For a couple of hours, Cillian kept tossing and turning until he sat up and sighed. He checked bloom and flew out of his room silently. He entered the Esdras' office and sat on his lap before he could tell what had happened.
Esdras who was writing held onto him with one hand and resumed writing with the other. Cillian lay on his chest and closed his eyes. An hour later Esdras put down his pen and looked at Cillian who was asleep with a smile.
He caressed his cheek lightly, since he's been at the imperial palace he tried to understand where his obsession for him is coming from but he can't. He feels this intense need to keep him at his side after bonding with him and making him his mate.
He's never wanted someone as he wants him, it's a craving he can't get rid of. But the weirdest part is that he doesn't want to get rid of it, he just wants Cillian at his side forever.
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