but then she purred… and as usual, I didn't care anymore.

"Well captain…" she said teasingly, "You did take a blaster bolt for me today…" she said, pressing her whole body against me. "I was thinking that maybe that deserved a reward…" she grabbed the bunk curtain and slid it shut, purring in the dark as her white stripes seemed to glow. "A nice reward…" she purred again, looking over her shoulder at me. She took my hand, the one not pinned down by my body and wrapped it around her chest, placing my hand onto her breasts and squeezing it with hers. "What would you like?" she purred, implying exactly what she wanted me to request…

But I think I surprised her as I placed my ear on her back, "…Can you purr some more?" I asked hesitantly, gently squeezing her body as I managed to get my other arm beneath her to grasp at her other breasts.

"Purr?" she said, a little disappointed, but she chuckled and pulled my hand down her body and pulled it back up beneath her skirt until I felt her damp arousal between her thighs. "…Make me." She gasped as my fingers instinctively pushed into her body, "Oh yes…" she cooed, and PURRED, her chest releasing that wonderful rumble.

But then she gasped again and she jerked her head at me, "T-that was an accident." She said, immediately, trying very hard to downplay the fact that she just came, "Make sure you keep going!" she demanded as my unskilled fingers continued to explore her kitty…

…I couldn't help myself… my erection was desperate for release and pressed firmly against her soft rear as she rubbed back against me, her hips moving back and forth against my fingers. "…Nike…" I pleaded, pressing my hard-on to her and rubbing between her cheeks, "…Nike I need you to help me…" I begged, desperate to be inside her.

Her soft hand was immediately on my zipper, pulling it down and reaching into my pants to release my erection, slowly stroking and guiding it toward her asshole. "…Not that one…" I mumbled desperately, rubbing her pussy more aggressively as she moaned and made my cock kiss her puckered ass. She gasped and moaned, feeling my fingers increase their pace as I turned her head and kissed her, pulling her close as I tried to aim lower.

"No…" she whined desperately, "No I… in my ass, please?" she begged, her ruby eyes glowing in the faint darkness of the bunk, "I'm trying to ween off you…" she whimpered, and before I could argue further she pushed back against me, burying my cock deep into her warm anal embrace. "YES…" she hissed softly, kissing me again as I worked my fingers a double speed in her pussy, "Yes you're stretching me so good."

"…But…" I whined between kisses, "But your vagina feels better…" I buried my tongue into her mouth as I began moving back and forth in her ass. "Please?"

Her ass squeezed me tighter as if trying to convince me to stay in there. "Just… just please use my ass Captain…" she begged, quivering on my fingers as she came.

"Roland…" I said sourly, suddenly increasing my efforts, she gasped violently as her body took in the pleasure. "When we're like this. Call me Roland." I begged, kissing her again as she purred at my touch, my throbbing cock ready to fill her ass once more with my seed as I approached my release.

"Roland!" she gasped lovingly between breaths, "Roland!!" she begged, "Cum deep inside my ass!" I held her face to my lips as she gasped into my mouth, I flooded her ass with seed as she trembled in orgasm, her pussy tightening desperately on my fingers and her ass clenching tight around me to keep me deep inside her.

She moaned into my mouth, purring gently as she reached up with her hand and stroked my hair, pulling me deeper into her mouth. We were still in each other's embrace for a moment… then I started my fingers again…

"…I still want this Nike… please?" I begged as her body began moving with my fingers, thrusting her hips forwards and back and providing the added effect of stroking my cock back to hardness with her amazing asshole.

"Roland… no…" she mumbled but seemed to be on the verge of relenting… but then that put a foul taste in my mouth. And I stopped… she said no.

"Okay." I breathed simply, and I rolled her onto her stomach. Climbing on top of her as I grabbed her wrists with my hands.

"Roland!" she said rather surprised at my boldness, but she was too weak to resist after her own orgasm. And I still wanted more as my hips moved up and down, thrusting my cock into her ass as she looked lovingly over her shoulder, gasping in delight as I buried my length hard inside her, slapping her ass to my hips and making it jiggle as I did.

But I was more interested in her eyes, staring into mine as I silently thrust deep into her, in and out, steady as a rock and just as hard. I felt her body tremble beneath me between thrusts, her hands clenching as the pleasure built, she bit he bottom lip as her body shook at my forceful thrusting. Still watching me. Begging with her beautiful ruby eyes.

I wanted more of her… but I'll take what she gave me.

I dropped down onto her, fulling filling her with my cock and seed as her pillowy ass pressed against my hips and her whole body shook in pleasure.

"Oh Force!" she hissed out, her eyes rolling as she quivered beneath my body. "Force… ROLAND…" she growled, her eyes closing as she laughed faintly, "…Kark that feels so GOOD…" she praised, looking at me with hooded eyes, "…Come here…" she ordered with a soft husky purr…

I leaned forwards and she kissed me, flexing her naturally flexible body to do so with her wrists still held in my hands. Moaning into my mouth, "…Next time for sure… be a good boy until then…" she cooed, and I understood.

But I wanted just a little more... I pushed her back down, she giggled as I rested my head against her back again. I didn't even have to tell her what I wanted…

She purred loud and long… and soon I was fast asleep to the swoop engine that was her chest. All in all, not bad for the first day on the job.

End of Chapter

next chapter
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