An entire night has passed. I forgot how many months has it been since I have come to Jupiter. My memory isn't supposed to be this bad. Anyway, I have escorted the McNair family back to their house. It isn't too far away. More like this kingdom has a border with the demon kingdom.
It's a neighborhood scuffle. Foolish! Anyway, I decided that I would take some quests. But when I brought up that idea, everyone aside from Hazel rejected it.
"I will try to raise my wife points. So no violence or adventure for me." (Aura)
"I have to go and see father so I can actually get a grasp of the situation. I want to know how much you messed everything up." (Fay)
"Papa, I will go and explore this town alone." (Eden)
When Eden said that, I told her to take Aera and Tiana with her. I am sure she won't get into any troubles but being cautious is better than being sorry later.
Fiona has gone to the castle as it is her job. Amaryllis said that she wants to communicate with the spirits of this planet so Doris has accompanied her on her quest. Aegis is at home but she is saying that she wants to laze around and organize her thoughts.
Seems like it's me and Hazel.
"It has been a while since we were alone, hasn't it, Hazel?"
"Yes master. I am looking forward to today. We basically never went out alone." (Hazel)
She is in a giddy mood. But it's true that we haven't gone anywhere alone. I think this opportunity is as good as any. So we set out for the guild.
I look at Hazel who is walking beside me. She is wearing clothes that aren't very common in this world. I still don't get fashion. Maybe I should put the data I took to good use. But it's something like a trouser but not a denim. And she has a shirt on. Anyway, she looks like a modern city girl.
Ever since coming here she has started taking care of her appearance more. She had a pretty face and all but now it's just mesmerizing. I can see the guys staring at her. But I am pretty sure they can't do anything.
She will absolutely give them no attention and if they force it, they will get it.
"Master, why are you staring at me?" (Hazel)
"Oh…I was wondering how you have become even more beautiful. This style suits you but it would be nice to see you in frilly clothes as well."
At that she blushed.
"Master, why can you say such embarrassing things with a straight face?" (Hazel)
"I just said the truth. You would look good in frilly one pieces and frocks. Maybe I should have Ms. Pablo make some for you."
"That can wait master. Now, we are here." (Hazel)
She slid behind me and started pushing me. But we are at the guild anyway. We push the door and go inside. It's the same as always. Everyone falls silent for a moment but begin talking soon after.
They have probably gotten used to me. I can see that not a lot of people are here. It's past 9 in the morning. I think it's fairly early but not many are here.
We go to Ms. Maria and she greets me with a business like smile. Like the one you would see one making forcefully.
"Hello, Mr. Belmont. It's glad to have you here. And hello to you as well, Ms. Hazel." (Maria)
"Hello, Ms. Maria. Anything happened after I was taken away yesterday?"
"No. It was business as usual. Ms. Fay came and told us that it's nothing serious. This morning, a notification has been sent from the castle that we are to treat you with respect as a state guest." (Maria)
So they are making amends. But we aren't here for that.
"We would like a quest. Do you have anything?"
"A quest? We have a few but the rewards are not great and most of them are quite dangerous." (Maria)
She brings out a few papers. One is about goblins. One is about exterminating parasitic plants. But Hazel has been staring at one the papers.
"What's do you have, Hazel?"
"Master, it's about ogre subjugation. One of the dogkin villages has been attacked by an ogre. It has to be subjugated." (Hazel)
A dogkin village? I take it from her. It says that a bunch of ogres have been vandalizing that village for a while. But the rewards aren't too great. It's offering only 10 silvers.
"Ms. Maria, what is an ogre?"
"An ogre is a humanoid and intelligent monster. It's tall and muscular. Physically they are strong and can use various weapons. Fighting them is tricky even if it's a single ogre. They are normally ranked C if alone and it goes up if multiple." (Maria)
"Sounds good. Then sign this one up for us."
"Are you sure? They are paying way less than average and you are a B rank adventurer. Normally you should charge more." (Maria)
"I am taking this because of personal reasons. I want to see the ogres too but my goal is the dogkin village. So, sign us up."
She takes the paper and stamps it with in progress. She told us that it has no time limit but the sooner the better. We get the location from her and embark on our journey.
"Master, you didn't really have to take that quest." (Hazel)
"Don't let it bother you. I want to see other dogkins as well. Besides, it'll be a good training for you."
It's not too far from her but walking would take time and I want to try flying again.
"Hazel, heads up."
I pick her up in my arms and jump really high. Then I maintain a constant pull and push so I can float and then push the air to propel myself.
"Master, you should give me a warning that you will fly." (Hazel)
"I did say heads up."
"I thought you were going to carry me all the way there on foot." (Hazel)
"I could have done that but wouldn't this be faster. And I am still carrying you in my arms. Keep looking for a open space that looks like a village. I might miss it."
Hazel sighs and starts looking for a village on the ground. After 10 minutes, she tells me to descend. We descend into an open space. There are wooden houses but they aren't exactly very sturdy.
The people have features similar to Hazel. They are called dogkins, huh? They haven't noticed us yet.
"Let's go. We should try to talk to them first."
We try to speak to one of them but everyone becomes wary of us. Some men form a circle around us. They are on edge. If you are being vandalized constantly, I can understand their concern.
"I am Clive Belmont, an adventurer who has accepted your request. Who is the client?"
I show them the request paper and ask for the client. They are still not convinced. But an elderly person comes to us.
"I am the client. State your rank."
"Clive Belmont, B rank adventurer."
Everyone is surprised. But then he looks at Hazel.
"Is she your slave?"
"Why would you think I am his slave? Although I wouldn't mind being one." (Hazel)
She answered before I could and a very questionable answer at that.
"Hazel, I have always told you that you are not my slave. You are my partner."
"But master, I want to be treated like a slave, at least once. Put a collar on me, torture me, ravish me, impregnate me and show everyone that I am yours." (Hazel)
She has gone crazy. I shake her violently to make her stop. After stopping she realized that she had made a blunder.
"I am sorry. I lost myself for a moment." (Hazel)
And here I thought she was improving. I guess she still needs some time.
"Anyway, I would like to start. Can you give us the details?"
I ask the elderly dogkin person. But it seems like everyone is weirded out by Hazel. Looks like she even scared her own people. Not that she actually is but still, they are the same species as her. She should at least try to get along with them.
It'll probably take a moment for them to return to their senses. I won't be doing anything this time. I want to see what Hazel does against monsters. This is a training for her. But first, I should smooth this situation out.
I let some random impulse take over and wrote Hazel in this chapter. I will write the fight with the ogres next. I hope I can choreograph the fight well.