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10.52% Reincarnation of the strongest sword god-reincarnating once more / Chapter 8: Without a single scratch

Chương 8: Without a single scratch

Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add


"Let's get going, I'll explain the strategy as we walk." Shi Feng simply said and started walking while Blackie followed.

The other four wanted to ask if their leader had chosen the wrong difficulty, but seeing him move forward, it was obvious he knew what he picked.

"Brother expert, can we really clear hell mode?" Lonely Snow finally worked up the courage to ask.

"Relax. If I weren't certain, I wouldn't do it." Shi Feng said, before adding nonchalantly "It is just Hell Mode. Aside from the monsters here having a little bit intelligence, their battle methods being a little bit complicated, and their Attack, Defense, and HP are a little bit higher, there isn't much else. Oh right, there is also a little bit more monsters here." 

The others were slightly assured seeing him so confident, and they followed. 

Suddenly, a strong wind blew from the dark and gloomy forest, causing the trees to sway madly.

"Ao! Ao! Ao!"

After the howling wind came a furious roar that resounded throughout the entire Deathly Forest. Countless birds were scared, flying off into the sky.

Lonely Snow and the others were stunned by such an imposing aura.

"In a moment, Cola and I will walk in front. Lonely Snow, you walk in the middle and protect the Oracle. Blackie, you and the Summoner will walk at the back. Remember, you must not break formation regardless of any activities. Without my command, nobody is allowed to be the first to attack, do you all understand?" Shi Feng explained the basics of formations once to the party.

Under Shi Feng's lead, everyone walked into the forest.

The moment they entered the forest, everyone discovered that there were too many pathways through the forest. They did not know which one was the right path. However, Shi Feng had chosen one without hesitation. Everyone else closely followed him while being cautious of their surroundings.

After walking for about five minutes, they met their first monster. Shi Feng and Blackie remained nonchalant, but the others started to become tense.

"Don't act on impulse. Listen to my commands. Cola, you lure the monster over. Oracle, pay attention to healing. Everyone else, don't start the attack without my command," Shi Feng gave out orders.

The Guardian Knight, Cola gulped down a mouthful of saliva. He carefully walked towards the Night Rabbit's attack range. Everyone else was nervous to the extreme. Although this was only a Level 2 Elite, they were currently in the Hell Mode of a Dungeon.

However, everyone's nervousness was for naught. The moment the Night Rabbit with a person's height saw Cola, it immediately dashed over.

Cola had very successfully lured the Night Rabbit over. Moreover, he did not panic when he lured it. He retreated while using his shield to block the Night Rabbit's attacks. However, even though every attack landed on the shield, the damage was still terrifying; just a single hit dealt 42 damage. By the time Cola returned to the front of the party, his HP had already dropped by a third.

The Oracle, whose name was Drowsy Sloth, had good awareness. He had given out healing the moment Cola entered his casting range. However, every heal could only add 24 HP to Cola; it was completely not enough to stop Cola's HP from falling.

The others started to become nervous as Cola's HP fell. They looked at Shi Feng doubtfully, wondering if he was going to let Cola die.

Time passed bit by bit. Cola continuously used his shield to block the claw attacks of the Night Rabbit, whereas his HP continuously decreased. Cola only had 20% HP remaining, yet Shi Feng had yet to give out the command to attack.

'Found you.' Shi Feng looked in a certain direction of the forest. After finding his target, he no longer needed Cola to be bait "Sloth, start healing now, Cola retreat. Blackie I'll leave the rest to you."

After finishing his piece, Shi Feng rushed into the forest.

Wind Blade!

The shadow in the forest, which was getting ready to attack, was stunned for a moment, not expecting to be discovered before even doing anything, before turning around to escape. 

But, with the increased Movement Speed from Wind Blade, Shi Feng reached dark shadow before it could move far. Shi Feng waved out three quick sword slashes, sealing the dark shadow's path of advance. 

The black shadow knew that it could not escape. It immediately turned around, but before it could do anything. nine pitch-black chains appeared and bound it, preventing it from moving for 3 seconds, and its Defense was reduced by 100%.

It could only watch as the three slashes cut into it. 

Damages of -84, -168, -84 appeared. 

The dark shadow revealed its figure under the moonlight after being struck.

[Night Ranger] (Special Elite)

Level 2

HP 1164/1500

Thundering Flash!


More damages of -117, -140, -168 , -179 appeared above the Night Ranger's head. When the two skills landed, less than 600 of the Night Ranger's HP was left.

No matter how capable the Night Ranger was, it could not break free from the binding of the nine chains. He could only silently take a beating for 3 whole seconds.

Shi Feng continued attacking, and within seven slashes, the Night ranger turned into particles of light. He conveniently picked up the two items that dropped before unhurriedly walking towards Cola's location.

Meanwhile Blackie had expertly distracted the Night Rabbit until Drowsy Sloth healed Cola. After that he started instructing Cola to dodge when he could and gave other tips to the others.

By the time Shi Feng came back they had already killed the Night Rabbit. It dropped a skill book for Berserkers, [Whirlwind Slash]. It also dropped three Coppers.

Everyone could not help but be amazed by the drop rate of Hell Mode. A skill book dropped just after they killed an Elite monster. If they killed over ten Elite monsters, then wouldn't they be able to obtain over ten skill books? It should be known that skill books were extremely rare, and even a Common skill could sell for 1 Silver.

Afterward, Shi Feng passed Whirlwind Slash to the stupefied Lonely Snow; then he passed a Level 1 Bronze Defensive Plate Armor to Cola; which the Night Ranger had dropped.

Cola's mouth could not close after receiving the Defensive Plate Armor. He hurriedly thanked Shi Feng for it. Shi Feng had already had him put all his points into Endurance, so with this Bronze Plate Armor, not only had Cola's Defense increased by 14 points, but his HP had also become 350 points.

Aside from Shi Feng and Blackie, everyone else on the scene was filled with envy. Bronze Equipment was the identification of an expert. Outside the Dungeon, it was impossible to obtain a piece of Bronze Equipment, even if you begged for it. And this piece of equipment was obtained by Shi Feng, alone. Yet, Shi Feng gave it to Cola without hesitation. Everyone's opinion towards Shi Feng changed quite a bit. They felt such a party leader was not bad at all. Shi Feng was unlike the other party leaders who would prioritize themselves when equipment dropped. As for Bronze Equipment, forget giving it away to a temporary party member; they would definitely keep it for themselves. 

Afterwards, everyone followed Shi Feng as they advanced.

Although the dark and gloomy forest was scary, everyone was no longer as nervous as they were before going through a stimulating fight.

From time to time, one or two patrolling Elite Night Rabbits would appear in front of them, and they would also respond to it quickly. When there were two Night Rabbits, Cola would tank one of them, while Shi Feng and Lonely Snow would rush over and kill the other. As for the ranged players, they would prioritize attacking the Night Rabbit in front of Shi Feng.

The Night Rabbit's 700 HP would be gone quickly under the fierce bombardment.

Afterward, the party supported Cola and finished off the other Night Rabbit. Within moments, two Night Rabbits were no more. With this process, a skill book, [Restore], meant for healers also dropped. The skill had a 2 second cast time. When learned by Oracles, the skill could instantly restore 37 HP. 

Drowsy Sloth continuously thanked Shi Feng and the other party members for letting him learn the skill book. Restore was an extremely important skill for conquering Dungeons. If it were to be sold outside, it could go for at least 2 or 3 Silver coins.

"Don't mind it. Skill books are meant to be used. Let's continue onward." Shi Feng smiled as he answered.

Aside from AoE attack skill books, healer-class skill books were the most expensive and rare. However, the Deathly Forest was a Dungeon meant to let players build up their foundation in God's Domain. In Hell Mode, the drop rate for basic healing skills was very high. In Shi Feng's previous life, he had obtained four healing skill books just after entering Hell Mode of the Deathly Forest once. It was not considered valuable.

With Shi Feng leading and teaching the others[1], as well as Blackie's assistance, they quickly proceeded through the dungeon, while gaining multiple new pieces of common and bronze equipment, of which Shi Feng got two, improving their party

After a little less than an hour, Shi Feng's party arrived at a flat grassland. They had finally met the first Boss of the Dungeon.

[Willie] (Chieftain-rank)

Level 3

HP 6000

Willie was a ferocious Night Rabbit. Its height was as tall as two people, and sharp steel claws decorated its paws. These claws loved creating a feast of fresh blood, and those caught by it would be ripped to shreds, turned into a river of blood. It was unknown how many players had died a gruesome death under these claws.

A short distance away from Willie, there were seven Elite Night Rabbits on guard. These seven rabbits were very close to each other. As long as one of them was attacked, the other wild rabbits would rush over as well. There was also a great possibility of attracting the Boss.

"I'll handle the bunnies. You guys just support me from the back." Shi Feng instructed as he calmly walked towards the seven elite Night Rabbits and Willie. 

The others couldn't believe what they had just heard, and they stared at Shi Feng like he was crazy. Their previous favorable impression of him crumbled at such a ludicrous strategy. 

"Sure." Blackie, seeing the others' reaction, decided to voice his agreement instead of being silent. He didn't think that fighting a couple of rabbits would even be a challenge for Shi Feng.

Seeing that Blackie, who was also a great expert and had even reached Level 3, agree, the others could only swallow their refutes. 

Shi Feng soon got within the night rabbits detection range. As soon as one noticed him the others did too, then Willie, and they all rushed at him. 

Seeing the rushing rabbits, the others started to get nervous. As they were in hell mode they would lose the level they had recently gained. Shi Feng, however, remained nonchalant as he unsheathed Abyssal Blade and slashed at the approaching rabbits.

Thundering Flash!

Three streaks of thunder passed through the rabbits' bodies. Damages of over a hundred appeared above all of the rabbits heads', reaping over half of the Night Rabbits' HP while Willie lost a chunk, enraging the rabbits. 

When they finally reached Shi Feng and tried attacking him, he calmly dodged all of their attacks, as if he had long predicted them, and sometimes using the bodies of other Night Rabbits like meat shields. While dodging their attacks, he used Chop at the Night Rabbit with the least health, which was the one that saw and charged at him first, before using regular attacks at its weak points, quickly draining its HP all the while dodging the other rabbits' attacks.

The Night Rabbit fell after a few seconds, dropping some coins and a common piece of equipment. Shi Feng then switched to another rabbit, which quickly fell as well. When the third rabbit fell, a skill book dropped.

While easily dodging the attacks of the enraged rabbits, Shi Feng casually picked it up and inspected. Seeing that it was Double Chop, he immediately learned it, before proceeding to attack another Night Rabbit.

Meanwhile the others' jaws had long dropped to the floor when they saw Shi Feng dodge the attacks of seven Elite Night Rabbits and a Chieftain, they even forgot to attack. They got nervous when they saw Shi Feng dare to pick up a skill book and inspect it while attacked, but when he continued to avoid all of the attacks without even looking at them, their shock increased. They began wondering if he had eyes at the back of his head, or if he was hacking.

"Mouse, why aren't you attacking?" Blackie, who had been firing Dark Arrows and using Evil Whip to restrain Willie at times, asked upon seeing that all of them are just standing still and watching. Although Cola and Lonely Snow couldn't attack because they would be killed, and Drowsy Sloth didn't have any ranged attacks, Gluttonous Mouse as a Summoner still had ways to attack from a distance, so it didn't make sense to just stand around and do nothing. 

"S-sorry" Gluttonous Mouse became embarrassed upon being called out and immediately began attacking in any way he could think of. If he performed badly and was kicked from the party with such experts, he would regret it until he died.

"By the way, are any of you interested in joining our Workshop?" Blackie decided to take the chance to recruit them. 


"We're allowed!?"

They immediately became excited upon being invited. If they could continue to party with such experts, they'd be set for life, but as they were only noobs, they didn't think they were qualified.

"Yes." Blackie indifferently replied, seeming like he didn't care about their answers. Upon hearing his confirmation, they quickly agreed.

On the battlefield, Willie felt like he was going mad while watching all of his henchmen falling one by one while not being able to land a single hit on the attacking human. When the last Night Rabbit died, he finally couldn't take it any more and used Death Claws, greatly increasing his Attack Speed. 

However, even though Shi Feng had lost all of his meat shields, that didn't help Willie much, as Shi Feng continued to easily dodge and counterattack. Blackie and Mouse continued to attack from a distance while Cola and Lonely finally had a chance to join the fight as Willie was to focused on attacking Shi Feng to bother with them, as long as Cola didn't use any skills to attract Willie's hatred, it wouldn't switch targets.

Drowsy Sloth quickly became bored as there was nothing he could do except occasionally heal Cola and Lonely Snow when they accidentally get in the way of Willie's attacks.

Willie's HP continuously dropped until it was 30%. Willie entered a berserk state, its body increasing by several sizes.

"You two, stay away from the Boss." Feng[2] calmly said when he saw Willie's change.

Lonely Snow and Cola immediately distanced themselves from the Boss after hearing Feng's command. 

When the two of them had run out of the 10-yard range, Willie disappeared.

No one understood what happened.

When Willie reappeared, it had already arrived at Feng's back, and its steel claws abruptly descended. Feng, however, had long since predicted Willie's attack. By the time the berserking rabbit reached his position, he had already moved, dodging Willie's attack by centimeters. Willie once again disappeared, and appeared behind Feng once more in the next instant.

Within two short seconds, Willie had attacked Feng's back seven times, but he manage to avoid it every time. This continued until Willie's berserk state ended, and it fell into a weakened state. 


Everyone continuously greeted Willie with their attacks, finally shaving off Willie's remaining 30% HP. The rabbit Chieftain dropped four items.

"Everyone, sit down and recover immediately." Feng said before he took a look at everyone's current status. The healer, Drowsy Sloth's remaining MP was above 90%, but the other mages' MP did not reach 30%.

Everyone was confused. Didn't the Boss just die? Why must they be in such a hurry? However, everyone still listened to Feng's command to sit down and recover.

Before they had even sat down and recuperated with food and drinks for five seconds, a violent roar entered everyone's ears. The roar had shaken the entire Deathly Forest, and following it, a black shadow leaped out from within the forest.

The black shadow was a gigantic Werewolf. The Werewolf looked at Willie's corpse, then looked towards Feng and the others. Its pitch-black eyes suddenly turned crimson red. Just when it wanted to release a roar, Feng dashed towards it with Wind Blade. Immediately, Feng used Abyssal Bind. Nine chains appeared and bound the Werewolf and its mouth, preventing it from making a sound.

At this moment, everyone finally saw the Werewolf's statistics. It had a whopping two bars of HP.

[Werewolf Felt] (Lord-rank)

Level 3

HP 12000/12000

Everyone got pissed upon seeing the Werewolf's statistics.

They had barely rested just after killing a Boss, and now there was a Lord in front of them. Lords were a rank higher than Chieftains. The game was literally trying to kill them.

"Everyone remember, absolutely do not let Werewolf Felt let out another roar." Feng reminded everyone.

However, the others were clearly frightened. Not because of Werewolf Felt's body and HP, but because of that pair of horrifying crimson eyes. They gave off an intimidating feeling to everyone that made it hard to move.


In front of the Dungeon of the Deathly Forest, the numbers of Level 2 players gathering were increasing. There was also an endless stream of players diving down into the Dungeon.

Because there were a lot of Level 2 players, there was quite an amount of players who had set up stalls, peddling to the side.

"Good quality Level 0 Common Equipment, don't miss it when you pass by. You can only go down the Dungeon with good equipment. Equipment is limited, hurry over and buy."

"Small HP Potions instantly heals 90 HP once. A must-have tool for a battle that is worthy of you."

God's Domain had been open for over ten hours now. The players here were all Level 2 players. After over ten hours of battling, they had gathered quite a few items. Many Level 2 players had intended to sell the items which they had no use for, switching them for something they could use. Such a situation had caused business to flourish at the Deathly Forest.

Although the number of players in front of the Deathly Forest continued to increase, the number of parties entering the Dungeon kept on decreasing. Only those parties that were unaware would enter the Deathly Forest.

However, after those players had been properly nurtured by the Deathly Forest, they suddenly discovered their previous beliefs to be very naive. Hence, they obediently stood in front of the Dungeon. They talked about life with other parties while watching new parties enter the Dungeon with a smile. They had also investigated reports of the Deathly Forest together with the experienced parties, mutually improving their strategies to conquer the Dungeon.

Following wave after wave of players entering and dying out of the Dungeon, the Deathly Forest had finally become the sore point of every player in Red Leaf Town.

Every player who entered the Deathly Forest only had one impression of the Dungeon.

It was extremely horrifying!

Currently, in the Resurrection Graveyard of the Deathly Forest, six streaks of white light flashed into existence. Following which, six figures revealed themselves from within.

"There is just no way to clear this Dungeon. Snow, I think we would be better off grinding monsters or doing Quests." Just after reviving, Zhao Yueru stamped her delicate feet, her chest heaving up and down. The cuteness of her enraged, yet delicate appearance instantly attracted the attention of a crowd of male players.

Gentle Snow shook her head, saying in contemplation, "Our gains inside the Deathly Forest are relatively good, so we can't just easily give up. But the forest inside the Deathly Forest is too large. Adding in the great number of small paths, we would easily become lost without a map. However, I believe that amongst the numerous pathways, there must be a few that lead to the Boss' location. The other paths are only there as a trap to confuse us. That is why we are always being ambushed by the Night Rabbits. The more we fight, the more Night Rabbits will come. For now, let's investigate for some information and see if we can complete a map for the Deathly Forest."

Everyone felt that Gentle Snow's speculation made sense, especially about the part where they attacked the Night Rabbits. Occasionally, a chilling arrow aimed at the Cleric, Xiao Yue'er, would appear from within the forest. If it wasn't for Xiao Yue'er's skill at dodging, they would have long since party-wiped.

Also, the deeper they went into the forest, the more numerous the Night Rabbits became. In the end, the Night Rabbits became too overwhelming in numbers. They were unable to shoulder all of the rabbits, which resulted in their return through death. If they could find the correct path, they might have already cleared the Dungeon by now.

Zhao Yueru could only nod her head in agreement. The party's leader was, in fact, Gentle Snow, and Gentle Snow's speculations were always very accurate. Zhao Yueru could not help but believe in her.

Going with the suggestion, Gentle Snow and Zhao Yueru nonchalantly shouted a few times, stating that they wanted to trade information about the Deathly Forest.

It couldn't be denied, the striking effect created by two great beauties calling out. Suddenly, the atmosphere in the Deathly Forest started to boil as players rushed over, one after another. Every one of them wanted to be the first in position.

Too many of the male players, this was a great chance for them to talk to a Goddess. Who knew, if the Goddess had looked upon them they might be able to live a 'blessed' life in the future.


Meanwhile, inside the Hell Mode of the Deathly Forest. The sky within the Dungeon had already darkened. Thousands of birds soared to the skies, leaving the forest in a deadly silence.

Werewolf Felt was not any common monster. It was a very famous werewolf. In the past, it massacred countless in Red Leaf Town, nearly turning Red Leaf Town into a town of death. In a fit of rage, the Star-Moon Kingdom had sent out its army to surround Felt. In the end, after being heavily wounded by the Great Swordmaster, Hilton, Felt had escaped into the Deathly Forest to treat its wounds. It was the reason why the Dungeon of the Deathly Forest existed.

In Hell Mode, Felt had three absolute skills. The first one was [Death Stare]. Enemies who Felt stared at would have their Attack Speed and Movement Speed greatly reduced. If one had a weak willpower, they might not even be able to move. [3]

Although Feng and Blackie, who had a strong willpower, were completely unaffected by it, the others were frozen in place. Feng decided to make it easier for them.


The air suddenly changed as Feng let loose his killing intent and directed it at Felt, causing the Werewolf to stop using Death Stare and whimper. The roles were reversed as now Felt became unable to move while the others could. 

But none of them dared to as Feng's killing intent terrified them. After ten years of constant battles to the death, both in game and real world, Feng's killing intent had became much more refined then before. 

Even though the Greater World was many times larger and more advanced than their current Earth, the number of people were even greater, so resources were scarce and needed both money and contribution, as for advanced resources, they needed to be fought for. Most of the time it would be either in virtual reality or regular fights, but sometimes, there would be fights to the death for them. [4]

Naturally, as Zero Wing's Guild Leader, Feng had participated in plenty of them and, even though he tried his best to reduce the loses, there were still some of his guild members who died. 

After going through so many battles where his life was really on the line, Feng's killing intent was much greater and more refined than someone who has only experienced fights in virtual reality. 

Of course Feng didn't release his full killing intent and instead only a small portion of it. If he had really released all of it, the others would have probably had heart attacks from fear. Still that small part was enough to make the others almost piss them selves.

"Alright focus." Feng's shout snapped them out of their gaze. He quickly approached Felt and used Thundering Flash, Double Chop, and Chop. One attack after another landed on Felt's chest, causing Felt to spat out a mouthful of blood. Feng had caused a terrifying -500 damage to it. Within an instant, Felt's HP had fallen to 78%. The pain and blood made Felt snap out of the fear caused by Feng's killing intent. Its fear quickly turned into rage as it began attacking Feng. 

The same thing that happened to Willie, happened to Felt as well; he was completely unable to land any hits on Feng. Afterward, under Feng's command, Lonely Snow would occasionally interrupt the Hell's Roar, while Feng continued to dodge Felt's attacks while counterattacking and the others attacked from a distance. Meanwhile, through all of this, Feng remained without a single scratch on him. In such a way, Werewolf Felt's HP continuously decreased, 70%... 60%... 31%...

When Feng saw that Felt's HP was at 31%, he decided to kill it before it could enter berserk, so he rushed towards Felt. 

Wind blade!

Phantom kill!

Nine Dragons Slash!

When Feng and his doppelganger reached Felt, the werewolf tried to attack them, but nine black chains appeared and bound it. Then, Feng had the doppelganger use Thundering Flash, increasing the damage Felt took, before using his own, and increasing the damage amplification even more. They followed with a Chop and Double Chop followed by regular attacks. All the while, nine phantom Abyssal Blades and the others attacked Werewolf Felt, draining its HP. 

Before the three seconds of Abyssal Bind ended, Felt's HP reached 0.

System: Your party is the first to clear a Hell Mode Dungeon. Rewards increased by 100%; loot increased by 100%.

System: Cleared Hell Mode of Deathly Forest. Rewarding 8000 EXP.

At this moment, Werewolf Felt exploded, dropping out over 10 items, while a golden glow surrounded Feng, signaling that he had leveled up to level 3. Feng glanced through the items and found they were mostly the same as in his previous life; at the very least, all of the important ones had dropped. 

As expected, no one rushed to try and steal the stuff, so he quickly began to collect the items on the ground. 

In a short moment, Feng had collected all the loot on the ground. There were a total of 19 drops and 5 Silver Coins. Such a harvest could rival the assets of a large Guild in its entirety.

Arranging his bag, Feng found all the items he needed.

[Garrison Armor Forging Design]

Able to create a piece of Level 3 Bronze-ranked Chest Armor after learning the design.

Materials Required: 20 Copper Ores, 5 Bronze Ores, 5 Magic Essences

[Crimson Blade] (Secret-Silver Rank, One-Handed Sword)

Level 3

Equipment Requirement: Strength 12

Attack Power +21

Strength +5, Agility +6, Endurance +3

Durability 30/30

As well as the basic strength potion recipe and the notebook reward for the first clear of a hell mode party dungeon that's gonna lead him the darkness descends. There was also the [Hell Flame] skill book.

"The items are not bad. Here, you guys have a look." Shi Feng did not waste any more time. He immediately displayed the Attributes of all the equipment.

There were a total of 15 pieces of equipment. Amongst them, there was only a single Secret-Silver Equipment, which was the Crimson Blade. There were also 5 pieces of Mysterious-Iron Equipment and 9 pieces of Bronze Equipment. The Bronze Equipment dropped by the Bosses of Hell Mode were all of the highest quality. The Bronze Equipment dropped by Elites were far from comparable.

Amongst all the equipment, after the Crimson Blade, the most valuable items were the pieces of Mysterious-Iron Equipment. Out of the three Modes of the Deathly Forest, only Hell Mode dropped Mysterious-Iron Equipment, whereas Normal and Difficult only dropped Bronze Equipment.

Blackie's luck had always been good. Amongst the five pieces of Mysterious-Iron Equipment, there were two pieces of the Dark Color Set meant for Cursemancers. The Dark Color Set was definitely the Set Equipment for Cursemancers below Level 5. There were a total of five pieces in the Dark Color Set; head, chest, legs, shoes, armguards. This time around, the parts that dropped were the chest and shoes.

He put on the suit of ash-gray fur robes, coupled with glistening pitch-black boots; everyone could tell they were pieces of a set with just a glance.

The others drooled when they saw the black luster of the Dark Color Set. Their hearts were filled with hatred and envy for Blackie.

They had never imagined entering Hell would be such a great experience. They truly hoped they could enter Hell a few more times in the future.

The remaining three pieces of Mysterious-Iron Equipment were the set pieces for Guardian Knight, Shield Warrior, and Elementalist. Amongst those present, only Cola was a Guardian Knight. Thus, Shi Feng gave the piece of equipment to Cola and stored the others.

As for the remaining Bronze Equipment, Cola received a shield and Lonely Snow received a greatsword. Both pieces of Level 2 equipment had the best Attributes possible on them. Drowsy Sloth and Gluttonous Mouse also received a piece of Bronze Equipment each.

Quite a few pieces of Shi Feng's equipment were also replaced. Amongst the Bronze Equipment, there were three pieces that belonged to Swordsman. The two pieces of equipment that remained were stored away by Shi Feng.

When everyone had changed their equipment, it was as if the entire party had a makeover.

Feng turned to look at the others, saying, "We're going to grind after this. Will you guys follow us or do Quests on your own?"

"Big Brother Feng, how could you leave me out of grinding mobs? I've already planned to follow Big Brother Feng in the future." Cola smiled like a fool as he gently caressed his new shield.

"Big Brother Feng, can we join as well?"

Drowsy Sloth and Gluttonous Mouse were both high-schoolers. Currently, they had their heads lowered in embarrassment. However, they did not wish to give up such a chance. Shi Feng was a great expert. They would reap endless benefits if they could learn a thing or two by staying by his side.

"Sure, you are all welcome to join."

Suddenly, the two of them revealed excited expressions, both their hands clenched up in excitement.

"Since nobody is opposed to it, then we will go grind in Dark Moon Valley."

After finishing his piece, Feng called out the System Panel. He selected the Dungeon's Party Teleportation, parting with the Deathly Forest.

There was a sea of players in front of the Deathly Forest. Currently, they were all gathered around the Dungeon's entrance.

Such a situation was due to the actions of the large Guilds of Red Leaf Town. The Elite teams of these large Guilds had all arrived at the Deathly Forest. They were all prepared to challenge the Dungeon. These teams were much stronger than the loosely made Elite parties. Common Equipment covered their entire bodies. There were even pieces of Bronze Equipment in the mix.

"That's Heaven's Crown's core MT, Immovable Mountain. Never have I imagined that even he would come to this place. Someone will surely clear the Deathly Forest this time."

"Hmph, Heaven's Crown is just a third-rate Guild. Look over there; even the Sub-Leader of Assassin's Alliance, Stabbing Heart, is here. Also, the Guardian Knight named War Soul by his side is the top five Knight of the Assassin's Alliance. He is even stronger than the Immovable Mountain."

The players in the surrounding area started a discussion amongst themselves. They held optimistic views towards these large Guilds at clearing the Deathly Forest. It was to be expected, as there were over ten Guilds currently present, both large and small. Amongst these Guilds, the most well-known Guild would be the second-rate Guild, Assassin's Alliance. Following them would be the third-rate Guild, Heaven's Crown. The others were just some unknown Guilds, but they still would not be looked down on. This was because a Workshop stood behind every Guild. These Workshops hired experts. Average players could not compare to them.

Each large Guild wanted to build its reputation in Red Leaf Town. Conquering the first Dungeon in Red Leaf Town was the perfect way to do so. Hence, all of the large Guilds made ample preparations for the Dungeon. They spent large sums of their assets to buy equipment and medicine. They also bought a lot of information on the Deathly Forest. So, they were extremely confident about conquering the Dungeon.

"Boss Waving, these Guild teams have gorgeous equipment! They will definitely clear the Deathly Forest this time," Wordless Summer Night commented with a pained expression.

Waving Slowly But Surely crossed his arms in front of his chest. He nodded slightly, saying in a helpless tone, "The Deathly Forest is too difficult. We party-wiped before we even met the Boss. In the end, parties like ours only became scouts for the Guilds."

"What's there to brag about being a Guild's expert? Boss, it's not our skills that are lacking. The Dungeon is just too horrifying. It has too high of an equipment quality requirement," the Shield Warrior, Battle To The End said in disdain. He held contempt for the Guild experts deep in his heart, and he was sure only their equipment prevented them from clearing the Dungeon.

"That's right, Boss. If our party had such equipment, we would have long since cleared the Deathly Forest" Wordless Summer Night confidently said. They chatted for a bit until the guilds were about to enter

"Boss, the Guilds are going to enter now," Wordless Summer said.

However, just as the Guilds were about to enter the Deathly Forest, the Dungeon's teleportation gate suddenly changed color. It instantly turned from a silvery-gray to a pitch-black color. There was also an indistinct skull that was roaring.

The many members of the Guilds couldn't help but retreat a few steps back.

"What is this situation?"

Such a question appeared within everyone's hearts. However, they quickly received their answer.

Six figures suddenly appeared in front of the Dungeon's entrance. Each and every one of them was clothed in glorious garments. Just by standing there, the six of them caused others to feel a faint pressure, especially the Cursemancer with the black-colored staff. The dark-gray colored equipment on the Cursemancer was clearly a set. A single glance was enough to tell they were not common goods. The materials it was made of were much better than Bronze Equipment.

Suddenly, the people who were there when Feng's party entered remembered that there was someone who entered the hell mode of deathly forest, however they had assumed that after such a long time the people had already been wiped out.

Looking at the party that exited none could recognize a single one of those players so they definitely weren't famous experts. 

Feng and Blackie remained indifferent about being watched, but the other party members also started to panic. The pressure from being watched by so many people was no weaker than facing off against a Boss monster.

"Boss Waving, look. Isn't that the guy from earlier?" Wordless Summer pointed towards Feng.

Waving Slowly knitted his brows. Feng was not the only person he spotted; there was also Lonely Snow. He curiously asked, "How could they be here? Didn't they run away long ago?"

"In my view, I think they did not even enter the forest of the Dungeon. They knew they could not clear the Dungeon, but they were also afraid of embarrassing themselves. So, they stayed in there until now." Battle To The End laughed, "But now they just happen to get caught after leaving the Dungeon. Just look at how ugly Lonely Snow's expression is."

"Hahaha! As expected of a fake expert, he doesn't even have the courage to enter the Dungeon."

Waving Slowly felt Wordless Summer Night's words made sense. If not, how could Feng's party have returned safely? Waving Slowly and the other party members experienced the horrendous-ness of the Deathly Forest. After entering the forest of the Dungeon, there were only two possible results: either they cleared the Dungeon, or they party-wiped. There was no possibility of a third option. Now that Feng's party had returned safely, there was only one possibility; they never entered the forest. It was impossible that they cleared the Deathly Forest.

"Let's go." Feng simply said, ignoring the gazes of all the gathered people, and started walking out of the dungeons entrance. 

The other members of the party nodded in agreement. 

"Big brother, please hold on for a moment."

Just as Feng's party was about to leave the Dungeon's entrance, a ringing voice entered everyone's ears. Taking a look at the voice's origin, a beautiful and pure maiden dressed in a pure-white mage's robe was seen walking towards Feng's party.

Feng recognized this person. She was Star-Moon Kingdom's top-hundred Cleric, Xiao Yue'er.

Xiao Yue'er walked to Feng with an embarrassed look, a blush appearing on her tender-white cheeks. She whispered, "Nice to meet you. I am Xiao Yue'er of Ouroboros. Our party's leader wishes to have a chat with you about the Deathly Forest's Dungeon. I wonder... if you would be interested in sharing?"

Xiao Yue'er's appearance shocked everyone present.

Every player present knew who Xiao Yue'er was. After all, she was the Goddess' party mate. Coupled with Xiao Yue'er's beauty and purity, she was firmly implanted in everyone's memories.

However, why would such a pure maiden invite a noob? Furthermore, what was harder to imagine was... the person who invited the noob was not Xiao Yue'er, but the Goddess, Gentle Snow.

"Not interested. I'm in a rush for time," Feng turned around and left immediately after responding, while Blackie followed. Of course he wasn't gonna except the invitation when he knew that Gentle Snow was going to come to him anyway. 

Xiao Yue'er was shocked motionless. It was the first time she met a man who actually rejected Sister Snow's invitation. Many men begged for such an invitation, yet all of them remained empty-handed. Could this man be a fool?

"Let's go. What are you daydreaming about?" Feng turned and asked his motionless party members when he discovered that the others weren't following him.

Currently, Gentle Snow and Zhao Yueru walked over. Clad in a silvery-white plate armor, Gentle Snow was undoubtedly the focus of the entire Deathly Forest. Everyone's eyes were glued to her perfectly curved body, their mouths drooling.

Nobody had imagined Gentle Snow would personally make an appearance.

"You can be at ease. I will not waste too much of your time. This piece of Bronze Equipment can be your compensation," Gentle Snow carefully watched Feng. She discovered Feng was indeed different from other people. Although Feng had a typical appearance, his body gave off a calm and steady feeling. Such temperament could only be honed after experiencing countless life-or-death battles. Moreover she was shocked that she couldn't detect his presence at all, if she wasn't looking at him, she wouldn't even know that he was there. There was also the Cursemancer who was similar to Feng in that aspect. Both of them gave her a feeling of extreme danger. 

"Snow?" Zhao Yueru was shocked. She never thought Gentle Snow would think so highly of Feng. Her beautiful eyes unwillingly turned towards Feng. Her brows slightly creased, and she said in a contemptible tone, "I don't think this fellow is worth a piece of Bronze Equipment; a piece of Gray Equipment at best."

They had already been respectful by inviting Feng over for a chat. However, not only did Feng not appreciate their kindness, he even rejected them immediately. If someone else received such an invite, they would have long since come running over to fawn over them. It was the first time Zhao Yueru met such an unattractive man who took such an action. She firmly believed Feng had some scheme in his mind and there was nothing good about him.

"No need for the Bronze Equipment. I have those things, myself," Feng waved his hand, saying in an uncaring tone. 

Zhao Yueru's beautiful eyes measured up Feng. She couldn't help but let loose a faint laughter, playfully saying, "Such an unyielding spirit. You clearly want it, yet you're refusing to admit it. Snow, this fellow is really insincere!"

"Yueru," Gentle Snow impatiently sent Zhao Yueru a glance, hinting her not to overdo it. To begin with, they were the ones who took the initiative to send the invite. It would not be proper to look down on others now.

Zhao Yueru pouted. She shot a glance towards Feng, puffing out her prideful twin peaks as she helplessly turned her head away. She did not think a poor fellow like Feng would have anything they wanted.

"Sorry, please receive this piece of equipment as an apology, "Gentle Snow took out a Level 0 Bronze Belt meant for a Swordsmen and traded it to Feng. She wanted to put an end to this matter.

Feng did not reject the offer after seeing Gentle Snow's sincerity. He was indeed missing a Bronze Belt.

"Hehe, and here I thought you had some great ability. In the end, you still need it," Zhao Yueru said in disdain. She inwardly felt unfortunate to lose a piece of Bronze Equipment.

They obtained this piece of equipment after killing a Rare Elite with much difficulty. It was an absolute waste now that their efforts were benefiting Feng.

Feng remained indifferent on the outside, but on the inside he started wondering how to mess with Yueru a bit after being mocked and ridiculed in such a way. Sadly, before he could do anything, someone beat him to the punch when a huge amount of killing intent appeared, directed at Yueru

"Little girl, watch your words." Blackie's cold words rang out in everyone's ears 


1. When I say the others like this I'm referring to everyone except Blackie, most of the time 

2. I've decided to simply write Feng instead of Shi Feng every time, but I can't be bothered to go back to previous chapters and change it. Though, I might still write Shi Feng in some situations.

3. I know that there's a lot of copied text from the OG chapters and I normally try to avoid putting in unnecessary stuff, but sometimes, I need to add in some stuff

4. My version of the Greater World is a bit different from the one in the novel

next chapter
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