This is the original book by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at Thank you in advance :)
Bes dazedly came forward and sniffed. Her eyes became big as she turned towards Rorry and dragged her near. "Smell this!"
Flabbergasted Rorry automatically sniffed and smiled brightly. ''Wow. How aromatic!"
Kendra nodded and pointed at carrots and potatoes pieces. "Now lets bright this in, mix it with meat thoroughly. I'll need clean water for cooking."
Lumin was sitting nearby, so he quickly jumped up and rushed to her side. With big eyes, he looked at her stirring and adding spices. Her voice woke him up for momentary daze. "Water now. But slowly."
Lumin started controlling his water ball into smaller size and added it into the pot. Strangely he understood her words. Its almost like cultivation...