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81.42% Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story / Chapter 57: Arc 5 - Ch 10: Weird Shit

Chương 57: Arc 5 - Ch 10: Weird Shit

Chapter 57

Arc 5 - Ch 10: Weird Shit

Date: Thursday, June 2, 2011.

Location: Shield field base, outside Puente Antiguo, NM

Tyson had left New York early intending to be among the first to arrive at the site in New Mexico. But the lengthy trip took longer than he anticipated. By the time he finally reached his destination late in the afternoon, the SHIELD base was already a fully operational hub of activity. Standing at a distance, he surveyed the scene, his mind momentarily wandering as he thought of Natasha and the time they could have spent together that morning.

The SHIELD camp sprawled before him in a circular formation, with temporary structures forming the perimeter. Each served a distinct purpose; some housed research and analysis teams, others stored equipment, and yet another had been converted into a makeshift command center. At the center of the camp sat Mjolnir, cordoned off in a clear zone under heavy guard. Agents patrolled the perimeter vigilantly as scientists worked with technical equipment all aimed at understanding the mysterious hammer. Large floodlights surrounded the area, ensuring it stayed well-lit regardless of the time of day or night. Vehicles ranging from standard SUVs to specialized transport trucks were parked near the camp's edge. The presence of a few armored trucks hinted at the gravity with which SHIELD was approaching the situation. Satellite dishes and communication antennas were visible on every structure and even some vehicles.

A burly agent built like a linebacker stepped forward to intercept Mirage's approach, one hand raised. "ID," he rumbled, features set in a stoic mask. Despite the man's size and the aura of intimidation he projected, Tyson was unfazed. Mirage complied, passing over his credentials. The guard scrutinized them thoroughly before returning them with a nod. "Follow me," he instructed, leading Mirage into the encampment.

They wound their way through the controlled bustle. Mirage took note of the state-of-the-art equipment and stern-faced agents they passed, all single-mindedly focused on their tasks. Finally, they reached a pair of agents coordinating things. Mirage recognized one of them and broke into a smile. "Agent Coulson, good to see you again," he said warmly, offering his hand.

Coulson accepted his handshake. "Mirage. Same," Coulson replied in his usual clipped tones. He inclined his head towards the nondescript agent at his side. "This is Agent Sitwell, my second-in-command."

Sitwell was a bald man with brown skin and wire-rimmed glasses perched on his nose. He gave Mirage a curt nod in greeting. Mirage returned the gesture, noting how Sitwell's gaze quickly sized him up before moving on.

Something about Sitwell nagged at the back of Tyson's mind, a sense of familiarity he couldn't quite place.

The mood of the group was all business. Tyson's arrival was just another piece to factor in to the well-oiled machine. Mirage looked to Coulson questioningly. "Anything you need from me at the moment?"

The lead agent considered him. "Not currently. You're unfamiliar with our procedures, and your skills aren't specialized for research. Stand by for now."

Mirage accepted the orders easily. He was an outsider here and would follow the agent's lead. Tyson understood the importance of working alongside other agents. "Maybe I'll try to get my hands on a SHIELD operations manual and start studying," he commented.

"Good idea. It would help you contribute more effectively to the team." Coulson responded approvingly.

At this point, Agent Sitwell, who had been listening to their exchange, spoke up, "I can help with that," he offered.

Tyson walked off down the hallway with Sitwell. As they moved away from the main group, the agent extended his hand toward Mirage for a handshake. Tyson, still bothered that he recognized the man, but couldn't place him, locked eyes with the SHIELD agent and subtly used his powers to override the man's senses. Instead of shaking Sitwell's hand, Tyson quickly removed the glove and made quick skin contact. Thanks to his illusions, Sitwell didn't register the movement, the accompanying pain, or the drain on his life force. To Sitwell, Mirage firmly shook his hand.

He grew up in Norfolk, Virginia in a middle-class family. Even as a child, he was fiercely competitive, always striving to be the best in everything. Academics, sports, and popularity. He craved being admired and respected by his peers. In high school, he excelled and was heavily recruited by colleges, but his path took an unexpected turn when a representative approached him from an exclusive academy. Enticed by promises of power, influence, and being part of something greater, he accepted their offer.

At the academy, Sitwell underwent rigorous training, not just in espionage and combat, but also in HYDRA's ideology. Upon graduation, HYDRA arranged for him to join SHIELD, ostensibly in the administrative division, but in reality as their undercover operative. As a SHIELD agent, Sitwell was the model of professionalism and efficiency on the surface. He advanced up the ranks, gaining more and more trust and access. All the while, he secretly passed sensitive intel to his HYDRA handlers and manipulated events from the shadows to further their agenda. He recruited loyal HYDRA operatives to fill the ranks of SHIELD agents, so they would be ready to proceed with HYDRA plans when ordered.

However, occasionally he felt pangs of guilt, seeing the friendships and camaraderie among his SHIELD colleagues, knowing he would ultimately betray them. He pushed those doubts aside, telling himself that HYDRA's vision was the only way to bring true order to a chaotic world. The sacrifices were necessary and justified.

As Tyson absorbed the man's memories, it jogged his recollection from the meta-knowledge he possessed. Sitwell was a HYDRA agent who would become prominent during the events surrounding Captain America and the Winter Soldier. Tyson barely remembered him because he had played such a background role before being killed.

Sitwell's voice held a hint of respect as he commented, "I read the reports of how you handled the Green Goblin. I look forward to seeing your skills in action."

Tyson accepted the compliment smoothly, replying "If you don't get the chance to observe my powers during this operation, you can always call House of M. I keep a few VIP seats reserved; a high-ranking operative like yourself qualifies for that status. Feel free to drop by the next time you're in New York."

Sitwell seemed to appreciate the gesture of goodwill. He then led Mirage to a small, spartan room, ideal for studying. The space held just the bare essentials; a table, chair, and a single bright overhead light. The double agent handed Tyson SHIELD's thick operations manual.

Mirage looked into Sitwell's eyes as he sat across from Tyson. Tyson drew him into his power and said, "I'd be the perfect recruit." Mirage held his gaze for just a moment longer, then released him.

Sitwell blinked, his expression momentarily unfocused before regaining his composure. He studied Mirage intently as if seeing him for the first time.

"You know, Mirage, your skills and abilities are truly remarkable," Sitwell began, his tone taking on a conspiratorial edge. "Have you ever considered using them for a greater cause?"

Mirage arched an eyebrow, feigning curiosity. "I'm already a consultant for SHIELD, isn't that the point? Did you have something else in mind?"

Sitwell leaned forward, his expression conveying intense interest. "I watched your testimony before the Senate Armed Forces Committee," he said, lowering his voice as if to share a confidence. "The way you handled those questions was impressive. You want to help and you're doing what you think is right. Someone with your abilities could be an invaluable asset, and it's obvious that you want to serve the greater good," he pressed on. "A consultant role hardly does you justice. You have the potential for so much more, to be part of something greater, more than just another government agent."

"I'm listening," Mirage said, his tone neutral yet encouraging Sitwell to elaborate.

"There's an organization, a group operating within SHIELD itself," he began, his words carefully chosen. "We've been working towards a vision of a better world where true order and security reign supreme."

Mirage's brow furrowed slightly, feigning confusion. "You're talking about HYDRA, aren't you?"

Sitwell's expression wavered, "You know about HYDRA?" He asked.

Tyson's brow furrowed slightly as he answered, "You said you saw my testimony. I mentioned William Stryker." He paused, considering how much to reveal. "During my encounter with him, he mentioned Hydra."

Sitwell nodded, unfazed. "Stryker went rogue and used our resources to his ends. The man was a problem." He shrugged as if discussing something trivial. "Fortunately, his actions brought about his downfall."

His casual words confirmed a part of the circumstances around Stryker's death. Tyson was able to read between the lines. Sitwell and his superiors had considered Stryker a loose end. But they hadn't been the ones to tidy him up.

It was a mutant, not HYDRA that killed Stryker.

"We prefer to think of ourselves as the solution, not the problem," Sitwell countered smoothly. "SHIELD is too bound by bureaucracy. They lack the resolve to take the necessary steps to safeguard humanity."

Leaning back in his chair, Mirage considered Sitwell's words. "And what steps would those be, exactly?"

"Whatever it takes," Sitwell stated, his tone leaving no room for ambiguity. "HYDRA understands that sacrifices must be made for the greater good. We cannot allow sentiment or misguided ideals to stand in the way of true progress."

There was a ruthless conviction in the agent's voice, a willingness to embrace the most extreme measures in pursuit of HYDRA's goals.

Mirage's eyes narrowed as she studied Sitwell. "When you say things like doing what's necessary to safeguard humanity... you sound an awful lot like Stryker," she said, her tone guarded. "Where do you stand when it comes to mutants?"

Sitwell raised his hands in a placating gesture, his palms outward. "Mutants are progress," he replied smoothly. "But like humans, they need to be controlled."

Tyson's frown deepened, his brow furrowing. He did not care for the implication behind Sitwell's words.

Unperturbed, Sitwell continued. "Hydra works in cells. Compartmentalization is key. Cut off one head, two more take its place. I don't know who the leaders are, but there's a council, or so the rumors say. At least one of them is a mutant, supposedly." His tone was matter-of-fact as if he were discussing the weather rather than the clandestine inner workings of a terrorist organization.

"We receive our orders directly from the World Security Council." He paused, allowing the weight of his words to sink in before continuing. "We're an elite group, dedicated to safeguarding the world. You could be an invaluable asset to our cause."

Mirage maintained a neutral expression, giving nothing away. "That's quite an offer," he said slowly. "What would be expected of me?"

Sitwell's gaze was intense, his eyes boring into Mirage's. "Loyalty and discretion, of course. But in return, you'd be part of something greater than yourself, working to shape the course of human events for the betterment of all."

Mirage considered his words carefully, already knowing the truth behind Sitwell's recruitment pitch. After a moment, he nodded. "I'm in," he said, "When do I start?"

Satisfaction flickered across Sitwell's features. "Excellent. We already have a liaison in mind. She'll be contacting you soon." He rose from his seat, extending his hand to Mirage.

Mirage clasped the offered hand firmly, sealing the deal with a firm shake. As Sitwell turned to leave, he leaned in close. "Hail, HYDRA," he whispered.

With that, Agent Sitwell departed, leaving Mirage alone with the SHIELD operations manual and the knowledge that he had just been recruited into the very heart of the enemy's ranks.

With the door closed behind him, Tyson settled into the hard metal chair, opened the thick SHIELD operations manual, and immersed himself in the procedures and protocols.

— Rogue Replacement —

The throne room of Asgard was a majestic and awe-inspiring sight that embodied the grandeur and power of the realm of the gods. Vast in size, the soaring chamber was adorned with intricate designs etched into the golden walls, speaking of remarkable craftsmanship. The high-vaulted ceilings reflected the light making the entire room glow with an ethereal luminescence as if infused with the god's radiance.

The great doors swung open with a resounding boom that echoed through the cavernous hall. Striding through the entryway came the Warriors Three, Fandral the Dashing, Hogun the Grim, and Volstagg the Valiant, led by the formidable Lady Sif. Their armor clinked softly with each purposeful step across the gleaming floor. They were the epitome of Asgardian warriors, brave and formidable. Fandral carried himself with a swashbuckler's grace and dashing flair. Hogun was stoic, exuding a quiet strength. Volstagg carried a heart that matched his massive frame. Sif moved with a warrior's poise, her prowess evident in her every motion. They approached the throne urgently, concern etched on their noble features.

Sif took the lead, stepping forward with haste. "Allfather, we come before you with grave tidings and request an immediate audience," she announced, her voice echoing through the silent hall.

But as they raised their eyes to the throne, they stopped short, shock replacing their somber expressions. There sat not Odin, the venerable Allfather, but Prince Loki. His emerald cape cascaded down the sides of the elevated seat, the sharp horns of his ceremonial headdress rising menacingly from his slicked-back raven hair. In his grip, he held Gungnir, the legendary spear symbolizing Asgardian authority.

Loki's confident bearing made it clear he had claimed the mantle of leadership.

Volstagg's disbelief broke the stunned silence that had fallen over the hall. He demanded, "What is this?"

With a self-assured smirk, Loki responded, His words dripped with mock surprise as if their ignorance of his new status was merely a trifling matter. "My friends, surely you have heard? I am now the Ruler of Asgard."

Fandral gave voice to the question that weighed heavily upon them all. "Where is Odin?" He asked bluntly.

A flicker of solemnity broke through Loki's smug facade. "Father has fallen into the Odinsleep," he revealed. "My mother fears he may never awaken again."

This startling news sent a fresh wave of alarm through Sif and the Warriors Three. The Odinsleep was a deep slumber Odin periodically entered as part of his natural cycle, but its unexpected onset along with Loki's sudden rise to power aroused their gravest suspicions.

Sif and the Warriors Three exchanged meaningful looks, their unspoken consensus apparent. Sif turned her steely gaze upon the newly crowned king, requesting, "We would speak with Queen Frigga."

Their silent communication had not gone unnoticed. With calculated composure, Loki replied, "She refuses to leave my father's bedside. You may bring this 'urgent' matter before me, your King." Though his words flowed smoothly, they carried an unmistakable undercurrent of command.

Hearing his bold declaration of authority, Sif quickly adapted to their new reality. She knelt in acquiescence along with the Warriors Three. "We would ask you to end Thor's banishment," she said, directly addressing their purpose in seeking an audience with the throne.

Loki's face betrayed none of the calculating thoughts churning within as he responded, "My first command as king cannot be to undo the Allfather's last," he stated, his tone firm and decided. Though his reasoning appeared sound, Sif and the Warriors Three sensed deeper meaning than he let on. The set of Loki's jaw and the glint in his emerald eyes hinted at ulterior motives and deeper machinations at work. Loki's justifications rang hollow to their ears, like a pleasant fiction masking hard truths. But outwardly they showed no reaction, schooling their features into expressions of polite attention.

Loki continued, "All of us must stand together, for the good of Asgard," he declared, emphasizing the need for unity in this difficult time. He was the picture of a benevolent ruler, yet his words lacked true sincerity.

"Of course," Fandral replied carefully neutral.

With a final bow of acquiescence, Sif and the Warriors Three took their leave of the throne room. But the tension remained palpable. Their doubts and unspoken concerns were evident in the set of their shoulders and the furrow between their brows as they exited.

Loki's gaze lingered on their retreating figures, his sharp eyes missing nothing. Their obvious loyalty to Thor did not escape his notice, and he was wary of their potential interference. Though he was the rightful king and his commands had been clear, Loki knew he could not fully trust them. In his mind, he began contemplating ways to deter their meddling, to ensure his rule remained unchallenged.

A slow, cunning smile spread across Loki's face as the seeds of a plan took root. It involved a certain individual, one perfectly suited to aid his purposes. His grin turned wicked at the thought, his mind already spinning with possibilities.

With his devious plan firmly in mind, Loki rose from the immense throne. In his grip he carried Gungnir. Though his claim to the throne remained tenuous, holding the legendary spear lent him authority, marking him as the ruler of Asgard. But Loki knew even the mythic spear's power had limits. Full obedience could not be guaranteed, not when doubts lingered about the rightness of his rule.

Loki strode through the majestic halls, then the streets. The presence of Gungnir cleared his path, any who saw the spear offered no challenge to his passage. He moved with purpose, the tapping of the spear's butt on the streets marking his progress.

His destination loomed ahead, one of the immense towers of Asgard that seemed to scrape the very heavens. Loki climbed to the highest level, to the apex of the soaring spire, and found himself before an opulent door. Runes of warding covered its surface. Loki lifted Gungnir and brought the butt of the spear to the door in three sharp raps. The spear's magic interacted with the wards, announcing the presence of Asgard's ruler. The protections recognized his authority and granted him entrance.

As the door swung open, Loki stepped into the lavish chambers beyond. Silks and tapestries adorned the walls, and elegant furnishings filled the spaces. At the sound of the opening door, the apartment's sole occupant had fallen to her knees in reverence. Head bowed, the woman spoke, "Allfather, I welcome you. How may I serve?"

Loki regarded the kneeling woman, her cascading blonde hair spilled over green dress robes that matched her eyes. "You may rise, Amora," he instructed, "I wish to speak with you candidly."

At the sound of Loki's voice, Amora jerked her head up, eyes flashing. She had expected Odin, not the self-proclaimed god of mischief. Suspicion was plain on her features as she sprang to her feet. "What trickery is this, Loki?" she demanded, though her tone held a note of caution.

Loki dismissed her concerns with a shake of his head. "No trickery, Amora. Please, sit," he urged gently, motioning to a nearby chair. "Let me explain."

Amora sank into the proffered chair, her emerald eyes fixed on Loki. Though his words claimed sincerity, she knew better than to trust the Trickster outright.

"Thor has been banished," Loki began, "He is exiled to Midgard, stripped of his powers, and left to live as a mortal." Amora straightened, intrigue flashing across her features. This twist could shift the balance of power in Asgard, and if Loki wielding Gungnir was an indication, it already had. She focused her attention on Loki, waiting for him to continue. "You are likely aware of the frost giant attack during Thor's coronation ceremony." Amora gave a single nod in acknowledgment, prompting Loki to continue. "Against Odin's orders, Thor led an assault on Jotunheim, provoking our ancient enemies and endangering the fragile peace."

Loki painted a picture of Thor's rashness posing a real threat to Asgard's stability. Amora's eyes narrowed, thoughts churning behind her lovely face as the implications became clear.

"In his wisdom, Odin decided Thor needed to learn humility," Loki continued. "He stripped Thor of his powers and hammer before casting him out to live as a mortal on Earth." Amora absorbed this, understanding the gravity of a banishment for one as powerful and beloved as Thor. "Odin has fallen into the Odinsleep," Loki went on, his expression a mask of solemn duty. "With Thor banished, the burden of ruling Asgard has fallen to me as next in the line of succession."

"There is more." Regret tinged Loki's voice. "The Allfather placed a worthiness enchantment upon Mjolnir as a trial for Thor. Should Thor fail to lift his hammer, he could be stripped of his birthright, forever."

Loki's expression turned grave as he voiced his concerns. "I fear Sif and the Warriors Three do not grasp the gravity of Thor's trial," he confided. "They may try to interfere, which could result in Thor's permanent exile." Emotion filled his voice. "Though I love Thor more than any of them, even I cannot overturn the Allfather's decree."

Turning to Amora, Loki's gaze locked with hers. "Will you help me, Amora? Help me aid Thor and Asgard in this difficult time."

"What would you have me do?" she asked hesitantly.

Loki's eyes glinted with cunning as he regarded Amora. "As the rightful king of Asgard, I appoint you as the guardian of Thor's trial on Midgard," he declared.

Amora's brow furrowed slightly, considering the implications of such a role. "You would have me oversee the prince's banishment?" she asked.

"Precisely," Loki affirmed, leaning forward in his seat. "I need someone I can trust to ensure Thor's trial proceeds as intended, without interference from those who would undermine the Allfather's decree."

A slow smile spread across Amora's face as she recognized the opportunity Loki presented. "You honor me with such a pivotal task, my king," she purred, her emerald eyes alight with ambition.

Loki nodded, gratified by her acceptance. "You possess unparalleled skill, Amora. Who better to monitor Thor's progress and safeguard the integrity of his trial?" Loki continued. "Thor must rely solely on his abilities to face the tribulations ahead. Preventing outside interference is imperative to ensure his trial is not improperly influenced."

Amora nodded, relishing the challenge. Outmaneuvering Thor's loyal followers would be difficult, but not impossible for one of her talents.

Loki's lips curved into a satisfied smile. The enchantress was hooked, just as he had anticipated. Now all that remained was dangling the allure of status and recognition before the vain enchantress, and he would secure a powerful, if clandestine, ally.

Loki's piercing green eyes fixed intently on Amora, "Your assistance in this matter will not go unrewarded," he promised, "I assure you, the rewards will be fitting of your station and formidable abilities."

Amora's eyes sparkled with interest. "And what form might these rewards take?" she inquired, unable to restrain her curiosity.

Loki laid out his proposal. "Imagine if Thor returned triumphant, having passed his trial. Those who ensured the impartiality of his test would surely find favor in his eyes." He let the implication hang for a moment before continuing. "You, Amora, could gain status as a trusted ally, even a confidante. A position you have long desired." Loki's voice was smooth and compelling as he spoke. "Let us just say that your cooperation could elevate your status among Asgard's elite in ways you have long desired. Perhaps even a candidate for Queen, when Thor inevitably claims his birthright." The suggestion was tailored to Amora's ambitions.

Amora's emerald eyes glinted with ambition as the implications of Loki's offer took shape in her mind. This was the opportunity she had coveted for so long. A chance to prove herself, to gain prestige and favor in the eyes of Asgard's elite. She could practically taste the power.

However, Loki added a cautionary note to temper her growing enthusiasm. "But be mindful, Amora," he warned, his voice lowering. "Failure could earn not only Thor's lasting enmity but might also see his power and princely station in Asgard irretrievably lost." Leaning closer, his voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. "While the rewards for success are great, the consequences of failure are equally dire."

Amora's excited expression faded as she nodded slowly, the full weight of Loki's words settling upon her. She understood the tremendous risks and high stakes involved in this covert mission. This was not just an opportunity for personal gain. It was a test of her magical skills and a challenge that could irrevocably define her future standing in Asgard.

"I understand completely, liege Loki," she finally said, steeling her voice to sound resolute and unfazed. "You have my word that I will not fail you in this."

Loki nodded, apparently satisfied with her confident response. "I trust you won't, Amora. For both all of Asgard's sake," he replied gravely. With those final portentous words, the gravity of the precarious task was firmly etched in the air between them.

The tower grew quiet, as King Loki took his leave, giving way to the Enchantress' contemplation. A sly smile slowly spread across Amora's lips, hinting at anticipation and excitement for the challenge ahead. She relished the chance to assert her influence and demonstrate her cunning. Amora the Enchantress was renowned across Asgard for her skill in magic, guile, and her ability to subtly weave spells. This mission presented the perfect opportunity to showcase her talents and secure her position in Asgard's hierarchy.

With a clear sense of purpose, Amora wasted no time preparing for the task set before her by Loki. She swiftly moved through her opulent chambers, gathering an assortment of mystical trinkets and arcane artifacts. Each item was carefully selected for its specific magical properties. With her preparations complete, Amora did not linger. Her emerald robes flowed behind her as she moved with haste through Asgard. Her destination was the Bifrost, the Rainbow Bridge, an engineering marvel powered by Asgard's advanced magic.

Amora strode purposefully along the shimmering Rainbow Bridge. As she approached the gateway of the Bifrost, she found Heimdall at his post, ever vigilant as he stood watch over the realms.

Amora faced the guardian of Asgard's gateway, his piercing gaze seeming to look through her. "Heimdall, Watchman of the Bifrost," she began, bowing her head in respect. "I humbly request transport to Midgard."

The towering Asgardian scrutinized her, "Midgard?" he queried, his deep timbre hinting at unease regarding her intentions.

Carefully considering her response, Amora chose her next words. "Our king chose me to watch over Thor as he seeks to reclaim Mjolnir. I am to serve as the arbiter while he seeks to prove himself worthy," she explained, meeting Heimdall's gaze directly. "I intend no disrespect. I am sure you keep close watch over Thor already, but I was appointed this task by Loki himself."

Heimdall contemplated her words silently. After a moment, he stepped aside, "I know you wish Thor no harm," he rumbled, yet his eyes narrowed. He added in a grave tone, "Remain vigilant, Amora. Not all is as it appears."

Unsure of his full meaning but acknowledging the caution in his words, Amora gave a single nod in return. One did not casually dismiss the Watchman's words. Heimdall raised his ornate sword, the ancient runes along its blade flaring with power as he plunged it into the Bifrost's control mechanism.

The bridge surged to life in a maelstrom of cosmic energy and coruscating light. Shimmering emerald, sapphire, silver, and gold hues swirled around Amora, coalescing into a tunnel that stretched skyward, piercing the very fabric of space itself. The crystalline floor thrummed beneath her feet, vibrating with the unleashed forces contained within it.

In a flash, she was enveloped completely in the bridge's brilliance. The universe blurred, a prismatic stream around her as she was propelled forward at an impossible speed. Crossing the vast gulfs between realms, Amora hurtled through the Bifrost toward her destination. The journey through the Bifrost was brief but intense, a dizzying voyage through the very fabric of the cosmos. Amora passed swirling nebulae and distant galaxies in a blur. Just as suddenly as the journey had begun, it ended. Amora emerged from the shimmering portal of the Bifrost, finding herself in the realm of Midgard.

The transition from Asgard's celestial majesty to Midgard was jarring. Gone were the spires of her home. In their place spread a mundane desert landscape. Yet Amora had a mission to fulfill, and nothing would stand in her way.

Upon arriving on Earth, the Enchantress wasted no time concealing her presence. She wove an illusion over herself, blurring her form from the eyes of any who would look upon her.

Amora could have used her sorcerous abilities to scry and locate Thor directly. But there was no need. The thunder god's enchanted hammer, Mjolnir, shone like a beacon to her mystical senses. She only had to head toward it, knowing that wherever the hammer lay, its master would not be far behind.

As Amora neared the site, she discovered that the mortals had established a makeshift base surrounding Mjolnir's impact crater. The area buzzed with activity; vehicles and equipment clustered around the mythical hammer that had crashed into their world.

Realizing she would need a better view of the situation, Amora discreetly pulled out a scrying mirror from within her robes. The mirror, a magical artifact of minor power, provided a window onto distant places. Holding the glass before her, she whispered an incantation.

The mirror shimmered and shifted, revealing different vantage points of the mortal encampment surrounding Mjolnir. Amora surveyed the guards, the scientific equipment, and the overall layout through its arcane lens. As she continued her surveillance, the mirror panned toward a vehicle approaching in the distance. Magically zooming in, she saw that Thor himself was inside. Amora sat back, satisfied. She would observe the thunder god's trial and stand ready to intervene should anyone attempt to interfere.

— Rogue Replacement —

Hours passed in focused silence as Tyson continued reading, absorbing the comprehensive rules and guidelines governing all SHIELD operations. His concentration was suddenly broken by the distant rumble of thunder, barely audible at first. Curiously raising his eyes from the text, he glanced toward the small window across the room, noting the darkening sky and considering the sudden change in weather. After a moment of considering the approaching storm, Tyson returned his attention to the manual laid out before him.

Within a minute, however, the calm atmosphere of the evening shifted dramatically. Blaring sirens sliced through the air, echoing across the SHIELD base. Coulson's urgent, commanding voice crackled through Tyson's earpiece. "I need eyes up high, with a gun. Mirage, position yourself near the package."

Tyson smiled knowingly upon hearing the directive, understanding the coded language. Quickly closing the manual, Tyson got to his feet. He headed out the door into the corridor, toward the central clearing.

Approaching the area surrounding Mjolnir, Tyson took in a scene of heightened alertness and tension. The guards around the hammer were on edge as they scanned the rainswept darkness for any potential threat. The torrential downpour continued unabated, reducing visibility to a few feet and putting all on edge. Stepping outside, Tyson was immediately drenched by the unrelenting sheets of rain.

Over the comlink, Barton's voice rang out, brimming with confidence. "Target in sight. One shot, one kill, sir. Just give the word...or are you sending in more guys for him to beat up?"

Coulson's measured response followed a moment later, calm and controlled. "I'll let you know," he replied evenly, keeping all options open.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the gloom and came into Tyson's view. It was Thor, the legendary Asgardian God of Thunder, though he appeared far removed from his usual regal bearing. Thor was soaked to the bone, wearing only a simple blue t-shirt and jeans that clung to his muscular frame. His long blond hair was plastered against his head and neck, rivulets of water dripping down his rugged face.

Despite his appearance, Thor exuded an undeniable aura of power and confidence. He showed no visible fatigue after fighting his way through the base. Instead, his intense blue eyes reflected a calm control, as if the forces arrayed against him were but leaves in the wind.

Thor's initial assessment of Mirage was frank yet tinged with amusement. "You're big," he observed, a grin spreading across his rugged features. "But I've fought bigger," he added confidently, challengingly.

Unfazed, Mirage retorted, "When I win, you'll have to tell me about it." Though relaxed, his powerful frame was coiled and ready for battle, his feet shoulder-width apart in a sturdy stance.

Tyson recognized that, even stripped of his mystical hammer Mjolnir, and his Asgardian powers, Thor remained a formidable fighter not to be underestimated. But Tyson had been training rigorously under the tutelage of Colleen Wing for most of the past year, and now he wanted to test just how far he had progressed in that time. So for this fight, Tyson consciously limited himself to human strength levels, not employing any of his superhuman abilities.

The stormy skies overhead rumbled ominously as Thor charged towards Mirage.

Tyson braced himself, expecting the Asgardian warrior to barrel into him with brute, uncontrolled force. He shifted his weight to the balls of his feet, his body poised to react. However, as Thor closed the distance, his fists clenched and raised in a classic boxer's stance. He threw a swift jab aimed at Tyson's face. Thor's assault was measured and precise. He moved with the timing of a seasoned fighter using a tactical jab meant to test and probe his opponent's defenses.

Mirage parried the blow with a swift upward block, his forearm deflecting Thor's fist harmlessly to the side. The Asgardian followed up with a powerful cross, but Tyson ducked beneath the punch. Seizing the opening, he retaliated with a precise knife-hand strike to Thor's ribs, his fingers curled and rigid. The Asgardian grunted at the impact but quickly countered with a sweeping kick, seeking to knock Mirage off balance. Tyson leaped over the kick, his body twisting in midair with the agility of a cat. As he landed, he immediately launched into a spinning back kick, his heel aimed squarely at Thor's chest. The Asgardian barely managed to bring his arms up in a cross-block, absorbing the blow but stumbling backward from the force.

As Thor launched into a blistering series of rapid punches, Tyson deflected each blow with minimal, efficient movements. His arms formed a sweeping defense that allowed him to redirect the Asgardian's strikes away from his body. Thor varied his attacks, mixing punches with kicks, seeking to find any small opening in Mirage's guard. Tyson responded by subtly shifting his stance and footwork. He used Thor's momentum against him, redirecting the force of each blow and causing the Asgardian to stumble slightly off balance.

Pressing his advantage, Tyson moved in with a flurry of strikes, his hands a blur of motion. He alternated between precise finger jabs to Thor's pressure points and open-palmed strikes designed to rattle the Asgardian's senses. Thor bobbed and weaved, keeping his hands up in a tight guard.

Spotting a gap in Tyson's offense, Thor surged forward with a powerful uppercut, his fist rocketing upwards from his waist. Mirage swayed back at the last second, the punch grazing his chin. Using the momentum of his dodge, Tyson spun into a low sweeping kick, his leg scything towards Thor's ankles.

The Asgardian leaped over the kick, but Tyson had anticipated this. Even as Thor was airborne, Mirage rose, his elbow arcing upwards in a devastating strike aimed at the Asgardian's chin. Thor twisted his head to the side, the blow glancing off his cheek.

The relentless downpour had rendered the ground slick and hazardous, but both warriors adapted smoothly, never losing focus or footing. Over the coms, Barton's amused voice crackled to life. "Well damn, Mirage broke the streak. I was starting to root for this guy too." Though his tone was lighthearted, his words acknowledged their impressive hand-to-hand skills.

Hearing Barton's remark in his earpiece, Mirage responded, "Warmup's over." His bold declaration signaled a clear shift in the fight's intensity.

The rain continued its relentless downpour, turning the earth into a slick and hazardous battlefield. But neither warrior slowed their pace nor lost their footing on the muddy ground. They adapted smoothly, focus unbroken.

Tyson pressed his attack, transitioning seamlessly from a high, arching roundhouse kick to a rapid barrage of surgical punches. Thor quickly raised his leg to block the kick, then countered the punches with a tight hook.

Mirage pinned the punch between his side and elbow, then swiftly retaliated with a knife-hand chop to the Asgardian's vulnerable neck. His counter was followed instantly by a palm strike to Thor's sternum. The powerful thrust sent Thor staggering back with a ragged gasp, his breath coming in labored wheezes.

With each evasion and strike, Thor was maneuvered closer to the position Tyson wanted. Mirage was outmaneuvering the fallen god, and Thor now stood exactly where Tyson intended all along.

Sensing his opponent's exhaustion, Tyson ruthlessly pressed his advantage. He unleashed a devastating series of kicks, using the added weight of his metal bones to amplify each blow. Thor's upper body was pummeled relentlessly, every impact jarring. Tyson shifted lightly on his feet, then launched into a sidekick. His foot crashed against Thor's chest with the force of a wrecking ball, sending the Asgardian tumbling heavily to the muddy earth.

Thor lay stunned for a moment, battered and dazed. Slowly and painfully he pushed himself up with trembling arms to his hands and knees. He shook his head, trying to clear the cobwebs from his addled mind. As his vision came into focus, he stared at Mjolnir, the mighty hammer lying just inches from his outstretched fingers.

Just as Tyson intended.

Coulson's commanding voice suddenly crackled through the coms. "Hold. I want to see this."

The rain poured down without mercy as Thor slowly pulled himself to his feet, grim determination etched into his features. His eyes were fixed on Mjolnir, the legendary hammer lying just beyond his grasp.

Mirage relaxed his battle stance. He understood the significance of this moment all too well. He had, after all, coordinated his movements during their fight to orchestrate it, ensuring it happened.

Thor took a deep breath, his muscular chest heaving with exertion and suppressed emotion. He knew that reaching for Mjolnir was the ultimate test of his worthiness. Thor was the son of Odin, a seasoned warrior, the hero of Asgard, who had faced countless challenges and emerged victorious. He would not hesitate now, not allow self-doubt or anxiety. Resolve flooded Thor's chiseled features as he stepped toward his destiny.

Bracing himself, the muscles along his arms corded and bulged as he tensed, veins standing out like ropes under his skin. For the span of a heartbeat, it seemed he might succeed in lifting Mjolnir, pure willpower fueling the attempt.

The hammer remained anchored firmly in place.

Frustration creased Thor's brow as he struggled, his efforts growing more desperate. Grunting with exertion, he pulled and strained, trying vainly to lift Mjolnir. But the enchanted hammer, under Odin's spell, would not move.

It recognized only the worthy.

And it found Thor lacking.

Finally, after several more futile attempts, Thor's strength gave out. He sank slowly to his knees in the mud, the full weight of his failure pressing down on his broad shoulders.

He was no longer a god, he was just a man on his knees, broken and defeated.

With his head bowed, the rain hid the tears on his cheeks. Thor was the picture of despair.

"Ground units, move in. The show's over." Coulson's voice rang out firmly over the coms, signaling an end to the confrontation. SHIELD agents swiftly closed in, surrounding the kneeling Thor. But the fallen god seemed oblivious, lost in his anguish and thoughts of defeat. The rain continued to fall steadily, echoing the mood of the moment.

A god, fallen, grappling with losing his power and status.

Steatoda Steatoda

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