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27.77% smut collection / Chapter 5: chapter 5

Chương 5: chapter 5


A toymaker and his new ward are attacked by the HIVE trio only the HIVE mission and the toymaker might be more than meets the eye.


Welcome everyone to next chapter of Other World Incidents this time part two of Game of Life: DC Edition.

Last chapter you saw D_Rissing first performance as Mesogog now sit back and watch as I the amazing nightmaster000 put on a performance to remember as Benedict Uno aka Father~

Chapter Text

(Jump City)

The scene shifted to focus on Jump City which following the aftermath of Thanagarian invasion and destruction of the Leagues first watchtower had ended up under the protection of a group of young heroes now calling it home the Teen Titans.

But rather than the heroes or their famous T shaped tower the scene was currently focusing on a elaborately designed and highly decorated mansion on the outskirts of Jump City and inside this mansion in a prim and refine office a teenage girl wearing a pink shirt, blue shorts, and pink tennis shoes, and holding a pink purse was taring at a chair which had it's back turned to her with a annoyed if uneasy look.

"Now my dear I know that this is probably a lot to process in a short time." The chair turned revealing the face of a man possessing a pointed chin and noise, with black hair styled in a pompadour wearing red rimmed glasses, black pants, suspenders, dress shoes, a white dress shirt, and a black bow tie.

This man was Benedict Uno who was the CEO of Kids Next Door toys, and was also (As far as this reality's history was concerned for the past week~) Jumps City's wealthiest citizen.

He was also the man who had secured Kitten release from prison preventing her staying another day behind bars like her father or Fang her boyfriend, after the disaster of a prom last week, "And i'm sure you must have a lot of questions."

He said leaning across the table, "But the reason I secured your release is because I see a lot of potential in you that shouldn't be left to squander and rot in prison." He explained gesturing his hand over at her before sighing and shaking his head, "Nor should such a pretty thing like yourself have to suffer do to have such a poor father figure."

He said with a remark and insult to Kitten's father Killer Moth

"Hey! Daddy is not bad" the girl said in defense of her father "He always make sure i have everything i need!!"

"Uh..huh." Benedict said with a arched brow while cupping his hands together across his desk, "Even say.." He gave her a critical look, "The love and attention you deserve?"

He asked in a hard tone before adding on, "Instead of focusing on D-list plots or mutant moths?"

Kitten was going to protest but then she shut up.

"He...did get me a partner for the dance...that counts right?" she said not fully convinced

"And why did he do that my dear." Benedict said staring into her eyes, "Did he do it out of the goodness of his heart and love for you."

He than leaned back against his chair, "Or did he do it because you had to force him to help you?"

"Well..i wanted Robin and yeah he did it because daddy forced him but..." she looked down "Still felt nice having him to be my partner..even if the night wasnt...that good to be honest"

Sure felt nice having the leader of the Titans as her dance partner...but he didnt make the night that memorable..and she basically had to threaten him more that once just to dance

"I'm sure it was my dear." Benedict said with a soothing tone as he got up from his desk, "But I think a lovely girl like you deserves more than some thug like your spider boyfriend."

He arched a brow stepping right in front of her, "Or a traffic cone fashion disaster that wouldn't appreciate you." He said gently cupping her cheek, "And I'm afraid I was referring to how you had to force your father to help you not your date my dear."

"I...ummm" Kitten blushed before trying to look tough "is this going anywhere?" she asked trying to sound angry "Yes my dad was more focus on those moths, no my night with Robin was a disaster and i want to claw his eyes out, yes Fang is a thug but is the only one that made me feel loved" some tears gather in her eyes "is that what you wanted to hear?" she hiccuped

"Oh don't cry my dear." Benedict said soothingly while gently wiping away her tears, "I don't say all this to be cruel." He gave her a comforting grin, "I'm saying this because I want to help you "

He gave her a intense look, "In you I see not only a beautiful young lady but also a sharp mind who's potential was never properly nurtured". He gently brushed aside a stray hair from her face, "I not only want to help you reach your potential."

He gave her a grin, "But give you the family and love you always deserve."

"My..my true potential?" she asked confused all she had before was money and her father´s creations as "muscles" but without those what did she have?

"Yes your potential." Benedict said with a nod giving her a smirk, "In your eyes I see a girl who knows how's to take control, determination to get what you want no matter what, and.."

He let out a little laugh, "The brains to put things together.." He let out a snort, "Because let's be honest between you and your father it's clear who the real mastermind is."

"I...ummm thanks" Kitten got a small smile. it was nice hearing some good things about her

"No problem my dear." He said giving her a smile, "And from now on consider this a new start in a new home."

He said gesturing around them before taking her hands in his own, "And eventually I hope you consider me more than a guardian..but also a Father~". He said with a chuckle before giving her forehead a kiss

"Eh!!!" Kitten was shocked by the sudden action feeling her head warming up "My father? but...well my daddy wont be in jail forever and..." she trailed on

"And is he really fit or deserving to be the father of such a beautiful girl with such untapped ambition and potential like yourself." Benedict asked with a frown keeping her hands in his own, "Can you trust him to give you the love and support you deserve?"

Kitten looked down...she wanted to say yes...she loved her dad after all...but if he had to choose between his experiments and her...she knew which one he would choose

Benedict sighed, "You don't have to make a choice today my dear." He said giving her a grin, "For now I want you to be comfortable and adjust to your new life.".

He cupped her cheek, "Though someday I hope you realize that I'm worthier of your trust and love my dear." His smirk gained a slight malicious edge, "Especially when I have big plans for the future that I'd love for you to be part of."

He said giving her forehead a kiss

"Ummmmm" Kitten blushed not knowing what to think but also saving the mention of plans in the future...what kind of plans could a toymaker be doing? "I...i thank you sir" she said "but for now...what will you need me to do?

Benedict smiled as he walked to the desk cupping his hands behind him as his back face her, "In the future you can expect some quality time not only for us to bond..but."..

He shot a grin at her over his shoulder, "But also to help you realize your potential with some training ~" He said with a chuckle and a strange knowing look in his eyes before turning away

"But right now I want you to keep calm and show the fierce feline I know you can be " He looked over at the clock with a arched brow, "I'm expecting company and I just need you to keep calm and play along until the time is right."

Kitten looked up in confusion...what did he mean with that?

And at that moment a loud boom echoed out sounding like it came from the front entrance with Benedict raising his head with a smirk, "Ah right on time." He said with a chuckle as he turned and began to walk out of his office, "Come along my dear guests to greet, a performance to put on, and a test to conduct"~

"What part of dont break the door didnt you understand?!!!!" The little evil genius known as Gizmo cried in anger as his mechanical spider legs pulled up to the face level of his co-worker.

"What? you said we had to enter quickly?" Mamuth said not getting why his little buddy was so angry.

"I said quick and quiet!!!" the little one yelled "Now you probably set an alarm plus alerting everyone in the building we are here!!!!

"Stop yapping Gizmo" the female leader of the group, Jinx, said "plus you were taking too long to find an alternative way in"

"Well excuse me!" Gizmo snapped over at the team leader with a growl, "But the boss said we had to this as sneakily as possible.". He said he with a snap before gesturing over at the broken down doors, "This isn't sneaky!"

However Mammoth merely shrugged off the glare, "Eh worked with the Titans " causing jinx and Gizmo to frown at reminder at their greatest victory turned humiliation, "Speaking of.."

Jinx spoke up with a frown, "Let's do what we're supposed to before they show up." Mammoth gave a blink, "But didn't the boss say we wouldn't have to worry about the Titan's?".

With Jinx giving a snort and dry look, "Considering their track record of poking their noses where they don't belong, and the fact we haven't met our 'boss' face to face you'll forgive me if I'm skeptical about that."

On that the other two males nodded in agreement

"Lets just find this Mr...Uno?" Gizmo scratched his head "jeez who named their kids like that?"

"Someone the world is better off without." A nervous scared voice said causing the trio to blink and look up at the entrance hall staircase with Benedict and Kitten standing on top the former blocking kitten from them while giving them a terrified look, "N-now please leave I've.. I've..d-done.. nothing..to..you... please."

He said and asked in a meek tone

"is that him?" asked the big boy.

"yeap thats him" said Gizmo pulling out a picture.

"Well he is more pathetic than i thought" said Jinx walking towards the duo "Ok Mr...you dont know us thats fine but we have a client that want us to take you to him so if you could please come along" pink energy cracked in her hand "unless you want things to get messy"

"No..no..no..NO!" Benedict said with a yelp, "Please.. you...don't know what you're doing.. "

He said nervously clicking his hands together, "I'm sure we can talk this through like reasonable people.."

He said in pleading tone, "Surely a lovely young lady wouldn't harm a. a defenseless toymaker like myself." He asked with gulping stutter

"Charming" said Jinx "but..." she sent a wave of pink energy that cause the hand rail to exploded causing the man to almost fall off the stairs "orders are orders"

"AH!" Benedict said with yelp as he stumbled back into Kitten, "Wait please you're putting us all in danger!" He called out in fear while wrapping his arm around Kitten shoulder and pulling her close against his side.

"Eh? and who is this?" asked Jinx noticing the blonde.

"Wait?" Gizmo spoke up from his spot narrowing his eyes, "Isn't that the loser moths daughter who blackmail that crudmunching bird boy into a date last week?"

He asked looking over at his teammates and "friends"

"Oh yeah!!" said Jinx "What was her name again? Doggy? Catty? something like that"

Kitten eyebrow twitch as she stopped her foot howling out, "My names Kitten!" She yelled with a glare with Benedict giving a flinch beside her before she pointed down at the Hive Trio, "And you three creeps better leave or else!"

She yelled ordering them to scram while internally wondering what the he k was going on, and why Mr. Uno was acting like this. Sure she only met him him but this nervous wreak beside her pressing her against (His surprisingly firm and muscular body) him was not the same man she was talking to earlier.

Plus from his earlier comment it seemed like he was expecting them, but something told her these three stooges didn't know that.

Not to mention what he says about putting on a show and a test...but a test for who?

the trio looked at each other before laughing

"Hahahaha good one blondie" said Gizmo "and what you will do if we dont?" he mocked "you gonna use your butterflies on us?"

"Hahaha maybe call her daddy on us" Jinx also added

Kitten glowered and scowled as she clenched her fists and felt her face heat up with Benedict speaking up in a nervous stutter beside her, "N-now that is uncalled for!" He said in a reproachful tone, "'W-why i'm..sure..she could..easily handle any one of you hooligans if given..the chance."

"Oh? Now she is your bodyguard?" mocked Jinx "Well lets see how good she is in the job" she added before sending an arc of pink energy towards the duo

"LOOK OUT!" Benedict yelled pushing Kitten away from the attack taking the full blast of pink energy which slammed him into the fall with a pained weak grunt, "Ugh.."

"Hahahahaha" Jinx laughed alongside Gizmo and Mammoth "well it seems she will bee fired"

"Mr Uno!" Kitten couldnt help but scream in worry.

"Oh well easy money i guess" said the pink haired girl "Mammoth go get him"

Benedict groaned on the ground and sent Kitten a weak look before managing to groan out with a pain gasp, "Ugh..battle..ready..armor..ACTIVATE!"

He yelled at the end and at his words Kitten eyes widen as black battle armor started to form out of nowhere over her clothes causing her to yell out in surprise, "WHAT THE!?"

The armor had in samurai theme completed with a helmet with small red horns, chest and shoulder armor and an armored skirt over a red body suit (although no shoes for some reason).

"Woah" said Jinx "Ok thats slightly impressive" she said.

"Hahaha more like i will squash her like a soda can" Mammoth said charging against her.

Kitten didnt know what to do.

"Stay away!!!" she yelled pushing a hand forwards..



and a small laser canon emerged from her wrist firing against the boy.

"AGGGG!!!!" the giant cried as a red laser hit his face knocking him down

"Mammoth!" Gizmo cried out in shock before sending Kitten a dark glare as he activated his jet pack hovering place, "Alright you scum muching slug face!" He yelled with a scowl, "You want to play let's play!"

He yelled zooming over at Kitten sending two rockets flying straight at her mid flight causing the girls eyes to widen in shock

She raised her arms.


the rockets hit and Gizmo for a moment was celebrating.

"What the?!!!" he cried in shock as the smoke clear away revealing the girl now surrounded by a red and round force field

Kitten herself blinked looking at the force field in shock, "Whoa." She stated softly before a unseen feral grin formed on her face under her helmets plate, "Alright you want to play."

She stated softly as the force field fell before she fueled by instinct and anger, "Let's play kick the baby!" She yelled jumping high in the (Thank you gymnastic team she thought half distractedly) while aiming a flying kick straight at Gizmo head

"Oh crap!!!"


the kick sent the little boy bouncing like a ball away and into the belly of a recovering Mammoth

"Ufff!!!" sending both to the ground.

Jinx sighed pinching the bridge of her nose, "Figures." She said with a eye roll before scowling at Kitten, "Never send boys to a woman job."

She said with Kitten herself giving a amused snort at the comment before entering into what seemed like a good battle stance (She was mostly imitating what she remembered from seeing Robin do on that disaster of a prom night or from news reports.) trying her best to be intimidating and not show any fear as she replied back, "Bring it bitch."

She said with a smirking tone of arrogance causing Jinx eyes to glow pink as she sent waves of energy at Kitten while rushing her

Kitten put her arms up.

Energy disk appearing on her arms helping her block and repel the energy attacks.

Smirking she rushed to meet Jinx half point.

The pink girl sent a punch only for the blonde to jump over her and kink her in the back

However Kitten managed to land on her hands and use the momentum to push herself up into a somesault flip wasting no time at pointing her wrist with the laser canon emerging again straight at Jinx after she landed in a crouch

Blasting a red laser straight at Jinx however unlike Mammoth she was able to dodge it with a twirl to the right sending a blast of mystical bad luck energy straight at Kitten in retaliation

With Kitten by instinct making a jumping dodge only to find what seemed to be rocket boots activating sending her flying up into the air with shock, "WHOA!" She yelled as she zoomed around trying to get control, "How the heck do you steer this thing?!"

She yelled before letting out a pitched yell as a blast of energy hit the wall in front of her BOOM! "HEY WATCH IT YOU CRAZY BITCH!" She screamed at Jinx while still flying out of control only for the pink hair villain to smirk, "I am it's called aiming!"

She said as she started to send blast after blast after Kitten with the intent to send her crashing down

Though unnoticed by the two as they continued their fight turned chase and as Mammoth and Gizmo weakly groan on the ground coming to from their earlier hits one Benedict Uno lifted his head up and was now watching the ensuing clash with a amused dark grin and intense gaze as he whispered to himself, "Almost time for phase 2 of the test~"

He said with a chuckle while enjoying the show

"Whoa whoa who...ok...i think..." the blonde girl managed to finally stabilized herself "yes i..whoa!!!" she had to evade another attack "ok bitch see if you like it" she added as a second blaster emerged from her other wrist and she began shooting at Jinx flaying around like a attack jet




Though as Kitten shot her blasts Jinx showed off her own acrobatic skills and training as she expertly dodged each blast while continuing to send her own attack right back at Kitten

Turning this battle into fire fight of dodging and weaving around each others attack, "Give it up!" Jinx called out with a wide mocking grin, "I've got the power, the skill, and training."

She said dodging another blast and as she sent her own attack right back, "You." She snort pausing a bit while giving a mocking smile with her glowing eyes, "You're nothing but a spoiled brat charity case with a fancy suit~"

Kitten kept evading the shots growing angry...but then an idea came came to her.

"You say that but you know what i have that you dont?" she asked

"Tch what?" called Jinx.

"A brain" Kitten shot again...only this time not at Jinx...but at the rope keeping a chandelier in the ceiling causing it to fell on Jinx.

"Epp!!!" the pink haired girl rolled out the way as the metal and crystal structure crashed on the ground. "uff that was close" the witch said "is that the ebst you..."


because of her distraction she didnt notice Kitten taking aim at her, meaning the next shoot hit Jinx fully on the chest sending her flaying against the stairs

"Ah..OOF!" Jinx let out in slight pained groan before glaring at Kitten who merely laughed, "Hehe who's the charity case now bitch."

She said with a smug tone while pointing her blaster at Jinx who growled her eyes glowing pink, "I'll be you once i'm done with you."

However before the fight could resume a loud large siren pierced the air as all the lights in the room turned red





And in the next instant the entrance of the mansion where the knocked down doors once stood a large metal wall appeared slamming down and this action was repeated with the windows being covered by the same metal plates

And if they had been outside they would have seen the entire exterior of the mansion being covered in metal covering every inch of it like it's own armor

While back inside a loud mechanical voice spoke out

"INTRUDERS DETECTED ACTIVATING DEFENSE MEASURES." With secret compartments opening up all around the room revealing various variety amounts of weapons and blasters aimed not only at the HIVE trio but also Kitten!

"What the..." Mammoth said looking around.

"This is why i was taking so long!!!" Gizmo cried in fear "This place has one heck of a security system that i couldnt deactivate in time!!!" he cried

Jinx looked around in shock with wide eyes as she exclaimed out, "I thought this guy was a toy maker why the hell does he have stuff you'd expect from Lex Luthor!"

She said with shock before whirling around as she heard a groaning voice the top of the stairs seeing Benedict wobble as he rubbed his head, "I might be a CEO of a toy company." He said in nervous frightful tone before looking down at the HIVE trio and Kitten, "But i'm also a man who lives in a world that's been invaded more times than I can count on one hand!"

He exclaimed whirling his head back and forth with fright, "And after the Thanagarian invasion I increased security."

He said in a mad rush before gulping, "But the system was under going maintenance check today and I can't SHUT IT DOWN!" He yelled gripping his head in a freak out

"What?" Kitten asked before having to dodge a laser shot as all the weapons began shooting on everyone

"Watch out!!!" Jinx cried diving under a table to evade the shoots.

"Ouch ouch ouch ahhhh!!!" Mammoth big body made her a easy target to shoot at making him run trying to escape the lasers.

"Whoawhoawhoa!!!" Gizmo tried to fly away only for a metal pincer to emerge from a wall pinning him against the wall "Help!!!!!!"

Benedict himself ducked down to the ground covering his head, "It's no use you four have to work together!"

He yelled out, "If you don't than we're all doomed!"

"Work together?" asked Jinx narrowing another laser

Kitten was also against the idea but in this situation they didnt have many options....still she wanted to see first if they were really out of options.

"Mr Uno are you sure there isnt a way for you to turn this thing off?" she asked landing close the man and using her disk shields to cover herself and him

"I'm afraid not my dear." Benedict said with a wince at the blaster fire went off, "I've had this security system in place for years ever since the incident where Superman was brainwashed to invade the planet."

He gave a wince at another blast of laser fire as he explained, "I've only upgraded and added to it over the years..but recently." He gave a slight wince, "There's been some technical issues which was why maintenance was needed."

He looked up into Kitten eyes, "And i'm afraid in it's currently malfunctioning state it won't listen to my voice commands."

He flinched ducking down, "The only options is to either outlast it, beat the defense systems, or get to the manually systems!"

"But that's the most secured part of the mansion!"

"Ouch ouch och...ok i vote to ouch ouch try it!!!" Mammoth cried as he was hit on every side.

"If i can reach the main terminal i could deactivate the whole system!!" said Gizmo from the wall.

"Ugg" Kitten cried "fine...we will need to...work as a team" she said in disgust.

The only one against the idea was Jinx herself.

"Forget it!!!" she cried "i will just use my power and blast a way out!!!"

"You heard Mr Uno" kitten cried "this was set to withstand Superman!!!" she cried "i dont think your light show will do a dent!!"

the witch growled.

"Well i can try!!!" she cried "because there is nothing this house can throw at me to make me work with you!!!"

In that moment the mechanical voice sounded again.


"SELF DESTRUCT!" Gizmo and Mammoth exclaimed in tandem as Jinx and Kitten paled, before Gizmo roared his sight over at the toy maker (Who was starting to seem like Toyman long lost brother at this rate), "Why the crud do you have a self DESTRUCT!"

He roared out in disbelief with Benedict giving a shrug and embarrassed grin, "Um honestly.." He let out a chuckle, "That's part of the last resort package.." He gave a flinch, "A sort of I go down but i'm taking you with me deal."

Explained as the Teens in the room shot him disbelieving looks before Kitten shot Jinx a flat look, "Great job now you're really going to be blasted out of here." She said with a catty remark while using Jinx words back at her blaming her for tempting fate.

"Grrr ahhh fine!!!!" the pink haired girl cried "We will work together but just until we are safe" she then turned to the adult in the room "and after that i will make you suffer for putting us in this situation before delivering you to the boss GOT IT!!!!!"

"G-got it!" Benedict said with a yelp and gulp while internally holding back a grin though before another word could be said the computer voice drone out again

"ACTIVATING PROTOCOL TOASTY!" Mammoth spoke up with a confused blink, "T-toasty?" He repeated with a grunt as he was blasted only for Benedict to pale and go, "Oh no.."

A trap door opened in the middle of the room and a form rose out from a secret elevator which was revealed to be what seemed to be a large Knight like figure about the size of Mammoth with what seemed to be some kinda furnace on it's abdomen

The knight stood silent for several moments before a large blast fire shot up and engulfed it's form!


Turning it body into glowing hot metal as he began to move appearing unbothered by the flames


Both Kitten and Jinx launched to attack the robot.

Jinx tried to hex it from the ground while Kitten tried to fly over it shooting from the air.

However the attacks seemed to show no effect with the Knights flaring hotter as it shot two blasts of fire at Kitten and Jinx respectively



"ARG!" The girls screamed out weather jumping and putting acrobatics to test or weaving in the air though both still felt the heat from that attack

"DON"T BOTHER!" Benedict roared as Kitten carried him in her arms having picked him just as the knight sent it's attack, "Sir Toasty was made with advanced technology and touch of magic as a protective measure against rogue Kryptonians!"

He looked up at Kitten, "We need to fall back and try to get to the main terminal now!"

"I agree with him!!!" cried Gizmo "but someone get me out of here first!!!"

with that Mammoth broke the claw releasing the boy who activated his jetpack and a holographic terminal.

"There is a large amount of energy going in that direction" he pointed to a door "the terminal must be down that hall"

"He's right!" Benedict said with a nod, "Just get me there and i'll help Gizmo access the main terminal."

He shot Kitten a worried look, "But we have to be careful the way to terminal is protected by the security system, it's the most secured location in the mansion!"

Kitten took a deep breath...she didnt knew 100% what was happening but if anything she was ready to prove herself.

"lead the way Mr Uno...i will protect you" she said with conviction

"I know you will my dear." Benedict said with a grin placing his hand on her shoulder giving it a slight squeeze through the body armor, "And I know that I can count on you."

Kitten nodded.

"Ok the little guy guide us...big guy try cover little guy" she said as the group began running.

"Hey thats my team you are talking to!!!" cried Jinx

"And considering you got them into this mess." Kitten began ducking a laser blast, "I think some better leadership is needed to get us all out of it!" She retorted back with a snap

Jinx growled and was about to retort when a blast of fire passed close to her.

the girl turned to see the fire armor coming after them

"ARGUE LATER RUN RUN AWAY NOW!" Benedict suddenly screeched out in a slightly high pitched tone down the hall with Gizmo yelling at his back, "You snot marching coward!" He yelled shaking a fist only to duck a narrow missed shot of fire, "WHOA!" At that he gave a short blink before zooming right after Benedict, "Right behind you snot munching coward!"

Kitten turned flying backwards as she began shooting towards the armor trying to slow it down

Jinx scowled as she followed Kitten running as fast as she could with Mammoth right beside her, before growling to herself, "I'd better get a bonus for all of this." She said before twisting around and sending a blast of bad luck energy straight at the Knight while roaring back behind her, "Mammoth back up Gizmo and protect our target!"

She glared at the knight which was only sent back a couple feet by her blast before it stomped hard on the ground, "We'll try to slow down sir burns a lot."

Both girls launch themselves to attack.

"I dont have much space to fly here so we need to come up with a good idea" said Kitten noticing the tight space on the hallway they were in

"How about you draw it's attention and I hit it as hard I can while it's distracted." Jinx suggested with a slight smirk having no problem throwing the brat into the line of fire

"Tch i hate the fact it probably is our best idea" said Kitten "Plus unlike you i think i can give that thing some fight" she added before flying ahead "hey overgrown oven!!! over here" she began shooting at it.

some lasers bounced off the armor while other left some marks but overall it seems they werent effective against the knight

"Where the heck did Mr. Uno get this thing?" She wondered shaking her head still feeling confused at how this entire day had played out.

It was only yesterday that she learned she was being released with charges cleared into the custody of Jump City's richest citizen, and when she met him face to face today the meeting certainly didn't play out as she expected.

As everything he said hadn't left her mind, of course things took a crazy turn with the three goons and Mr. Unos behavior taking a 180 when at first he acted like he was expecting them.

Though one thing was for sure she thought with narrowed eyes as she shot laser blast after laser blast while dodging flames, after all this was over and the three stooges were dealt with she was getting answers about everything, including why Mr. Uno had stuff that her father would have given anything for even all his mutant moths.

Meanwhile as Kitten was blasting away at the Knight distracting her while being lost in her thoughts Jinx was watching the scene with a gleam as she held her hand inches apart and started to build up a massive amount of attack, "Okay tin can.."

She said with a glare at the knight, "Let's see how you handle some super charged bad luck." She said and thrust her arms forward and threw out the biggest blast she could of the built up attack, and if the brat got caught in the crossfire than that was only her fault for crossing her path.


The wave of pink bad luck energy traveled down the hallway.


Causing walls and ceiling to began collapsing over the armor.

"Whoa!!!" and over Kitten who sped up trying to evade the falling debris

"HEY WATCH IT YOU CRAZY WITCH BITCH!" She screamed at Jinx after dodging the debris sending a dark glare, "Are you trying to hit me too!?"

Jinx however merely gave a shrug grinning "innocently", "Whoops sorry~" She said with obvious mock sincerity, "But hey at least I got the job done~" She remarked giving the collapsed debris that buried the knight a good kick, "I guess you were useful for something after all...shocker."

She said with a eye roll at the end causing Kitten to growl at her as she started to make her way down to the hall, "Now come let's catch up with the others and shut down this death trap." Jinx ordered with Kitten giving another growl snapping , "Hey you aren't the boss of me!"

But as they left the mount of debris began smoking.

(with the guys)

"Hurry this way!!" called Gizmo as they turned a corner "Down here we must be...oh come on!!!" he cried as he noticed some drones floating in front of him "Drones? Really?"

"Oh I actually got a good deal on those." Benedict admitted with a embarrassed grin, "Professor Chang gave me half off in exchange for a happy fun times rainbow monkey before it hit the market."

At the stares of the two boys he gave a shrug, "He said it was for his niece and well a bargain a bargain."

"Wait Chang?" Gizmo said "but that mean those are"

a drone turned a hose mouth at them shooting a red liquid that crystalize in contact to the wall after they evade it.

"Capture drones!!!"

"Like I said it was a good bargain!" Benedict said as they took of in a run trying to dodge the drones blasts with Gizmo sending whatever rockets and lasers he had in his arsenal straight at them

many drones where destroyed but plenty more kept firing.

Growling, Mammoth charged with an arm to the front.

the liquid crystalize his arms but he didnt seem to care as he used his newly crystalize appendages to cover from more attacks until he reached the drones and began pushing them into pieces

"Hmm blunt yet creative." Benedict said with a hum rubbing his chin with Gizmo blinking and giving him a strange look, "Right..."

The smallest member of the HIVE trio said with narrowed eyes at their target the so called helpless toy maker, but considering what they've had to deal with it was starting to seem like there was more to Mr. Uno than Jump City realized.

And quite frankly Gizmo was starting to smell a rat, but he shook that off as he focused on surviving this nut house, "Alright crud muncher how much farther are we from the terminal."

Benedict gave a slight start and stuttered out, "Down the hall to the left there's a statue that has a switch on it that opens the terminal chambers."

i got it" said Mammoth running in the direction.

"Wait you idiot dont you dare do what i think you....!!!!


Gizmo´s words got stuck as the sound of something big breaking reached them.

"Was that mammoth?" asked Jinx as she and Kitten arrived "What he break now?"

Gizmo gave a groan pinching the bridge of his nose, "My guess a statue that was our way in to the terminal." He said with a blunt tone before Benedict spoke up in a loud pitched voice, "GIRLS!"

He yelled throwing himself at both a surprised Kitten a even more surprised not to mention Jinx wrapping them both in his arms in a hug, "OH I"M SO RELIEVED TO SEE YOU ARE BOTH OKAY!"

He called out before looking down at them in concern, "Are you either of you hurt, burns, broken bones, anything?!" He asked giving them a intense look while voicing his worry despite one of them being his attempted kidnapper

With Gizmo just staring non plus at the scene

"What the....let go of me you weirdo!!!!" jinx cried struggling with the hug.

Kitten was also surprised but also a bit touched.

"We...we are fine Mr Uno" she finally said "we managed to put that chunk of metal down"

"Oh that's a relief." Benedict said with a small smile, "I'm so glad you both are okay.." He said with a sigh before frowning, "Though are you sure Sir Toasty was put out of commission."

He asked with tinge of worry, "Because no insult to you girls but I wasn't exaggerating when I said he was built in the class of a anti-kryptonian weapon."

"Well i heard magic beat kyptonians so i dont think we will..."


a wall of fire emerged behind them as the suit or armor appeared behind them...some hits and dents on its armor...but still functional.

"i suggest we run" said Gizmo

"Good call." Benedict stated in a flat tone before the four quickly fled heading toward the terminal as Benedict screamed out, "Ladies and cowards first!"

He said with a yelp ducking a blast of fire yelling over his shoulder, "Oh Sir Toasty why have you betrayed me!" He yelled crying into his hands as they arrived to a groaning Mammoth rubbing head over a destroyed statue ,"Hey guys what's..wrong."

He asked before trailing off and getting a good look at what was behind them, "Oh."


another fire blast was launch at them.

although this time it went against Mammoth.

"Whoa!!!" he cried putting her arms up.


The fire hit his now crystalize arms dissipating leaving the guy unharmed.

"Eh?...." the big boy looked confused.

"Professor Chang capturing formula!!" cried Gizmo "it can withstand direct heat without breaking!!!"

Kitten face lighten up.

"Mammoth that means now you can punch it without worrying about the fire!!!" she yelled

Mammoth gave a shocked blink before a vicious grin crossed his face, "Hehe alright now we're in business." He yelled as he began to charge at the knight, "You can dish out the heat but let's see if you can take a hit!"

He yelled blocking fire blasts with his crystalized arms before arriving a few feet from the knight and gave the hardest swing he could straight at it's helmet


the knight staggered backwards with a new dent on his helmet

CRASH!!! And the Knight staggered a few more feet back as Mammoth laid out another hard hit ,"WHOO GO MAMMOTH!"

Kitten found herself cheering with a grin before Jinx interjected with annoyance in her tone, "Focus blonde bimbo." Causing Kitten to send her a dark glare which Jinx ignored as she turned her attention to Benedict, "Alright money bags where's the terminal?"

She asked before giving a blink as she already saw Benedict at the destroyed statues base with the wall raising up revealing a secret corridor entrance and the billionaire sending her a smile, "Right through here~"

He said walking calmly through the the entrance while calling out over his shoulder, "Come along now quickly.."

He let out a little chuckle, "I think Mammoth has Sir Toasty well in hand for now~" He said with Kitten with one last nasty look at Jinx quickly followed after him leaving the bad luck witch to frown but as she moved to follow after a last look at the battle between Mammoth and the robot Gizmo spoke up, "Jinx.."

"Yeah." She said with a arched brow at the tech expert of their trio, "I'm starting to think we were set up." He said with a huff hovering in the air as he crossed his arms, "Because things about this snot munching rich boy aren't adding up."

"Agree...but we need to get out of here alive and then find out the truth" said the witch.

Jinx growled not liking the fact they were tricked like that but nodded before following the others through the door

And as they walked through the door and into the corridor they found themselves entering a large purple lit room with Benedict gesturing grandly to it, "Behold the main security terminal!"

He said shouting into the air before looking over at the other three with a smirk, "Pretty snazzy huh~" He said with a short laugh as he started to walk down a metal bridge path way leading to a circular hovering pod

"Quite...dark" said Kitten...the room was humongous with machinery humming around them.

The metal bridge was over a chasm that they could see was filled with giant tubes and cables all going or coming from the central pod

"Personally I think it makes for a wonderful atmosphere." Benedict said walking across the bridge to the central pod, "It just has a foreboding aura that sends chills down your spine."

He said with a amused smirk and laugh.

"Eh i can dig it" said Jinx "now turn that thing off before something else happen" she ordered Gizmo

Wait!" Benedict called out as Gizmo flew toward the pod, "I wouldn't do that!" He said with a note of warning only causing the genius to snort, "And why not afraid i'll hack your private files or something?"

He said with a amused smirk as he lowered down onto the pod which than gave a glow and red light shined down him seeming to scan before...

"AAAAAAH! Gizmo body glowed with yellow electric energy causing Kitten and Jinx to jerk back slightly and stare in shock the former with slightly more amusement than the latter as Benedict merely gave a flat arched brow as he smirked, "No because the terminal won't just accept anyone not logged into the system."


from the pit some cables emerged like giant serpents posed to attack.

The group created a circle around Mr Benedict.

"Grr any other surprise?" asked Jinx irritated as she helped stand up an smoking Gizmo.


"You had to ask" deadpanned Kitten

"Arg!" Jinx growled scowling at the girl but before she could say anything Benedict spoke up, "Just get me to the central pod and i'll be able to shut of this down."

He ordered in a more steely tone before the room shook with a loud

BOOOM! Causing the girls to flinch while Gizmo shook his dazed head with a groan as Benedict looked behind his shoulder with a frown, "And we might want to be quick as i'm not sure if Mammoth can hold off Sir Toasty much less beat him."

He explained before rubbing his chin as he thoughtfully muttered, "Though this is certainly a way to put both of them through their paces at least." He remarked with a distracted shrug uncaring of the looks he was receiving or of the others hearing him

The cables launched themselves at the group.

Jinx began casting bolts of energy blocking and short-circuiting the machines.

Kitten took the sky attracting the most cables possible and using her blasters to clean the way for Mr Uno to advance being covered by Gizmo using his spider legs to cover the man and cut cables on his way

Mr Uno himself rather than rushing and running forward was actually calmly walking forward as if he was on a casual stroll even humming a bit as he did so, "WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU PITT BARFER!"

Gizmo roared out in disbelief, "GET YOUR BUTT IN GEAR ALREADY!" As he stabbed at and blocked several cables however Benedict merely smirked raising a finger, "Now, now calm down everything is under control~"

He said with a amused smirk as he glanced over at Jinx and Kitten, "Besides i've got full faith in all of you to get us out of this little pickle of a mess~"

"You forget we have a time limit before being blow sky-high or what?!!!!" yelled the little man summoning two turrets and shoot down an attacking cable

"Oh I haven't forgotten." Benedict stated with calm ease with his hands crossed behind his back, "But as i've said the situation is under control."

He looked over at Kitten and Jinx performance, "Why just look at the girls they're finally starting to work together as a team~" He remarked with a tone of pride

And that was true as Kitten blasted a cable about to attack Jinx on her back.

only to be wrapped by another.


only to be helped back by Jinx

"Thanks.." Kitten said with some genuine gratitude at Jinx, "You know for a bitch witch you can certainly kick butt."

She remarked pointing her blaster behind Jinx and frying several cables with Jinx giving her own smirk, "And you're pretty vicious for a spoiled brat~"

She said as she jumped and flipped over the girl landing behind her back and sending out a energy blast

All of this caused Benedict to smile at the sight as he arrived at the central pod, "But yes.." He said to Gizmo who was still doing his best to protect this wacko billionaire so they didn't get blown into little bitty pieces, "I suppose you are right.."

He calmly walked onto the pod smirking as he raised his right hand, "I think this little test has gone on long enough."

He said with a casual remark before out of nowhere a blast of fire out of his hand hitting a swarm of cables that had risen up from below and tried to grab him

BOOM! "Security overdrive shut down Kids Next Door rules." He stated with a wide amused smirk causing the attacking cables to freeze before retracting while else where in the mansion the security systems shut down and the still battling Sir Toasty and Mammoth stopped as the former readying another attack suddenly paused causing Mammoth to blink, "Huh.."

Looking confused mid punch as the bot flames receded and it turned abruptly around leaving Mammoth nonplussed before calling after it with a smirk, "Yeah you better run hehe!"

He said laughing before looking down at his crystalized arms, "Now how the heck do I get this stuff off?" He asked himself aloud as he ran off to catch up with his team

Who were currently catching their breath and staring in shock at Benedict Uno along with Kitten at this sudden 180 turn, and the show of meta human powers

"What...how...when...ehhhhhh!!!!!" Gizmo cried his mind totally blowing up.

the two girls turned to him too Jinx looked shocked while Kitten looked almost expecting.

"Hey everyone we won?" called mammoth entering the room

"Ah Mammoth just in time." Benedict said turning around and shooting the large teen a grin, "Yes you've not only won but congratulations."

He started to clap his hands, "You've all also passed your exam and full marks all around!" He said clapping with a wide smile, "Oh I knew you four could do it~"

that made the trio of villains look at him in shock.

"Im sorry...WHAT?!!!" yelled Jinx.

"Sigh" Kitten sighed as her helmet disappeared from her face "this was the test you were talking about in the office right?" she asked.

"You knew about this?!!!" Jinx cried at the blonde

"Hey I only met Mr. Uno this morning like half a hour tops before you showed up." Kitten replied back holding up her hands placating, "This whole thing about him being a meta human is as much of a surprise for me as it is for you."

She retorted crossing her arms, "He just said that he was expecting company before you three showed up." She shrugged, "After that all he said was to play along while mentioning some kinda test."

"A test that all four of you passed my dear." Benedict interjected with a grin at the quartet

"This was a test?!!! A test for what?" Gizmo called "and who said we have to prove something to you? We are still going to take you to our boss"

However at those worlds Benedict threw his head back laughing, "Hehe Gizmo haven't you figured it out yet." He said covering his eyes with his hand as a wide evil smile grew on his face, "I am.."

He lifted up his head with his eyes now glowing a amber yellow as he exclaimed out, "YOUR BOSS!" And with that exclamation his voice not only changed becoming deeper and more intimidating but his entire body was engulfed in a towering inferno which shot up in the air

"Woah!!!!" Gizmo gasped jumping backward as the body of the man was covered in a literal dark shadow.

"Ok...i really didnt see that one coming" said Mammoth in surprise

Kitten and Jinx own jaws dropped as they stared wide eyed at the scene before the flames and dark shadow covering him receded and revealed regular Benedict Uno though now speaking in a different voice but also carrying a different posture and aura, "Hehe yes who would have guessed.."

He reverted into his earlier meek voice, "Kindly cowardly Benedict Uno of Kids Next Door toys.." His voice and tone shifted to a deeper darker one, "Would possess supernatural powers~"

"Wait...cant be.." Kitten looked at him in confusion and some awe "i think...i think i have heard of you" she said as she tried to remember

Benedict gave a confused blink at this before arching a brow with a slight smirk, "Oh and what have you heard about your new guardian my dear?" He asked crossing his hands behind his back as the HIVE trio looked curiously at Kitten as well

"There have been a rumor around the underworld...about someone giving tech to thieves and supervillains for a price" she looked at the trio "BIG tech...i mean super weapons kinda of stuff" she explained "thats how my dad got the equipment for his lab and his moth experiments" she looked at Benedict "there is no name and everyone simply call it the Godfather of crime"

"At you humble service my dear~" Benedict said with a laugh as he stepped off the pod and started to walk over to them, "I've actually been a busy man making deals, growing my influence, and staying in the shadows.."

"But now.." He said stepping a few feet away from them, "Now it's time for me to move out into the open.." He gained a smirk, "I've got big plans for the future.." He let out a laugh, "Plans that will shake up and change what's become the status quo of the superhero and villain world~"

"and those plans somehow someway involve the four of us" asked Kitten "thats what this whole test thing was about...see if we were useful to you?" she asked a bit hurt at the idea she was just brought in because she was useful to him

"Oh more than that my dear." Benedict said in a soothing tone stepping up to her and placing his hand on his cheek, "I wasn't lying earlier I want to help you.."

He gestured with his friend hand over at the HIVE Trio, "Help all of you reach your true potential." He clenched his fist raising it up, "Help you show the world that you're so much more than outcasts, freaks, common thugs, or spoiled brats."

He thrust out his hand while keeping his other on Kitten cheek, "But instead the future of tomorrow who will help me change the world!"

"Change the world?" asked Jinx "What? You plan to become the next Lex Luthor? try convince everyone you are his savor while tying to kill heroes?"

"Nothing so blunt my dear." Benedict said adjusting his tie after removing his hand from Kitten cheek, "I'm merely someone who is tired of the runt the world has fallen in.."

He stepped to Jinx, "I'm also someone who wants to help meta human kind." He said narrowing his eyes, "For too long have we been treated as entertainment or weapons." He shook his head in disgust, "For too long have we wasted our potential playing this little game of cops and robbers.."

He gave Jinx a intense look, "It's time for someone to step up and show our kind our people they can do so much more!" He exclaimed with a burst of flames once more surrounding his body

The trio looked at him in confusion.

"But...isnt that what the likes of Superman and the other super friends do?" asked Mammoth.

"Whoa that has to be the smartest thing you have said ever" said Gizmo "But he is right" "Also why would we be interested in doing..whatever you are wanting to do? We are quite happy as we are"

"Yes.." Benedict stated with a dry tone, "Who wouldn't want to be super powered thugs for hire.." He remarked with a eye roll, "Who are in a constant loop of commit a crime, fight the heroes, get sent to prison, repeat."

He stated with a flat look and tone, "The same loop and pattern that's become the status quo for the whole world."

"Ummm on that he is right" said the big boy with the other two looking at him in shock "hey i like steal things and punch anyone that look me wrong but...it gets kinda of tiring after a while...i mean how many time we have been to prison only to escape, fight the Titans ad be sent back? like 5 times i think.

"Umm hes right" said Kitten "Also didnt you guys literal go to a school for villains? How or why there is a school for that?"

At that Benedict gave a snort of amusement before the HIVE trio could answer, "Villains..please." He said with a eye roll causing the three to look at him with Jinx sending a slight glare, "The HIVE might preach about turning their students into super villains...but really."

He shook his head sighing, "All they're really doing is training them to be hired muscle or mercenaries at best." He frowned, "All to the benefit of their organization and their benefactors wallets and goals rather than the students themselves i'm sure."

He remarked before arching a brow at Kitten, "As for why there's a school like that blame rich criminal master minds wanting super powered soldiers to use against the League or any other hero."

the HIVE trio looked at each other at that...they never really thought much about their "school" only that it will teach them to use their powers and to payback society as full blooded villains.

however now...

"You know you have a point there" said Kitten before turning at the trio "Ask yourself this...outside you three causing trouble in Jump city who else of the so-called-villains you study with have made a name in the news lately?

"Um..well..." Mammoth spoke up tapping his chin trying to think while Gizmo frowned angrily and Jinx started to clench her fist, "There was..ah.."

"OH!" Mammoth snapped his fingers, "Private Hive fought the Titans a few days ago made the papers!" He said with a grin only for Benedict to give him a flat look in return, "What page?"

"Oh...uh." Mammoth rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "8 I think."

"Oh how about Numerous Billy?" said Gizmo "He made the news after that crime wave"

"and after that when was the last time you heard of him doing something note worthy?" asked Kitten

"Well..not really." Mammoth spoke up with a frown with Gizmo giving off annoyed growl before Jinx snapped up speaking up, "Okay already we get it!"

She said with a flare of her bad energy, "The HIVE lied to us and we've wasted years of our life!" She said with a undertone of rage and also a touch of anguish at the idea of her not reaching her dream of becoming a member of the top class and dogs of super villains but instead just being stuck as the muscle, "You didn't waste anything my dear."

Benedict said shaking his head, "You got training and allies you could trust out the deal." He said gesturing over at Gizmo and Mammoth, "You just fell into HIVE trap who are only interested in exploiting gifted talented beauties like yourself."

"While I.." He gestured at himself smirking, "As I said want to help those like us raise up and take this world by storm~"

"and why should we believe you" asked the pink witch with an raised eyebrow "What can you offer us that HIVE havent already?"

"Well besides the typical promises of power, influence, money." Benedict ticking down his fingers, "How about not only a place where you can feel belonged and wanted...but also."

He shot the three a smirk, "A chance to go down and be remembered as part of history~"

Kitten thought about that...that sounded like something she has always wanted...power, influence (money is something she had after all) but be part of something big...that her name was known.

Jinx wasnt that easy to convince.

"Again what can offer us that HIVE havent already?" she said "They have said the same about us becoming the next big bads of the world and making fame and fortune...what makes you different?"

"Because unlike them I look out for my own." He said stepping forward, "To me you aren't just a pawn Jinx but a Queen."

He raised his hand offering it, "Someone who can and deserves to have the world fall at her feet, and be remembered as more than just a weapon or run of the mill minion."

for some reason Kitten felt some annoyance at the words the man was giving the witch.

"Well i wont disagree there" said the pink haired girl "Sigh...fine..maybe we can give this a trial run...is not like we have anything better to do right boys?" she asked to the other two

"Excellent!" Benedict said clapping his hands together grinning at the Quartet. "Now than you've had a rough morning all of you.."

He gestured toward the room exist, "So how about after I get Mammoth arms uncrystalized i get you all some brunch."

He said smiling before shrugging, "After that you can all relax and makes yourselves at home." He said before giving a wave of his hand, "Don't worry about the clean up that will be taken care of~"

"And i'm sure you four likely have question about my plans..." He started to gain a devious smirk, "But that will have to wait till after the press conference I arranged today~

next chapter
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