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67.52% Reverend Insanity-Blood Venerable Ascension / Chapter 78: The echoes of a toad's end

Chương 78: The echoes of a toad's end

A.N - Guys let's do it again if I get 100 power stones today after I post this chapter I'll post one more at the same time we get to that

So If you could choose any rank 9 gu to be your vital gu who would it be? Of course, excluding Fate Gu and love Gu for obvious reasons

If you could erase the existence of any particular path which one would you choose to be terminated?

Well and lastly, don't forget to check out the discord, we have good discussions about Reveren Insanity there, as well as almost all RI fanfic authors being there and talking routinely for the code : 5efZtawZKC

And don't forget to check my patreon although I won't post exclusive content there for now if you want to give me money I'll accept ;) : patreon.com/CreedFollower


"Master... I did it... I avenged your death by killing that damned demon!" Zhi Ming says with tears streaming down his eyes, almost seeing his dear master, Cai Lian Mu, smiling proudly at him.

"I've cleansed some of our sins... let this be the beginning of the end for the demonic path in this era!" Zhi Ming shouts, his gaze fixed on Kuang Luo To's body, which floats in the air and rapidly disappears.

As if it were an ethereal image or a legendary tale, the body of the small green toad disintegrates into various words of impeccable calligraphy that carry the true meaning of his last words, spreading across the world so that no living being is unaware of his final poem.

"Even in death, he resolutely destroyed himself, leaving us with nothing..." Jiang Bo says, trying to hide the admiration he feels for Kuang Luo To at this moment.

"That matters little. Our mission here was to kill that bastard and recover the Immortal King Seed... we've completed the first part, now only the most important part remains..." Ma Xuo says in a rough and deep voice, clearly displeased with the admiration he perceives in Jiang Bo's voice.

Li Ka and Mei Xian simply look on silently at the exchange of words, both tacitly agreeing not to involve themselves in foolish discussions, as the most important thing now is what happens after this battle and how the Gu world will change with the death of the two strongest Gu immortals and the only pseudo-Venerables alive.

"Well said, Ma Xuo. Our focus is still on the Immortal King Seed..." Zhi Ming says with a serious look, full of concern but also determination to fight. "...but before we continue, let's expose this battle and show how the forces of the Heavenly Court will has to subjugate these demonic bastards in the future!"

"Let those we lost today be remembered forever as exterminators of evil and those who will bring a new era of Heavenly Court hegemony when the Lord Immortal King ascends to the top of the world as our leader!" Zhi Ming's eyes burn with a ferocity he hasn't felt since he was a mere youth beginning his cultivation journey as he speaks these words.


*Northern Icy Plain*

Desolate ice without end. This is the first thought that would come to anyone's mind upon beholding this landscape, completely covered in pure, white, desolate ice that allows no form of life to grow and prosper.

However, contrary to this notion, an enormous and furious river runs for endless kilometers, cutting through much of this desolate icy terrain before plunging into an abyss, forming a splendid waterfall.

And even that is not the end, for these waters, upon falling from the waterfall, quickly transform into icicles of incredible size and beauty. Near these icicles, a young man of desolate appearance meditates in a lotus position at the base of the waterfall, while a large white wolf is snuggling around him.

The young man meditates quietly, with his eyes closed, his face cold and emotionless. His white-blue hair and his pale, purely white skin would take any mortal's breath away in surprise, but to an immortal, this is nothing more than the typical appearance of an immortal snowman.

"Kuang Luo To... is dead... how?" Si Mon speaks, still maintaining the typical cold expression of a snowman, but deep in his eyes, there is profound shock and concern.

"Ahh, Xue Sheng, it appears our people may be in great danger now..." Si Mon says, stroking the head of the giant, completely white wolf lying around him, who doesn't bother to lift his head while remaining lazily half-asleep.

"Now that the Heavenly Court has somehow managed to defeat Kuang Luo To, this greatly boosts the morale of the righteous forces that will seek to eliminate demonic Gu immortals and Variant-Human immortals..." Si Mon looks toward the horizon while speaking to his wolf, a habit he developed since the death of his father.

In fact, this Furious Crystal Waterfalls, an immortal resource point, was left to him by his father before he died in a battle against an immortal human exploring deep into the Northern Icy Plain.

"At least the information barrier placed by Kuang Luo To around the Northern Icy Plain should protect us for a while..." Si Mon says as he slowly stands up and begins to walk out of the waterfall.

"But it is also a great danger, as it could incriminate us as collaborators with that demon." He says, looking back to signal the wolf to follow him and not remain lazily lying down.

"That's why father and other immortals vehemently opposed cooperating with him after being extorted..." Remembering the past, Si Mon's expression turns grim.

For he still remembers when he was a mere Gu master and Kuang Luo To blackmailed Si Ma Yi, the leader, for resources to not reveal their existence and that of the rockmen in the depths of the Northern Icy Plain to the world.

And the leader not only agreed but also made a deal with Kuang Luo To to use his expertise in finding them, which no one else could do, and his attainment in information path to create a protection that would prevent anyone from discovering them as he did. And of course, they had to pay even more for it, which now seems to have backfired.

"Let's go, Xue Sheng, we can't keep our wise leader Si Ma Yi waiting for his meeting!" Si Mon says with irony in his voice as he quickly moves along with the wolf at his side.


*Eastern Sea*

"...As I was reporting, besides the materials for refining at least ten times, Lang Ya demanded at least a ton of Lady's Blooming Flowers as well as a hundred liters of Ying Purity Essence," Yan Lin, a young woman of breathtaking celestial beauty, says while bowing delicately.

She is now in the middle of a luxurious palace adorned with various sapphires and jades that range from dark purple to a striking golden blue, each of these elegant ornaments being valuable rank 5 Gu materials without exception.

"But he assured me that if we provide these, he guarantees the refinement of Lust Slavery to Rank 7..." Yan Lin continues, exuding an aura of enchanting delicacy with her words and actions, capable of making any man fall in love quickly.

Indeed, any mortal Gu master who laid eyes on Yan Lin would find it hard to believe that such celestial beauty could exist in this world and might even throw himself at her feet, begging for her hand in marriage.

And it is no wonder, for the young woman with deep purple eyes and long black hair that falls over her shoulders like the night sky, combined with her pure, pale jade-like skin, could enchant any man at first sight.

But most impressive is the thin green dress she wears, leaving little to the imagination, as it hardly performs the job of clothing and covers very little of her body. Even the parts it does cover are so thin that anyone can see the outline of the woman underneath, which can only be described as every man's dream.

However, contrary to common sense, the numerous men wearing well-kept clothes indicating their aristocratic status who are standing around this luxurious hall do not even glance at the woman while remaining silent.

"Oh my, and I always heard that these Hairy Men were innocent and pure-hearted... Ah, if not for my little toad, perhaps he would extort us even more," Yan Qiu says coquettishly, each of her expressions carrying pure charm and seduction for any man who hears them.

To describe this mature woman's beauty, with the aura of an elegant lady, it would be easy to say that Yan Lin, with her celestial beauty capable of making even the highest Gu master fall to his knees and beg at her feet, seems overshadowed and almost non-existent compared to Yan Qiu, who can make even immortals kneel in submission.

She exhibits perfection in every aspect of her voluptuous and mature body, with her pale jade-like skin, light golden eyes and her beautiful, seductive face, dressed in a similar outfit to Yan Lin's but in purple and showing slightly less skin. She has an appearance that could make someone believe they are looking at a goddess of lust and fertility.

But just like with Yan Lin, none of the men around looked at her. In fact, unlike with Yan Lin, where they try not to look at her, they don't even dare to glance in the direction near Yan Qiu, and many tremble a little every time they hear her speak.

"Supreme Elder, are we not being too cautious in negotiating without using our enchantment path methods against Lang Ya?" Yan Lin asks, doubt in her eyes, without fear of expressing her opinions to her mentor. "Even though he is a rank 8, I don't believe he can resist Madame's supreme methods..."

"Oh... you are very naive, little girl, to think that just because I can easily use my enchantment methods on peak-rank 6 and mid-rank 7 individuals, I can do the same with the legendary Lang Ya..." Yan Qiu speaks simply, without reprimanding the young woman too much, who is quite arrogant having just ascended to a rank 6 Gu immortal.

"Believe me when I say that old Hairy Man has many ways to defend against enchantment path..."

"So trying something like that would be an unnecessary provocation, forcing me to plead to that little toad to protect us from Lang Ya's wrath..." Yan Qiu says while elegantly crossing her legs.

"I understand... So, we will agree to his demands?" Yan Lin asks while trying to hide her shame, comforted by the fact that the eunuchs around cannot hear the conversation to know about her foolish suggestion.

"Of course, but I still plan to reduce the cost somewhat---!Everyone out now!!" In the midst of her words, Yan Qiu's face becomes filled with shock and disbelief, while both Yan Lin and the eunuchs quickly leave the hall with expressions of fear and concern at her sudden emotional outburst.

"How?! How could you die so suddenly now?! Why didn't he say anything to me?!" Yan Qiu speaks, her beautiful face filled with profound sadness as tears form in her eyes.

This sudden reaction is due to emergency information that reached her through her will in Treasure Yellow Heaven, which just received the news that quickly became the biggest commotion of the last millennium, with righteous path immortals celebrating and demonic path immortals lamenting the death of an idol.

But for her, it is even deeper than the death of an idol because she has known Kuang Luo To since she was a mere mortal sex slave made to serve the profane pleasures of a descendant of some immortal,as a part of his harem of concubines.

Which was already a much better life compared to her youth, where she served various Gu masters in a luxury brothel in the Western Desert, using mortal methods of the enchantment path before being bought as a concubine by the immortal's descendant who really liked her services.

"That damned toad didn't even leave me any last words! He had no consideration for my suffering!!" She speaks, tears of sadness streaming down her beautiful face as she cries alone, something she hasn't done in a long time.

It is obvious she feels this way about Kuang Luo To, who is the reason for the end of her life as a slave when he secretly communicated with her and made a deal for her to help him infiltrate the harem and kidnap the immortal's descendant she served. In return, he promised to save her from that state as a slave, which she promptly accepted.

But of course, if it were just that, she wouldn't feel such deep sadness, only a little, because he helped her out of interest. But right after freeing her, he took her as a disciple and helped her in her cultivation to the realm of an enchantment path immortal. Even after she ascended, they continued to be close allies.

In fact, even today, he still helped her, as he did with Lang Ya, to obtain a second Rank 7 Gu worm for her. And with her now being a renowned Rank 7 immortal, she could even help him, especially when he needed spies. Her disciples did an excellent job seducing someone until they discovered everything they wanted.

"Wait! Xiao Ke Yu... now that his father is dead, Heavenly Court will definitely pursue him to eliminate any possible legacy of Kuang Luo To, starting with his son and only descendant!!" Yan Qiu speaks, immense concern on her face as she thinks about the mortal danger her beloved nephew is in at this moment, quickly deciding to go and save him.


*Western Desert*

"Why couldn't the tadpole talk to the mermaid?" Xiao Ke Yu, a small green frog with a golden crown, speaks on a stage to a large audience listening.

"Because he got all tangled... I mean, tangled in the net!" He stammers nervously as he forgets the punchline halfway through.

But to the surprise of any outsider, this lame joke makes the entire audience of at least a thousand people burst into uncontrollable laughter, some even falling to the ground and laughing until they cry.

"Okay, okay, kekeke... What did the tadpole say when he saw a beautiful fish?" He says with a smile that hides a bit of melancholy. "I froze in the water! Kekekeke."

The audience's reaction to this joke is even more exaggerated and intense than the first time, with some people even pretending to faint from laughter. This would confuse any outsider even more because the last joke made no logical sense.

"What is the tadpole's worst nightmare?" Xiao Ke Yu has tears starting to stream from his eyes. "Being called to speak... especially with woman! Kekekeke."

The audience, consisting of Gu masters, continues to laugh non-stop even though their throats hurt. They fear what might happen if they are the first to stop laughing in front of the Gu immortal, who is grieving his father's death.

"Ahh, it's not the same without my father to be my audience... kekekeke, damn it, now I have to use these mortals to show my celestial and sublime quality jokes to the world!" Xiao Ke Yu laughs at his own misfortune while thinking about how unlucky he is not to have his father around to laugh at his great jokes.

"Hmm? Auntie Yan Qiu? Come to save me from the Heavenly Court? What's the point of living now that my father is gone?" He speaks alone on stage, but in reality, he is communicating with Yan Qiu, who uses an information path method to talk to him.

"You mean... right, I understand! To honor my father's memory and not let it die, I must make the whole world roar with laughter at my jokes!!" He says with a new sparkle in his once-melancholic eyes, now hearing Yan Qiu's advice.

"Kekekeke, so be it, and let the world know this comedian tadpole!!!" He says while opening his arms theatrically, but no sound is heard, not even a chuckle.

Anyone who was there to see the scene would understand the macabre reason for this, as all those mortal Gu masters in the audience are now thousands of dead bodies with no sign of life, wide unnatural smiles on their faces, and tears still streaming from their eyes, forming a nightmare scene.

"Kekekeke... it seems you really can die of laughter..." Xiao Ke Yu says with a mad and cruel smile.

next chapter
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