Bowen looked around furiously. Before Cillian had Zheng and Luoyang arrested, all the ministers were on his side. Now it's like it's Cillian's court. No one dares to bring up the Min kingdom.
That much he doesn't care, since it was Luoyang who wanted to war. What Bowen wants is to be the minister of officials. But as long as Cillian is alive, it won't happen. And all the ministers fear him and agree with everything he says.
When court ended, he looked at him go with dark eyes. Bowen got in his carriage for his daughter's palace. Before he could enter, he heard her scream.
Fenqy threw the robes at the seamstress and howled:
"This isn't good enough for the feast. Do you think with this, everyone will have eyes on me?"
The seamstress picked up the dress and showed her another.
"We brought multiple robes, to make sure her Highness will choose the best. How about this one?"
Fenqy yelled:
"I hate it. What else do you have?"
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