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7.69% Reincarnation of the Reformation Man / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Reincarnation of the Reformation Man
Reincarnation of the Reformation Man Reincarnation of the Reformation Man original

Reincarnation of the Reformation Man

Tác giả: DaoistZeKGbP

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Chapter 1 Reincarnation of the Reformation Man

The scene unfolds with a striking figure, dressed in an elaborate battle ensemble embellished with intricate ornaments. This commanding presence holds a bloodied sword with great poise, resting it casually upon his right shoulder, while the scabbard is grasped confidently in his left hand. With a swift motion, he flings his sword into the air, the crimson droplets from the blade gracefully cascading to the ground below. 

As he smoothly slides the sword back into its scabbard, a miraculous transformation takes place; the once bloodstained blade becomes immaculately clean, now snugly sheathed at his side. 

The man treads along a path strewn with debris, dust, and the remnants of fallen trees, leaving a powerful and enigmatic impression in his wake.

As he journeys forward on his path, he is engulfed by a chilling and eerie scene: motionless figures scattered in all directions, creating a haunting and unnerving atmosphere.

As the dust got clearer for eyes to see. Shockingly, An exact total of seven bodies can be found in the ground. Some were sliced in the neck and were scorched by the fire, the others were scattered sideways. In the center, a man continued to Walk.

As the man weaved his way through the Bodies, he pressed on, despite the harrowing scene around him. 

In a secluded and immaculate clearing, a solitary figure clad in weathered attire kneels on the ground. His long, unkempt blond hair is streaked with dirt, and as he touches the earth, his hair becomes soiled with a shade of brown. Despite bearing a noticeable injury on his arm, the wound is regenerating at an accelerated and seemingly unnatural pace.

The circumstances he is facing are truly dire. 

His mouth was gasping for air, his breaths coming in rapid succession. He was restless, moving around and mumbling in a faint voice. 

As the man in the distance drew closer, his stride exuded an air of grace, each step purposeful and elegant. He finally reached the kneeling man, whose arm was in recovery, and regarded him with a cold, piercing gaze. However, his icy demeanor melted away as he began to speak, his words laced with sarcasm.

"Aiden von De Quincux, man, your name is quite a mouthful and tricky to pronounce, isn't it? Well, with a name like that, it seems fitting for a protagonist or a saint, doesn't it? It conjures up an image of nobility, handsome stature, and heroic qualities, but if only people could see you now. But don't worry, no one is around to witness you in this state because they have all departed!"

The man's fingers closed around Aiden's face, exerting a firm pressure as he pulled it towards his own. A sinister grin twisted his lips as he spoke, his laughter mingling with each word, infusing them with mockery and contempt. The air crackled with the palpable sense of disgrace as if the very atmosphere recoiled from his disdainful words.

Hearing that cruel ridicule, he instinctively recoils and gazes at the man who shows no signs of injury, not even a speck of dirt on his clothes, while he is completely devoid of anything except for a pathetic position on his knees on the ground. 

The man stood there, his face a mask of conflicting emotions as a sudden surge of regret and anger washed over him. It was a tumultuous mix of feelings that Aiden had never experienced before, and now he felt it all directed toward the figure standing before him.

Aiden's throat felt parched, his heart pounding in his chest as he struggled to find his voice. When he finally spoke, it was a weak, trembling voice filled with bitterness, anger, and despair.

"Why?" Aiden questioned, the emotions evident in every word. "Why would you do this to us? We are all human. We could've worked together to save the world from the monsters and to save people. Just…why?"

The man firmly grasping Aiden's collar caught every word, his posture tense as he bore the weight of Aiden's words. A bitter smile played across the man's face, and then, with a shift in his expression, he uttered his response. 

"Seriously, why are you asking about 'word' now? Do you think we can bring victory to this accursed world by helping you? Don't be foolish! Did I hear you correctly? Well, if it's for someone on the brink of death, I will at least point out the sins you may unknowingly commit. This world…does not revolve only around you; it affects others as well. You got that? Since you've given me a reason to wield my sword for the sins you've committed and for the sake of those who have left this world, it is inevitable."

Aiden stood in shock and disbelief as he watched the usually composed man react violently to his question. 

His mind raced with confusion as he wondered why the man referred to him as a "protagonist".

This wasn't the first time he had heard it - it had been uttered by that man during a previous encounter when they were fighting against him. 

In that brief moment, the man's handsome face had contorted into something resembling a demon, sending chills down Aiden's spine!

"Then I will show you what you did that led me to explain why I did those things to you and your comrades!" 

The man's voice echoed through the surroundings. His steely gaze remained fixed solely on Aiden, a contained fury evident in his tense expression as he clenched his fists, his every word laced with a sense of restrained vengeance.


The man's grip on Aiden's collar loosened as he released it. Aiden staggered slightly, trying to regain his balance. Without even sparing a glance at Aiden's condition, the man continued. Suddenly, he lifted his hand and snapped his fingers, the sharp sound echoing in the air.


Aiden crouched in a kneeling position once more and lifted his gaze as he heard a distinct sound piercing the air. His eyes fixed on the scene unfolding before him, his attention drawn to the man's actions directly in front of him

The man vividly depicted the epic battle that marked Aiden and his comrades' journey, transforming it into a historic saga. From their initial monster slaying in the treacherous dungeon to their gripping encounter with a fearsome dragon, culminating in their triumphant vanquishing of the demon king, every moment was etched with valor and determination. As they emerged victorious, they reveled in their hard-earned success, relishing the fact that no lives had been lost. 

For Aiden, this unforgettable memory became indelibly etched into his mind, refusing to fade with time. He held onto every detail, etching it into his memory. 

As the holographic projection abruptly vanished, he found himself grappling with a perplexing mix of emotions. Frustration coursed through his body, causing him to quiver with barely contained anger and determination. With a voice that trembled with intensity, he steeled himself to address the unjust circumstances his comrades had endured at the hands of the man responsible.

Aiden's voice rose in anger as he exclaimed, "Look, didn't I say it to you?! That we have nothing to do with it. Just look at the thing you've done to—" 

The man paid no attention to Aiden's words and instead gestured with his fingers without even glancing at his face.


Aiden's pulse quickened as he struggled to catch his breath, his rough voice trapped in his parched mouth, as he watched the man snap his fingers once again.

A new projection materialized in front of Aiden's eyes again, revealing a chilling sight. 

'In the vast expanse of the Dungeons, the myriad of monsters that they had valiantly fought and vanquished had inexplicably returned. Now, these relentless creatures were rampaging through the nearby village, leaving devastation in their wake and marching inexorably toward the borders of a neighboring country.

The projection painted an alarming picture – none of the inhabitants stood a chance of escape, and the impending catastrophe remained shrouded in secrecy.'

As the projection faded, Aiden remained transfixed, unable to comprehend the gravity of what had been unveiled before him.

The man turned around and gazed at Aiden with a mocking expression, chuckled, and pointed at him as the projection came to an end. With a casual tone, he began to explain, "As you might be aware, each dungeon is equipped with a singular core, correct? You obliterate these cores, trade them for a substantial sum, and move on to the next dungeon, isn't that right?" 

With a chuckle, the man carried on speaking. "What if I told you that every time you and your party successfully raid a Dungeon and emerge victorious, there's an additional hidden core waiting to be compensated for any losses. This hidden core is so small that it goes unnoticed by your companions. But if it's you, you should have been able to sense it. You chose not to confirm or address it, despite being aware of what it was. Now that you and your party have left it unresolved, the inevitable outcome is clear, isn't it?"

Aiden kneels in silence, grappling with the words he longed to refute. Despite his reluctance to acknowledge it, he could feel the potent energy emanating from the core that the man was describing. 

During their earlier days of adventuring and conquering dungeons, Aiden had sensed this energy every time, but he had always chosen to leave it be. Now, the realisation that he had failed to recognize this before, thereby causing harm to the world and its inhabitants, weighed heavily on him.

As someone who had been revered as a saint, entrusted with protecting the world from harm, he could not escape the overwhelming sense of responsibility of the impending destruction.

His eyes tremble as he looks at the man who showed him the sin they committed during their adventure that led the world into chaos. He bit his lip as if he wanted to say something.

"Hmm, it seems like there's more on your mind. Go ahead, say what you need to," the man remarked, almost as if he had a sense of what Aiden was about to express and was willing to listen.

"I-if you already knew this far ahead, instead of acting alone, why didn't you seek assistance from my comrades and me? We could have saved the world and the people from danger," Aiden voiced his deep anger and criticised the man standing in front of him.

Upon receiving criticism from the individual who completely transformed the world, the man burst into laughter as if he found the criticism to be amusing.

"Now, now you don't have to be like this. I have my reasons for doing this, do you wanna know why I'm doing this from the start?"

The man nonchalantly addressed Aiden as if the previous events were just a performance. He then counted off reasons, using his fingers to track them.

"The first reason: I can't help you, nor am I obligated to help, since you're the protagonist that the universe appointed."

"The second reason: Since those God's probably want you to resolve this matter by yourself and trust you. But they were disappointed,though."

"The third reason: The god who governs in this world runs away immediately when the world is nearing its end. That's only when I can actually intervene so here we are."

"The fourth reason: I'm doing this because it's the only way that the world will return back to normal once you are dead, even the people who died during this war. oh, right. Your comrades will return I suppose."

Aiden was clearly taken aback as he listened, his mouth hanging open in surprise.The man's words were profoundly shocking to him.

The man even mentioned a deity who supposedly ruled over the world they were standing on. His attention was piqued when the man expressed that the people would have the opportunity to live again, including his comrades once he died.

"The fifth reason: The most important thing of all is that I can finally feel at peace, knowing that the entire universe is now safe, from the smallest particles to the vast expanse of a thousand upper floor worlds…"

The man fell silent, lost in memories of the past, until a look of relief spread across his face.

The man's expression visibly shifted, indicating determination and resolve. With deliberate steps, the man advanced toward him. 

"Now that we've come to this, I think it's time to finish this," he declared, the words resolute as he readied himself to draw his sword. 

As Aiden tried to make sense of the man's cryptic words, he found himself grappling with confusion and frustration. The man's intentions remained shrouded in mystery, leaving Aiden feeling bewildered and unable to fully understand the situation. As the man advanced toward him with a menacing sword, Aiden's sense of bewilderment only intensified, heightening the impending danger and uncertainty of the encounter.

However, before the man could proceed, Aiden urgently interjected, halting the man to stop. 

"Hold on, please!" pleaded Aiden, his voice filled with a mixture of desperation and hope.

The man halts and stares at Aiden, clearly expecting him to speak up.

"Is what you said true? Will my comrade still live if I die?"

Aiden gazed intently at the man who had suddenly stopped. A flicker of relief crossed his face as he cautiously inquired. 

"Do I look like someone who will lie?" The man chuckled in response to Aiden's question and continued with a grin.

"Well, speaking of it, yeah, if you bite the dust with my sword, this world will reset. Your buddies and the folks in this world will keep on living, but those who remember you will probably, you know, vanish from their memories as a trade-off for your actions. That's why I'm here to prevent this world from being destroyed."

Aiden's voice quivered with unspoken fear as he mustered the courage to speak. "Are you suggesting that if I were to meet my end by your blade, this world would erase my existence and begin anew?"


The man's gaze grew colder, his eyes narrowing into dangerous slits as he listened to Aiden, poised and ready to strike if Aiden made a move to flee.

"Please do it, kill me. I understand that it's the consequence of my actions that led to this. It's better to face my sin head-on and do the right thing and be cleansed from the burden" Aiden calmly said and accepted the consequences of his choices, acknowledging that he had to face the outcome.

As he gazed at the man with a newfound determination, his facial expression remained resolute. 

The man's movement came to a sudden halt as he listened intently to Aiden's words. With a look of admiration, he responded.

 "That's exactly the kind of conviction I was hoping to hear from a saint. Alright then, let's proceed. Time is of the essence for me as well."

With deliberate movements, the man drew his sword from the scabbard fastened to his waist. 

Aiden seemed to discern something, and as his gaze met the man and the glint of the unsheathed sword, a subtle smile formed on his lips.

Aiden spoke softly, his voice barely above a whisper, "You're kind, aren't you?" as the shadow of impending death loomed closer.

The man paused In his tracks, his features momentarily softened by Aiden's question, before resuming his advance. 

The sun's rays caught the polished surface of his sword, casting a glimmer that momentarily blinded Aiden before revealing an unexpected reflection of himself.

As the gleaming sword drew closer, Aiden felt a wave of relief and warmth wash over him. In that moment, he found solace in knowing that his sacrifice would allow those who had perished to live on. He also took comfort in the thought that his actions would ensure the safety and well-being of the people and comrades who had stood by him throughout his journey.

Aiden closed his eyes and whispered a heartfelt "Thank you" as he prepared to meet his fate.


Aiden's body knelt slowly and surely  met the ground. The blond saint, illuminated by the light, reflected the gleam of the sword, casting the smiling image of Aiden's face.

The lone figure stood on the desolate landscape, gazing up at the vast expanse of the sky with an inscrutable expression. With a solitary gesture, he raised his sword, clearing away the bloodstains in a place devoid of any other presence.

The tranquil stillness of the surroundings was suddenly shattered by the jarring intrusion of unfamiliar noises.

" Successfully killing the saint! "

" Completely Completed: The Thousands World Reformation! "

"The reformation of the world will be handled by the mediator." 

'God urgently demands the immediate return of 'existence 1'! This is of utmost importance!'

The man's face contorted as he recognized the familiar voices amidst the cacophony. Beneath his feet, the earth quivered violently, sending shockwaves through the ground beneath his feet, causing the air to tremble with the vibrations.

"The reformation of the world will begin in five minutes."

As the countdown continued, the man's eyes reflected a mix of determination and anticipation. His gaze fixed upon the world as it began to undergo a profound transformation, seemingly indifferent to the voices in his mind.

"I believe my work here is done at last," he murmured, a sense of satisfaction seeping into his words.

Lost in thought for a moment, he raised his hand, and with a subtle flick of his wrist, a mesmerising projection materialised before him.

{Status Window} 

Name: Ander Grey Glideon

Existence 1

Existence Level:??? 

"Divine Sparks acquired": 100% limit can't be increase.Can be fused. 

Details: Usage can be done when in the stage of reincarnation. The gods will not know where you are, nor can they find your trace. 

"Petals of Reincarnation Acquired: 100% limit can't be increased." Can be fused. 

Detail's: Can have one petal of reincarnation that seeks what he wants the most. 

Title: Man of World Reformation

Others: ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Ander gazed at the holographic projection displayed in front of his face. With a deliberate gesture, he tapped the "sign" prompt on the display. Immediately, a message appeared:

"Do you wish to combine the petals of reincarnation with the divine sparks?"

'Yes or No'

Ander wasted no time and tapped the "Yes" on the holographic display floating in the air.


"Error! Error! Error…Fused Restricted!"

"It turns out she was right all along. It seems that even after all my efforts to change the world, that damned God still wasn't ready to set me free. Thankfully, she warned me and handed me something from the very beginning." Ander clicked his tongue in frustration, seeming unsurprised by the turn of events. With a determined look, he unsheathed his sword, revealing a crimson stone embedded near the hilt.

'He remembers her words vividly. She said it so bluntly, as if it were the only solution to save me once I had completed the Reformation Quest. At that time, I didn't take her words seriously, but now I realise their significance. Thank you, Victoria, for your guidance. I didn't take her words seriously, but now…Thank you, Victoria…'

Ander then paused his thoughts, feeling the weight of centuries of battle as he slowly withdrew the red stone sword from its sheath. The ancient weapon, a loyal companion throughout countless struggles, disintegrated before his eyes, turning to ash in an instant.

"Newly Acquired Item!"

" Blood red Stone!"


Details: "This powerful stone has the amazing ability to fuse with anything you desire. The possibilities are endless!" 

The system then immediately prompts a suggestion.

"Do you want to combine blood red stone, divine sparks, and petals of reincarnation?" 

"Yes or No"

As he gazed at the materials suspended in the air, Aster calmly signalled his agreement by tapping the "yes" sign in the air.

'God is urging you not to fuse them, and we'll set you free in an instant!'

Ander was just about to click the "yes" sign when, all of a sudden, he heard a  shout in his head that he despised and hated more than anything else - the voice of the gods earlier.

"God, don't even use free words on me, okay? Because I don't need it. I don't need your shitty, bitchy free word. When I have it already in my hand. Okay? You shit! Do you understand me! You Dog God's!" 

Ander's fury erupted like a volcano as he unleashed a torrent of curses against the gods, flipping them the middle finger in a defiant gesture. He scoffed at the idea that they might be angry if someone treated them the same way. After all, who wouldn't be furious if they were in they're shoes? They could see and hear him, but in this world, they couldn't touch him.

Arden clicked his tongue seemingly disappointed that the God's didn't enter the realm he was standing on; he already knows why the God's didn't dare to enter the world despite the mockery they received from him.

In this vast expanse of universe, there's a rule made by the universe that if someone powerful as a god enters the world of mortals they will be subject to imprisonment for eternity. Many god's tried to go against the rule relying on their power only to pass their time in solitude for eternity.

The air was still as Arden's words hung in the space. Despite the apparent calmness, there was a subtle undercurrent of tension. Arden observed the gods' quiet demeanour, but he noticed the faint sound of grinding teeth and the sound of them clenching their first so tightly that it seemed to cause the very system itself to fluctuate. It was at this moment that they finally spoke to him.

"Existence one you'll regret what you've done here today. The gods who listen to your words are enraged. Stop this nonsense and we'll abide by our promise to free you. Furthermore, the gods are merciful and willing to overlook your past transgressions if you provide them with that material. So you don't have to use those things and return the ite-."

*Kek,kuh,ku hahahahaha!"

The voice of the God trembled, as if restraining anger that was about to surface, and their expression turned dark. However, they fell silent upon hearing someone laugh.


Arden stood still and listened to their absurd words, he could not help but laugh uncontrollably. His laughter was so intense that tears streamed down his face, and the sound echoed through the distant area, causing the earth to reverberate with each burst of laughter. The laughter soon faded away as Arden wiped the tears from his eyes with his sleeves and remarked.

"Oh wow, I haven't laughed that much in ages, have I? I really didn't expect a god of all things to suddenly make a joke like that! You all caught me off guard! I'm going to die from laughing, you know! But at least I got to enjoy a good laugh once in a while, hehe."

Arden noticed that the gods were silent, and he made a thoughtful gesture as if he had just realised something important. He pointed his fingers upwards and spoke as if he were recalling their words.

"Ah, I remember you mentioned your intention to follow the rules and release me. That's really fantastic news! I'm getting ready to head over there right now. Please wait for just a moment!" 

He then turned around as if he was doing something.


"T-that's right. We, the gods, always abide by our promises. Therefore, as soon as you return to our domain, we will free you without delay."

The gods were taken aback as they witnessed Arden's sudden transformation into a state of sheer happiness and elation. They found themselves unable to contain their own excitement, and their amusement manifested in secretive giggles, all the while concealing their potentially perilous thoughts behind a facade of composure.

Arden caught their attention as he turned around, concealing both hands behind his back. They couldn't resist asking what he was hiding.

"Oh, this? I was actually planning to make my way there momentarily, but it appears that I have some pressing matters to do in order to express my gratitude to all of you," Arden said with a bashful smile, addressing the powerful gods.

Arden's plans puzzled the frowning gods, leaving them uncertain about what was to come.

"Okay here I go this is…my…gratitude…to all of you. I hope all of you will like it." 

Arden said as he slowly knelt to the ground, releasing his hands from behind his back and placing them on the ground. His fists were clenched tightly as he did so.

As the gods observed Arden's actions, they couldn't help but erupt into laughter and contort their faces into wicked, mocking smiles. It seemed to them that Arden's pleas for mercy, after the words he had spoken, were nothing but a futile attempt to escape the consequences of his actions. As they thought that, The next thing he did left them utterly stunned.

The hand that had been clenched into a tight fist slowly relaxed, and a single finger emerged from the center of the palm. Arden, who had been kneeling, made subtle gestures and began to rise to his feet, lifting both of his hands as he did so. Arden then stood still and extended both of his hands, each with a raised finger protruding from the center.

With a sly grin, he glanced up and uttered these words.

" My heartfelt gratitude,How was it?"


The gods offered no reply to his words, their silence unsettling as the tremors in the atmosphere continued to intensify. He could feel an unfamiliar pressure weighing down on his body, escalating the tension in the air.

His face broke into a smile as he admired the outcome of his magnificent performance. Even under intense pressure, he didn't waver and casually brushed off the dust from his shoulders as if it were nothing.

"The Reformation countdown: 1 minute left"

When the system unexpectedly prompted Arden, his carefree expression quickly turned serious.

"Would you like to fuse all of them?"

"Yes or No"

Arden wasted no time and eagerly clicked on the "yes" sign. 

When he did that, God took notice of his actions and started bombarding him with all the unsaid words, aiming to pay for what he had done to them. The relentless words echoed past his ears, leaving him seemingly unfazed by their onslaught.


" fusing…" 

" #!$?#?!#!?##!*.

"The Reformation Countdown, 30 seconds"


"The Reformation countdown: 20 seconds" 

The gods fixed their hateful gaze upon Arden, their anger unquenched by the words they hurled at him. Unfazed, Arden paid no heed to their threats, inciting an intense desire within them to tear him apart, piece by piece

"The Reformation countdown: 15 seconds"

Arden stood perfectly still, eyes locked on the system as it flawlessly melded the materials, the countdown ticking relentlessly closer.


"The Reformation countdown: 10 seconds"

"The Reformation countdown: 9 seconds"



The gods eagerly awaited the nearing countdown for the reformation to begin, grinning expectantly, convinced that it was doomed to fail.


As the countdown approached, a brilliant light abruptly bathed everything in its vicinity. Casting everything into a dazzling glow.

Arden immediately closed his eyes, tightly squeezing them shut as the intense energy of the fusion process neared its final moments; he also heard the surprised sounds of agony from the gods.

The gods who were late in responding found themselves in a predicament as the screen displaying Arden suddenly emitted a blindingly bright glow, leaving them unable to see anything.

"Fusing Completed"

"Petal of Divine Blood Stone!" - Use one time only. 


When the system suddenly prompted him, Arden opened his eyes to a miraculous sight – a stone that would change his life forever.


As he gazed at the mysterious object, a sense of urgency washed over him. The reformation countdown was reaching its thrilling conclusion, leaving no time for distraction.

"Will you use the Petal of Divine Blood Stone?" 


"Yes or No"

Arden was clueless about the stone's purpose, but he couldn't contain his excitement as he quickly tapped the "yes" sign.


Arden spun around and gazed at the desolate sky, strewn with rubble and debris as far as the eye could see. Without warning, he erupted in a shout that echoed through the barren landscape, "Screw you, gods!"


Suddenly, a brilliant white light enveloped Arden's entire body, and in the blink of an eye, he vanished into thin air.

The gods, still reeling from the shock, heard Arden's words and suddenly jolted. They stared at the empty ground where Arden was, feeling the connection with Arden vanishes like thin air. Not a single speck of him remained. It's as if he had never been there at all!"


In the vast expanse of the universe, the desperate shout of the god echoed, reverberating through the cosmos.


"The Reformation of the World will Begin!"

DaoistZeKGbP DaoistZeKGbP

I'm going to rewrite all the chapters.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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