Trait: assimilation
Blood stones: aura
This is what Alans stats looked like after asimalating all the available goblin corpses, he didn't touch the hobgoblins as the scianyesest where still trying to figure out how goblins and hobgoblins where related.
After his stats had reached there current state all of the sub-stats vanished as there was no need for them. Now that each stat would be raised in a totally equal manner, all of it's sub parts would be equal as well. The only down side to this was that more energy would be required to upgrade each state before, on top of that he had noticed that as each stat got higher, the cost to increase it got higher as well, thankfully the gains from upgrading them rose as well.
As for the massage leap in his essence, it was due to his body automatically absorbing the essence of anything he killed. After the first battle he had a total of 65 essence, and over the next two battles from a total of 45 goblins 20 gave 2 essence each and 25 gave 3 essence each, and all 3 hobgoblins gave 5 essence each.
After returning to the chafaterea Alan started getting used to his new body and checking what had changed, externally there was little change, he grew about 5cm taller to a total hight of 190cm, and he gained a moderate amount of muscle mass, just enough to visually notice but not enough to hinder his movements.
Internally however, there where massage changes, his muscles and bone density had gone threw the roof while remaining almost as light as before, his tendons and ligenmints where more akin to coupled springs and steal cables then organic material and his organs had gone through a total qualitative change his blood was quite literally like liquid mercury while still a bright red, and his was pretty sure is someone tired to stab him it would only leave a shallow mark, along with that his mental capability where several times better than before in all aspects.
One of the biggest changes however was the fact that his motablisim had partly changed from a 'normal' humans, which would use complex chemical reactions in the body to convert food to ATP. To a hybrid one that did that but also partly submitted off of essence, specifically the minute amounts of ambeant essence in the air.
This meant that his need for food had drasicly dropped so long as he had access to essence, it also meant that the nutraint problems of maintaining such a energy intenceave body had been somewhat solved.
To get used to his new body Alan would simply push it to it's limits. Starting with his basic exercises he moved from one part to the next with no rest, continuing for about two hours before he realised that let alone exhaustion, he was not even breathing differently. The rate at which his body absorbed the ambant essence and used to to maintain he body was faster than he could damage it through exercise.
Just as he was contemplating this problem he heard the alarm do off once more, another goblin hoard had arrived. As usual he rushed out of the cafeteria down the hall ways and to the buildings entrance, which was in a much worse state than the first time he was here, all the windows where broken, the doors where long gone, there was two large holes in the walls and bullet marked lined almost every surface except the roof.
Looking out where the doors used to be Alan could see a total of 35 go blind and 3 hobgoblins, about what he expected. But there was something strange about one of them, two of the hob goblins had the standard leather armor and rusted weapons. But the one in the middle was different, it had what he assumed to be a deer skull on it head adorned with what looked like serimonal ornaments, it was wearing a hide loincloth with strange simbls on it and it had a wooden staff with a large brid skull on the top that, like the hobgoblin, had several teeth and claws tied to it.
And the hobgoblin itself had strange tribel tattoos all along it's skin, picking up a stray piece of rubble Alan aimed for the strange hobgoblin and threw the rock. With his newfound strength the stone flew 1 quarter the speed of a bullet, which for throwing speed was rather fast, faster than any normal hobgoblin would react, but the rock just shattered after it came in to contact with a strange blue shield the appeared around the strange hobgoblin.
Seeming angry at the attack the hobgoblin screeched and began to chant in what Alan assumed to be it's language before it waved its staff and a blue progectile flew towards Alan, dodging out of the way the ground where he was just standing was turned to ruble with around the same strength as a standard military grenade.
At this his interest was spiked as he was sure that this strange goblin had just used essence, in both the shield and the attack. Smiling wickedly he raised his hand and began to copy the strange goblins chant, as he did so he could feel his essence move through his body and to his raised hand in a strange pattern, once he finished his chant, the same blue projectile that the gobgolins shot, aperard on his hand and proceeded to fly towards one of the normal hobgoblins, instantly killing it.
This whole process took about 10 seconds and the gonlins where now about 30 seconds away. Strangly, the pattern that the essence formed as he chanted stayed in place, and he could tell that if he pushed his essance threw it he would be able to fire a another projectile, the first one took about 3 essence so he still had 192 left. Focusing, his essence flowed along what he assumed to be the magic formula, going off what he knew he would then form the magic circle and if he was proficient enough in that spell he would be able to omit the chant.
But that was for a normal person, he could just pump hisnessance through the newly formed path and a essence projectile was formed, this time in 8 seconds, the next only took 5 and after that 4 then 3 seconds. That last one only cost 2 essence as he was now more used to the spell, he currently had 170 essence left but the goblins where 15 seconds away and he much preferred to kill them with his bare hands, and by now there where only the strange hobgoblin, the normal hobgoblin and 20 normal goblins left, easy pickings.
Rushing in to the now panicking hoard he began his masicer, tearing flesh and breaking bone as he once again started his beaufull dance of death. About half an hour later he was panting slightly as he killed the normal hobgoblin, the hob goblin shamen, as it was called, long dead as it was surprisingly weak in cloce
He had learnt three things in this fight, firstly, he knew his bodies new limits and how he would test them as they changed. Secondly, there where more variants of hobgoblin then just what weapon they had. and lastly, he needed a way to steal knowledge, he wanted to know how the hobgoblin shamen was able to use magic and he could use it himself, more than just a simple projectile, and fore that he would need more power once more.
Over the next week Alan would go on to kill a total of 5 hoards and was by this point the designated 'protecter' of the base.
Trait: assimilation
Blood stones: aura
Spells: essance bullet]
A total of 170 goblins, 12 hobgoblins and 6 shamens had lead to this explosive growth. The difficulty of raseing his stats could be seen from how it had only taken 30 goblins or so to rase them by 5 each, now it had taken almost 200 with multiple hobgoblins and shamens to rase his stats by five. however, the increase in his capabilities had grown prapotanaly.
The last attack had 2 shamens, 2 hobgoblens, and 60 goblins. It seemed like a hobgoblin could control up to 10 goblins on it's own and a shamen could control 20. Their also seemed to be a hyrachy between the hobgoblins with shamens being more important than normal hobgoblins, so if a hobgoblin gave a command the goblins would follow that but if a shamen gave a command that contredicted the hobgoblins, then the goblins would follow the shamens, the shamens also seemed to be more intelligent then the normal goblins.