I smiled down at Nico as I hummed a soft hymn to heal his arm. I was rebandaging his cuts once again. Suddenly his eyes fluttered open and he pulled his arm away. I leaned over him staring down at his black hair and dark eyes that stared back up at me.
"Nico." I said "Let me bandage your arm."
"Who are you and where am I?" He asked
"I'm Will Solace, head of the Apollo cabin. This is the infirmary. You passed out just after you got here." I reached towards his arm again
"Don't touch me." He said pulling his arm away again
"I need to bandage your wounds. Please let me."
He held his arm out. I grabbed it and a soft shock spread through my hand but I didn't let go.
"All done." I said and passed him some nectar
He drank the nectar and I noticed a slight grimace on his face.
"How do you feel?" I asked
"I'm fine." He said pushing himself up
I watched him scan the room before he began to rock.
"Nico are you ok?" I asked softly
"The jar. Can't breathe. Too tight." He said so quietly I could hardly hear him
I had spoken to the seven on the Argo II through an Iris message shortly after he arrived here. They had told me he had been trapped in a jar with no air for eight days before they'd rescued him. I lifted him up gently and carried him to the room I stayed in when I had to sleep here overnight. I had left my clipboard on the bed and pushed it aside as I set him down. I stood there in silence as he slowly calmed down.
"Is this better?" I asked softly
"Yes." He whispered back
"You talk in your sleep." I blurted randomly
I had been taking care of him for the last two days and it was true he talked a lot in his sleep. Not so much while he was awake.
"What did I say?" He asked
"You kept saying Bianca. Who's that?"
His eyes glossed over with tears. "She is, was, my sister." He muttered
I understood. I had lost friends and family before too. In fact just over a year ago I had lost one of my brothers during the second titan war. Michael Yew had been head of our cabin until then. I had inherited it after him at 13. Of course I said none of this sensing Nico didn't want to talk about it. I headed towards the door.
"I'lI be back tomorrow to check on you." I said as I left
There was no response and I walked down the hall to sign out for the day. On the way I bumped into my sister Kayla.
"You headed back to the cabin?" She asked
"Yeah, I thought I might take a little while off." I shrugged, "By the way someone's staying in my spare room. Don't bother him."
"Nico Di Angelo. He was claustrophobic in the other room and the other patients didn't want him near them."
"Alright then I won't go in there."
She winked at me and left. It was so annoying how she always did that even though I was older. Pretty much my whole cabin thought I had a crush on Nico. They were wrong. I think. I'm still a bit confused about that. I sighed and signed out. I headed back to my cabin for a quick shower and threw on a sweatshirt before heading to campfire.