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39.71% Songs in the Void: A Multiversal Score / Chapter 55: Rewards and New Members of the Dimensional Chat

Chương 55: Rewards and New Members of the Dimensional Chat

Void Multiverse, Space Between Universes.


{BGM: "Victory Fanfare (FFVII REMAKE)" – Nobuo Uematsu}


Shining between the Universes, a white beam traveled faster than the speed of light. In the center of the beam, a young man with brown skin and purple-tinted black hair could be seen if the viewer was not blinded by the light.


In that light, the young man's eyes were closed. This young man was Tatsuo. Although nothing could be seen from his expression, he was hearing a song that sounded familiar, though he could not quite place it.


'What is this music?' Tatsuo asked while drifting through the void at extremely high speeds. 'It sounds like something I've heard before, but I can't remember where.'


Just then, Tatsuo could feel pain start wracking his entire body.


'Argh! What is this pain?' Tatsuo screamed internally. 'It feels like my whole body is being ripped apart and put back together again… Over and Over! Argh! It hurts so damn much!'


Although he did not know it, Tatsuo's body was reverting back to the way it was before he left for the ICDS Universe. At the same time, all the improvements he made in that universe were being added to his former body. As a result, he was facing immense pain. However, since his body was inactive while his mind was fully active, the pain was amplified.


Eventually, around the time that the short song ended, all the pain Tatsuo was feeling had come to an end. Simultaneously, the beam of light carrying him had reached its destination.


Hub World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo.


In the next instant, Tatsuo reappeared in the bedroom of his apartment in his original world.


Then, once the light that transported him between worlds dissipated, he fell to the floor, covered in cold sweat. On top of that, from the mutation his body underwent, the lingering pain made him incapable of even screaming to vent the pain he was feeling.


After a few minutes, the pain finally disappeared. However, Tatsuo was too fatigued to even stand up. Then, just at that moment, his smartphone buzzed with an alert while the same [Notification] appeared in his mind.



Congratulations! You have successfully completed the [Mission]!

Your rewards will be distributed momentarily. Please wait.}


"*Pant* *Pant* This is what *Pant* I've been waiting for." Tatsuo said quietly in a weak voice while smiling just as weakly.



Rewards have been distributed.

-Obtained: 2,000 Coins.

-4 random invitations have been sent out to the [Dimensional Chat]. Please wait for recipients to accept.

-Obtained 1 Random Reward. Would you like to start the lottery? Y/N}


After reading the [Notification], Tatsuo's smile grew a little wider. At the same time, using his fatigued body, Tatsuo pushed himself up from the floor. Then, he staggered over to his bed before flopping down face first.


"Start lottery." Tatsuo mumbled.



Beginning Lottery Spin. Please Wait.}


While the lottery was choosing his reward, Tatsuo used all his remaining strength to pull himself all the way into bed. Then, he turned over and laid face up.


Meanwhile, several individuals in several different universes had all received similar messages. And none of them could believe what they were seeing. Though, there was one particular young lady who was ecstatic after seeing it.



Reward chosen!

-Obtained: [Ability] – [The End – SS+]}


When Tatsuo saw the ability he had had received from the lottery, his eyes could not help opening wide in elation.


[The End] was the ability, or rather, the Abnormality of the main heroine of the manga/anime, Medaka Box, Medaka Kurokami. [The End] allowed Medaka, through observation, to learn the abilities of anyone she came in contact with. And once it was brought to its highest level, "Altered God Mode," it even broke down the processes of the ability, making comprehension even easier.


"Hell yeah!" Tatsuo exclaimed happily. "Now, I'll be completely unstoppable. All those awesome techniques will be mine."


At that moment, more [Notifications] rang out.



Red Dragon Emperor has joined the [Dimensional Chat].}


Master of Metals has joined the [Dimensional Chat].}



Magic Seamstress has joined the [Dimensional Chat].}



Dungeon Guardian Maiden has joined the [Dimensional Chat].}


Seeing the first name that joined the [Dimensional Chat], Tatsuo frowned.


"Great, a perverted, titty freak is part of the chat." Tatsuo grumbled as he opened the [Dimension Chat]. "And there are at least two females who joined as well. *Sigh* I hope the sexual harassment will be kept to a minimum, at least."


At the same time, in another world, two of the new members of the [Dimensional Chat] were having similar thoughts. Though, they did not speak them allowed in fear of waking up the women who were sharing the bed with them.


{[Dimensional Chat]


Master of Metals: Damn, I never thought I'd be caught up in some more fan fic-type shit like this.


Magic Seamstress: I know, right! This is so cool.


Red Dragon Emperor: You two seem really excited about this. But I admit, this is pretty cool.


Magic Seamstress: Whoa! I thought the first thing you would say was asking if you could see the female members' oppai, or something.


Red Dragon Emperor: Are you getting me confused with the Shadow Dragon King's host, or something?


Master of Metals: Huh?


Magic Seamstress: Huh?


Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): Huh?"


Red Dragon Emperor: Why are you guys so confused.

Red Dragon Emperor: Ize would be really hurt if he was so neglected like that.


Dungeon Guardian Maiden: Tatsuo-Kun? Is that really you?


Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): Huh?

Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): Wait, that ID…}


At that moment, Tatsuo remembered the person he was with until his last moment in the ICDS Universe. Then, he smiled when he remembered her bold actions just before he disappeared from that world.


{[Dimensional Chat]

Magic Seamstress: Huh? Do you two know each other already?

Magic Seamstress: And since the admin's name isn't some title, does that mean you're supposed to be our leader, or something?


Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): Sumire-San, is that you?

Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): I don't' know. But I've had the chat for about a week. There was no one else in it, though.


Dungeon Guardian Maiden: Tatsuo-Kun! It really is you!


Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): Yeah, it's me.

Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): Now that whole mess you made at our goodbye seems a little silly doesn't it?}


ICDS Universe, Earth, Japan, Tokyo.


A few minutes ago, Sumire, who had just watched Tatsuo leave for his own world, was still collapsed on the floor of his bedroom. However, before she could even wipe her tears, a transparent message board appeared in front of her face. And no matter how many times she tried to make it go away, she couldn't.


So, she decided to read the message that was floating in front of her.


{Are you feeling sad over the loss of someone important? Well, don't worry. Turn that frown upside down. If you join the [Dimensional Chat], although you may not be able to meet them immediately, chatting across dimensions is no problem.

-Would you like to join the [Dimensional Chat]? Y/N}


After reading the message, Sumire could only blink in confusion. Although she could understand everything written on the message, her mind was having trouble processing it. However, after a moment, she excitedly accepted the invitation.


Not long later, she saw the several names chatting. However, she kept her silence to get a grasp of the situation. But when she finally saw that familiar name exclaiming in confusion, she could no longer hold back.


Happiness almost completely overwhelmed Sumire's senses. Yet, when she saw Tatsuo mention their dramatic goodbye, her face, ears, neck, and upper chest all turned as red as a freshly picked apple.


"Tatsuo-Kun no baka." Sumire muttered embarrassedly while still smiling brightly.


Hub World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo.


{[Dimensional Chat]


Master of Metals: They really do know each other


Red Dragon Emperor: Looks like it

Red Dragon Emperor: So, are you two from the same world?


Magic Seamstress: Yeah, like me and Fonzie?

Magic Seamstress: Oh, we don't' have to explain that we're all from different worlds, right?


Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): Fonzie? But no, we're not from the same world

Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): And since I've already been to another world, I already know how this works


Red Dragon Emperor: I get the concept, too


Master of Metals: Same here


Dungeon Guardian Maiden: Um… Me, too


Red Dragon Emperor: Well, since I know my name isn't Fonzie, and the admin's name is clear for everyone to see, that means that either Master of Metals or Dungeon Guardian Maiden could be this Fonzie.

Red Dragon Emperor: But since the Maiden seems to know the admin, by process of elimination, it must be Master of Metals, right?


Master of Metals: That's right.

Master of Metals: But please, don't call me that.

Master of Metals: My name is Alfonzo Marcus

Master of Metals: You can call me Alfonzo


Magic Seamstress: Ooh! And I'm his first wife.

Magic Seamstress: I'm Elicia Marcus Taylor

Magic Seamstress: But you can all call me Lici


Dungeon Guardian Maiden: First wife?


Magic Seamstress: Yup!

Magic Seamstress: Fonzie has a harem.

Magic Seamstress: A big one


Red Dragon Emperor: Oh! A fellow man of culture, I see

Red Dragon Emperor: I have a pretty impressive harem, myself

Red Dragon Emperor: You can call me James… James Sataniel

Red Dragon Emperor: Those old fossils on the Council are so unimaginative}


Tatsuo, Master of Metals, Alfonzo, and Magic Seamstress, Elicia, were all confused when they saw Red Dragon Emperor's name.


{[Dimensional Chat]

Dungeon Guardian Maiden: Um… I'm Minami Violet Sumire

Dungeon Guardian Maiden: But you can call me Sumire


Master of Metals: Infinite competitive Dungeon Society, huh?

Master of Metals: Was that the world you went to, Tatsuo?


Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): Yeah.

Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): I guess you read it, huh?


Master of Metals: Yeah. A long time ago.

Master of Metals: I don't really remember the details, though.


Magic Seamstress: Me, too


Red Dragon Emperor: I read it, too


Dungeon Guardian Maiden: Read it?

Dungeon Guardian Maiden: And what is Infinite Competitive Dungeon Society?


Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): Oh, sorry about that, Sumire-San

Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): Because I never thought you'd be a member of the chat, I didn't explain that to you.

Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): I didn't wanna give you an existential crisis


Dungeon Guardian Maiden: What do you mean?


Red Dragon Emperor: In some worlds, other worlds may appear as stories, video games, or other forms of media.

Red Dragon Emperor: And although it's hard to believe, your world is one of them

Red Dragon Emperor: I even suspect my world is the same.

Red Dragon Emperor: There are a lot of people that I feel shouldn't even be in my world


Dungeon Guardian maiden: Are you serious?


Master of Metals: Ours is the same


Magic Seamstress: Yeah, there are all sorts of people from other anime, manga, and video games in our world, too


Dungeon Guardian Maiden: And you knew about this, Tatsuo-Kun?


Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): Yeah


Dungeon Guardian Maiden: Does that mean my life, and everything that happens in my world is predetermined?


Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): No, not at all

Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): The fact that I was there should be the proof

Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): For example, the Event Dungeon at Osaka Castle

Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): In the novel, it was never cleared.

Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin) In about a month, it would have turned into a Field Dungeon


Red Dragon Emperor: You cleared the Osaka Castle Dungeon?

Red Dragon Emperor: What was it called again?


Master of Metals: I don't' know


Magic Seamstress: I can't remember, either.


Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): General's Honor


Dungeon Guardian Maiden: General's Honor


Magic Seamstress: Oh! That's' right

Magic Seamstress: What kinda monsters were in there?

Magic Seamstress: It was never mentioned in the novel


Dungeon Guardian Maiden: Terracotta soldiers


Master of Metals: In Japan?


Red Dragon Emperor: Those are Chinese, right?


Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): I was thinking the same thing when I saw them

Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): Anyway, why don't you guys go into the [System Settings] and change your Ids

Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): Aren't those names embarrassing?


Red Dragon Emperor: Nah, not really


Master of Metals: People have been calling me that for years

Master of Metals: So, I don't mind it


Magic Seamstress: I like mine


[Dungeon Guardian Maiden changed ID to Sumire]


Soramoto Tatsuo (Admin): I guess I'll simplify mine, too


[Soramoto Tatsuo changed Id to Tatsuo]


Master of Metals: I guess that would make it simpler


[Master of Metals changed ID to Alfonzo]


Magic Seamstress: It would have been cuter if you changed it to Fonzie, though

Magic Seamstress: But since Fonzie did it


[Magic Seamstress changed ID to Lici]


Red Dragon Emperor: Well, since everyone else is doing it


[Red Dragon Emperor changed ID to James]


Tatsuo (Admin): Cool. Well, it was nice meeting you guys

Tatsuo (Admin): But I'm going to bed

Tatsuo (Admin): I just got back from a mission and I'm exhausted

Tatsuo (Admin): The stuff I went through when returning was a real pain


Sumire: Tatsuo-Kun, are you okay?


Tatsuo (Admin): Yeah, I'm fine

Tatsuo (Admin): I'm just tired

Tatsuo (Admin): You guys take the time to get to know each other

Tatsuo (Admin): I'll read the chat in the morning and while I'm in class

Tatsuo (Admin): I'll talk to you guys after school

Tatsuo (Admin): Later}


With that, Tatsuo closed the [Dimensional Chat]. Then, with a smile that showed excitement for what was to come in the future, he eventually fell asleep.

SixthSense1029 SixthSense1029

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