"Long Huojin, why did you go after the Wang's three years ago?" she asked.
Long Houjin rose from his seat, approaching the door and locking it.
He then walked towards her, placing himself on the seat next to her. He ran a hand through his dark locks sighing.
He then faced her with his soft blue eyes.
"The Wang's came after my family first," he began.
"My father was always abusive, but it wasn't initially intense. Mr. Wang, Weimin's father, began to feed my mother some lies and rumours about him. She began to feel insecure, paranoid, angry even. Mr. Wang convinced her that he loved her, seduced her and everything. He told her that he would leave his wife and that she should leave Long Yuntian," he paused.
Remember the conversation involving that "One condition," for a later chapter.