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81.18% Some Random Smut Collection(R18+) / Chapter 219: Part 1: Jeanne(Fate)

Chương 219: Part 1: Jeanne(Fate)

Description: Captured by Gordes Yggdmillenia, Ruler is subjected to torture after torture in an attempt at making her join the Black Faction to win the Great Holy Grail War. And there are so many ways to torment a young maiden...


Arriving in the throne room-looking audience chamber, Darnic Prestone Yggdmillenia, head of the Yggdmillenia clan, took seat in the comfy yet elegant chair located in the middle of the room, two aides by his side, ready to provide him with whatever he might need. The long-haired elder of the clan sighed tiresomely : after all, it was quite literally the middle of the night. Why would he ever be summoned so late? Thankfully, the entire family knew of his power and would know better than to disturb him so for a poor reason, at least leading him to believe that whatever would rob him of his rest would be worth the trouble. After only a few seconds of wait, a man appeared into the room : wearing a distinguished white and gold suit garnished with a few medals, the overweight man stepped in front of the lord of the clan and bowed deeply in respect.

"My Lord, it is good to see you again." the mustached man said, clearly eager to tackle the reason of his presence.

"Indeed, Gordes, but you should know that I will be quite displeased if this visit of yours is not of the utmost importance. Matters that can wait until morning should indeed do so." The Yggdmillenia lord said, nearly yawning as he did.

"Naturally, sir, and I do apologize for disturbing your rest but I do believe you'll find what I bring you to be worth the bother. Bring her in!"

Upon hearing the order, two Magus soldiers serving the Yggdmillenia house walked in, pulling with them a third newcomer : a woman, short but harboring generous curves, entirely naked save for a pair of metallic greaves that reached up to her knees and gauntlets that reached up to her elbows, her hands shackled in her back and a brown bag over her head, hiding her identity. Though she seemed to weakly fight against the two soldiers' grasps on her arms, it also appeared to barely be enough to even annoy the guards, let alone pose any threat of escape. Once the three reached Gordes' side, the latter powerfully punched the girl in the stomach, forcing a muffled groan out of her before she fell to her knees, coughing difficultly. Upon seeing the nudity of the newcomer, her C-cup breasts now dangling because of her bent spine and painful wheezes, Darnic sighed deeply.

"I have no interest in concubines at this hour, Gordes, especially not such clearly unwilling ones."

"Oh, but this is no mere concubine, sire. You see, as I headed into battle for your righteous cause, I encountered a powerful foe and, using my wits and abilities alone, I managed to neutralize her and bring her back here, as you see."

And, after expositing about his marvelousness and superiority, Gordes pulled off the bag over the girl's head, dramatically tossing it behind him and revealing the captive's face : a beautiful young girl with silky blond hair tied in a long, braided ponytail, fierce amethyst-colored eyes and youthful traits worthy of a princess coveted by all, commoners and nobles alike. In her mouth, however, was a large ballgag tied against her nape, the prisoner barely managing to gasp through the muzzle. In her hair was a steel ornament, nearly like a crown, that covered the top of her forehead all the way to the sides of her face. Even the difficultly impressed Darnic couldn't help but let his eyes widen as he recognized just who the woman was.

"…The Ruler-class servant…" he mumbled, surprised to see her in such a pathetic state.

"Indeed, my Lord, this is Jeanne d'Arc herself! As you can see, even this exceptionally powerful Servant, summoned and powered by the Holy Grail itself, was not enough of a threat for someone such as I!" The fat man chortled, unable to keep his eyes from leering at the kneeled girl's ass.

"But… she should have been a most unbeatable foe. The Ruler class possesses the ability to command all Servants using Command Seals exclusive to its class… How could you possibly defeat her, let alone capture her alive?" Darnic asked, legitimately curious to find out.

"It is as you say, Lord, a Ruler Servant is quite formidable because of its direct link with the Holy Grail… but, as such, I figured all one needed to do was to cut her off from the source of her power. As such, while I distracted her with an offer to join our side in this battle, my acolytes prepared a ritual around her using some of our most powerful relics and tools and we were able to shatter her link with the Holy Grail. Thanks to my brilliant tactic, of course. I currently am the one providing her with the mana required to remain summoned, though only enough for that much : she as weak and frail as the human girl whose body she is possessing and cannot access any of her abilities or Noble Phantasms. And so it was easy for me to defeat her with only my bare hands, smacking her to the ground easily and ripping off her armor and clothes to be more… presentable as a woman, shall we say. Isn't that right, Jeanne?"

With a simple press, Gordes undid the gag keeping Jeanne's mouth shut, letting the nude girl wheeze for oxygen as she glared up at both Yggdmillenia men.

"I-It was a cowardly tactic… I shall make sure you both p-pay dearly for treating me as such!" she spat, bearing her fangs angrily, though her blushing cheeks hardly intimidated the men at all.

"…You've done well, Gordes. Surely this will ensure our victory over the Red Faction, now that the Ruler class Servant is no longer there to keep us from using our more devastating weapons. Perhaps we should simply get rid of Ruler right away, then…" Darnic thought, thinking that may be better for his own continued survival.

"I believe it wouldn't be wise to do so, my Liege, with all due respect." the victorious fatty said, bowing politely to make sure his words weren't met with hostility.

"…Why do you believe that?"

"As she is now, she is nothing more than weak girl. However, she may be witholding information about the Holy Grail and its inner workings thjat are yet unknown to us. I suggest we convince her to join the Black Faction through… strong persuasion, shall we say." The man explained, shrugging when using the term 'strong persuasion'.

"Y-You want to torture me?! I will never falter to such caitiff methods, you cur!" Jeanne claimed, though was reminded of how she had fell prey to the hands of the British in her life.

"Or so you say now, but the history books are clear on your fate : after days of torture at the hands of the British, you swore off your oath to serve your country before being burned at the stake. If tortures of the times were enough to make you crack, I do believe it'll be quite simple to get you to serve us, Ruler." the man wearing Hitler's facial hair giggled, still admiring the Servant's ass while pretending to look her in the eyes.

"…H-History books claim such falsehoods?! I never renounced my oath! I walked to the p-pillory proud and noble, knowing the Lord had not abandoned me and-"

"Urgh, enough. Guards, gag her again."

Obeying the Yggdmillenia member's order, the two soldiers grabbed the muzzling device from the ground and stuffed it back into Jeanne's mouth, muffling her last few words pertaining her honor and some such. Now silent again, Jeanne could only fume as two men whom should have normally feared her influence and power discussed her fate.

"Do you believe yourself capable of… taming her quickly, Gordes? Possibly before the Red Faction or other Magus organizations learn that we've captured her and attempt to free her?" The leader of the large family asked, getting up to leave as he inquired.

"Yes sir, naturally." Gordes declared, glad that the authority figure of the family agreed with his plan.

"Then make it so. You have carte blanche : Use any material or personnel you like." Darnic said, leaving the room flanked by his two aides.

Bending his spine again as the man left, the overweight magus was left alone with only the two assistants holding Jeanne's shoulders down and the Ruler class Servant herself, the latter fuming furiously in her fat captor's direction despite her degrading position. With a large, self-satisfied smirk on his lips, Gordes was already planning the fallen Ruler's torment.


"Don't think I'll forgive any of you of the Black Faction once I get out of this, Gordes Yggdmillenia. Once I break free from your clutches and link back to the Holy Grail's power, I shall make sure the entire Black Faction perishes. If you release me now, however, I shall be merciful and only execute you, sparring your subordinates."

Despite her confidant tone and well-worded threat, Jeanne could hardly have looked less menacing, even if she had tried : her gaunleted hands and grieved boots all pulled apart, trapping the girl in an uncomfortable, eagle-spread position, Ruler was strung up in the middle of a metallic ring, her young, supple body exposed for all eyes to see. And this time, there were a great many eyes, besides just Gordes' : a room-full of Yggdmillenia soldiers, mostly young men from 17 to 30, the entire gathering gawking at the nude Servant as though she were a hired stripper.

Further than that, it seemed they had quickly noticed her trembling hips, passing the word along to their comrades so they could all mock the fearsome Ruler. Jeanne told herself that the tremors of her body were caused by anger and outrage but, in truth, she couldn't help but feel a hint of terror at this situation, recalling that she had been forced in this exact position not very long before her execution.

"Losing a bit of that neutrality you flaunted earlier, aren't you? I assume you'll want to kill my subordinates as well, once they're done with you. Either that or you'll be begging for more, one or the other. I'll make myself clear : though Lord Darnic has entrusted me with your training, or torture, however you wish to call it, I would much rather your mind be intact as you serve us. The men in this room have all volunteered to take turns raping you for hours. However, if you simply accept to join the Black Faction now, I'll tell them off and we can start planning the Red Faction's downfall right away. What say you?"

"…Y-You think rape is enough to make me crack, fool? I've endured deadly tortures at the hand of the British, nothing your feeble imagination could come up with will be enough to make me yield!" The proud Jeanne declared, raising her chin arrogantly despite her shaking.

"Hmph… Have it your way, having a fine woman like you as a whore will surely raise troop morale. Men, enjoy yourselves until she goes mad."

Like a pack of rabid hunting dogs suddenly allowed to chase after a hare, the men quickly swarmed around Ruler, hooting a slew of insults about every possible aspect of her body.

"That's a great-looking ass. Can't wait to bang it." One of the men said, slapping her bubbly ass at the end of his sentence, making it jiggle for a few seconds.

"Be… be quiet, you vile pig!" Jeanne groaned, feeling the sting of his smack redden her ass.

"Y'know, female Servants are always so sexy… I'm glad we can have some real fun with one, now." Another fiendish soldier laughed, cupping one of Jeanne's breast and testing their weight with a solid grope, lifting her jug up and down.

"…Servants are august beings of great power! You sh-should consider them as honorable brothers and sisters in arms, not mere tools for your amusement!"

"Sure, they're strong, they make good weapons. But you were just neutral trash… So this is perfect use for you." The man replied, fully groping both her plump breasts.

The more they realized the damsel was indeed harmless, unlike the dangerous foe they had either heard of or seen in action themselves, the more soldiers slowly advanced on her, encroaching closer onto her pedestal. Soon enough, hands covered her entire body, caressing her ivory thighs softly, twisting, pulling and grapsing her sizeable udders and performing a hundred different indignities to her candy, beautifully-sphered ass.

Though the former knight of France tried to keep a straight face through the abuse, thinking this was her best option to make her captors lose interest, she was quickly forced to let out a few squeals, her ass in particular left quite sensible after the thrashing defeat she had endured at the hands of Gordes, a single slap to it now enough to make her moan a bit too femininely for her liking. They seemed to know quite well where to touch a woman to make her flinch, leading her to believe that this was not the first time they 'interogated' a female prisoner this way. Eventually, the first one that had reached her and attacked her ass mercilessly stepped in front of her : a massive brute likely more skilled in physical combat than spellcrafting. And, after her undid his pants, she saw that his cock perfectly matched his enormous height, the thick, long manhood hardened and ready to penetrate the Holy Virgin's twat.

"Until you join the Yggdmillenia family willingly, you'll be raped and stuffed with cum. I wonder… Can a Servant get pregnant from human semen?" The man asked as he rubbed his pulsating manhood against her vaginal lips.

"Kkhh… Servants are.. A-ahhn… b-beings of magic energy summoned by Magi through the Holy Grail. The idea that one could be i-impregnated is absurd!" she declared, though not quite so sure about her answer, having never heard of a scenario involving breeding with a Summoned Spirit.

"Ah, that's too bad… But I guess that means we can go all out on you without worrying!"

And, as if Jeanne had been his own wife whom he could enjoy as he pleased, the man stabbed his flesh sword deep into her sacred womanhood, shoving his blade all the way to the base. Ruler had been preparing for this, mentally and physically, but, despite her efforts, it quickly became clear that she had grossely underestimated the raw, devastating impact his cock would have on her body : with just this first thrust, it felt as though her entire body was split apart in two, further making her quake, though now both in pain and fear.

An inelegant groan passed through her lips as her head stretched upwards, her eyes looking up to the ceiling as her mouth was left open in a croaking whimper, summoning roaring mockeries from her crowd of torturers. Once again, images of her torture at the hands of the British flashed in her mind, recalling being made to make much too similar sounds during the rapes she had endured in her living. She should have been stronger, this time, though; She was Ruler, a unique class of summoned Heroic Spirit. And yet, nothing had changed, something she realized completely when the man began pumping his cock in and out, further making the beautiful blonde girl moan lewdly. Further excited by the sounds he was ripping out of the powerful Servant, the man cupped one of Jeanne's breast and, lifting it up to his mouth, sadistically licked, kissed and bit down on her erect nipple.

"Cowardly f-fiends… MnNaaAhh… Don't t-think this humiliation will go unpunished!" She insisted, needing to at least speak against those perverted men if she were unable to fight them off at all.

"You said that already, yet I'm still banging your tight pussy, Ruler. And everyone here will get a shot at fucking the Servant whore!" The low-rate Magus laughed, bringing his hands from her chest to her ass, clasping at one cheek per hand and digging his fingers into the cushiony flesh of her desirable rear.

And, as though inspired by the implication that everyone would get a turn enjoying her womanly wiles, another man appeared in her back and, from the bulge she felt poking in between her molested ass cheeks, she knew just what was coming, once again firsthand experience as a war prisoner. However, it seemed as though just this much was not enough for Gordes, who had been watching the action with great interest and a large smile : after a single snapping of his fingers, the metal ring holding her in that humiliating position began vibrating ever slightly.

Even the technologically-oblivious Jeanne could figure out that something had just been activated or engaged but, before she could ask about the sudden whirring sound emanating from the machine around her, the man behind her that had only been teasing her anus chose that moment of confusion to shove his dick up the pure girl's ass, tripling the intensity of her screams. Her neck now fully stretched upwards in a gut reaction, unable to hold her composure in the face of this pain and disgrace, Jeanne hiccuped in surprise when the man in front of her brought one of his hands to the back of her head and forced her to give him a long, wet kiss, their tongues twirling nonsensically as he imposed the embrace. Even as a simple villager, she had never been one for romantic matters. In fact, she had lost both her virginity and her first kiss to the British soldiers that had tortured her for days. And now, as a Summoned Spirit, she once again lost her first kiss to some stranger imposing his baser instincts upon her beautiful forms.

The very idea made her want to puke but, naturally, doing so would likely have entailed a few consequences even more painful than the mere rape she was enduring now, though likely just as disgraceful, hardly able to be any more humiliated than she currently was, convincing her to suck it up and, indeed, suck on the man's lips and tongue just as he was doing to her as he stabbed his manhood into her now impure twat. However, what little pleasure she may have felt from the fornication, nothing but a physical reaction, of course, was quickly robbed away from her when a powerful, crushing electricity zapped through her entire body, forcing her to leave the kiss she had been made to give in favor of shrieking a long, miserable squeal.

As her body was rocked both by the immense pain she felt and by the cocks shoved into her orifices, she quickly understood that the energy, a surging electricity that would likely kill a normal human came from the contraption holding her in place, as neither of her rapists seemed to feel even an ounce of pain as they kept on fucking her. So, on top of viciously raping her, Gordes had decided to strike her violated body with even more pain through electrical means, had he? As much as she wished she could have claimed to be fully able to endure this pain, her screams told quite a different story, her widened eyes and stuck out tongue further showing her complete and utter defeat, shades of insanity gleaming through the moistness in her eyes.

"If you scream this loudly during your very first service, I can't imagine the sounds you'll make by your millionth fuck, Ruler. After all, for as long as I keep providing you with a bit of my mana, we can keep you here indefinitely. Unless you join our ranks, you'll be the Yggdmillenia's sex slave for as long as I live… and, even after my own death, someone else could keep feeding you mana to keep you from vanishing, effectively making you our immortal bitch."

Though her mind was far too muddled to properly understand what he was saying, barely even feeling the men's hands groping her ass and tits, Jeanne knew he was entirely correct: even as she was cut off from the Grail's power, she would remain in existence as long as someone provided her with mana, whether she wanted to remain or not. And, being a mere being of manifested magic, she would remain eternally youthful, trapped in a form that the men gathered there seemed to greatly enjoy, a fact she could easily guess just from the many bulges she saw on their crotches. As such, unless she found a way to escape, she could indeed become nothing more than the Yggdmillenia clan's unwilling whore for as long as they wished.

As that realization sunk in, though, she felt the man in front stuff his cock as far as he possibly could. She had learned long ago what that meant when men like this did such a thing and, soon enough, what she knew would happen indeed did as a wad of fresh semen spurted its way through her innards, completely filling up her vagina in a few seconds to the point of leaking out. It didn't take very long for the second man, currently stretching the boundaries of her anus, also shot his load deep into the girl, quickly staining not only her insides but also the flesh of her ass and her satin thighs. Because of her acute senses, Jeanne was able to feel every single spec of cum fill her insides, providing her with a deep understanding of just how thoroughly she was stuffed with semen. Despite that, she held her moans in by furiously clamping her teeth, nearly feeling as though she was about to break her jaw from that simple tightening.

After a few more seconds stuffed deep in her orifices, the Magus that had been fucking her hard exited the Servant, letting their seed droop down to the floor below. Leaving the quivering heroine hang miserably in her bonds, the electric shocks having stopped as soon as the rapist Magus had removed their still throbbing cocks from the panting girl. As she raised her eyes again, however, she saw that the crowd of men had not dispersed of weakened in the least, their eager grins still as large as the swells on their forks. As more assailants approached, Ruler could only buck her hips, grit her teeth and endure the torture as they satisfied their viler drives using her young body…

next chapter
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