The darkness lifts, not slowly, but all together at once in such a way that left me reeling. I feared that I had suddenly gone blind for a moment. However, as my vision slowly returned to me, it became immediately apparent to me that I was in an ordinary guest bedroom, one of dozens that could be found vacant around the palace. There was a bed on the side of the room opposite and in a chair next to it, sat my father.
Far more surprising is the individual lying in that bed my father is seated beside, someone who despite being tucked up to his chin with bedcovers is unmistakably a middle-aged man. He appeared to be in decent health, as expressed by the fullness of his face, the gut protruding under the blanket, and the fierce way his brows were set. More glaring than that, forgive the pun, was the absolute revilement that lingered in his golden glare as he looked at me.
Yes, gold.
I haven't written a haiku since grade school so sorry if these are mid!