This is the original book by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at Thank you in advance :)
Inside, the tiny specs became stronger suddenly and floated almost happily around her. She turned her concentration to the outside and imagined the power whips inside her Sea of Powers, but the power whips were like a stubborn child. Refusing to come.
Kendra almost chuckled. This time she used one of power whisp's in the Sea of Powers to connect to the power whips and as invisible hand to slowly invite him inside the space.
What she didn't know only doing that took her whole night and as she finally led it inside her Sea of Power, she suddenly felt strangely tired. Almost like she didn't sleep for a long time.
She opened her eyes and saw Taffy and Draga sleepily rubbing their eyes and yawned. "You should have gone to sleep. Look it's almost night, let's sleep."